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Thursday 3 October 2024

'Richness' Field/s

I should sooner or later say a few things about the utter - and I would say sinister - mess that has been going on down here to do with the Disabilities Sector and the Disabilities Community.

But frankly, it is both a waste of time and very downbeat. 
Art can undo criminality...
It can!

To cut a long story short, the Federal Minister announced quite recently that he is to take up the position - at a 1.+ million a year salary - of Vice-Chancellor of a major University... And that rather explains his actions to spend over 44 billion dollars per annum (way way way too much money and where did it go?) via the NDIS program; which is the leading, um, the only, national government funding facility for the Disabilities Community. States have their own arrangements and the word had long been to stay away from the Federal avenue, which meant giving up your state arrangements if you 'went Federal.'

This level of moneys has been being spent for several years already now and I have not seen any of it, despite being on a local Primary School Board during all of that time.

The basic thrust now evident, is that so-called 'delivery of disabilities programs and services' pretty much exclusively is simply a taxpayer-funded employment program for University graduates, bearing in mind that such people are more or less unemployable these days.

You are quite welcome to completely disagree with my perspective.

...Back to more useful realities then.

Again, to simplify things, the core problem that was voiced in the Old Testament in the latter books of that grand collection, is that the original Canaanite Peoples were corrupt, stupid, selfish, willful, dangerous, treacherous, foolish, and 'sacrificed' their own children. And this was the reason the Biblical lead 'God' was going to destroy them as a major group.

These later books then say that the same problems will arise at a much future moment, and the same result would once more take place, but this time quite permanently.

I have to tell you that there is no such Jewish person in history as 'Moses...'
This is much better than the 'real'
The real thing has a dumb-looking
front end.


However, if you simply Wiki-Search 'Musaeus' and his father the expert on the lyre and of the making of sacred poetry and music, especially on matters such as Love - Orpheus - your mind will jump with apprehension about what you had just read. 


The songs and poems of Orpheus are preserved in the Books of David (Psalms) in the Bible. And keeping in mind at all times that these texts were written in Ancient Greek not even Koine Greek, then the power of what they are able to convey to those 'with ears to hear...' ...becomes evident.

You must have money in this material world to live and to survive and money and wealth you will have, and the process path is explained by the one-time Manhattan Project psychologist David R. Hawkins.

The problem with good-looking men is that they rarely are partnered with good-looking women because they misunderstand the role of men in the minds of unlearned but nonetheless good-looking women - and that is that they are supposed to do the pursuing.

Whereas, being good-looking (as David/Orpheus/Theuth) were good-looking, the women pursued them and they became used to that state of affairs.
Christmas is coming.
Time to go out among the pine

In the same way, material wealth comes not to those who pursue it (the reverse of the thing with being merely good-looking), but to those who have the attractor field in them. 

Over many recent hundreds of years of human history and society, the wealthy men have been subverting the natural process of attaining wealth, and stealing a field and taking possession of it through malevolent stealth and through force.

Wealth, is a state of being and a field of mind.

Matter, gets drawn via that field. Material things in the orbit of the intellectually and spiritually wealthy, are there because of a fundamental field effect.

We will soon extract some key understandings out of Psalms and Solomon and so on, from their original and actual Ancient Greek meanings, and there - you will have your doorway to material well-being in no uncertain terms.

Meanwhile, do not make the mistake of supposing that public figures in the art and music world do not understand what words are coming out of their mouths!

They are already there in the field. 

But you can see what opposition all of them have to encounter to survive at all.

Let's suppose you have little or no money despite every effort you have made thus far.

That's an obvious sign that there are forces arrayed against you personally.

And that's a good thing.

Evil is not able to see ahead of its own self-involved ego.

That's what makes a 'prophet' really able to see long into the future and all others lie about what they think they 'know.'

It's the liars who always have the major platforms because 'the day is Evil and the rulers of it are Evil.'

Truth is always walking around 'in rags' - in disguise. 'Going begging,' as they say, which is from Plato regarding the child of Poverty and Plenty but most common folk are unaware of where the idea comes from in literature.

We have spoken about this many times before.


  1. The stone. If you try to look at it normally, it appears gross and useless. Almost like a cancerous growth or a dirty crystalline tumor. Yes I do mean a physical object, a mineral, inside of the brain.

    When you view something with visible light, it will absorb some of the light and reflect some of it. The reflected portion is what you "see" as the object.

    Now imagine you have a flashlight that can shine light in any frequency, even up to gamma radiation. If you shined gamma radiation, the same emf substance would vibrate at a much higher frequency, and now instead of being absorbed or reflected the energy passes through the solid object.

    If you continue to hold the stone inside of a high frequency emf field for only a few seconds, it will begin to slightly refract the beam of energy, which causes the particles of the object to vibrate. As they vibrate, they begin to give off their own frequencies of heat and light. This is a form of black body radiation.

    By directly observing the raw stone you are stopping the emf particles short of penetrating the surface of the unprocessed matter. By observing the effects of the heated stone you are causing the emf particles to pass through the stone, and then you will be observing the refractive energy of the black body radiation.

    Just as Fulcanelli says about the dry way, to which I am referring, that you must heat the stone in the highest degree of heat, like iron, black metal in natural light, but when heated glows bright red.

    We talk about brain waves. We know we want to have the highest frequency brain waves to make the work effective. But we also speak on extreme relaxation to the point of achieving a net zero neural traffic. Why? It's because we are trying to isolate the very high frequency carrier wave that is the real source of brain activity, aka the epsilon wave. When you slow your conscious brain activity down to less than 0.5 Hz, you will uncover the fact that the conscious brain activity is in fact a signal propogated as oscillations of a very high frequency carrier wave of 100+ Hz known as the lambda wave.

    We each want to sync our own brain wave patterns within ourselves so that the modulated, "conscious" frequency is carried by a standing formation of very high frequency brain waves.

    In this way you can create a standing scalar grid inside your own brain that will literally be able to serve as a scale model of the universe. Using this completed apparatus, naturally derived as a product of pure consciousness, you will soon gain awareness of universal properties, "laws of physics," if you will, that were previously undiscovered and highly beneficial to all mankind.

    1. Scale models of the universe within finite parts of the universe would make the universe a kind of fractal of sorts, huh?

    2. And we can look at the "arrowhead construction" of the Sierpinski triangle to see how infinite things can arise within finite boundaries.. for example..

    3. Fractal, hologram, something like that! Lol!

  2. And how do we do the below?
    We each want to sync our own brain wave patterns within ourselves so that the modulated, "conscious" frequency is carried by a standing formation of very high frequency brain waves.

    1. The very first step is to separate your perception of who "you" are, and remove it from your actual conscious thoughts. Just like Mr. John says below our thread here, paraphrasing, you have to resonate your conscious self with an eternal aionic form, or platonic if you will.

      If you can separate the part of you that decides to think, from the thoughts themselves, you can eventually get down to the point where you can choose to tick one, exactly one single brain cell, at full action potential, one time. Then you must practice doing this over and over.

      As you build up action potential across multiple cells, they will try to mirror one side of the brain with the other. If you hold the charge in place for long enough, you will feel the other hemisphere lock into place with a popping sound. This is a standing wave formation, but only partially. You have to repeat the process until the entire brain and nervous system is on the same wavelength.

      This creates, as Mr. John says below, "Part of the mechanism of a laser... the resonator. Some of the 'mind mapped' version of energy lasing - in the human consciousness - is the sustained, I guess repetitive - focusing on a consistent identifiable 'higher order' SENSATION"

  3. Part of the mechanism of a laser, is the resonator. Some of the 'mind mapped' version of energy lasing - in the human consciousness - is the sustained, I guess repetitive - focusing on a consistent identifiable 'higher order' SENSATION, which implicates normal life experience as at least a potential source of examples of inspired reality. Reality in terms of basic human life experience, can only come from material things ACTUALLY TIED in some way to 'Aionic Realities.' Which in Platonics are called 'the Forms.' The 'Forms' are not reflections of anything; they are themselves self-existing, and pure instances of 'existence' - existing 'things...' The best analogy and the reason the Orphics (think 'Do you know Ovid' in EWS) employ mystical music, is because music IS mysticism. And the 'mystery rites' as Ammon H., tells us, are special and exclusive actions in which the Divine comes into direct contact with the mortal realm. ...The brain is capable of thinking about speed - a speeding car, a fluttering wing, the speed of sound, the speed of Light. Along the way with any of those, you MUST get feelings resonating to some Eternal, Immutable, (IE 'Aionic Time') 'Form.' When you get that sort of sensation in a mystical rite, that sense of a particular rush or 'feeling,' then you must hang on to it like a drowning man hangs onto a life-saving rope. The 'Sirens' sang and men leapt to their deaths - but the mystical rite entailed uses the meaning of 'they sing with voices like star-fire sparkling bits of glowing light.'


Your considered comments are welcome