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Wednesday, 25 December 2024

The Beauty Of Living...


So... I am being told something, which is to be said to someone else here.

Actually two things; one I was directly told to talk about, the other simply comes from the most recent Ammon Hillman exposition.

Hillman explained about the word 'lithos' - which is in the Greek Old Testament text, and he relates that to some aspect inside the human mind which 'turns to stone' or to a stone, as it were. I didn't really watch his video properly, which I expect I will do presently, but he related the word to something to do with Moses and then also Medusa, of course. He said something about Lucian, the second century Syrian-Greek writer, and quoted him to say that he once saw a woman so beautiful, that he thought he was beginning to understand the power and the force that could turn a man to stone like the Gorgon Medusa was able to - because of course, Medusa was extremely beautiful, as you know.
The Hollywood actress involved,
sat in front of sunflowers,
during her Good Morning
Britain, interview.

But back to the first thing - this is the one that I was directly told to post about.

'Dimetor' is the Greek expression for those who are 'born-again;' it has the surface meaning of having 'lived twice.'

Robert Graves speaks about this as well. 

Now what I am to talk about is that most usually, people are only able to get the second vision, after they have been through some extraordinary trauma or a great tragedy. And then there is some kind of a 'breakthrough,' and they see.

There is a very prominent Hollywood actress who writes explicitly about seeing these otherworldly beings and she writes about her experience almost dying after surgery following a dangerous brain hemorrhage.

It was not something she experienced while having the brain hemorrhage, but rather, afterwards, when she was already in hospital theoretically recovering.

She writes about it in her book 'The Beauty of Living Twice.'

And there is no doubt that her whole life up to that point, had been nothing but a long litany of traumatic experiences one after another, frankly - if taken by the ordinary person's standards of 'a normal life.'
This car is notable because of its color.
The paint is made and sprayed on, by the
world's most profitable company
In the past, this color
was shared by Rolls Royce and
Aston Martin and Bentley, and
was manufactured by ICI.

In any case the point here is this: don't try and excessively push too hard to get amazing powers of second vision, so to speak. It is in the first place not necessary as far as I believe things to be the case - but it becomes an issue for us to try and push hard, or too hard, because we are in a hurry for confirmation of this extra-Earthly-world support; that it is even there in the first place. That it exists for real at all.

It does exist.

You can take Sharon's word for it.

'Chakra spinning,' if you can do it, or know how to do it, has the same or even better capability of easing someone into the hidden nature of existential reality. It is a subtle entry process, albeit the whole technique involves being able to spin these 'wheels' extremely fast, faster than the speed of sound at least.

The cenacle address section of the New Testament talks of the sound of a strongly rushing wind. This passage in the New Testament is known to be not so much missing parts, but written so as to indicate that the writers are about to 'not tell you something;' once the doors are shut in the 'upper rooms' (aka the cenacle) then there is something going on in there, a mysterious procedure or event, about which we are all as it were being 'left on the outside of the closed doors' about.

Traditionally, the event is known as the cenacle address, meaning, not 'address' as in the street location of the place, but the fact that something was said, addressed to the people inside.

And those words are not recorded in any of the publicly-circulated Gospels.

Which you would think is rather odd, since this figure does nothing if not speak to people openly for the greatest part. And yet, clearly, there are many places in which the texts say such things as 'what I tell you (or show you) now, tell no one.'
Rowan Atkinson is the iconic
fairy tale 'man in the black cloak'
character in Love Actually.
His character is the same figure as
Drosselmeyer. His role in the
movie often escapes people's
notice or awareness.
EWS/Nutcracker/Love Actually
are all the same fairy tale.

It is a 'Mystery Cult' thing that is involved. And of that there can be no doubt.

Which is to also tell you, that 1. there is no possible way a standard mainstream public version of anything here, can contain the actual inner secrets, and 2. those secrets are meant to be handed on literally in a direct chain from one truly knowledgeable experienced person to another. But then that chain holds because of its authenticity, not just that it is a chain. Modern academia is also a chain but it is a chain of nonsense.

It is that time of the year, where any of us could go on a public forum with Richard Dawkins and tell him to his face that he is a fool. Since everyone knows God personally and as an existential reality. 

To which he would laugh and scoff and tell that person how unscientific that they were, and then he might ask, well who is that God of which you speak?

Well everyone knows that it is Love, Actually.

Me personally, I would go even further to his face - that he should remain in his ignorance and die in his pathetic mediocrity.

If you watch a video interview of say, Plisetskaya or Lauren Cuthbertson or best of all Nureyev, you will immediately see how simple rote training, renders the majestic in the human person. How they stand, or how they sit, how they turn to the interviewer - it's all dance training at work. It has become natural.

Practicing the Kung fu of seeking the Eternal Vision, gives you all that you need.

You will be well-advised not to push things, because soon as you attain the vision, in the precise moment of it, your natural Earth mind will try and shut it down; it will recoil quickly from what are your are seeing and experiencing.

However the process is the destination.

(When) The magic occurs, and it is the only thing that is real in the world. 'Science' has literally no standing against it. The only reason that you live, is because of the magic.

The whole point of (your) existence, is the magic.




  1. All right, we need your opinion: to go into the light, or not to go into the light? Thanks.

  2. You don't need to be going INTO a light! You need to just see things because there IS light. ...Or some kind of mind-induced optical capability; maybe which involves an energy medium of some kind which is LIKE 'light.' In any case, I will be expanding on this next up. I was actually GOING to do that anyway.


Your considered comments are welcome