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Thursday 5 December 2019

Someone On Your Side

So, Lashana Lynch is not on your side. She is a tactical-suited thug who shoots people just because, well, because apparently, the UK has given itself the right to commit state-sanctioned murder. 'State-sanctioned murder' - well, see, there really is no such thing; it is just murder. And that's all it is. There is absolutely nobody 'licensed to kill.' Which is why soldiers get charged with murder on the battlefield if not every day, then quite a lot, in fact. 
Sandy Lane Resort, Barbados - not where the latest Bond flick
is being filmed

There are a few guys out there in the public sphere, retired marines and SEALS and so forth, and they will tell you, publicly, that what they do is maintain a state of preparedness to conduct armed and organised potentially deadly violence under very strict rules of engagement against a designated enemy under internationally-recognized LAWS. And that is a whole other - a different - thing altogether.

'007...' today - is a criminal. Worse still, those who employ him are wicked, malicious, criminal-minded rogues.

Someone who dresses up in black-colored ballistic full operational gear - is a stand-over merchant; whose very attire is designed to intimidate, mostly just the plain ordinary civilian, the citizen. 
An authentic Bajan British model - not Lashana Lynch

Sometimes, yes, the citizenry at large requires protection against veiled threats from foreign powers - foreign powers that have all the tools and armed 'mass and weight' as it were, of a sovereign state, albeit regularly a tyrannical one.

The government of the UK ought not to give even the slightest encouragement to this current travesty that has become the general conception about spies and official covert actions and activities.

Now I will tell you about two separate, not connected shadowy incidents which have happened recently, and which will get no media time at all - but which you will do well to regard as important, especially because they will render to you an entirely alternate perspective of what is going on in the world today, politically, financially, economically, and militarily as well. 

1. Recently, very very recently, a major celebrity was virtually plucked from the jaws of imminent death, as in a potential deliberate murder. Whether this will be relayed in the media or not, in the short term, it is difficult to say; government agencies will try to recommend it not be given wide reporting because there are outstanding matters to do with why it all happened in the first place still to be uncovered.

2. The Chinese are messing around with more or less all the satellites in the world they don't own and control.

...No one is going to parachute an operative with black tactical gear into Beijing to kill anyone.

And no one hardly even knows why the hit on the building in which the celebrity was usually residing was even commissioned by someone. There were fires at the place and in the general vicinity.

The world is going to hell very fast. We all need protection. We need some very sophisticated people on our side. Not a bunch of idiots in black Gortex and CCF. Because for a start, those sorts of people are not on our side. The people on our side are sensitive and they care. They are the caring kind. 

Sunday 1 December 2019

Keep This Under Your Hat...

Okay so we're doing a 'prospective project' right now.


So I caint talks 'bout it, dudes.

You know, and I'm sure that you do know, there are a few slight problems now and again with the ethics of any spying agency.

I mean if it gets serious, are we really going to shoot someone?

Hell I don't know; I'm not in one of those outfits. But you know what I mean - hypothetically...

I will tell you this much - I can tell you this much and it isn't really deceptive or misleading or any kind of misdirection: sometimes, governments that we are all participating in, here in the Western world, require a public gloss, or some means of propaganda to change the baying for blood that might be going on and which might be ill-informed... ...AS FAR AS THE AUTHORITIES ARE CONCERNED.

Soon, Maxwell will be coming out into the glare of daylight, to answer some carefully framed questions.

Monday 25 November 2019

Some Cultural Education

Now all you guys have to pay attention, right?

Because this is important. And the very next article I post here, assuming no one gets assassinated or that asteroid doesn't impact in the meantime tonight... ...will relate directly to what you are about to witness, and that you should take something from and retain in your consciousness somewhere:

Sunday 24 November 2019

60 Minutes China Spy Report

Yesterday, '60 Minutes' -  a major television current affairs program in Australia - ran the story about one 'Wang Liqiang,' a Chinese spy who has told the Australian secret intelligence agency ASIO, that the Beijing government has hit squads out around the world, has ordered assassinations in the past, even here in Australia.

Now that was interesting timing, because my sources for this story have no connection whatsoever either to any media organisation, and especially not to a government propaganda arm like '60 Minutes.'
Wang Liqiang

So what was this? An attempt to 'get the story out officially' in order to 'control the narrative,' as they say - since it must have been clear that there were numerous intelligence agencies around the world who knew about it and were drifting the story out themselves already.

Ah well. Who cares? Not me.

It's up to them to see if they can control either the narrative, or the actuality of hit squads out there!!

...Which they won't be able to and I've already said Xi is a nutcase.


What a * mess, is what 'so.'

Serves them all bloody right.

Xi is a nutcase... ...but some of these clowns in governments and intelligence agencies around the world are sheerly stupid. And stupid is worse. By far. 

Saturday 23 November 2019

Behind The Scenes, Holy Jesus!

There's stuff going on behind the scenes that would make your hair truly curl, if you knew.

Everyone's looking at the location of where the ball should be that their attention has been directed at.

You know you'd do a lot better to just switch it all off and look somewhere else where no one is expecting there to be any 'action.'
Lovely scene, stupid movie. '6 Underground.' 

Ostensibly, it would appear that Washington leaks and that even the CIA leaks at certain levels and over certain political matters. But that would presume to say that both the CIA and 'Washington' actually 'know' anything in the first place. You know, anything truly significant.

I have never made any secret that I look askance at today's UK intelligence services and the academic thinking that is behind all of it there these days. So they're not paying me any money now are they. So I won't be volunteering anything to that crowd.

The Australians are too small fry in the whole scheme of things so I won't be volunteering anything to them either and they're not asking and not likely to be asking; certainly not me, anyway.

Bluntly I will tell you that Moscow is very Moscow-interest-centric and they don't have any fixed agenda as far as I know in the area I am talking about. 

...But I think the Chinese government has hit squads out in the world somewhere right now. And I don't mean in Hong Kong.
$150 million California mansion - safe from
China money hit-squads

God only knows - seriously, god only knows - what the governments in the West are going to do when this all hits the public square. Because it will. We are all in for a big helluva showground ride now. Xi is a fucking lunatic and he is already out of control. And who's going to stop him? The New York Times? Are they going to be able to?

Oh believe you me, he has the plan all right. Whether he pulls the trigger on it a touch 'too soon' and therefore gets called for starting the trouble himself is moot but only just for these next few seconds, days, or weeks. I don't think he can resist. And you're going to see a lot of slack jaws afterwards. All the big-heads with the big talk are going to be put to the test of their own intestinal fortitude. Will we go to war with China? Let's see it. Big trouble in Chinatown. Coming soon.

And there is no place to run.