It is the time to focus on inflation.
All governments throughout the whole world think that they can just march merrily on, into forever, printing 'money' and not having substance backing it - and this they can certainly do, if the 'substance' was their gun (at your head).
Right now, the idiot John Kirby thinks it's okay to have objects encroach on military airspace, literally disrupt electronic communications, and fly in and out at will - meanwhile all kinds of investigation authorities, the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security even, are looking into it with all the available technology possible.
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You can tell a serious guy from when they don the over-size butterfly bow-tie. This is John Lennon. He is a very serious guy. |
So what that actually means is the 'gun' that the government claims that it wields over the heads of everyone, citizens and foreigners - simply does not exist. Or if it might have at one time, it no longer works when it counts to have such a gun.
What if an actual real Alien UFO can fly across the skies and laser cannon something?
That would be interesting, right?
If the gun is no good, then who and what is backing the paper currency faked by the people previously wielding the gun?
Would have to be something real, but there isn't anything real left in the cupboard.
Now who would have supposed that ET Aliens could give a damn about the Earth economies. I mean to say, they'd have to have some sort of either, mean-streak, or wicked sense of humor to play around with people's sensitivities and pride in how super-wonderful and powerful they all are, these humans (apologies to Clif High for saying 'humans' all the time!).
While all the children are 'Om-ing' out at the Sedona Vortex, it is time for those who called the tunes all this time to give back to Caesar.
You know I hate to use these no-no phrases like 'trust me' or 'take my word for it' and such like, but it's like this, see:
You have to look at it as the era of the institutional Man, the governing class, the ruling elite based on stolen - lots and lots of stolen - wealth, all those who thought that their physical strength and violence and the on-going overhanging threats of violence to all those who resist or oppose... ...well that era has lost its energy, is becoming flat and dying from the weight of its own boredom and predictable actions and continuous underhanded behavior.
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What's she got on - a DNA pattern on her bodysuit? Or is that some Aztec design or something... |
Look it's not underhanded to, more or less unannounced, just fly over somewhere and laser cannon it to shreds and pillars of smoke.
And -, look here, it's only 'unannounced' because people have short memories.
While we do have inflation raging right now across the whole globe, developed world as well as everywhere else because it's all linked now - you cannot begin to imagine the super mega hyperinflation if some actual 'unknown' enemy assailant started knocking out people and places with 'unusual' weapons.
And will that happen?
Just keep your eye on what Clif says. His method seems to be vaguely holding its own over recent years - yes, it's been a whole number of years that his most ludicrous prognistications based in this computer system he has of tracking key words, have been proving up in the most hardcore of ways. Namely - they all came to pass, even the stupidest recent one about 'UFO's, albeit possibly faked ones, invading the airspace.'
Yes if you just go by his system, then you won't have to trouble your mind as to why we said it all first here, before him.
Fly over. And, laser beam stuff into non-existence.
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And the reason she can get inside those bodysuits is this is her food. She made this herself. This is actually her actual plate and recipe for something. |
"When Grandpa, when will this all happen?"
"Soon m'lad. Sooooooooooon."
"Tell me again, Grandpa, what will happen to us?"
"Well, we won't get sick, we'll never grow old, and we won't evvurrr dahy."
"Is that before, or after they take us away up on the space-craft, Grandpa?"
"Aaargh shut up kid. Now you're just being silly and asking too many questions!"
"Okay Grandpa, I won't ask any more questions ...So what is it we're gonna be doing about the inflation thing again? Because that's not more questions, that's just the same one question from before which you have fully outlined in detail yet."
"You're a smart-Alec aren't you, kid? A wise guy...
"Well I told you before, kid. Buy gold, buy silver. Be right, sit tight."
"But I think there's more Grandpa, I think you're holding out on me."
"Oh you do, do you? A wise guy, I see. Wise guy...
"Okay so let me tell ya a little story, son. Once upon a time, there was an old, and poor, very poor, but honest man who kept a small field up on a hillside in Monte Massico.
"And his name was Falernus. And he lived there in the 3rd Century BC. And one day, Jesus, who is the God of Wine, came to him, although not in disguise, but simply because no one there knew him at sight, and the old man nevertheless greeted him fondly and treated him well, bringing up a delicious meal of roasted vegetables freshly picked, straight from his poor-but-honest gardens.
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And this is the food I like to eat. And that's because I am from the family of the Slayer of Oxen. |
"Now, at that time of course, Falernus had no wife -, because he was thought of as poor. But shortly after the visit from the God of Wine, his grapes grew into the most wonderful things, and made a wine celebrated by all the most corrupt but still of course extremely wealthy Roman senators, and consequently Falernus became quite well found. And he vowed there and then, that if he should ever father a child, he should name it - at least in part - after the God of Wine Himself!"
Now as for the rest of you, all that you need to know from this fable, is that vegetables are okay to eat, but wine is very good to keep.
For some reason this picture of John Lennon really reminds me of Javier Milei
ReplyDeleteTrue, that.