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Wednesday 16 February 2022

Steiner Takes Manhattan

You all know the Hitler-Steiner meme.

So, Leonard Cohen much earlier on (although, hey let's face it, might have been Hitler first really though! lol Sorry. No Hitler jokes; cannot laugh at Hitler, right) - writes the song 'First We Take Manhattan.'

I have your mind.

Manhattan makes snow fall in the Sahara.

'We' have your mind.

We (I am talking about me and my friends here) are a hive mind down here. We all think the same way. Think about the same kinds of things, and in more or less the same kinds of ways. I'm not exactly sure of the PJ O'Rourke quote I (he died this week as you know) but he said something about Hillary Clinton being 'wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters. And that is why I am endorsing her.' 


What can we even say about that?!

...Anyway, when I also say things like 'the same more or less,' it means I am being slack and 1. not sticking to our own rules and being utterly and completely 100% exactly 'on script,' and 2. but yeah, within certain parameters it still is likely to be broadly true though. 

You know, I could even impress my friends and say, hell, I'm being 'on the human scale' about it! Because being outside of, larger than, the human scale is a big no no with them. So yes, humans are not mechanically precise at all, and, as Michael S. Heiser just pointed out, God said: 'Let Us make Man to be in our image.' '...To be,' not 'in;' Our own image. Think about it. Think about it.

So, we, that is us, you included - are not exactly machine-like perfect: God is not a machine.

I still have your mind though.

Kunlun mountains.

How come?

Because if you come here and read, you see things and read things that leave frequency impressions in your head. 

Same as if you watch television and listen to political propaganda either through the general media or in Parliamentary debates - these will capture your brain too in the same way; they will leave frequency patterns in there...

We are going on a long journey now.

You are all coming with me through the Sahara Desert, over vast mountains, and along coasts and rivers. And at the end of it all, at the end of the journey, at its destination, we will receive another mission from the prince that we will meet there, whom we must meet. 

We are travelers.

You and I.

Something is missing 'over here' - so we must go to 'over there' to get it and bring it back.

That's what I'm doing here. What are you doing?

Hitler could have kept Berlin if only Steiner had have taken Manhattan. I have your brain. 

Luckily for you. And you will, therefore, survive.

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