You must remember that people such as Ezekiel did not themselves write what is today called 'the Book of Ezekiel.'
This was written by the Great Men of Assembly - The Knesset Ha-Gadol.
There is such a thing today and you know of it: the Knesset.
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The ink that Ezekiel uses. |
The traditional idea of the 'Men of Assembly' is popularly held to be any of or all the actual great prophets - Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and so on. In fact it is literally hundreds if not thousands of 'prophets;' meaning anyone who was officiating at the holy tent or the temple or just in the sacred rituals and also who was installed for the particular year as the chief priest.
In other words, in the case of Ezekiel - he witnessed some things, and reported some things, and then a whole bunch of other people who never did, committed something to writing which may contain some direct facts or exact coverage of the actual matters and then they certainly also contained whatever 'council spin' they were going to throw in there.
Later Biblical figures consistently say that the scribes of Israel have lied on numerous occasions or even for that matter, most or all of the time.
What is telling about Ezekiel is that he does not say God or these humanoid people in linen clothing who were taking instructions from God destroyed a large number of people because they 'sinned.' He said it was due to the numerous bad things the whole society was doing, but most especially of all, the violence and war-mongering by the rulers and the leaders and subsequently how that trickled down into the mindset of the people at large.
And he says that even the simplest thought that some people had, which caused them to shake their heads at the general wickedness and evil, was enough for God to have his agents 'mark them on the forehead' which caused them not to be harmed when beings of slaughter went out and killed all the rest.
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The coffee that Ezekiel drinks and the news that Ezekiel reads... |
Now in the Islamic traditions, there is this famous 'Battle of Badr' which cannot be found in any independent account or in any historical evidence whatsoever, and was only first mentioned in Islamic writings almost two hundred years after the 'battle' itself was said to have taken place. But nonetheless, in this story, five thousand 'angels' are sent out to help counter an opponent army of about a thousand soldiers.
In the Biblical narrative (2 Kings) of the destruction of Sennacherib's army - two hundred thousand soldiers were killed in one night by just one angelic being.
In the situation of what Ezekiel recounted, it was 'six men' (angelic beings flying around) and one of them was just a person taking notes of what was being ordered.
Now another interesting aspect of what Ezekiel had to say is that very specifically, the first of these otherworldly beings he encounters, says to him expressly right at the start that 'the people have said to themselves there is no God, God has departed from us, abandoned us, and we are a law unto ourselves.'
The Bible taken as a whole goes on past the simple idea that 'Israel' belongs to this God who has some 'beings' of His flying around in bright shiny things with fire and landing wheels and whatever else - and it ends with the concept that the whole entire world belongs to this same God and that He will let it go on for some thousands of years and then suddenly turn up 'like a thief in the night' and visit a lot of carnage on a whole bunch of people alive at that time and even some who 'come out of their graves!'
Leave the Islamic thing aside - that is a pathetic, low-level bit of tribal bickering being described there. What you have on your hands in the larger Biblical narrative is a whole different order of violence and utter destruction.
Will it happen?
Oh yeah absolutely it will.
'Ezekiel' is nothing if not a series of mini Doomsday-Prepping scenarios, in which Ezekiel packs enough food which is laid out beforehand as to how much he should schedule over so-and-so many days ahead.
And right on time, things go according to that schedule, the specific events thereof he really did not know ahead of them actually happening.
One time he is forcibly taken up and dropped off in Babylon somewhere where exiles of his people were, and then another time he is left alone up on a mountain for seven days and he says that he is miserable then and complains quite a bit about his feelings.
We are today on the edge of a great global conflagration involving more than just nuclear weapons - we have one time already, maybe more than just that one recent time and not fully realized it, been taken through biological warfare of quite a sophisticated type which has had lingering problems that will have harmed a lot of people worldwide.
And there is no genuine indication that those running the world, the puppet-masters in Washington and Europe, to say nothing of the saber-rattling of NoKo and the Beijing China people - have other ideas than to run us all into the wall of nuclear disaster and perhaps worse.
They have no 'better' ideas. About anything.
You work, you do as you're told by them and that's all there is about it.
Well okay.
So now I'll tell you the reason I have been going about these themes that are aimed at having you have at least some personal experiences of 'other-worldly' beings that are here.
I'm not sure how successful you have been at attracting anyone's attention from that lot and I will tell you I know they are quite offhanded and verging on the completely dismissive of our simple ordinary human fears and worries.
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The elegant machine Ezekiel was flying around in. |
At the same time I guarantee that some of you are having an odd positive turn of your own Earthly affairs without actually 'seeing' any obvious external hand in things.
Make no mistake though, we are on the doorstep - the 'threshold,' as Ezekiel says about one of his encounters with a being or a craft and a being in a glowing craft - of utter conflagration all over the whole world.
'Coming events cast their long shadows beforehand' they say and you have seen enough 'natural disaster' events over recent years to at least vaguely have an uneasy sense that if that saying is true, then we are in for some wild times.
As living, sentient, theoretically quite intelligent beings we have to pose the question to ourselves - is ultimate violence the ultimate solution, the 'God solution,' to the harmfulness of ordinary humans and their very very ordinary 'society?'
And what makes God vested in the simplistic and common affairs of men?
That is the question, isn't it and I think we can all afford to grow up about it now.
I think it is a very big mistake to imagine that the so-called powers that be on this Earth are any kinds of powers at all when push comes to shove.
They are mediocre, born losers, self-important, delusional - but that is also psychologically why they grasp the reins all the time. They cannot actually earn such roles and entitlements by natural endeavor and honest accomplishment in open competition with anyone.
An 'ideal' human society is nothing at all like the one in which we all temporarily reside right now today.
You absolutely know that.
Why do you need to actually see it as in the way Ezekiel was taken somewhere to see it, in order to affirm in your own mind that such is the case?
Trust me you need but think it so and there will be a mark in your forehead and it won't be the '666' one either.
Even so, trust me on this too, it is very challenging if you are used to the ways of the world, this world here, to be in, to live in, that one there - the 'ideal' one.
'Seeing' something might give you a buzz for a short time but you will end up with a lot of questions left over and resonating about what you saw.
I have done my best to refrain from using too florid language about coming events.
But they are what they are.
And you know what they are.
Not 'what they are going to be;' what they are.
The truth and the reality is that you cannot be 'wealthy' unless you have a sorted out society in which you live first. You can have material wealth but it will likely be apportioned out for the days that you must survive till the end here.
Why are we living in the moment when we are all 'waiting' for whether or not the US will admit Ukraine is completely defeated (because it is; it has been)? Why? What else might happen to alter that reality?
Why are we on the edge of if or whether someone will send some pathogen into Moscow, or fire something at the Kremlin and then all hell breaks lose? Why have we been taken to that point at all?
IE - friends, the end is already here upon us. There is no logical alternative to the fact as a conclusion, that the rulers have taken us already to a point where it has been revealed they have never cared for the public at all and are doing things for some other reason altogether.
What makes it that there have been no other important issues or causes for political leaders and governments to focus on first, rather than the potential entire destruction of the human race through nuclear war?
How far off was the starting point, to trying to create and establish a valuable and non-disposable human society?
If no Ezekiel, then no you, friend.
Might as well cast yourself into the abyss, if no Ezekiel - that is where they are all going, the rest of them. But yes Ezekiel.
But if Ezekiel then, then trust me, Ezekiel today is some super-advanced and very experienced guy...
Pack your bags.
In a manner of speaking.
There is a bad moon on the rise.
Both are the same music below, one is off-site, that's all -
'Lady's Delight:'
Well whatever. It now seems that every "government" on earth must now realize there are 1.25 million US citizens who potentially have access to all the secrets. Ooops! One of those 1.25 million folk once said to me "george w bush should be in prison" but I'm sure he was just kidding to see how I'd respond. I didn't know he was among the 1.25 million folk at the time. I'm sure it was just a joke. But hey, by current reasoning of some folk in current situations we can say that Ronald Reagan's election was stolen and that members of his cabinet were guilty of actual treasonous acts against the US.
ReplyDeleteOkay I'm being a whacko now. Sorry.