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Sunday 13 February 2022

Daniel Part II

If I had have titled this - 'Book of Daniel,' it would have come up on Xtians' searches and every man and his dog would see this! Don't want that... 

So okay, the Book of Daniel is sort of, kind of, true.

What do I mean. Well, it's true. True-ish. It's written by somebody -, as though 'Daniel' himself is doing the talking in it, and it recounts certain things which actually happened.

Now I'm going to tell you the way to handle those things that are not exactly true, in there...

This is some celebrity's shower! 
Pretty cool, eh.

What do I mean by 'not exactly true?' You see, Daniel does a lot of gushing. He carries on about the people he has seen, and conversed with, who told him things - and he was pretty scared right from the start of his experiences. And this is distinctly different to the way 'Moses' acts as if he doesn't really have any problem with some being that breathes smoke and fire, demands the regular sacrifice of cows, lambs, and virgins, and kills people with abandon.

Well... You can say that the Book of Daniel is telling the truth about what Daniel is making of what he sees, or saw -, but that his idea about it... wrong. Or I am going to say once again 'wrong-ish.'

It isn't wrong; it's him saying what he thinks and feels.

Time and time again, in his encounters, whoever is there keeps telling him 'hey don't worry, don't be afraid.' But naturally, you'd expect that he would be afraid -, after all, the whole thing is beyond strange.

Now here is why Jews don't like the Book of Daniel. 

Bear in mind I have said the Book of Daniel is substantially, or substantially enough, true. And I am going to say that the Book of Moses (whatever that is... Deuteronomy, whatever) is false, or substantially, false.


Well because there is no historical Moses, and the Pharaoh depicted in there never existed. Whereas Nebuchadnezzar, whether the actual Nabonidas 'Nebuchadnezzar,' or some other one - and also Belshazzar, absolutely did exist, and substantially at the times and places as depicted in the book of Daniel.

Why do ET Aliens love aspic?
Dunno. I know I like the stuff.

But way more importantly, despite the fact that the Bible compilers try to blur this matter, Daniel mocks the priests of some locked place, inside which there is meant to be a dragon or serpent, that eats all the sacrifices offered to it - and they say these are 'the priests of Baal,' but I say, these are the Jewish priests of YVHW.

Daniel had the ear of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, not the Jewish leadership.

Daniel is mocking the Jews.

And when he is taken up somewhere to see 'God' - he ends up witnessing the same place with the same characters there as Enoch and Elijah encountered, maybe even Abraham although that was down here -, not what Moses ever encountered.

Daniel was just this young kid. He was not anything stupendously politically important - as Moses was. Moses, don't forget, already had position inside the court of the Pharaoh when he took him on (according to the narrative).

What does it say in the Christian New Testament? It says 'I did not know you...'

There are very very few individuals who are entertained really, by actual numinous beings at all. And these people require to be protected, because, they are valuable - to others! 

My friends, the reason 'Adam and Eve' were ever placed inside of an 'enclosure' in the first place was to protect them.

There are lots of animals in the woods out here.

Real 'malossol' caviar in aspic.

Daniel is doing all this gushing and praising and bowing and all of this because he (rightly) feels overwhelmed.

He doesn't really understand what he is seeing, and that is pretty obvious from what he says in the text. They tell him outright, but he doesn't get it. 

But Daniel is the very reason those beings are interested in anyone here anyway. Daniel is what they are doing.

And that means, if you want to get anywhere serious, you'd better be a 'Daniel.'

YVHW never gave Moses anything for real. He let him die on this side of the so-called 'Promised Land.'

You want girls or cars now? The De Tomaso 
Mangusta. Designed, I think,
by Giugiaro at Ghia. Yeah I think that's right.

Daniel was given basically everything he could have wanted and was even told that he would live again, more or less, around now. Which means you are potentially 'Daniel.' Not me because I happen to know I am not 'Daniel!'

I know exactly who I am and I still 'need protection.' So do you. Especially if you start to get 'things.'

Have you been getting any 'things' yet? Not yet? As far as you know or can say?

Well you will. Except not all who come here, that's for sure. Some are going to miss out, and be left outside, where the dogs are, and where there is much grinding and gnashing of teeth.

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