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Saturday 22 April 2023

I Have Been Struggling

'Struggling' is not exactly the right word; mulling, turning over - that kind of thing maybe.

I am going to try and look in much finer detail at what the reality of immediate actual 'contact' is, and set down a time in GMT +/-.

But it has become very clear to me that there are a few issues that require to be dealt with first.

Human technology as it is right now.

Firstly, we simply must recognize the extent to which the individual person is not just the primary internal complex frequencies and patterns as some kind of generic 'human being' consciousness - but is also what the Buddhists who are learned call the 'skandha:' an aggregation of emotions and reactions and feelings from external things which the individual ego clings on to, wants to cling on to.

I have never, and I will not do so - maybe at some later date but not now - discuss in clear detail the nine integrated key elements or 'nodes' of the primary internal human being. But these are the generic structural polar variables though, and not what identifies any personal individual.

To give a clue, one of them is certainly that all people are able to decide (using as much reason as they naturally have) what a fact is from what is not a fact - and then they are able to input into themselves to what extent they are personally willing to compromise this filter over external reality, in order to determine their own actions and reactions for some purpose of gain.

You may be surprised to learn that many psychologists and also clinical psychiatrists, think that the feeling of vertigo comes from an individual's atavistic desire to fly - rather than their fear of heights. It is the knowledge of its unrealistic actuality which provides that frisson sensation that is associated with risk, rather than this question of dimensions and vertical measurement.

You can look up at the skies.

So, a personal trait is also there on top of structural polarities which are to do with outward material realities.

Desires, wants - are there as part of the aggregation and composition of emotions. These also drive electronic or 'electric' micro-frequencies as much as simple flows through pre-set nodes which are ordinary polar opposites: truth/lies, facts/non-facts, fears/venom...

I have not listed the complete set; and it is a limited set only.

However, the point is - we must understand the extent to which the whole human race has traded itself off for external material seeming 'gain:' who some person is (or 'was' in fact) is about what they are on the inside, not what they are able to portray having bought in fashion from D&G to fabricate all over their bodies.

Some people have intrinsic personal 'possessed' attributes - beauty, native intelligence, physical strength - and they become experienced in learning to trade with these things, bargain with them, for external other things: job, property, status, celebrity, whatever.

After ten or twenty years, what is left of who they really are inside, is all gone, basically because of lack of use. The electronic frequencies that they are exercising, and thus which become aggregated in them - are all about their external characteristics, with the effect of the dormancy and eventual death of the other, and the truer internal potentials.

Atacama. You can shoot a light up
at, towards, some spot in the skies.
Is not why they do it there, of course.
at the observatory. That's just a guidance point
'marker' system.

And so the crux of what I am getting at is this:

Do not expect to go back to the mistakes of material delusion, just because you have accessed via some mechanistic process, the reality of an 'upper world.'

It isn't just a 'process,' some kind of mechanical, or mechanistic thing that simply anyone can do if they but knew how; it's about who you are. 

If, when, you 'shockingly' get some 'response back' from attempting to make breakthrough contact with obvious Alien (to the humans on the planet of today) intellects and actual people/beings if you will, although they are just beings like you and me - you simply must appreciate the point of why you are doing it at all in the first place. It's not to suddenly then go back and impress the run-of-the-mill ordinary people back down here. They are all completely lost and far too far away from being able to dredge themselves out of the ditch.

I don't know about you, but I do not need a three-storey townhouse in San Francisco at 'fifty million dollars' with a view of drug addicts living in the street!

Just because I can doesn't mean that I should 'invest' in real estate when that is pandering to a broken economic system designed to create young inheritors who will spend and thereby 'circulate' money supposedly built up by the parents - who just died when they had theoretically, just paid of the mortgage.

Nice clothes.
There's not one of them,
there's ten of them, fifty of them,
seventy-five of them.
Who knows about this is the Javanese
people - they do this
thing called 'Bedhaya.'
When you see real actual
people though, all moving in
formation... The Javanese
at some time have seen it in their
past history.
Also the Jews in ancient times;
the Seba Hashamayim.

At the same time you cannot go live on the side of some mountain shrouded in mists and have little four-meter shining silver 'orbs' flying in and out of there...

Pretty soon you will have the whole world media camped down below and screaming at you through loudhailers.

So but why doesn't the advanced species around the place here just hand out technology to everyone and let the world self-adjust to a better way of existing on the planet?

Well they did, one time. The 'Seba Hashamayim' gave things to Solomon and to plenty of others before and got abused for it. 'Queen of Seba' is not some woman from Yemen or someplace here. 'Seba' is far far far away.

The mighty armies of the heavens - is in the Gospels. 'Seba Hashamayim.' ...Is also in the ancient traditional original Jewish scrolls.

Not from here.

Still around here.

Not for any reasons that ordinary human beings would have the foggiest clue about.

...About 2:45 in, you can begin to hear the futuristic gamelan. And if you think I am, have been, just playing you stuff that is not real, well think again. 


1 comment:

  1. Dear mentor,

    Sa/Ka/Ca = divergence
    Ba = convergence

    Sa-Ba = a system of divergence and convergence

    Oth = multitude

    Sa-Ba-Oth = the multitude of individuated systems, each unit of which is one of cyclical divergence and convergence.

    The only state of rest that can sustain life is the vortex of the synthesis of opposites. This complete synthesis took place in the beginning, in seven days.

    On the seventh day, God rested. This is known as the Sa-Ba-Oth day.

    We are (well most people are) the Sa-Ba-Oth.

    The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. But I digress:

    A = Aleph = unrestricted emmission or divergence

    The vowel E makes use of the throat to throttle the letter A. If A equals unrestricted emission, then the gutteral throttling will therefore equal a silent component which is the opposite of the letter A.

    The letter E is therefore a synthesis of the two opposites, the letter A, and silence.

    Therefore, if Sa = unrestricted emission, then Se = an emission, for which the object being emitted, while of the same substance as that found in Sa, is restrictively modified by some throttling component, as pictured by set of vocal cords restricting the airway of the vocalist, creating a synthetic type of energy which is now sustained and carries with itself, identity as well as uniqueness.

    Therefore, Se-Ba = a system of regulated, focused, emission and return.

    Ha = of

    Shamayim = the Heavens

    Therefore, Se-Ba Ha-Shamayim = The individuated multitude of systems of regulated, focused emission and return, located within the heavens.

    All light is emitted and absorbed by a body.

    Diffused light is dim. Focused light is a laser beam.

    Sh = secret

    She = secret, controlled energy

    She-Ba = controlled energy of singular but unknown cause, which shall emit, act, and return to its source.

    Therefore, the queen of She-Ba is the queen of occulted light.

    She will also answer to the name, "Lilith."

    I will stop here and not continue onto the occult etymology of the name of Lilith.


Your considered comments are welcome