To be objective about it though, it is because I am not patient myself. I want everything now.
And that is very ill-advised of a way to proceed in anything complex and valuable.
Let me put things clearly: yes I am 'in contact.'
I want to make a particular short video clip and produce some authentic pics and so on.
This is nothing in the nature of stuff you will see on Jeff Mara or Mishlove or that retired US Navy pilot whatsisname -, I forget...
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Sometimes, a cup of tea is just a cup of tea. Even though it is finest tippy golden flowery orange pekoe. |
Chris Lehto, that's it.
This will be embedded within something to do with completely banal matters - literally it is just a kind of a high-tech massage technique explanatory video.
And so theoretically at least, only you guys will know what is really going on.
So it's a fight.
At the same time I work every day in the midst of young people, most of whom are highly-intelligent, final year med students or young pharmacists even one or two geneticists. And all of them suffer, and I do say suffer - under the self-imposed strictures of 'hidden' ideologies which consume their energies and steal from their economic potential.
Naturally enough, following the fashion of today's standard mindset, all of them are fixated on property - real estate, as it is called - and the idea that property is the route to their liberation and ultimate wealth is a mental obsession; but it is just another ideology.
It has no genuine logical basis in facts that can be defined from any available data.
The proposition that you do not need to have a primary source of trade profits to power up your capital - is the fool's paradise that everyone dwells in these days.
You see property as growth capital proceeds on the notion that there is a second-line, even a third-line, source of sales revenue driving values: rent comes from the idea (and it is an idea only, an hypothetical element) that someone else is earning the money that they then just hand over to the landlord - for rental costs.
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The Crillon at the foot of the Champs Elysees. Definitely a fit place to entertain the mighty. |
The actual source of real money comes from somewhere, or something behind the rear-view horizon...
And no one cares that that place might be a fantasy, that is to say might not exist in reality - because for the interim, everyone is still either collecting rent, or else borrowing on the annual increases in bank-accepted values of property capital.
The fateful day will never come. That's what they all think. And that raw thing is what drives the movie Apocalypse Now. Brando's character Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, has faced the truth of the inevitable however, and he is the encounter. He is the fact. He is the truth.
The property-owner has no more ability to generate actual profits on sales than the cow has of leaping to the moon.
But there is no 'Walter E. Kurtz' property owner. Yet.
There are only the bullocks that will be slaughtered. ...I am talking about mortgage buyers, not actual owner owners, who still will have to pay rates but theirs will be the less of a burden.
They work like cart bullocks. They are dull-witted like them.
And they will certainly bleed like them too. Because they are living material beings. Albeit dumb animals.
Like the sacrifice at the end of Apocalypse Now, the axe will be put to their necks and they will bleed.
And they will hurt. Suffer, actually. It will not be quick, or easy.
They look like humans and claim to deserve the right to hope.
And so here we are.
I fight against the stupidity.
I struggle to push through the inertia. Sometimes it is also a directed malevolent force.
Dumb animals are the minions - perhaps unwitting, perhaps not though - of a very definite, intelligent, malevolent agency that operates in the human race. I have called it Primal Titanic. Others call it the Devil.
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I just like the blue highlights... Okay I like the thing too. |
I learned just this week that a person I knew, well, in fact that I still do know, really - who is a mega-wealthy minerals mining tycoon here in Western Australia (not Andrew Forrest, I don't know him although we come from the same era here and inside the same Stockbroking circles), had a while back purchased an old Convent building... In very much similar legal circumstances as the incident with Katy Perry and some California nunnery or something.
And, last week he disposed of the property at hundreds of thousands less than what he had purchased it for.
He did not purchase it.
A certain 'men's club' lets say, purchased it through him.
In getting briefed about the current situation in Argentina for example (also this week), I was told by the very well-informed insider that was giving the briefing, that Bergoglio is trying to remove the Globalists in the Vatican policy-making strata, but I don't believe this at all.
Just what it is that such shadowy groups behind the mainstreet 'clubs' care about churches and some mosques and some other religious edifices I have no idea!
But the sheer long-range malice with which they direct their plans and spend their energy, makes me wonder what it is they fear.
...But let me get back to my own challenge. I have sought to be able to give a 'view' to this 'contact' thing-y going on. And the rules and restrictions and rigid directions involved, although not troubling or all that difficult, do mean that it takes longer than my own usual time-frame - which is basically now!
Well, anyway, things are underway. I understand and am able to see the steps being put into place.
So you have to have patience.
But you will see.
Do the extreme intelligent and powerful minds of the Universe care about the least of humans - the ones in the streets, the mentally aberrant (for whatever reason), the infirm, the old and weak, the vulnerable.
If we walk about with our eyes open, we see the human poverty and it is everywhere.
And I see the brilliant, the youthful, the vigorous, the well-off - those who can do significant things to help the world. And they reject Truth always.
'We' humans have created our own evil, the sources of our own downfalls.
Truth (God) is there and we reject it in preference to ideologies that are inherited but which we utterly embrace.
So let me tell you this - do not ask 'did God come,' or 'are there really any such things as super-intelligent ET Aliens who come here or have come here so that we can benefit from their knowledge and wisdom and experience?'
They are coming here but only for the likes of you.
What is at stake is unbelievably awesome.
The capacity to do good of ordinary humans is also unbelievably awesome but they do not do it. And what's worse yet is that they choose not to do it.
But since you have chosen to do good and to try and see, where it seems that what is looked for is hopeless, and ridiculous and crazy and foolish - then you will indeed see.
Hope is the last and the only Divine Gift that was left inside the Box of Pandora and as the Epistle writer wrote - 'if hope is never fulfilled, then wherefore do men hope?'
The English is complicated. The meaning is simply that hope is a thing that exists at one phase of a continuous curve of existential reality in time; which at another a point, it is fulfilled - otherwise it is not hope but falsehood. Belief in a hope is not a falsehood. It is a deferred fact of some certain reality. And that reality is always based on logic and other facts.
And what makes it logical that what I am pointing to will certainly happen?
Well between now and when it does happen, I can deal with the facts, the elements that are going to be part of it all - the point, the meaning, the usefulness, the justification, and the intelligent sensual experience. You see it is not just 'sensory.' It is sensual because they are very advanced and they do not live within the restricted boundaries that humans generally tend to live inside of as in some stoopid artificial mind bubble. Which is what it is that people live inside.
I will take a photograph. And you will be shocked. There will be tears. If there are no tears you are not really seeing. ...And you will all know by now, that how this song starts, is not what happens to it from around half-way in.
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ReplyDeleteAlso I've been having a very circular thing with chatgpt about entropy and sand castles.