The True actual Method.
We'll get to that in a minute.
It's super super important first, to look at a few things that modern science is able to not just sweepingly give us general impressions about, but deliver regular reports on!
Your national weather bureau produces regular reports on solar flares and geomagnetic activity.
Why is that important?
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I don't know! LOL |
Well, we'll get to that but here is an exact example of why some exposure (without taking on board his whole perspective which is highly stilted) to Dr Ammon Hillman's lectures on ancient texts and languages, especially word meanings and etymologies - is crucial.
From Hillman and his co-conspirators who specialize in modern translating of ancient documents, you will come across a thing called the 'PGM.'
This stands for, in Latin, Papyri Graecae Magicae - or, the Greek Magical Papyri.
In this you will see various incantations, that are exactly the same in wording, as what you can find in any copy, any translation, of the Gospels and the New Testament.
This document is easily the earliest extant actual original form sacred text that we have from out of history, and it dates - as in, has been radio carbon dated - back to 400 BC.
It was composed in Ancient Greek and in Demotic and some Coptic.
Without any question whatsoever it not only 'could have been' but in fact we know most certainly was, in Egypt at the time that Jesus of Nazareth went there and studied 'something' for fourteen years.
It is from the PGM and also Hesiod, that we discover that there are phrases about 'only son of God' who is also called 'Helios' - or the Light and the Truth.
Helios was then and still is now, what the Sun is called in Greek but also in our standard English language adoption of Greek scientific terms and names: we use 'heliocentric' by completely standard modern orbital and navigating convention.
In the ancient texts, the job of Helios was to obviate various phases of spiritual errors in men and in Mankind generally.
And from Dr Michael Persinger (and from the daily solar activity reports and their effects on the geomagnetic field) we can understand that human personal attempts at conducting Monroe Institute-type 'remote viewing' and so on, is disrupted or made less effective when there are periods of high solar flare activity.
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It isn't that I overly like this brand, it's that for some reason the pics are always much better! |
Dr Persinger explains that the total sum of energy in the Earth's (geo-)magnetic field is a trillion times that of all the people on the planet: and each individual's operational field strength is a measured thing - it is 1 pico-Tesla.
He explains that not only does the geomagnetic field have more energy than the sum total of all its living individuals, but it has the potential to contain all of the thought fields of all humans throughout all of human history...
But since each individual field can diffuse throughout the whole globe in around ten minutes, in fact, where there is harmonic resonance, the whole field can and does have 'phases' as it were that are reflections of the dominating thoughts at any one given time.
...Except - that 'Helios' regularly sends out massive bursts of energy which resets the field of Earth. In other words, if the Sun does not like the nonsense that you, as humans, are putting out, it disrupts those energetic human thoughts with 'thoughts' of its own!
There are, though, huge big groups of people who do continuously, and regularly, 'put out' thoughts of one specific kind and of a certain kind of 'resonance.'
And these kinds of things effect the geomagnetic field.
They don't last though and cannot be sustained naturally because the Universe simply will not accept those bizarre field alterations.
They are unnatural but driven by what humans are doing, whether they really know what they are doing or not, and are simply being used, exploited as little, fairly ignorant, dynamos.
When someone, even just one single person alone, uses their own thinking mind to drive an energetic (inductive potential) thought, that can induce a coherent harmonic beat response synchronizing with another mind, and then another one and so on (takes only 10 minutes to cover the whole Earth) which is in harmonic attunement with the 'higher powers' (one of which is clearly the Sun itself as a matter of scientific fact if we simply use the solar flare frequency as the operating or functional paradigm without getting into any kind of extreme metaphysics at all!) - then 'strange things suddenly happen.'
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People know about magic. They just don't do it. They make films and do stage shows and pretend... |
Except they are not strange when you know and understand what is going on.
When you read the PGM, and when you read Hesiod and Homer, you will see that there are clear-cut and stated moral imperatives in there, which are asserted to be the way that the Sun and the Moon and the Stars are ordered by the Universe to induce or enforce energetic fields.
The basic thing is that the Universe has a moral cause and a moral character - which is, that it is itself Good, and intends all things within it, to behave in ways that are 'Good,' and that the results of such 'Good'-ness, is Ultimate Perfection, which possesses Beauty, in which 'Beauty' there can be and is, no flaw at all.
The mechanism of process is the standard adjusting Sine Curve - which is something existentially known to humans to be a fact; it is a material fact, it is a fact of Physics - it is scientific absolute fact. Period.
So, two things:
One - some days, when there is little solar flare activity, no 'geomagnetic storms,' you will most easily be able to communicate out to whatever is out there and is using the 'mind' channels.'
Two - when your targeted harmonic resonance mind activity is in tune with the template of energy in the Solar System, then solar flare activity augments your power significantly into the rest of the whole human community. And there's nothing they can do about it but fall into line and follow along.
None of these things have been practiced on this planet for a number of years. There have been odds and ends of small instances but as a major if underground phenomenon, not for thousands of years. It had been, even in the deep past, suppressed by many ruling elites.
And why was it that those with the actual power were not already the 'ruling elites?'
Because they never used that power for outward material constructs!
They did not look rich or materially wealthy so the mass of the general public never were attracted to them as followers - seekers after what they had.
That they could have had (can still have) immense material wealth, is not in question. Midas had it, so did Solomon.
The style is governed by the wisdom - actually determined by the wisdom - of the practitioners in their eras.
So now, what you want is the exact, the precise instructions, about what to do (because you have most things, maybe you want to see if there is anything being missed) to get an obvious, a clear, an unequivocal response from 'whatever is out there.'
Well okay not just 'whatever.'
And that'll be next up without holding anything back. Yes it would be much better if I had a short video to show you of people doing this and then you could see what happens.
And... ...sooner or later we'll do that.
You don't need it yet.
There's already a lot to digest for now anyway.
Anything, anyone, any ruler or ruling power and elite, that suppresses this knowledge, is extremely evil; malignant against the interests of humans and the human race. They are not 'holy' or 'religious' - they are extremely wicked.
Don't try and fall back out of irrational fear onto propaganda and systems given to you by ignorant sheep and social set-ups of the past, thinking that those things were 'the things of God;' they were not and they are not.
How come, you were never told about what you were just told about?
Do you seriously believe that it is not in your own best interests to have power yourself, and to know about in what that power resides and what that power consists of?
How come I can measure the inductive field strength of your living brain?
This is absolutely utterly critical must-do viewing:
And this is just some cute music to listen to while thinking about all the stuff you have to absorb into your brain right now. It's just Supermassive, that's all:
ehehehe. if they hadn't been so preoccupied with being good "CIA" folk, they might have learned more. i know a secret! this is funny.
ReplyDeleteIt is kind of funny. Used to be, when those people were the leading-edge receptacles of knowledge. The infrastructure is still there, the brain-power has long gone. There's 'clever' people there, but only clever enough to screw in a light bulb.
DeleteFor some reason every time I hear this "it's the electromagnetic/geomagnetic field" I cringe and rebel. I don't know why. Without being able to support, I'd like to say "consciousness precedes life. there are many structures that support consciousness in various ways." something like that. well whatever. part 2 please!