What the human reality is, the point of it all here on this Earth place -, is that it provides a vast array of independent, verifiable, objective, things to our mind.
The operative word being - 'our.'
Our mind in and of itself is not objective at all!
And the Universe's 'Cosmic Mind' is a command reality - it commands and things are. This is not 'objective' as in, something that stands completely outside of the thing doing the conscious observing and sensing of 'reality.'
The fact is, assuming the Platonic Forms are the actual 'head mechanisms' of the Universal material reality, these are themselves not at all engaged in simple 'objective' reality because they are constructing the way things are by creating and maintaining relationships between themselves and what appear to us to be simply inanimate objects: the fundamental relationship is, the Forms command, and the things obey. There is no such thing as an actual straight line in Nature anywhere, no such thing as a perfect triangle - not in the way such things are defined in Euclidean Space and Euclidean Reality.
And yet, 'things' do obey such mathematical rule forms.
Why should they?
Because ultimately all things are formed by specialized primary components which observe essential existential rules about themselves; and then too, in larger-scale iterations, they observe consistent gross matter characteristics, but also highly sophisticated aesthetic ones.
It is only we, in our human sentient format, who are able to ratify some order of true objective independence in the behavior of things which seem to be 'at a distance from' or separate and distinct from, some kind of Existential Command and Control Center (if such a thing is really there as religionists believe that it is, albeit in their own filtered ways).
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'Objectively,' I know what ingredients go into making coffee. |
Thus in the ordinary human situation, we are all living in a direct immediate command neutral field: the rules of primary material mechanisms are all 'legacy' rules, and the way things behave in physics are all legacy behaviors of some 'Prime Mover' or 'Big Bang' directive or pre-determinant.
Once you have established that things do on their own all just go along with the rules demanded by the Platonic Theory of Forms, and you can experience 'objective trust' as it were, why do you need to keep on just repeating the same experiment all the time endlessly?
You do not.
You can enter the field of the Universal Command Sentience and the Ultimate Relationship function.
But remember this is not an 'objective' world - this 'command' world (which is not usually what we experience in the Earth). This 'new' (to our Earth human mind) command world is in no way at all an objective reality where the consciousness is just a reactor only and a limited power player against a pre-existing order, and rules and mechanisms - it is a mindfully determined world that one becomes part of the 'command' part.
And but therefore the other things in there are relationship partners, not 'objects.' They are external, but they are not separated.
They are connected.
Now many people want to know where is this operant sentient medium - 'Where is Allah?' As some foolish Muslims say, and are quickly told that this is such a foolish question: no one knows where he is.
'Where is Jesus - when is He returning?' As many Christians say and do not have any sensible answers for other than, just drink the wine and go to church and pray.
Leaving the strategically disconnected world of natural 'reality,' and entering the world of the Direct Command Numinous, means that 'things' happen as 'you' are part of a determining structure making them all happen under direct immediate command - and it also means that you are no longer disconnected and isolated as a sentient individual.
'Thy Will be done...' In that one line 'I' am calling for it, but at the same time there is someone else doing it who I am (only; advisedly) a part of.
How do you get connected?
There is a beacon somewhere, somewhere nearby the planet, whose transmission is on a blue-ish, maybe indigo, definitely into the ultra-violet, range. There are no words. There is only the blue light.
It is blue, you are blue because it hits you - and then you are able to respond with a photon propagation back to it. Connected.
Anything you connect in this way, connect with your mind, with your thoughts; your sentience, with your lack of verbalized restrictions - becomes also, connected up.
Suddenly when you do this, another realization hits you pretty quickly. Some things, just simply cannot go there.
Some can and those that can, do, and you are all then connected. And then what you experience down here on the planet is different from the common experiences of all those who are disconnected, and isolated, struggling to make connections, to fabricate them on lines of economics or physical power or fake AI or any other thing which is a fraud substitute for real connection.
This video below shows a common, natural, mechanistic, scientific - way that ordinary humans seek connection; in this case it is via visceral responses to high amounts of sensory stimulation.
The result is like connection reality, but it is only a counterfeit of it. Albeit quite a close counterfeit due to the extent of the stimulation and the multiplicity of its sensory channels.
Actual connection is all of that plus shared and joined, locked existence with the seemingly external objects, and people.
Dear mentor,
ReplyDeleteThis you mention here, answers a very deep question which indeed, very few people have ever been able to conceptualize, let alone properly ask: why was a stone, made as such it is, the way we operate these controls? We learn by making the stone first.