I'm going to tell you who the kid in the Garden of Gethsemane is.
Ha ha ha.
It's 4 am and Jesus is there with this almost naked young kid; who shows up later again in the opened tomb. ...That game starts in Mark 14:51.
For a start it's a literary device, because it's in there twice close up together in the narrative and that means -, the 'device' means that you are to take special notice of it. Doesn't mean it didn't happen, but how it is structured in the story is what is important: it's not explained, we are not told who the kid is. But his rapid (in the story) sudden appearance and reappearance is significant. Especially at that part of the story.
Well you don't gotta believe anything - that you are not inclined to think has genuinely bulletproof solid grounds for being considered true.
Today we are surrounded by so much commentary.
We have the internet and this has meant that instead of only the standard media narratives which are always driven by political and commercial agendas, we also have people's opinions being loudly expressed and widely disseminated.
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Dubai money. Endless. |
Perhaps you have noticed too, that when it boils down to it (to getting the actual views and positions of those people), the commentators are very adamant of their views being correct.
Some will even bang the tabletops and get angry at opposition views and differing perspectives.
Realistically, absent of some attendant miraculous sign, there is no way that an independent observer can work out which opinion is closer to truth and reality - because no sooner will they have decided one is correct, than they are likely to encounter some differing voice, and often with just enough paper facts and rational strength of argument to deteriorate the certainty with which they held the first position.
Meaning everything becomes eventually ever weaker and the more fragile and basically, unreliable.
And then a kind of 'natural' agnosticism (about ideas generally) forms in the mindset...
Nothing in the material Universe just spontaneously jumps into existence and neither is any 'miracle' just going to 'jump into existence' either.
So now I'm going to tell you a shocking thing, and next I'm going to give you a 'miraculous sign' about it proving that what I am saying is underscored by a fact.
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Paris, but not where the Globalist- Illuminati-Evil-Freemasons hang out. Well, maybe some hang out here sometimes. Except not today. Today, they were celebrating the desecration of Notre Dame. |
The sign is that the process will happen exactly according to every other thing that you see around you...
It will not suddenly appear out of nowhere. And because it will not do that, you will not be able to tell anyone else about the fact that indeed you really had seen/witnessed - literally been given - a sign.
Because other people will just say but hey, that's normal/normality.
You on the other hand, because you had been told about the nature of the matter, and to expect it, will know different and better.
Wait for it.
For centuries, the worrying thing in the minds of all very nice Muslims - and there's plenty of those - is how the heck come, Allah would have allowed His Word (because the Quran says Isa/Jesus is the Word of Allah, rather than His 'Son'), to suffer so much and even to be literally killed!
And then of course comes the tandem worry in Christians' minds too -, oh, was Jesus aka God/Son of God so stupid that He failed to know ahead of time how painful this crucifixion thing is going to be?? What -, is He nuts?
I mean, despite the modern standard Islamic narrative, the Quran actually categorically says that He was killed. He was 'mutawafiqa.' Dead, killed.
But in other places it also says that He was substituted.
And then of course in comes this thing I was talking about earlier above -, the arguments, strong and often very angry arguments, very certain, on either side, with one consequence being the never-fully-answered charge that how come Allah allowed some innocent jerk to get crucified by substitution?! LOL
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It takes billions of dollars to be able to know, how to make this properly. Actually more, because I don't know a single billionaire of who knows how to do it. And I know a few billionaires! I do. |
So now I'm going to tell you something secret. Something that very few are allowed to even hear, and fewer to understand intimately.
You, I mean you reading this, cannot allow yourself to get drawn into the world's politics and arguments. And I'm about to show you why.
They are all wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.
Now keep this in mind, because even your modern fantasy stories have this idea...
Yes. Doctor Who regenerated and split into two parts.
That was last year. In the Episode called 'The Giggle.'
Right -, now I'm going to kill you. I'm coming over to your house with a dozen armed police, and we're going to kill you. And you're just a human being see, and naturally, you're a bit concerned about this, and do understandably get a touch fearful.
As we arrive there, a young person is there with you and they slip out of our grasp and we still get you though, and we kill you. And you're actually laughing at us, so we figure you are crazy and so that's fine what we did to you. You deserved it, you stoopid crazy bastard.
A few days later your body has gone missing out of the cops' morgue and this same little kid is there though, and he says: 'What are you looking for?'
It's a process. It's a process to make a few versions of you...
You don't believe this, do you?
Meanwhile, you exactly do know what DNA is, and you know all the stories about Aliens 'abducting' people and taking bits out of them and the women usually, get to see their 'little Alien babies' in big glass test-tubes. LOLOL
And naturally, this is all crazy stupid nonsense. Right?
Except that it is not only in the Gospel of Mark, but it is clearly and in detail in the very-much-kept-away-and-no-one-understands-it Gospel of Philip, and it is in the Quran!
Quran says He was substituted.
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Don't leave this kind of sign for billionaires. They are not up to it. |
But, that He was also killed.
And absolutely no one, to your knowledge, has ever before explained how those two things can go together, logically.
Well they can (go together). And what's more, you scientifically today, know that they can; if only theoretically. Because you don't have the technology to swap in and out, individual personal consciousness, but you do have the material biology technical skills and knowledge within rough parameters.
...Although I've already told you what comprises the Consciousness that humans have; its structure, what is in it, how it is formed, what the psychological energy drivers are in it.
And now, we all must work on that miraculous sign - and for you it is bound to be about money!
Because without that sign, you will be easily inclined to dismiss out of your head all that stuff that you just now read. And the cares of the world will drag you into its swirling whirlpool, and from there you will be led away down into the Dark Depths of Hades, from out of which no one returns, or at least not too many at all are ever retrieved.
But not to worry, go there! Go, by all means get dragged into the stupid politics of today's insane world.
Instead of diligently applying your intelligent mind to the problems of the process of making miraculous wealth from the detritus of the 'modern' world, and all that it has become, and the bits and pieces of other things broken and left lying around, having been exploded by the rulers of the world out of their whimsy and caprice and maliciousness.
Because it certainly will be a miracle if you achieved even anything!
I promised you all the secret recipe for Ammon Hillman's The Burning Purple, and here it is, in the last chapter. It was not actually in the last thing I linked in here; but it is in this one. By the way, there's real billionaires in this - in fact way more than only billionaires.
Meanwhile, the secret recipe for real!
And what can you do with it?
I mean to say. What can you not do with it? ...Some of you want 'true romance,' for one thing:
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