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Saturday, 29 April 2023

What I Saw Tonight

Another aspect to think about re this usual fixated ideologue religious view of ET's and Aliens and space craft and whatnot, is that UFO's are far from 'advertising' their presence ever - far from openly being here. Instead they are almost furtive, quick to come and then depart - they do not hang around - clandestine, if anything.

And there is a rock-solid reason for that.

These are not 'open skies' yet.

While idiots keep fantasizing that demons and Satan run these things, the scriptural fact is (and of course people's minds are already made up - so don't confuse them with facts! lol) that 'the ruler of this world is evil, and the prince of the powers of the air is the Devil himself.' Bible.

Therefore here is a pic of something actually run by demonic forces and entities: 

On the other hand, like I have already said - 'Sheba Ha-Shamayim.'

So why should incredibly advanced high technology civilizations be concerned about some sort of 'religious philosophy' or base what they are doing on religious themes that humans deal in?

Well because what David R. Hawkins talked about is correct - it's all about 'fields.'

There is no meaning to 'powers of the pneuma' unless you acknowledge the power of fields such as coherent neutrino particle fields. 

And consequently too, this widespread slogan about 'all is one' is obvious patent nonsense. A field which consists of some sort of deadly attribute is not 'one' with a field that gives life!

Sure everything in a particular field can be 'one with...' But if the head component of that field is malicious and vicious and toxic, then you are being lured into the idea of 'all one with' - something that hates you and is going to harm you. There are radically different kinds of fields.

It is essential to accept, as I have said many times, that no advanced civilization with extreme levels of technology, can fail to have the most extreme standard of moral conduct and code entrenched in its whole existence.

...Anyway. Leaving all of that to one side, this morning (middle of the night, really) I had one of these large-eyed, sloping-eyed, very physically strong 'pilots' you'd have to call them, run through the standard procedure and in a few minutes we were up through a direct portal to 30,000 feet and then we dropped back down to 12,000 feet and shot off across somewhere I don't where but it was heavily populated and apparently we were able to be seen so it might turn up on someone's mobile phone camera extremely extremely very fast.

And then straight up to 300,000 feet - which is way past where there is air so, no such thing as lift or atmosphere drag.

I have simply no knowledge of the technology these guys have but they made the whole front of the craft like clear glass and I could see everything very clearly.

Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

This is from the star Eta Aquarii - which is 168 light years away.

We ended up over the Aeroflot factory in Okrug. ...And I guess that will end up being of significance somewhere along the line.

The problem with extending the notion that any of this or all of this is just objective non morally-loaded systematic process that simply anyone is able to access, is that the last thing that is ever going to happen is for someone who is part of this world, and party to its moral errancies and tendency to be deceptive and greedy and self-involved - to be allowed into the energy field of the star people.

Who are here.

And what are they here to do? Well they are literally here to destroy, and I mean completely -, this world. Sorry.

This world is an edifice built on sand and no doubt, it is complicated and twisted and long in the making and numerically vast in its population of slaves and perpetrators, buildings, organisations, 'ideas,' and institutions.

A civilization which has the technology to come here from 168 light years away, let you observe a meteor shower from 300,000 feet up from ground-level, while the meteor bits vaporize in glowing displays away from you safely - can also guide those bits in so that a meteor storm hits you on the frikkin' head full-force too. 

People are always looking for hard artifacts as 'evidence' of something, because they are ignorant. Technology is knowledge, not artifacts.

I don't have to wear a luminous dial watch to get up in a space craft and know what time it is at night. 

If it's good enough for space Aliens to use 'nakshatra' then it is good enough for me.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Taking To The Skies (Again)

I am about to demonstrate for you a 'prodigy' as they say.

But, I have come to the position that I feel it is very very important to clarify once and for all certain extremely crucial matters bearing considerably on whether or not you will 'discover' what is absolutely waiting there for you to discover.

The current Roman Catholic Church intellectuals, and all of its academic and religious leaders' teachings on words like 'demon,' and 'angel' are categorically wrong, and they are false and they are deceptive - and frankly I think they are deliberately doing this. You cannot be genuinely learned and not know what I am about to say:

A 'demon' is a discarnate intelligent being. But they say it is a 'fallen angel.'

And 'angel' in the Biblical sense means a messenger of a Divine source. 

The technical definition of 'Divine' without any conjecture includes that this 'thing/Being/person/God' must be all-knowing and all-powerful and perfect without any possibility of mistakes or flaws.

It can be that a Satan or Satanic Being sends out their messengers; yes. But these are not angels. Anu-El - means from the heavens down to the Earth descending; And Ha-Satan is not in Heaven. 

The Catholic Church in particular, but then, most Christian and all standard Islamic and also Jewish groups laying claim to having 'doctrinal authority,' have been trying to get around the logical problem of the above real definition for centuries, by adding to actual sacred scriptures that 'God gave some angels free will.'

No He did not. And nowhere in any sacred scripture does it say that He ever did.

And this is an important understanding for you to know - because if you saw someone not a hundred miles from um, 'right here,' get up in a bright shiny little 'object' and fly around over some place obvious, the very first thing many people who have been programmed by modern pseudo-religious society are liable to think is - 'Oh, demonic/fallen angels...'

There is no such thing as a 'fallen angel.' Certainly not one of God, anyway.

A 'devil' is also an intelligent being, and it can be discarnate, but whose attitude and behavior is malicious and hurtful.

I have pointed out that we can accept, as people of the 'modern mind,' that sub-atomic particles and bits of discrete energy packets like neutrinos for instance, can contain information, data, and can be organized in set format arrangements and there is no reason to think that 'you' inside, are not 'an arrangement of such things' - which of course then, can be transferred and transposed, and other forces can also be transposed onto 'you' as well.

A physical material being is just a 'thing' - if it is doing bad things, then theoretically it can have been influenced by malicious invisible forces, even forces which are intelligent; but it itself is not a 'demon.' And it cannot under any circumstances at all be a 'fallen angel.'

Ordinary human beings acting under the influence of the negative force of greed and sophisticated intelligent ideas about theft and ruining people's lives for personal advantage and gain - are demonically-motivated, and they might even be demonically possessed. Such people are all over the place! You don't need to go looking for Aliens to find examples of such real affairs.

Here is the absolute key beyond which there is no other thing.

Revelation 22: 1 - 2 says the following:

"And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb. In the midst of the plaza, and on either side of the river, was there the 'tree of life' and it bare twelve manner of fruits..."


Maybe there was a war in the heavens. Maybe it was all a bit like Star Wars - in disquieting similarity(!) - but that is not our problem.

Our problem is for you not to get worried if 'someone' shows you a space craft.

Not some moron from the Pentagon. I mean someone.

So what does it mean 'there is a river of pure water - of life;' etc?

It means ordinary human people are filled with all kinds of nonsense in their heads and in their feelings and in their very personal selves - and you can take a hot shower for it and that is all great and good as far as it goes. 

But after that find the river of pure water flowing that is living water.

When you get into an 'up there' vehicle, you cannot bring with you all kinds of rubbish from this messed-up society.

Oh, but you can bring with you some things.

As you are about to discover, this is a physical and a material thing we are speaking about, not some kind of 'woo-woo/out there' fiction.

As above, so below.

The word 'Eden' is an Aramaic word, from the Aramaic root word 'Adan' which means 'a moment.'

What I mean by saying people are filled with things that need to go, is that they are unhappy, even miserable, very dissatisfied... All of their moments are mostly all filled with unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

The Pentagon and its avid followers wish to believe that by being granted some super advanced technology, that then, they will become happy.

My friends, so back to the 'war in the heavens' we go then! More technology means, for humans, that they kill more things.

Ten hours beneath the shower of some Baptist Church in Arkansas will make you extremely soaked.

A single moment in the flow of actual Divine Source 'water' and you will then be in the position to spend one moment in the presence of actually tremendously advanced intelligent beings and 'forces.' And that is the only time you will ever experience actual happiness.

So why am I making some kind of idea about 'advanced Alien beings' related to these text-book Biblical themes?

Because the Bible says they are - Sheba Ha-Shamayim.

'The Mighty Armies of the Heavens.'

If you are a Christian there is literally no way out from this - what I have been saying - for you.

The Garden of Eden, you know where it is - it is in Revelation 22: 1 - 2.

...People spend all of their time in Churches praying 'up' to 'God.' And forgetting all about the fact that their internal 'circles' go round both upwards and forwards, as well as outward and sideways - laterally.

You cannot connect to any Divine Source unless you can connect to your fellow beings beside you. And it is not a good thing connecting to those around you when you are too filled with problematic and 'demonic' influences and forces, hence - you must access the spring of pure water/s.

Jacob, the patriarch of the Judaeo-Christian faiths, was about 118 when he said to God that his timing was 'like that of a baby' compared to God's timing.

You do not need to worry about the 'when' of it - that is, the when of when you acquire 'power.'

You will get it. Now, is the 'when' to access pure living crystalline waters.

Saturday, 22 April 2023

I Have Been Struggling

'Struggling' is not exactly the right word; mulling, turning over - that kind of thing maybe.

I am going to try and look in much finer detail at what the reality of immediate actual 'contact' is, and set down a time in GMT +/-.

But it has become very clear to me that there are a few issues that require to be dealt with first.

Human technology as it is right now.

Firstly, we simply must recognize the extent to which the individual person is not just the primary internal complex frequencies and patterns as some kind of generic 'human being' consciousness - but is also what the Buddhists who are learned call the 'skandha:' an aggregation of emotions and reactions and feelings from external things which the individual ego clings on to, wants to cling on to.

I have never, and I will not do so - maybe at some later date but not now - discuss in clear detail the nine integrated key elements or 'nodes' of the primary internal human being. But these are the generic structural polar variables though, and not what identifies any personal individual.

To give a clue, one of them is certainly that all people are able to decide (using as much reason as they naturally have) what a fact is from what is not a fact - and then they are able to input into themselves to what extent they are personally willing to compromise this filter over external reality, in order to determine their own actions and reactions for some purpose of gain.

You may be surprised to learn that many psychologists and also clinical psychiatrists, think that the feeling of vertigo comes from an individual's atavistic desire to fly - rather than their fear of heights. It is the knowledge of its unrealistic actuality which provides that frisson sensation that is associated with risk, rather than this question of dimensions and vertical measurement.

You can look up at the skies.

So, a personal trait is also there on top of structural polarities which are to do with outward material realities.

Desires, wants - are there as part of the aggregation and composition of emotions. These also drive electronic or 'electric' micro-frequencies as much as simple flows through pre-set nodes which are ordinary polar opposites: truth/lies, facts/non-facts, fears/venom...

I have not listed the complete set; and it is a limited set only.

However, the point is - we must understand the extent to which the whole human race has traded itself off for external material seeming 'gain:' who some person is (or 'was' in fact) is about what they are on the inside, not what they are able to portray having bought in fashion from D&G to fabricate all over their bodies.

Some people have intrinsic personal 'possessed' attributes - beauty, native intelligence, physical strength - and they become experienced in learning to trade with these things, bargain with them, for external other things: job, property, status, celebrity, whatever.

After ten or twenty years, what is left of who they really are inside, is all gone, basically because of lack of use. The electronic frequencies that they are exercising, and thus which become aggregated in them - are all about their external characteristics, with the effect of the dormancy and eventual death of the other, and the truer internal potentials.

Atacama. You can shoot a light up
at, towards, some spot in the skies.
Is not why they do it there, of course.
at the observatory. That's just a guidance point
'marker' system.

And so the crux of what I am getting at is this:

Do not expect to go back to the mistakes of material delusion, just because you have accessed via some mechanistic process, the reality of an 'upper world.'

It isn't just a 'process,' some kind of mechanical, or mechanistic thing that simply anyone can do if they but knew how; it's about who you are. 

If, when, you 'shockingly' get some 'response back' from attempting to make breakthrough contact with obvious Alien (to the humans on the planet of today) intellects and actual people/beings if you will, although they are just beings like you and me - you simply must appreciate the point of why you are doing it at all in the first place. It's not to suddenly then go back and impress the run-of-the-mill ordinary people back down here. They are all completely lost and far too far away from being able to dredge themselves out of the ditch.

I don't know about you, but I do not need a three-storey townhouse in San Francisco at 'fifty million dollars' with a view of drug addicts living in the street!

Just because I can doesn't mean that I should 'invest' in real estate when that is pandering to a broken economic system designed to create young inheritors who will spend and thereby 'circulate' money supposedly built up by the parents - who just died when they had theoretically, just paid of the mortgage.

Nice clothes.
There's not one of them,
there's ten of them, fifty of them,
seventy-five of them.
Who knows about this is the Javanese
people - they do this
thing called 'Bedhaya.'
When you see real actual
people though, all moving in
formation... The Javanese
at some time have seen it in their
past history.
Also the Jews in ancient times;
the Seba Hashamayim.

At the same time you cannot go live on the side of some mountain shrouded in mists and have little four-meter shining silver 'orbs' flying in and out of there...

Pretty soon you will have the whole world media camped down below and screaming at you through loudhailers.

So but why doesn't the advanced species around the place here just hand out technology to everyone and let the world self-adjust to a better way of existing on the planet?

Well they did, one time. The 'Seba Hashamayim' gave things to Solomon and to plenty of others before and got abused for it. 'Queen of Seba' is not some woman from Yemen or someplace here. 'Seba' is far far far away.

The mighty armies of the heavens - is in the Gospels. 'Seba Hashamayim.' ...Is also in the ancient traditional original Jewish scrolls.

Not from here.

Still around here.

Not for any reasons that ordinary human beings would have the foggiest clue about.

...About 2:45 in, you can begin to hear the futuristic gamelan. And if you think I am, have been, just playing you stuff that is not real, well think again. 


Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Only For Us...

Some amazingly good and great things are about to happen for us, but only for us.

Listen carefully to me now.

You might have a lot of problems in your life, and we are going to resolve them all, right now.

Go straight down to the video below and play it while you are reading this.

If you have been sitting around mulling why Jesus hasn't returned, drop it; stop thinking those kinds of negative thoughts. Stop thinking that way.

Firstly you have to appreciate just how clogged up this planet is - how locked into a self-involved and disconnected paradigm all the people here are/have become.

You can take as an example, the very best motivational speeches of the very greatest American Football coaches - and at some point the thing will turn on what 'you' can do, how you can look at yourself in the mirror, how much 'work' you can do to achieve what makes you the best, makes you win. ...How the power is from within you.

Well it isn't.

Power, is an emergent phenomenon arising from the asserting of either one of two ultimate moral positions.

There is literally no such thing as 'non-duality,' much though all the on-line gurus want to claim how to have things 'manifest' is to be non-dualistic about the subject and the object - yet this is not true. The subject is the doer, and the object - if it comes about because of the subject doing something - is in a relationship with the subject. It, the object, has qualities the subject desires, but in fact does not (or not yet) 'possess.' And even the word 'possess' has two meanings here.

The composition - as potential - of boundary conditions that all go into making up the subject-object relationship, already exists in a super material 'super-reality' which itself has decided on such differentiation of elements -, on the 'picture' even of the aesthetic involved. That super-reality has established difference/differences/differentiation - and it has done it on purpose.

You cannot 'identify' yourself with an object! ...That is, with the view of thereby making the object simply 'appear.'

This is not how things seemingly 'miraculously' appear.

In the first place things do not just 'miraculously' appear at all. They appear because of existential discrete facts to do with physics and matter and energy and forces.

They appear because they are going to appear, because it is necessary for them to appear because all of their elements exist at the right places at the right moments and everything proceeds from a particular fact namely, that logic is real and everything obeys it utterly.

Sometimes some human witnesses may not be able to 'see' that is, perceive what is happening underlying the surface of apparent things. But that is never to say the logic of why they actually do appear and unfold the ways that they do, is not there.

It is there. It is always there.

'Heal my broken limbs.'

Okay, that is going to be a process: molecular, atomic, energetic, structural. It may be fast happening, or it may be extremely slow but in all cases it will follow exact material rules.

Your eyes see at twelve frames per second which does not mean an awful lot cannot still be going on at higher frame rates. Some types of creatures or beings that are able to operate at much higher 'frame rates' than we could be inserting all kinds of mechanisms and processes and injecting functional kinetic energy from potential energy availability.

You (and me) are thinking thoughts and questioning all the time - our physical material beingness is replete with neuron network signaling which is giving our consciousness ideas about feelings and reasons and causes and also things, objects. It is completely understandable that when you are deeply embedded here, in this Earth world, thinking thoughts rooted in what you can see feel and touch and so on - 'mind visions' will all more or less reflect your own brain cell material experience/s.

Your consciousness, and what it is used to from sensory inputs amassed over your lifetime since a baby - are two different things, albeit they are linked up.

Your consciousness - is not your memory though.

'Wormwood' means lacking in sweetness - aka bitter.

They are going to stick some people's consciousness into an AI machine and drill it using all of the finest motivational speeches of the greatest sports coaches and athletes and 'winners.'

And it will all end up being about a disconnected, an isolated 'self.'

Even so they will try and adopt the concept of 'non-duality' and pretend that subject and object are or can be 'one;' and this will mean nothing can reflect back an independent acknowledging of being loved...

Because if you and the object are 'one' then it's only ever self-love that is involved.

And that is where bitterness lies.

For many centuries academics and thinkers and scholars all derided the idea that there was anything like a 'light' coming from out of people's eyes, even though this had been a concept that virtually all Greek philosophers held and Newton did too. Today, at least in terms of psychological thinking about how we assign meaning to the external world, ideas range from that we establish personal resonances (biases, favored categories - of sound, light, taste; all kinds of sensory things), to the hypothesis that there might be 'sub-space' quantum flows of some kind of energy and even that there literally are scientifically proven internal 'pre-sets' for outside conditions - for balance, and comfort, well-being, tension, expectancy... ...this is known as the sense of proprioception. In other words, either real harmonic resonances are there albeit not connected by any kind of 'weird' field, or that there is some kind of weird field. But 'something' is going on and all psychologists acknowledge it.

What your eyes want to alight on, they do. That's the standard modern proposition.

Think green cars and you will begin to notice them.

Naval War College war games.
Real pic, of the real thing.
It is not a 'game' at all.

Fine. Fine. All very fine.

Not what I want to say. 

I want to say that your eyes 'can' send out blue photon frequencies but they will do that on such a micro scale that you won't observe it or notice it obviously.

When you fall asleep you 'might' have dreams which are resonating because of that blue field process that you were transmitting.

But you will establish a link with other things out there that are highly receptive to such field fluxes and these could pick you up and then you will necessarily cross over from the twelve frame rate field into a different one. And then it won't be your Earth human material brain and brain cell memories that are guiding things and leading things but your consciousness will be seeing, as in literally seeing with different visual equipment (eyes!) what is there.

That field is so much more potent to enable kinetic action in all matter everywhere, that whatever good things you (the real you, unlocked from terminal nature here) want, will simply appear to 'happen' spontaneously and but first, your core inner self will sense it, will feel it inside.

As soon as you detect this expectancy of 'something good going to happen,' Kate Bush, then it will absolutely, and literally rush towards you wherever you are.

Because for another thing you will be connected to a lot of advanced minds doing a lot of higher thinking all the time.

Look up at the sky - it is blue.

But not for no reason. This is a natural metaphor for 'looking up' at the higher beings - God, the Vision of some female at Lourdes or in the countryside in Portugal, whatever you want to think is possibly 'up there.'

'Fatima' (also 'Oureana') was not called just plain 'Fatima' by the Shi'a Muslims, mostly, although the Sunnis also mildly remember the tale. Her full name (which is really a title) was 'Fatima Azahra...'

Ignorant people say this means 'the Shining, One-who-abstains/nurses a baby...'

It doesn't mean that. It means Shining Blue.

In the Westernized name version of the same identity - Oureana - well, let me just go back to the Lord's Prayer:

Pater hemon, ho en toi Ouranois.

'Oureana' is the female version of Ouranos.

So, don't ask 'when' anyone is returning. That's not your problem.

Your problem is making contact now and establishing strong connection.

As soon as you get that feeling, of impending and immensely satisfying good things going to happen to you and for you, it's already begun.

You can talk and you can use words, but you shouldn't. You should wait to hear them say what words they want to you - because their words are more important than your words.

Just use the blue light. Converse and communicate that way first and foremost.

Monday, 17 April 2023

The Revelation

What the human reality is, the point of it all here on this Earth place -, is that it provides a vast array of independent, verifiable, objective, things to our mind.

The operative word being - 'our.'

Our mind in and of itself is not objective at all!

And the Universe's 'Cosmic Mind' is a command reality - it commands and things are. This is not 'objective' as in, something that stands completely outside of the thing doing the conscious observing and sensing of 'reality.'

The fact is, assuming the Platonic Forms are the actual 'head mechanisms' of the Universal material reality, these are themselves not at all engaged in simple 'objective' reality because they are constructing the way things are by creating and maintaining relationships between themselves and what appear to us to be simply inanimate objects: the fundamental relationship is, the Forms command, and the things obey. There is no such thing as an actual straight line in Nature anywhere, no such thing as a perfect triangle - not in the way such things are defined in Euclidean Space and Euclidean Reality. 

And yet, 'things' do obey such mathematical rule forms.

Why should they?

Because ultimately all things are formed by specialized primary components which observe essential existential rules about themselves; and then too, in larger-scale iterations, they observe consistent gross matter characteristics, but also highly sophisticated aesthetic ones.

It is only we, in our human sentient format, who are able to ratify some order of true objective independence in the behavior of things which seem to be 'at a distance from' or separate and distinct from, some kind of Existential Command and Control Center (if such a thing is really there as religionists believe that it is, albeit in their own filtered ways).

'Objectively,' I know what ingredients
go into making coffee.

Thus in the ordinary human situation, we are all living in a direct immediate command neutral field: the rules of primary material mechanisms are all 'legacy' rules, and the way things behave in physics are all legacy behaviors of some 'Prime Mover' or 'Big Bang' directive or pre-determinant.


Once you have established that things do on their own all just go along with the rules demanded by the Platonic Theory of Forms, and you can experience 'objective trust' as it were, why do you need to keep on just repeating the same experiment all the time endlessly?

You do not.

You can enter the field of the Universal Command Sentience and the Ultimate Relationship function.

But remember this is not an 'objective' world - this 'command' world (which is not usually what we experience in the Earth). This 'new' (to our Earth human mind) command world is in no way at all an objective reality where the consciousness is just a reactor only and a limited power player against a pre-existing order, and rules and mechanisms - it is a mindfully determined world that one becomes part of the 'command' part.

And but therefore the other things in there are relationship partners, not 'objects.' They are external, but they are not separated.

They are connected.

Now many people want to know where is this operant sentient medium - 'Where is Allah?' As some foolish Muslims say, and are quickly told that this is such a foolish question: no one knows where he is.

'Where is Jesus - when is He returning?' As many Christians say and do not have any sensible answers for other than, just drink the wine and go to church and pray.

Leaving the strategically disconnected world of natural 'reality,' and entering the world of the Direct Command Numinous, means that 'things' happen as 'you' are part of a determining structure making them all happen under direct immediate command - and it also means that you are no longer disconnected and isolated as a sentient individual.

'Thy Will be done...' In that one line 'I' am calling for it, but at the same time there is someone else doing it who I am (only; advisedly) a part of.

How do you get connected?

There is a beacon somewhere, somewhere nearby the planet, whose transmission is on a blue-ish, maybe indigo, definitely into the ultra-violet, range. There are no words. There is only the blue light.

It is blue, you are blue because it hits you - and then you are able to respond with a photon propagation back to it. Connected.

Anything you connect in this way, connect with your mind, with your thoughts; your sentience, with your lack of verbalized restrictions - becomes also, connected up.

Suddenly when you do this, another realization hits you pretty quickly. Some things, just simply cannot go there.

Some can and those that can, do, and you are all then connected. And then what you experience down here on the planet is different from the common experiences of all those who are disconnected, and isolated, struggling to make connections, to fabricate them on lines of economics or physical power or fake AI or any other thing which is a fraud substitute for real connection.

This video below shows a common, natural, mechanistic, scientific - way that ordinary humans seek connection; in this case it is via visceral responses to high amounts of sensory stimulation.

The result is like connection reality, but it is only a counterfeit of it. Albeit quite a close counterfeit due to the extent of the stimulation and the multiplicity of its sensory channels.

Actual connection is all of that plus shared and joined, locked existence with the seemingly external objects, and people.