Sometimes, things are not so nice out there in the 'real world.'
Look the one big problem with the story about Russia invading anyone, is does VV really want more mouths to feed?
Probably not.
Gold is not moving like there is any kind of war in the offing any time real soon.
Inflation is around. So, there are those two 'stories' in the media to take the public's eye off the real criminals. 'War' and inflation.
But if I just did 'nice' here right now, later on people will say, 'Why didn't you say?'
Well I can't properly say of course because it's illegal to talk openly about just everything that you might want to talk about.
Certainly it's illegal to say what I might blurt out in private.
Had it been that we had gotten far enough up the road here about 'theories of everything,' then it would have been possible to say some things in more detail in here right now and people reading here would get a complete hold of what's going on behind the scenes.
See it's not going to make a whole lot of sense if I just say them anyway.
For a start the war, the war, that is actually going on right now is not between Vladimir Putin and anyone - it's between the Truckers Movement in Canada and Schwab/WEF/Trudeau/Fauci/Liars-R-Us Inc.
On the surface the protesters are all making happy, and doing bouncy castles and sausage sizzles, and love love and peace peace - and Trudeau has called out the armed forces and turned the guns onto the civilian population. That's a Civil War. That's already a Civil War.
So what I'm going to say next will make absolutely no sense to anyone at all.
...There is this 'river,' see. In the Underworld, in Hades - called Lemosyne. It causes everyone who swims in it to lose all memory of the bitter tragedies, the pain, and the suffering of their immediate past lives.
Now... There is an exception and it is to be found in the Book of Daniel.
There's actually two exceptions but they're related. And I cannot say what the second exception is but the main one is... ...well you can find out just by Googling Wiki.
In the ancient Greek 'mythos' (which doesn't mean 'myth' by the way, in case you thought that it did), people go through this garden which encourages them to be totally carefree - and then, they are given water to drink from Lemosyne and they make the mistake of carelessly drinking it. And next, oblivion.
Everything's back at scratch.
This is human life-spans though, right...
Advanced ET Alien lifespans are huge by comparison.
And they may well know who everyone here is. You have bio-metrics already. They have EMF-o-metrics. They know who you are. Or which bits and pieces of what people are exactly where.
I have said this before -, these guys are deadly dangerous to living human beings. They have absolutely no compunction at all about killing you. What the average human regards as the moral equation when it comes to deliberate actions which result in life or death, is regularly proclaimed by all atheists particularly as something intrinsic to intelligent life, to advanced and civilized human people because they are after all social animals.
Well that isn't so.This is nice and it is not going
to kill you. And there's even gold in it.
And you can sort of begin to see the intelligence of advanced ET Aliens as coming from a much superior basis of knowledge too, because they travel across the time dilation bridges, whereas humans live only a few decades, and then quickly die. Human 'natural moral sense' is about the 'sanctity' of one lifespan. Because that's all they 'know.'
Well it's just arrant nonsense. In the Cosmic time-scale it's less than gibberish, hardly even just plain nonsense; it's actually unintelligent and stupid.
The question is not that they will kill you, the question is why will they or why might they.
'You' means who, though?
See how come you all imagine that you are so smart, but the book of Daniel gives you an 'out' but none of you have seen it?
Well look. If you're not the guys with the 'out' in that book, then you are most certainly the guys prey to being killed at any time.
Right now, you might imagine that some politician or billionaire is better off than you; and that they have more power than you. But they are not the guys who were just told about what is right there in the Book of Daniel - you are.
The angels who came down in Babylon taught women about cosmetics. Oh, and they taught kings way before Nebuchadnezzar about power and money. There is nothing they don't know about power or money.
There is nothing they don't know about you.
After all, 'if' they even exist, they must have been watching you for some time now.
Nothing truly fearsome can be done as 'nice.' So it's not going to be in these pages, other than I mentioned 'something.' Something really really bad. The FBI would say it is bad. So we won't even talk about it then. LOL
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