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Thursday, 17 February 2022

The Apis Bull, Was Not...

A Bull.

Of course you won't believe this. 

Well, actually, I need to explain this better - yes, there were bulls in Saqqara called 'Apis' bulls, and there are some bones strewn around various spaces inside galleries built underground outside of various step pyramids.

'Where are you taking me, Obi Wan?'

But let's get something straight - there are no bulls inside any granite stone 'boxes' inside of any pyramids at all. No bones of bulls, no nothing.

It goes like this:

Inside the pyramids themselves, are chambers in which at certain times, the rays of certain stars or star clusters, form a beam, inside of which beam, certain cows are mated then at that specific moment with certain bulls.

This all went on thousands and thousands of years prior to any Pharaohs that you ever heard of!

If, a particular kind of black bull is then born, another being appears at the same time, which is less corporeal than the bull, and this being inhabits the personage of the king, or whoever it selects to be the king. This being is a 'By-Than' - which is transliterated by the Jews as 'Bashan.' In the more ancient Graeco-Syriac this is 'Ba' (or 'Baal') 'Titanim.' The divine spirit of the titan. Originally, this actually had the meaning of 'giant seafish', which is why, in the Gospels, when the herd of swine rush off the cliffs, they fall headlong into the sea.

Over hundreds of thousands of years, these dragon beings re-incarnate, slowly losing their power - going from a dominant ruling elite who always exert supreme authority through their 'golden' power, but degenerating over time until they are as now - sand albeit mixed with bits of iron.

'To the Gucci shop. Follow me.'

Not all of them are wholly bad or evil, and by now many of them are mixed up into the human race - which is why the grey Aliens are here, monitoring who is exactly what, where.

When the pigs say 'but our time is not yet come,' they mean they are not destined to be fully destroyed at that moment and they should still be given the chance to survive. Or to strive and yet prevail over the human species. Some of them completely harbor that mindset.

Old Ben Kenobi, of course, well he has a 'light saber' and he goes around getting into sword fights with various people, much like the character d'Artagnan.

He can convince the Federation Stormtroopers with his Jedi mind trick that 'these are not the Droids you are looking for' but he still needs the light saber, right? Because, well, otherwise the movie has no 'action' scenes.

'Action' means I kill you with a gun or a knife or a light saber or a something, anything. Or I try to, and then you defend with some other weapon - and on and on it all goes. All very thrilling.

Biden is telling everyone who will still listen to him, that the Russians are going to invade the Ukraine, probably with hyper-sonic missiles that the US does not have, and slaughter everyone and everything and everything, and everything else that goes with it. Are you panicked yet?

Literally is made on the Silk
Road - in Uzbekistan.
'Begim' brand.

By the way - had you ever heard that before about the dragons of Saqqara, and not the 'bulls?'

We could tell you down to the precise second now what will happen next and then next and next after that too.

I was by now going to take you through the actual Jedi mind control tricks, but a certain someone, has been actively preventing that here, haven't they?

Listen, listen carefully - the thing that movie 'Close Encounters' gets right is that when they arrive, the doors open up, and...

...little children come out.

The most 'powerful' people you know, will literally be begging for their lives in front of little kids. Who will choke the living daylight out of them with absolutely no mercy.

And don't tell me you need a Biblical reference for that, because there is one as you well know.

No 'light sabers' required. Don't think I did not ask for them for you. But they said: 'No.'

But I'm still asking though, so you never know: 'Well how about just two light sabers then? Or, one Star Trek phaser?'

Ah. Dash it. Let's just do the Jedi mind trick.

I have your mind right now, whether you like it or not.

Spices in the spice market in Uzbekistan.

You think not?

Why don't you look up the Saqqara granite boxes on Google-genius-knows-everything and see whether any of them had any 'bulls' in them.


No bulls.

Not for bulls. Sorry, 'Egyptologists...' Speaking of 'bull.'

So, you just try and remove what I told you out of your mind...

You want to study and learn the actual Jedi mind trick?

Okay - take a plain sheet of paper, and draw an open box, and then another one with a side parallel to one side of the first box, and then go ahead and draw short lines and other three-sided square shapes, until you have formed a maze - you know, just meander everywhere making shapes cluster together until you have a big maze.

Try and do that while listening to different kinds of music. See what happens.

Sorry FBI. So sorry. You're just not as smart as you thought, are you? LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Pigs. Cliff. Go.

Watch them go.

[This is called 'liquid drum & base' music].

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Steiner Takes Manhattan

You all know the Hitler-Steiner meme.

So, Leonard Cohen much earlier on (although, hey let's face it, might have been Hitler first really though! lol Sorry. No Hitler jokes; cannot laugh at Hitler, right) - writes the song 'First We Take Manhattan.'

I have your mind.

Manhattan makes snow fall in the Sahara.

'We' have your mind.

We (I am talking about me and my friends here) are a hive mind down here. We all think the same way. Think about the same kinds of things, and in more or less the same kinds of ways. I'm not exactly sure of the PJ O'Rourke quote I (he died this week as you know) but he said something about Hillary Clinton being 'wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters. And that is why I am endorsing her.' 


What can we even say about that?!

...Anyway, when I also say things like 'the same more or less,' it means I am being slack and 1. not sticking to our own rules and being utterly and completely 100% exactly 'on script,' and 2. but yeah, within certain parameters it still is likely to be broadly true though. 

You know, I could even impress my friends and say, hell, I'm being 'on the human scale' about it! Because being outside of, larger than, the human scale is a big no no with them. So yes, humans are not mechanically precise at all, and, as Michael S. Heiser just pointed out, God said: 'Let Us make Man to be in our image.' '...To be,' not 'in;' Our own image. Think about it. Think about it.

So, we, that is us, you included - are not exactly machine-like perfect: God is not a machine.

I still have your mind though.

Kunlun mountains.

How come?

Because if you come here and read, you see things and read things that leave frequency impressions in your head. 

Same as if you watch television and listen to political propaganda either through the general media or in Parliamentary debates - these will capture your brain too in the same way; they will leave frequency patterns in there...

We are going on a long journey now.

You are all coming with me through the Sahara Desert, over vast mountains, and along coasts and rivers. And at the end of it all, at the end of the journey, at its destination, we will receive another mission from the prince that we will meet there, whom we must meet. 

We are travelers.

You and I.

Something is missing 'over here' - so we must go to 'over there' to get it and bring it back.

That's what I'm doing here. What are you doing?

Hitler could have kept Berlin if only Steiner had have taken Manhattan. I have your brain. 

Luckily for you. And you will, therefore, survive.

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Sloly Resigns, And...

So, the Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has resigned but I don't understand why. He was pretty adamant that protesters were vile and disgusting during the last few days, and also that what they were doing was 'unlawful.' 

Meanwhile of course, the Prime Minister has implemented something he is calling his Emergency Powers.

Which means, that as he sees things, he is having an emergency. 

Not sure if there are those old enough here who will remember the movie 'The Russians Are Coming:'

'Emergency. Emergency. Everybody to pliss git off the streetz.'

Said the Russian Submarine commander over his loudspeaker...

The Russians had accidentally run aground in New England though, not Canada.

Trudeau has not accidentally run aground anywhere.

Funny that Sloly resigned. Was he not tough enough, maybe? He should have opened fire on the protesters, maybe? Probably that's what Trudeau expected of him.

Feet of clay. Just like the prophet Daniel - oh, sorry, he wasn't a prophet, right? Just like Daniel, this some 'nuther guy, predicted a long time ago in human years.

Well, it wasn't all clay though; it had 'feet mingled with iron and clay.'

And, then...

'A great stone, not cut by human hands, fell on the feet of the statue and destroyed it.'

What do you think?

Any chance of that happening then?


There was a comment earlier - did ET Aliens have any interest in human politics, or just the nuclear war/security issue?

Clearly says 'not cut by human hands.' Well by whose hands then.

Not saying any more about this. At least so far no one has asked me 'could I be more specific?' ...You know, about the exact invasion time -, like Putin just asked rhetorically, inside the Kremlin, according to Peskov.

'We're tough. We can break you.'

'Lightning sprites.' Natural phenomenon.

Oh? Yeah. So you say. And sure, you have some iron filings in there. Some plenty of iron, ripped muscles and all that -  black masked thugs... ...but sand in their jackboots.

Because, the girls out on Alberta Plains are sending the ravens in to peck out their eyes.

Like I said, nasty business. Going to happen too. Eyes. Pecked out. Uuuuurrrrggghh.

Why now though, right? Why not any other time before?

Here is a matter for the wise. Here is Wisdom. He that hath understanding... et cetera.

And the Rider on the White Horse said to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven: 'Come and gather yourselves for the Great Feast, that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men... ...and peck ye their eyes out first. For these are great delicacies to you, are they not?'

The Book of Daniel.

Gemma Gary.
I think that's who it is.

The Mighty Armies of Heaven. There are no such things as 'fallen angels.' There are only mighty armies.

With mighty technology and precision timing.

The rest are all jerks and pretenders, except they have hurt a lot of people and done a lot of damage.

I know you just want to see one just the one time, just get a glimpse.

Well one of us here has a meet-up on March 3. So, we'll get a report if they live to tell.

LOL They will, they will -, you will, 'Bulldog.'


Monday, 14 February 2022

I Like 'Nice,' But...

Sometimes, things are not so nice out there in the 'real world.'

Look the one big problem with the story about Russia invading anyone, is does VV really want more mouths to feed?

Probably not.

Gold is not moving like there is any kind of war in the offing any time real soon.

Inflation is around. So, there are those two 'stories' in the media to take the public's eye off the real criminals. 'War' and inflation.


French oak forest.

But if I just did 'nice' here right now, later on people will say, 'Why didn't you say?'

Well I can't properly say of course because it's illegal to talk openly about just everything that you might want to talk about.

Certainly it's illegal to say what I might blurt out in private.

Had it been that we had gotten far enough up the road here about 'theories of everything,' then it would have been possible to say some things in more detail in here right now and people reading here would get a complete hold of what's going on behind the scenes.

See it's not going to make a whole lot of sense if I just say them anyway.

For a start the war, the war, that is actually going on right now is not between Vladimir Putin and anyone - it's between the Truckers Movement in Canada and Schwab/WEF/Trudeau/Fauci/Liars-R-Us Inc.

On the surface the protesters are all making happy, and doing bouncy castles and sausage sizzles, and love love and peace peace - and Trudeau has called out the armed forces and turned the guns onto the civilian population. That's a Civil War. That's already a Civil War.

So what I'm going to say next will make absolutely no sense to anyone at all.

...There is this 'river,' see. In the Underworld, in Hades - called Lemosyne. It causes everyone who swims in it to lose all memory of the bitter tragedies, the pain, and the suffering of their immediate past lives.


Now... There is an exception and it is to be found in the Book of Daniel.

There's actually two exceptions but they're related. And I cannot say what the second exception is but the main one is... ...well you can find out just by Googling Wiki.

In the ancient Greek 'mythos' (which doesn't mean 'myth' by the way, in case you thought that it did), people go through this garden which encourages them to be totally carefree - and then, they are given water to drink from Lemosyne and they make the mistake of carelessly drinking it. And next, oblivion.

Everything's back at scratch.

This is human life-spans though, right...

Advanced ET Alien lifespans are huge by comparison.

And they may well know who everyone here is. You have bio-metrics already. They have EMF-o-metrics. They know who you are. Or which bits and pieces of what people are exactly where.

I have said this before -, these guys are deadly dangerous to living human beings. They have absolutely no compunction at all about killing you. What the average human regards as the moral equation when it comes to deliberate actions which result in life or death, is regularly proclaimed by all atheists particularly as something intrinsic to intelligent life, to advanced and civilized human people because they are after all social animals.

Well that isn't so.

This is nice and it is not going 
to kill you. And there's even gold in it.

And you can sort of begin to see the intelligence of advanced ET Aliens as coming from a much superior basis of knowledge too, because they travel across the time dilation bridges, whereas humans live only a few decades, and then quickly die. Human 'natural moral sense' is about the 'sanctity' of one lifespan. Because that's all they 'know.'

Well it's just arrant nonsense. In the Cosmic time-scale it's less than gibberish, hardly even just plain nonsense; it's actually unintelligent and stupid.

The question is not that they will kill you, the question is why will they or why might they.

'You' means who, though?

See how come you all imagine that you are so smart, but the book of Daniel gives you an 'out' but none of you have seen it?

Well look. If you're not the guys with the 'out' in that book, then you are most certainly the guys prey to being killed at any time.

Right now, you might imagine that some politician or billionaire is better off than you; and that they have more power than you. But they are not the guys who were just told about what is right there in the Book of Daniel - you are.

The angels who came down in Babylon taught women about cosmetics. Oh, and they taught kings way before Nebuchadnezzar about power and money. There is nothing they don't know about power or money.

There is nothing they don't know about you.

After all, 'if' they even exist, they must have been watching you for some time now.

Nothing truly fearsome can be done as 'nice.' So it's not going to be in these pages, other than I mentioned 'something.' Something really really bad. The FBI would say it is bad. So we won't even talk about it then. LOL

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Daniel Part II

If I had have titled this - 'Book of Daniel,' it would have come up on Xtians' searches and every man and his dog would see this! Don't want that... 

So okay, the Book of Daniel is sort of, kind of, true.

What do I mean. Well, it's true. True-ish. It's written by somebody -, as though 'Daniel' himself is doing the talking in it, and it recounts certain things which actually happened.

Now I'm going to tell you the way to handle those things that are not exactly true, in there...

This is some celebrity's shower! 
Pretty cool, eh.

What do I mean by 'not exactly true?' You see, Daniel does a lot of gushing. He carries on about the people he has seen, and conversed with, who told him things - and he was pretty scared right from the start of his experiences. And this is distinctly different to the way 'Moses' acts as if he doesn't really have any problem with some being that breathes smoke and fire, demands the regular sacrifice of cows, lambs, and virgins, and kills people with abandon.

Well... You can say that the Book of Daniel is telling the truth about what Daniel is making of what he sees, or saw -, but that his idea about it... wrong. Or I am going to say once again 'wrong-ish.'

It isn't wrong; it's him saying what he thinks and feels.

Time and time again, in his encounters, whoever is there keeps telling him 'hey don't worry, don't be afraid.' But naturally, you'd expect that he would be afraid -, after all, the whole thing is beyond strange.

Now here is why Jews don't like the Book of Daniel. 

Bear in mind I have said the Book of Daniel is substantially, or substantially enough, true. And I am going to say that the Book of Moses (whatever that is... Deuteronomy, whatever) is false, or substantially, false.


Well because there is no historical Moses, and the Pharaoh depicted in there never existed. Whereas Nebuchadnezzar, whether the actual Nabonidas 'Nebuchadnezzar,' or some other one - and also Belshazzar, absolutely did exist, and substantially at the times and places as depicted in the book of Daniel.

Why do ET Aliens love aspic?
Dunno. I know I like the stuff.

But way more importantly, despite the fact that the Bible compilers try to blur this matter, Daniel mocks the priests of some locked place, inside which there is meant to be a dragon or serpent, that eats all the sacrifices offered to it - and they say these are 'the priests of Baal,' but I say, these are the Jewish priests of YVHW.

Daniel had the ear of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, not the Jewish leadership.

Daniel is mocking the Jews.

And when he is taken up somewhere to see 'God' - he ends up witnessing the same place with the same characters there as Enoch and Elijah encountered, maybe even Abraham although that was down here -, not what Moses ever encountered.

Daniel was just this young kid. He was not anything stupendously politically important - as Moses was. Moses, don't forget, already had position inside the court of the Pharaoh when he took him on (according to the narrative).

What does it say in the Christian New Testament? It says 'I did not know you...'

There are very very few individuals who are entertained really, by actual numinous beings at all. And these people require to be protected, because, they are valuable - to others! 

My friends, the reason 'Adam and Eve' were ever placed inside of an 'enclosure' in the first place was to protect them.

There are lots of animals in the woods out here.

Real 'malossol' caviar in aspic.

Daniel is doing all this gushing and praising and bowing and all of this because he (rightly) feels overwhelmed.

He doesn't really understand what he is seeing, and that is pretty obvious from what he says in the text. They tell him outright, but he doesn't get it. 

But Daniel is the very reason those beings are interested in anyone here anyway. Daniel is what they are doing.

And that means, if you want to get anywhere serious, you'd better be a 'Daniel.'

YVHW never gave Moses anything for real. He let him die on this side of the so-called 'Promised Land.'

You want girls or cars now? The De Tomaso 
Mangusta. Designed, I think,
by Giugiaro at Ghia. Yeah I think that's right.

Daniel was given basically everything he could have wanted and was even told that he would live again, more or less, around now. Which means you are potentially 'Daniel.' Not me because I happen to know I am not 'Daniel!'

I know exactly who I am and I still 'need protection.' So do you. Especially if you start to get 'things.'

Have you been getting any 'things' yet? Not yet? As far as you know or can say?

Well you will. Except not all who come here, that's for sure. Some are going to miss out, and be left outside, where the dogs are, and where there is much grinding and gnashing of teeth.