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Tuesday 15 February 2022

Sloly Resigns, And...

So, the Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has resigned but I don't understand why. He was pretty adamant that protesters were vile and disgusting during the last few days, and also that what they were doing was 'unlawful.' 

Meanwhile of course, the Prime Minister has implemented something he is calling his Emergency Powers.

Which means, that as he sees things, he is having an emergency. 

Not sure if there are those old enough here who will remember the movie 'The Russians Are Coming:'

'Emergency. Emergency. Everybody to pliss git off the streetz.'

Said the Russian Submarine commander over his loudspeaker...

The Russians had accidentally run aground in New England though, not Canada.

Trudeau has not accidentally run aground anywhere.

Funny that Sloly resigned. Was he not tough enough, maybe? He should have opened fire on the protesters, maybe? Probably that's what Trudeau expected of him.

Feet of clay. Just like the prophet Daniel - oh, sorry, he wasn't a prophet, right? Just like Daniel, this some 'nuther guy, predicted a long time ago in human years.

Well, it wasn't all clay though; it had 'feet mingled with iron and clay.'

And, then...

'A great stone, not cut by human hands, fell on the feet of the statue and destroyed it.'

What do you think?

Any chance of that happening then?


There was a comment earlier - did ET Aliens have any interest in human politics, or just the nuclear war/security issue?

Clearly says 'not cut by human hands.' Well by whose hands then.

Not saying any more about this. At least so far no one has asked me 'could I be more specific?' ...You know, about the exact invasion time -, like Putin just asked rhetorically, inside the Kremlin, according to Peskov.

'We're tough. We can break you.'

'Lightning sprites.' Natural phenomenon.

Oh? Yeah. So you say. And sure, you have some iron filings in there. Some plenty of iron, ripped muscles and all that -  black masked thugs... ...but sand in their jackboots.

Because, the girls out on Alberta Plains are sending the ravens in to peck out their eyes.

Like I said, nasty business. Going to happen too. Eyes. Pecked out. Uuuuurrrrggghh.

Why now though, right? Why not any other time before?

Here is a matter for the wise. Here is Wisdom. He that hath understanding... et cetera.

And the Rider on the White Horse said to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven: 'Come and gather yourselves for the Great Feast, that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men... ...and peck ye their eyes out first. For these are great delicacies to you, are they not?'

The Book of Daniel.

Gemma Gary.
I think that's who it is.

The Mighty Armies of Heaven. There are no such things as 'fallen angels.' There are only mighty armies.

With mighty technology and precision timing.

The rest are all jerks and pretenders, except they have hurt a lot of people and done a lot of damage.

I know you just want to see one just the one time, just get a glimpse.

Well one of us here has a meet-up on March 3. So, we'll get a report if they live to tell.

LOL They will, they will -, you will, 'Bulldog.'



  1. Sloly is getting out while the getting is good. He'll probably take advantage of Ghana's offer of repatriation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. His cops weren't following his orders-at all. Just like the military won't follow Justin's.

  5. Ghana. In the old days, Ghana was where the really brutal paramilitary organizations were - and mostly, they ended up being the leaders of the actual military when they took the governments over.


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