I am about to demonstrate for you a 'prodigy' as they say.
But, I have come to the position that I feel it is very very important to clarify once and for all certain extremely crucial matters bearing considerably on whether or not you will 'discover' what is absolutely waiting there for you to discover.
The current Roman Catholic Church intellectuals, and all of its academic and religious leaders' teachings on words like 'demon,' and 'angel' are categorically wrong, and they are false and they are deceptive - and frankly I think they are deliberately doing this. You cannot be genuinely learned and not know what I am about to say:
A 'demon' is a discarnate intelligent being. But they say it is a 'fallen angel.'
And 'angel' in the Biblical sense means a messenger of a Divine source.
The technical definition of 'Divine' without any conjecture includes that this 'thing/Being/person/God' must be all-knowing and all-powerful and perfect without any possibility of mistakes or flaws.
It can be that a Satan or Satanic Being sends out their messengers; yes. But these are not angels. Anu-El - means from the heavens down to the Earth descending; And Ha-Satan is not in Heaven.
The Catholic Church in particular, but then, most Christian and all standard Islamic and also Jewish groups laying claim to having 'doctrinal authority,' have been trying to get around the logical problem of the above real definition for centuries, by adding to actual sacred scriptures that 'God gave some angels free will.'
No He did not. And nowhere in any sacred scripture does it say that He ever did.
And this is an important understanding for you to know - because if you saw someone not a hundred miles from um, 'right here,' get up in a bright shiny little 'object' and fly around over some place obvious, the very first thing many people who have been programmed by modern pseudo-religious society are liable to think is - 'Oh, demonic/fallen angels...'
There is no such thing as a 'fallen angel.' Certainly not one of God, anyway.
A 'devil' is also an intelligent being, and it can be discarnate, but whose attitude and behavior is malicious and hurtful.
I have pointed out that we can accept, as people of the 'modern mind,' that sub-atomic particles and bits of discrete energy packets like neutrinos for instance, can contain information, data, and can be organized in set format arrangements and there is no reason to think that 'you' inside, are not 'an arrangement of such things' - which of course then, can be transferred and transposed, and other forces can also be transposed onto 'you' as well.
A physical material being is just a 'thing' - if it is doing bad things, then theoretically it can have been influenced by malicious invisible forces, even forces which are intelligent; but it itself is not a 'demon.' And it cannot under any circumstances at all be a 'fallen angel.'
Ordinary human beings acting under the influence of the negative force of greed and sophisticated intelligent ideas about theft and ruining people's lives for personal advantage and gain - are demonically-motivated, and they might even be demonically possessed. Such people are all over the place! You don't need to go looking for Aliens to find examples of such real affairs.
Here is the absolute key beyond which there is no other thing.
Revelation 22: 1 - 2 says the following:
"And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb. In the midst of the plaza, and on either side of the river, was there the 'tree of life' and it bare twelve manner of fruits..."
Maybe there was a war in the heavens. Maybe it was all a bit like Star Wars - in disquieting similarity(!) - but that is not our problem.
Our problem is for you not to get worried if 'someone' shows you a space craft.
Not some moron from the Pentagon. I mean someone.
So what does it mean 'there is a river of pure water - of life;' etc?
It means ordinary human people are filled with all kinds of nonsense in their heads and in their feelings and in their very personal selves - and you can take a hot shower for it and that is all great and good as far as it goes.
But after that find the river of pure water flowing that is living water.
When you get into an 'up there' vehicle, you cannot bring with you all kinds of rubbish from this messed-up society.
Oh, but you can bring with you some things.
As you are about to discover, this is a physical and a material thing we are speaking about, not some kind of 'woo-woo/out there' fiction.
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As above, so below. |
The word 'Eden' is an Aramaic word, from the Aramaic root word 'Adan' which means 'a moment.'
What I mean by saying people are filled with things that need to go, is that they are unhappy, even miserable, very dissatisfied... All of their moments are mostly all filled with unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
The Pentagon and its avid followers wish to believe that by being granted some super advanced technology, that then, they will become happy.
My friends, so back to the 'war in the heavens' we go then! More technology means, for humans, that they kill more things.
Ten hours beneath the shower of some Baptist Church in Arkansas will make you extremely soaked.
A single moment in the flow of actual Divine Source 'water' and you will then be in the position to spend one moment in the presence of actually tremendously advanced intelligent beings and 'forces.' And that is the only time you will ever experience actual happiness.
So why am I making some kind of idea about 'advanced Alien beings' related to these text-book Biblical themes?
Because the Bible says they are - Sheba Ha-Shamayim.
'The Mighty Armies of the Heavens.'
If you are a Christian there is literally no way out from this - what I have been saying - for you.
The Garden of Eden, you know where it is - it is in Revelation 22: 1 - 2.
...People spend all of their time in Churches praying 'up' to 'God.' And forgetting all about the fact that their internal 'circles' go round both upwards and forwards, as well as outward and sideways - laterally.
You cannot connect to any Divine Source unless you can connect to your fellow beings beside you. And it is not a good thing connecting to those around you when you are too filled with problematic and 'demonic' influences and forces, hence - you must access the spring of pure water/s.
Jacob, the patriarch of the Judaeo-Christian faiths, was about 118 when he said to God that his timing was 'like that of a baby' compared to God's timing.
You do not need to worry about the 'when' of it - that is, the when of when you acquire 'power.'
You will get it. Now, is the 'when' to access pure living crystalline waters.
“Why” “Who Why Eee” From the front of the mouth to the back of the the throat. Hawaii…
ReplyDeleteForgive me Delilah I just couldn't take any mo-o-o-o-o-r-e
Deletethat's nice. but let's think about something that is actually interesting. so here's the thing about trees; as the season changes and the sun's trajectory moves around in the sky, a tree will attempt to follow. Well some trees. As a result there is the development of a kind of twist to the grain pattern within the tree.
ReplyDeleteBut what's cool about that is that it means especially for older trees the "movement of nutrients" and hence also of energy, travels in a kind of upward spiral.
So yes if I were going for a ride up in the sky I'd want to know about that. i'd say "f your tic tacs I want to know about trees! and spirals! what the hell is going on with that, right?"
"the hell you say! you do SO know about those things."
"well the thing you should keep in mind about these kinds of spin things is that it involves 'slipts.' the spiral appears as a result of, but also we've told you that you can think of spin as the 'antecedent' of all mediation. This is not a cause and effect type relationship."