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Saturday 13 August 2022

To Bind The Spell...

 ...Every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme.

'Spell' is Germanic in the present English way of using the word, and this is not the greatest way to use the word to understand what could ever be going on - if anything is going on at all.

On the one hand 'spell' or even 'galdr' (yelling, screaming high-pitched chants) is about letting forth a sound from your mouth, but on the other hand why should it have any meaning to do with magical reactions?

Well, because that is not the same word 'spell' as the word used by witches.

This word is from Greek (spelys) and it means to 'go down deep inside of a cave or cavern' - some place like a deep well with dark, limitless water at the bottom of it.

Sarpedobilin dye, is responsible
for the wing coloration here;
which is unlike many of the butterflies
that are using optical iridescence to
create the impression of a blue color. 

Now the extreme arrogance of the modern mind, consists of a widespread unquestioned belief that 'we' are smarter today than we ever were before at any time, and that people of the very ancient past were most certainly not smarter than we are now, and knew far less.


Democritus averred that there was a sub-atomic thing, 'quanta' we say today, that was far smaller than the atom, and was 'slippery' and yet fiery too, and that all such sub-atomic matter (he said it was material, a material substance) was all connected up due to its extreme 'fluidity' and ability to enter into everywhere and into everything.

And yet its actions were by stealth, because it did things 'invisibly' and thus inside the 'deepest wells and caverns' of every living thing - Jung would say, the unconscious.

Jung said too, of course, that the reason we call it the 'unconscious,' is because we really are unconscious of it at all!

We don't know anything 'sensible' to the conscious awareness, about it at all.

Shortly, there will be another one of these free texts up on the Inkitt platform, and rather than detract from the impact of it, it's better that I just say what it's going to deal with:

1. It's going to be dealing with the real original sources of the Islamic Quran - and these facts are so dramatic, that anyone who learns about them will automatically change their perspective about what is going on;

2. It's going to be dealing with Elves and Fairies, and unlike any religion or religious book that you have ever read, what you will encounter there will actually work when you implement it;

3. It's going to be dealing with the Arabic strands of occult knowledge that emerged through the Renaissance especially in Venice and also Florence and then too in Paris. (You will recall that Catherine de' Medici was, of course Queen of France...).

...Into the occult cavern.

A few days ago, it was the 'Ashura' festival for Muslims. The standard belief is that this is about the word 'ten' in Arabic, because the festival is supposedly on the tenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. As usual this is sheer rubbish. Just like 'ahad' is not 'wahid,' 'ashura' is not 'eashra.' For Sunni Muslims, they steer clear of really saying the day is the day that Ali was killed, and say this celebration has to do with when God assisted the Exodus of Moses and his followers, by parting the Red Sea.

There is simply no verbal linkage between 'ashura' and 'parting' or 'Red Sea.'

However, we must face facts, (sarcasm warning) that when Moses asked God what His name was, God said: 'Allah' but then the JOOOZ altered it to Jehovah, and then much later on the Christians corrupted it... : ) So we have to just grant that whatever Arabic people want to say that it means, well it means that...! 

However if you want to go to reality, the reality is in part the word is being taken from an ancient Syrian and Persian word for 'Mighty' and in fact there are language links all the way across to Sanskrit, in which the word can mean 'mighty' but technically it means 'the potential' for might. 'Sura' means delivered power. A-sura means potential.

Now I want to circle back to the subject of Fairies. 'Rhyming' as far as occultism is concerned, is to do with the harmony of equivalent sounds, and the seeming transmission - invisibly - across gaps of space - of energy between two different points, or spots, or locations.

Yet Democritus was not suggesting this kind of thing when he spoke of something even smaller in size than the atom into the atom - he was saying there was actual constant or continuous physical adjacency (thanks, KP). Now, even so, this does not mean just because there is a telegraph line extended between two phone boxes, that the people at either end can understand each other.

Fairy Moscato.



This is about them both 'speaking the same language.'

You know what the opposite of 'diabolic' is?

Tell me.

This evening I had a ridiculously, absurdly, amazing dessert. It was poached Turkish apricots, soaked in Moscato wine and lemon myrtle syrup - with cognac cream.

The thing was so delicate in flavor, that if there were Elves or Fairies here...

Well. But... No comment.

I don't want to detract from the absolutely mind-blowing, the head-spinning details in this up-coming new piece on Inkitt. And for that reason today's Blog piece lacks a lot on detail and actual information. But it's all in the up-coming thing. You will see in there 'Fairies and Elves' as you have never seen them before. And you will have exact precise details on how to get in touch with them and have them appear.

This lyrical poem, song in fact -, produced by Coke Studio Pakistan, now has complete subtitles in English in the video clip of it. And anyone who can tell me which classical piece copied it - is in serious danger of being 'charmed' by a Fairy.

Great high cultures, many of which are only appreciate by a very few at any one time on the planet - all contain the same elements, and sometimes, the same names, personages, identities. They are all connected.  

Pay attention to the lyrics and tell - which European classic?

By the way, the thing right at the start about 'watering' something - which in brackets they say is the idea that there is 'no God but One' simply doesn't exist in the lyrics at all; every time you see some Arabic translation of anything and there are brackets, it means they making it up and claiming something is there which is not there. The meaning of 'watering' is the same the Jungian meaning of it. And you will see it all exposed properly in the Inkitt material, soon. 

You might have to remind yourself to turn on the 'show sub-titles' or go to the YouTube video and watch it there and turn on the 'show sub-titles' to be able to read them clearly. It's worth it.

This is an occult song. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam. What is happening is people are inferring general labels like 'nabi' and 'waliyan' to imply these have the same meanings as Islamic usages of these words and terms, but they have no such connection; in fact, 'Pir' or 'Piri' as is being sung here are just as anathema as Djinn in standard Islam. But somehow this guy is saying he is literally being guided by one (a Piri) and is actually worshiping it and moreover giving his life to it... And that's impossible in Islam. The original poem by the 17th century Sufi poet Sultan Bahu, was written in Persian not Urdu, and in Persian, he certainly knew what he was writing about! For one thing, there are no 'dove allusions' at all in Islam. Even so, Urdu contains so many Persian origin words and loan words that the metrical transliteration, I suppose you could say, effectively, was quite easy. The whole thing is riddled with occultisms and phrases that are actual enchantments. Persian enchantments. Nothing to do with Arabic. If you notice carefully, he is actually singing 'Alif-u-wa'l'a' - means 'waliya' - which means 'is leading me;' The Aleph letter or sound is leading me. Otherwise there is no sense to - 'Aleph Allah!' That doesn't mean anything.

Friday 12 August 2022

The Simple Life... Ha Ha

So I've been trying to find ways to back off on the super intensity reading that this place has been recently, caused in the main by the subject matter and its ultimate direction I suppose.

It's hard though, certainly, because, let's face it, hopping on board some space-ship is not the usual thing unless it is at a fairground or something, and said 'space-ship' comes back down to Earth after a short while and we can all just 'hop right back off again' and go get some fairy floss.

And then life goes on, right.

It's all very very simple.

At least I can report that during today's coffee get-together with another guy in the book business (he is literally an actual book-seller who owns several shops), I had the extreme pleasure of hearing from him, this time, and not from me, about the sheer decadence of the seemingly middle classes of Vienna, Austria. He is the only other person I have ever heard tell this story about the large two-leaved front doors of mansions a few hundred yards from the city center, with their fountains and manicured front lawns fifty yards long at least - that what you can regularly see going on inside the vestibules and front rooms, basically from out in the street, on just about any given mild evening or day, would certainly not be believed by those who had never seen Vienna at all.

I think I've mentioned this before that this is one place where you will all day long see women wearing sables out in public, and butter wouldn't melt in their mouths when they are 'at hot chocolate' at the Mozart cafe or the Cafe Central or similar (and there are many excellent sachertorte places in Vienna). 

Butter wouldn't melt because they are still fairly cold beneath those coats on account they have nothing else on underneath...

So it was very down-to-earth of a day today for me. Very relaxing I must say.

He was hesitant in even telling his story until I said well I know you were really there and are telling the truth because I have seen the same sorts of things there myself. And he of course said, no one else ever believed him!


Well that I guess is the problem with trying to convey - what are really facts, but very unusual ones - to people who have never witnessed anything like those things, and maybe have never even really heard hearsay accounts similar even though they have heard 'near-enough-to' accounts. But not real actual accounts. Especially not first-hand accounts of the exact specific kind.

Well, it's simple
but it is Tiffany's blue
champagne Jell-o shots.

If we turn back to this matter of, say, 'Elves,' for instance, and bring it to the Jungian discussions on them, then we will at some point at least arrive at the following:

All of Jung's professional followers, his officially-authorized students and their students, will say that there are many many instances of people, for example, dreaming of the future and having those dreams come literally true in extreme and very significant detail.

For instance, there is one case in which a woman had a dream of a plane crashing with many people being killed and I think from memory a relative or friend or something being one of the victims - and she was having the dream as a recurring dream and relating it to her psychoanalyst and all she was telling them over and over was that she would see in the dream a side of the plane with a set of numbers on them and they were always the same numbers and she told that serial number to her psychoanalyst.   

And then, when the crash happened, it turned out that the plane did in fact have those exact serial numbers on its side.

So this cannot be explained away as 'synchronicity' or anything 'causal' because her dream certainly did not cause the event, and the event certainly did not cause her dreams either because that would have been an anachronistic impossibility!

However, since in her psychoanalysis she was venturing into the 'unconscious' the Jungian conclusion was that this region of the human mind is so powerful - it basically knows everything and it was 'telling' her 'look, I know everything, down to the details of things like serial numbers...' But then, the rest of the underlying lesson from the unconscious to the woman (according to the Jungian paradigm) is that 'so therefore you'd better take note of me, and treat me with respect and listen to my counsels.'

And that does not mean suddenly the unconscious is going to give the woman the numbers of the next winning lottery.

Because what's the moral cause of that there?

Very calming and...

So, even though there can be no 'material causation' model, there is definitely a moral cause model going on.

And so, for those who may only be getting the merest hints of some 'interchange' or 'interactions' with another world, as it were - you will certainly nevertheless, at some point get a massive and pointed exchange of information; you might even see or be visited by a literal Elf. And then, not ever again. However if, you are wise enough following that, to be attentive to this 'other world' then you will find a lot of things moving your way, where they did not do so previously. 

That is not the same paradigm, certainly, as being able to have regular physical material interactions with people from 'somewhere else' but it will prove to have been a significant 'paradigm shift' nonetheless.

My point to those reading very attentively here, is that in any case, in all events anyway, this paradigm shift is simply unavoidable before it is possible to have those kinds of regular physical interchanges - for the reason KP and I have been turning over here recently.

Super advanced species, or civilizations, possess technology so utterly self-destructive and dangerous, that they would obliterate themselves if they got to using their weapons against each other in a conflict - of those types of conflicts that we have here with our species here on our planet.

The slaughter of innocent bystanders, of the underclasses, the 'ordinary' layers of the population - is simply just not morally acceptable at all. It was not acceptable during the First or the Second World Wars.

We are  told at schools and at Universities, by political historians, that these wars were 'unavoidable.' But that is not true.

But then, just when you thought
you had it completely wrapped -,
thermo-dynamic nuclear quantum
Serge Lutens art. Now do I really
to spell this out?!

That is simply an assertion that people have been making since Cain murdered his brother Abel, and they do it to justify what is the status quo on this planet - which is namely, they have moral superiority and you have no moral cause and certainly no material power.

The phrase 'international (well, in fact, any kind of) rules-based order' is a lie. No such thing exists either as an actual agreement between anyone with overt political agency, or as a schema of moral logic.

To have massification, is the process by which you as an individual, are enslaved by an oppressor you cannot see, and that you will not be told about; to have 'mass rules' removes your individual rights, and replaces them with impersonal 'massified' something but they are not 'rights...'

In the Jungian paradigm, the unconscious was telling the woman - 'look I know everything.'

In my paradigm I am saying that whether you can or should or should not know everything is moot, but what you can know is the trajectory of things that you see materially around you.

But frankly, as it has become really pointedly clear to me, if you have been trained to see them.

Because I think I perceive a problem with the human mind and the way it 'sees.'

The fragrance products of Issey Miyake were all made in an industrial laboratory using really expensive German-built, American invented chemical sensors and fabricators.

Serge Lutens, by contrast, whilst he still does have those things and uses them, he came from the Shiseido/US CIA post WWII chemical laboratory experience, and he was responsible for the creation of the so-called 'perfume unicorn' - a thing known as 'Nombre Noir.' He did not himself actually create it but was the 'design manager' for it. The person who made it was a mysterious stranger whose name is recorded as 'Jean-Yves LeRoy;' a man who killed himself (which is 'KHS'd' in the modern millennial chat talk vernacular, in case you ever come across this) when the product was released but then recalled and mostly all destroyed because of a 'manufacturing design fault' to do with the sprayer nozzle.


Issey Miyake died last week. As you know. As you must know!

Now unless Serge Lutens intends to publicly get up on *'s space-shop again and just 'disappear' well then the trajectory of his natural life is what -, do you think? You know, without being morbid about it.

Evelyn & Crabtree's Extract of Mysore Sandalwood went from thirty bucks to one thousand dollars.

And I do not expect Issey Miyake's items to do that, because his fragrance products, to be blunt about it, are not only not very good and highly synthetic at that, they are all acrid, 'poisonous' smelling, and quite unpleasant.

Whereas Serge Lutens, is responsible for the greatest perfume ever made. Ever. ...Ever made.

Nigella Lawson's
blackberries in champagne jelly. 

In recent years Christopher Sheldrake is listed as the main 'creator' of his fragrance line, but I am telling you, not quite a different story, but that you should understand these kinds of people are responsible for the technical industrial measurements for how to industrially produce the final item. The product is Serge Lutens' product and creation.

And soon, there will be no more Picasso paintings, if you know what I mean.

Meanwhile, because you don't believe me anyway, I was actually in the spa area of one of these 'mother craft' just not long ago, and it was pretty quiet in there and there was only one other person stretched out on the sofa thingies that are arranged in long rows in a pretty dim area. But they were having a massage. And during all of that long long session, this thing below was being played through the audio system:

Thursday 11 August 2022

Why It's All Hidden

I was going to say 'sometimes it's very important;' in fact, all the time, it is important for us to look outward when interacting with people, and concern ourselves with them and their matters, and not us ourselves!

The time for concerning ourselves with our own selves is when we have the personal time and are in enough physical seclusion from the world to go into the interior, as it were (and yes, I have been re-visiting Jung and those who followed closely in his footsteps -, Marie Louise von Franz and so on) and consult with the 'unconscious.' ...If that is even feasible.

Jung of course, gives very little credibility to the actual materialization of otherwise - according to his own thinking - real figures from the realm of the human unconscious.

He does say these figures are not at all mere symbols, but are in fact real; except that we cannot be made aware of them in our consciousness in the ordinary state of things.

As educated people we have to take note of the historical fact, that Jung predicted the rise of an heroic, mythic figure in Germany who would plunge the whole world into a cataclysm. And then, we must know that he also envisaged a similar moment around about now, emanating from America or at least the American-led so-called 'Western World' and in this case he predicted the actual end of the world. Those who were the recipients of the details of this prediction say that he only foresaw vast parts of the world totally destroyed...

Well I am not going to confirm that what Jung said is really going to happen, at least not like that. But what I will say is that despite massive attempts by odd characters to try and 'de-bunk' what the Federal Legislative Representative for New Hampshire, Henry W. McElroy said in his personal witness testimony upon retiring in 2010 - the fundamental contents of what he said are certainly true and correct. Which is namely that Eisenhower, President of the United States from 1953 - 1961 was clearly officially aware of the existence of extraterrestrials here and that they would be available to consult with to seek advice and assistance from should such a thing become necessary.

In this disclosure via personal witness testimony, it was also affirmed that the US officially believed at that time, that no threat at all was being posed then, nor had it ever been posed in past history and nor would it ever be posed, against humans on this planet.

And this is markedly different to the narratives emerging from the Pentagon now.

But nevertheless, I want to go back to Jung and underscore how he originally came by his views about the imminent rise of a 'Hitler-type' character, before such a person in fact appeared.

He said that when a broad section of any particular society all at the same time starts having 'dreams' or feelings of foreboding, which can be quite vague (and it's worse still, if these are rather vague, because it implies they are coming from the feminine collective unconscious), then this is the manifesting of real things existing inside the unconscious, and that the trajectory of such manifestations in the mind, end up with material physical effects in the external physical world.

And so, where I am going with this, is to suggest that concepts such as 'bug-out bags' and 'Doomsday Prepping' are exactly those unconscious forces manifesting in the minds of people. Typically, if you are a student of psychological forces producing material effects, you will know that the pre-sentiment drops off suddenly first, and then this is a clear indicator that it is about to be actually realized in matter -, that is, in a material way out in the material experience itself.

As little as fifty years ago, if someone were bombing a nuclear energy facility, this would be an international crisis immediately, with massive military and diplomatic effects ensuing right away.

Today however, this existential fact of someone - in fact both sides - bombing nuclear facilities, is playing second fiddle to the raid by the armed, mostly masked, jack-booted criminal thugs in the employ of the Wokey-people, on one of the residences of a past President of the United States.

Second fiddle? What am I saying?? Nobody cares.

What is quite certain to happen now though, is that no sooner will have the Republicans wrested control of Congress and the Senate thoroughly come this November, than retributions will commence.

And then we will descend in total chaos (it's only mostly chaos in the enforcement of powers against a weakened civilian population now) into a full-blown Civil War, with armed insurrections, mostly by Antifa at first, quite openly, rather than as in the past covertly just using metal pipes to bash people and smash cars and business windows. All actions fully protected by the FBI.

There is actually no way around having to say this now.

Not for nothing is the George Soros (superficially it is run by Soros) 'Civil Society' movement called that, because it is exactly anything but that.
'A merchant found a pearl of great price...'

Well but so what. We know all these things. At least hopefully though, none of you will be caught up thinking of wielding any kid of weapon at all. It's a bad idea.

What's a good idea is to admit that this is indeed 'where it's all at' right now.

If you posed the question to someone who sits firmly on the side of those who procured a criminal warrant against a recent ex-President, and likely candidate again - how is it that a nuclear war is less of an issue for the FBI to concern itself with, than your animus against Donald Trump - you're not going to get any kind of sensible answer.

The 'animus' - from the dark shadow side of the collective unconscious, has already fully taken over their minds...

: )

The kind of chaos that eventually overtook ancient Athens, or Persia or Rome, does not happen so quickly that one needs to personally, in a private life role, run and hide anywhere.

The complexity of the human persona and personal 'self' is so intensely woven into its recognizable patterns of development to a different stage intelligence, that to intervene while that is happening, denies the creature its natural right to unfold to what it will be.

We say, that is, ordinary people are inclined to say - 'we are entitled to think what we want, do what we want, be how we choose to be.' And they are in fact doing none of those things at all. They are merely following a known path to do with how things grow through stages and cycles.

To imply that humans are 'intelligent' is beyond the merely ridiculous. They are systematic, pattern-following animated creatures with absolutely no actual intelligence at all.

Moment-to-moment (and this is the stance of psycho-analysis too), human beings, whether individually, or as a group, are living in a dynamic circumstance of combined forces and energy being thrown up into the experiential 'now.' A person suffering a psychic pathology is not doing so in the past (the mistake that Freud made, albeit that was because he at least saw some of the originating pre-conditions) - he is doing so in the present!
'Merchant of Venice' brand.

And so either you will deal with the present psychic situation, in present terms, or you will let it deteriorate by its own necessary trajectory into its own demise - literally its death.

Okay so there are Elves, and there are ET Aliens and there are a few other kinds of beings around the place and we generally speaking do not see them.

'If' they are there, and they are much more advanced and intelligent, then - just like the assumption that there is a God - we are back to the question of Theodicy; but in this case, unlike God who has not appeared on any Mount Sinai for a number of centuries at least, if He even did that way back then, we have many official people saying that in fact they are not only there and thought to be there, but that they have actually met with leading figures on the planet, such as General Eisenhower.

And this means 'they' are making a moral choice not to intervene and not to speak openly to large numbers of the general public or let's even say 'the whole world' as such nowadays, since we have the internet.

In other words, the moral equation is this: it is better, that the human race organize its own extinction event...

I mean in any case, what could be more poetic?

Your scientists, who know everything, are now about to reach the 'Shiva point' of absolute extinction - all by themselves. With no one forcing them to do it.

There's no scientists organizing open letters to which hundreds of great prize-winning identities are signatories, asking the UN to stop anything that is going on right now.

In fact it's even too late now, for them to try and do anything as mediocre and weak as that.

You are probably worried that some kind of effectual material 'blow-back' will adversely affect your lives and your lifestyles. But it won't.

The problem with assuming that much of the human race really is intelligent, is in failing to perceive that they are quite unable to use geometry in their mental calculations.

They cannot see the trajectories of shapes.

What they typically do is yell and scream - like monkeys - about the previous trajectory of something that just hit them, not seeing what is about to hit them. Or seeing where they are going on the thing they are riding on.
French vanilla butter cream and lilac

...I could point out something from the immediate last Blog piece here and that would simply be 'feeding those in the cages.' But some people picked it up though. The rest are going to have to pick up speed with dynamic geometry really fast or go the way of most of the world as we have witnessed what it was.

It's old, and dried out, and dead.

Truth is well-hidden. You either discover it yourself, or you die in the clouds of other people's prognostications - their 'sci-entific' pronouncements on everything. They don't know anything, but they are willing to teach courses in Universities for money.

Don't know... ...anything.

Not anything at all. At this point, it is clear they were so far up the creek without a paddle, that literally you can say now 'didn't know a damn thing at all.'

If someone can tell me, what the problem is with some of the posted comments from the last Blog piece, I will maybe slightly alter my tune about where things are headed and headed real fast! How many times already do I need to say 'you can't read' or if you can, you certainly are having difficulties comprehending what your eyes are seeing and giving to your brain!
Arielle Maren. Below:

And what do you think? Do you think ET Aliens and so on have a higher respect or view of the people in the White House - or in Harvard today?? Are you crazy? Wait, are you crazy.

And what if they took the view that militant stupidity was a matter of actual maliciousness?

I kinda care about you; your problems, but no one says what their problems really are. They're all still playing cards as if they are going to 'win' in a throw-down hand show at some point. Well how are you going to do that? When is that going to happen - you know, with you, never mind me. I just played my hand. I'm still waiting to see what people are making of the last Blog piece. What they are researching; what they are finding. ??

I wanna see people really understand geometries and trajectories...

You better hope like hell this kind of song is written about people who deserve the meaning of it (otherwise there will be none of you left on this planet when we're finished, sorry sorry, when you're finished and nobody intervened):

Wednesday 10 August 2022

I Could Easily Prove it, But...

Our single biggest problem - it is actually the problem - is that we are contained and constrained within a visual field and a sensation frame constructed from our body.

And we have convinced ourselves of a particular fantasy, which is namely, that our own personal identity is made up of the information in our brains.

Yet that is self-evidently not true by logic, and I will show you why:

A personal identity of the kind that humans have, consists of fictions constructed by the person in their head - but along with those fictions are intentions.

I mean seriously, do you want me to make it this
obvious to you?
Not Issey Miyake, is it?

None of these things - aside from their seeming physical causal sources - are in fact material at all; they are ideas.

But one person's complex idea in which there is held an intention - ends up with someone else being killed. And another person's complex idea ends up with a bridge being built.

I didn't invent that - psychologists say that it is so.

Further, when courts decide on evidence about whether or not to convict someone of a capital crime, for example, they completely accept that it is so and so you should you without arguing about it here, although there are many who will be inclined initially to do so, because that is always your first tendency.

Are you consciously an introvert, or an extrovert?

I don't know of course.

But the point is that you will be one of those, that is to say, more so one than the other.

The fiction of your conscious self-identity is a fiction because for one thing, there will be so many aspects of yourself that you are completely unconscious of.

Meanwhile however, you've already completely convinced yourself that you know who you are.

Let us go to the absurd 'fantasy' of the matter of 'Elves.' Elves exist outside of our common experience of time and space and place.

We, by contrast, are convinced that it is the Elves and not us, who have the right grasp of 'reality.'

Logwood dyed fabric.
It's not connected with anything
we are talking about...
...right now.

Let us leave off any of this 'Oh you won't be able to...' (Unless some condition or other). Because I won't say that -, because. Yes you will. Even you. But nevertheless, exactly how you will, requires to be considered rationally.

Some people are extrovert thinking people dependent upon sensations and physically-sourced 'observing.'

You carried out some physical actions: placed silver in the Moonlight.

Next, your expectation is that the Elves, having made use of the silver (which they certainly will have done) will now reward you in the same order of things that you advanced the silver out to them - which is by a material physical action. Fair enough.

They are far more intelligent and advanced psychologically, than most humans though.

Their business is literally to upgrade and enhance the intelligence of the human being who seeks it.

The purpose of 'feelings' in human beings, is to tell us if a thing is agreeable to us or not. Necessarily our feelings must be conscious ones to us, or else we will have no rational means to say why a thing is agreeable, or that it is not.

The way of intuition among some people, is that it comes to conclusions by ways and means of the unconscious.

The extrovert thinking person is employing material observation and their physical senses before they are able to say they 'perceive' something.

Oh, but I just want to buy the whole of 
Paris, that's all.

Notwithstanding nobody here said anything heavy-handed about how a person ought to approach dealing with Elves - I mean, in fact I actually did say something about it but I never made it a huge issue. Typically, we have not found any public comments here from anyone reporting they either saw anything or received anything.

What we got, was someone saying 'when' - maybe 'if/really??' aka I don't believe it.

Well, the minute you come up with a really good argument to counter psychologists who all say that humans invent fictions of their 'ego' and of their self/identity, made from conscious components and totally unconscious ones - then we will get you a lot of money from lawyers, particularly prosecutors.

It is a fiction of your own making, that you are even able to perceive one tenth of what really exists there with you, in your surroundings, in yourself, in those around you.

Elves, who are of a species much higher than humans, know this.

So let's say you 'suddenly' magically, as it were, 'miraculously' got some material reward for putting out some silver in the Moonlight (or just 'out,' it doesn't need to be in the Moonlight!) - what advance to your knowledge about yourself would that bring you?

It is completely easy, to 'see' Elves. Those individuals who fall further towards the introvert intuitive personality type, can easily do it.

...To see an Elf in the material human context of body senses is a totally frightening experience, well outside of what you would even expect or imagine and far deeper down the 'rabbit-hole' than maybe right now you consider you are easily able to handle.

In any case, what are you going to do then? Who do imagine you will be able to tell your experience to?

Oloroso. Sherry, more or less.

It's a kind of lurid self-involvement on the part of humans, recently tricked into believing in 'science' as some be-all and end-all to understanding the Universe in which we live, that they widely do think, 'Oh you know what, let's say an Elf gave me fifty bucks, well then, just to prove it was really so and not co-incidence or chance being disguised as synchronicity, then I will conduct the process again so that they give me another fifty, and then keep going in order to prove it is really empirically true and a repeatable thing like so...'

So let me explain to you this. The Elf is going to give you a material reward.

And then what?

Don't play around with these creatures like as if they are some idiot off CNN.

They are not.

'Who,' was doing the 'ask?' Which identity self, went out and placed the silver there?

The feeling one, the sub-conscious one, the rational calculating (so it supposes) one, the pure physical sensation one?

You know, I would go with the pure sensation one. And I'll tell you why. Sensation shall not prejudice facts.

And 'facts' I'm afraid, are only just the things you have convinced yourself are 'real.'

But so then, even then, what sensation intention are you carrying with yourself?

What I am looking for from the people carefully reading here and bothering to implement, is their independent self-discovery of what I have already attained... I mean if you simply want to be told because somehow this is going to help with 'faith' (lol!) 1. That there are real Elves, materially real and physical, well yes there are, 2. Did Jesus really exist and did he pull a silver coin from the mouth of a fish, well yes He did that, 3. Can you make a lot of money if you wanted to, more or less by 'Elfin means' well absolutely you can.

It's not gold! This is a tiny bit of cupro-nickel
Someone tell me the current price...
Come on, come on; let's do some
'fact checking.' LOLOLOLOL
I can do this every day, forever.
And don't you forget it.

I don't want to be the guy showing you the cache of Mars 2 dollar coins that could have... ...been bought for thirty bucks.

I could stand in for any Elf slow or negligent on the delivery of their silver, and I could do it over and over and over again. How about you though?

Isn't that what you wish to achieve for yourself - be able to do it yourself - or like someone who often comments here, wants 'agency' but gives no statement of equality as a guarantee of 'equivalency' of agency back.

Good luck to you if you are firmly of the mind to think that 'calculation' and 'scientific sensory observation' aka 'conscious thinking' is going to be able to bypass Vitarka.

What is Vitarka? You were not paying attention.

This track below, Xpander by Sasha, was written by Elves.

If you have been attempting to contact Elves, given the kinds of information delivered here, and you claim you haven't seen them yet or that they haven't 'exchanged' with you, you are lying, or else you just plain don't listen to what you are told and have pre-formed ideas in your head which are all wrong. Or, boy are you stuck in the conscious material sensory framework of silliness and nonsense. 

When Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, thousands of Germans had been seeing him in their dreams for years beforehand. Fact or not a fact, as far as you are aware right now?

You watch as the same mind-sets go reaching for 'explanations.' 'Sci-entific' explanations.

Don't give me 'the Elves haven't coughed up yet.' What's wrong with you??!

They gave me stuff - it took this time about three weeks. And they're not done yet; I know.

If I stopped scolding y'all for a moment and set things into some kind of perspective, take a broader look at the whole of your life currently. You don't have to squint for 'unexplained positive changes.' Just look at things through the windows of: feeling, intuition, sensation, and lastly of all, thinking and material observing. 

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Live and Let...?

The second line of the Wicce Measure, starts off: 'Live and let live.'

So Fleming pens a novel (1954) heavily based on the Duvaliers and their influence in New York politics and banking via voodoo networks inside the rich elite and particularly among the wives of said. Francois Duvalier was originally, in part sponsored by the CIA itself and had been working to take over Haiti for several years before he finally did that in 1957. His voodoo family network had been active in New York for years already. 

Fleming takes from what he is obviously reasonably enough familiar with, which is namely the 'Wicce Measure' - although nowadays people call it the Witches' Counsel.

He takes the second line and turns it into 'Live and Let Die.'

It is so cold down here right now,
that there is snow on Bluff Knoll,
and I busted out my thick 'reader socks'
that I was saving to just look at forever...

Well, that was all back in the days when the FBI actually did their job, They publicly named the wives of prominent bankers who they said were being harassed by the Voodoo cult members, but what they really meant was to warn these women to lay off doing what they had actually been doing, which was placing spells onto the competitors of their husbands and so on.

In the end people did get charged too, mainly with using or attempting to use drugs to effect people without their knowledge.

These days, of course, the FBI has managed to quite easily convince people like 'KP' that 'Steve Bannon is bad' - notwithstanding that only just recently Bannon saved the great library of Monte Cassino with a lot of his own money.

And they would make a joke if you told them there really were black magic groups operating in Washington and Los Angeles and manipulating the political elites.

The respect for, nay the actual knowledge of, great literature and what the whole of modern Western society and culture ought to have been receiving as its rightful legacy - is absolutely nil.

I raised the name of Natalie Barney to demonstrate just how bad this situation has gotten now.

To imagine that being 'Woke' or being a modern feminist, whether 'radical' or any other 'acceptable' kind (as KP will affirm, is determined by people like him, who are clearly your moral superiors as well as your intellectual ones - 'acceptability' comes from those who signal to you what 'virtue' means and which virtues you are to have), whilst not knowing who Natalie Clifford Barney is in your life, speaks volumes.

Natalie Clifford Barney.
An actual real coven circle.

Natalie Barney knew and/or funded and published and marketed: Marcel Proust, Gertrude Stein, T. S. Eliot, Paul Valery, Cocteau, Scott Fitzgerald, Thornton Wilder, Rainer Maria Rilke, James Joyce...

The list goes on and on, and you could go on all day with filling out the list and talking about those luminaries of art and culture.

Barney was a super wealthy American who went to Paris to live, ostensibly, as a Paris 'neo-lesbian' among the salon set - and became one of the most celebrated salonierres herself.  

The most, and I mean the most horrific, revolting display that this human race has ever given, is what you are witnessing right now all over the place around you, where people who are - according to them - completely well-meaning - protest and 'get triggered' and show you their ugly aggression and it is far from 'passive' every time something comes up which is not on the page set them by actually evil 'front man' miscreants like Barack Obama.

No one who does not have a truly solid knowledge of the life and the lifestyle, and the art and the ideas of someone like Natalie Barnes - has any right at all to say 'gay,' or 'lesbian' or 'sex' anything!

And this has been completely affirmed by numerous scholars before me. Alhamdulillah!

In fact, on account of which rulings by actual authentic scholars, I hereby issue a fatwa against anyone who ever says 'gay or lesbian' again but cannot recite backwards the Wicce chant of Natalie Barnes, which she used when she was Witch Queen of Provence presiding over the main Mabon circle cast and was dressed in what fabric, Bill?

You can lead a horse to Provence fish stew,
but you can't make him...!


(Bill knows). He sent me some pics earlier today. 

...At the same time everyone is entitled to hold whatever views they want to and that they freely choose to hold because - 'live and let live, and think what you will because it will only hurt you yourself if you are being silly!'

The absolute test, is whether Steve Bannon would go along with Natalie Barnes... My guess is that he would, and that places the common popular current conception of for instance 'LGBTQ' politics - where, exactly?


Got to wait till around half way and hear the simple lyrics, and then consider if, same as Natalie Barney, people have been forced to lose touch with African-American modern culture. The sentiment is known among the Rave Culture elites as 'pronoia.'