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Monday 7 October 2024

The Pharmakeia For Wealth

I don't want to scare you, but...

Well, this is going to scare some of you. It shouldn't but it will to begin with.

Now just bearing in mind that 'pharmakon' is a modernism and it has no authentic source meaning at all. It certainly does not mean 'scapegoat.'

Sometimes you just have to go to Ammon Hillman and throw the Wikipedia stuff into the bin where it belongs. He is right, they are wrong. 

Pharmakeia has an original source meaning, which is from very ancient language roots - 'pa-ma-ka' - and that is from Mycenaean Linear B. 

Sort of Tyrrhenian script on silk. This is
just made as art though.
No one really knows what the letters
say or stand for because although
there are a few Tyrien/Tyrrhenian stone
etchings, they have never been
deciphered. Mycenaean Linear B
and Etruscan have to some extent 
been deciphered. They bear similarities to

It means enchantment.

I am going to take you to some really strange places in this piece so buckle up...

Since by now most of you will have consulted a little with that lunatic, if still-in-all quite brilliant and mostly correct academic Dr. Ammon Hillman (or Professor, I prefer Professor; he's entitled to that) - you will have realized that all of the New Testament in the Bible is using the language and the phrases of Hesiod and Homer and so on.

...And therefore one has to try and understand things from that perspective, rather than from Middle English translations into an inadequate format and from there to the even worse modern English situation that we have today regarding the Bible.

When Jesus says 'Peitho' He literally means the goddess of Divine Persuasion - He means you to understand, precisely like Apollonius of Tyana also said directly, that God (IE 'Divinity') cannot be actually persuaded by simple prayer alone as such but only by 'Nous' (intellect) because God was Nous.

And when He, Jesus Christ, the person all modern-day religious people of the 'Faith' that they themselves call 'Christianity,' says to employ Peitho, He expects the Greek-educated and culturally learned person to know that Peitho herself uses enchantment.

And if you need to understand what that actually means, you must go back to the source of what made those listeners 'learned' in the first place and that would be Hesiod (and also Homer).

As a grown adult now, a mature-minded person, you should be able to distinguish between ideas that are deliberately inserted in order to warn people not to misuse things, and other ideas that are straightforward no-no's.

'Do not commit murder' (EG for gain, for power and so on) is not a metaphor. It is an edict.

Beware of such-and-such a thing or person is a caveat, not an edict against, or a simple prohibition.

So now we get to the scary part.

Apollonius of Tyana (Cappadocia, one of the earliest Christian settlements), tells a story of a certain rich young man, who encountered a beautiful (uh-oh!) young woman in the streets and she tells him to come and visit her at her house where there will be a lively party that night.

The young man - Menippus by name - goes and he finds things exactly as she described, and falls in love with the woman and tells Apollonius that he intends to marry her.

The paint style is called 'candy satin' finish.

To which Apollonius replies: 'She is not for marrying.'

Anyway the story goes on and it is, as far as all scholars say, the very first Vampire story ever in literature anywhere.

This female is a creature not a human as such.

But then again she is a specific kind of creature and to little children and to the ignorant and the unwise it is said that she is of the order of being of the Empousae or Lamia - beings that love to eat the flesh of young people, especially young men.

And Empousae are the messengers of Hecate.

Now here's the problem though, with assuming this is all delivered to hearers as a prohibition...

Hecate is honored by the Chief of the Gods Zeus Himself, and He sees no wrong in Her at all, ever.

Moreover, it is to Her that He gives the sole unequivocal (meaning there is no downside or potential of negative consequence!) right to be approached for material riches and wealth on the Earth.

The rest of the gods approach Her for various special out-of-the-ordinary 'riches' too and it is for men to do so as well particularly although Mankind does not have wealth normally so for them the 'riches' are 'ordinary' compared to what the gods might ask for.

In our modern times, traditionally so-to-speak, Hecate is worshiped by witches. But that is just an accident of some of them being wise.

2024 - we can drive through
the Volcano Red...
And live to tell the tale.
We are like the prophet Daniel.

Once you consult the source material in Hesiod regarding Hecate you will see exactly how to seek material wealth and that it will always be given to you thereupon - but then, that is where the metaphor comes into play.

You must use your intellect. Seeking wealth for foolish mortal reasons will result in problematic outcomes.

We are as human mortals, both victims of, as well as beneficiaries of, linear time.

You cannot deal with Divinity simply or simplistically in terms of linear time alone - they do not live there; they live in Aionic Time - aka Eternity, a good enough alternative word despite that Hillman correctly agitates not to use that without the necessary qualification literally of 'outside of' Time, not just Endless Time.

Any agent of Hecate might well consume your young flesh.

And what would that mean to someone intending to live into the Aionic places?

Having material wealth can make the normal human very lazy, and then they will become unhealthy.

There are a dozen or so singers and performers we showcase here regularly - it will not surprise you to know their actual ages, right?

Many of them have alternative careers as 'fitness models,' and this absolutely includes for example opera singers and ballet dancers (especially the Euro/Eastern Euro ones) who double as 'brand ambassadors' for Chanel and Dior and all of those kinds of guys.

And that is because you cannot sustain the power, the energy, the 'invisible' but literally Cosmic current that permits the kind of 'presence' required at stage shows in an ordinary lifestyle human body. You cannot.

The Ancient Classical Greeks said that 'ichor,' the blood of gods and demi-gods, was poisonous to humans; to mortals. And it is.

Doesn't mean you cannot mix it with yours - it means there are things you need to do first.


Porphurios. The Purple...
And the head of the Medusa.

I have said many times, it is simply the case that DNA homologs of whole individual human beings are collected, it doesn't matter by whom, you can say 'Gray Aliens' if you like, but the thing happens all the same, and there are many examples of the same person all over the world all at the same time, sometimes; if you understand my meaning. I mean 'certain people,' not all people.

You can go and watch a Lana Del Rey concert somewhere in the West and then go to Finland and see 'the same concert' with 'the same person' except it is not the same person!

Worse is when you go to India and swear that it looks like the same person...

I was going to show a video of an Andrew Bayer composition, but instead I will show you the meaning of Daniel walking in the fires. 

This is 2024.

We have fast cars and computers and technology.

'We' (humans living in history) didn't have video cameras when Daniel walked in the fire. But your intellect can tell you, you can reason, that what witnesses saw, was so amazing, and not just because he walked through flames unscathed. They saw what they saw.

And you are seeing what you are seeing.

Do not complain that you have not enough wealth.

'Be aware' (IE beware) that the misuse of power contains the seeds of disaster too.

But that there is power, you should be as to no doubt whatsoever.

Whether you will use it or not is a question of how scared you are right now.

Isn't it?

Vlada is the feminine version of the name Vlad.

This is Vlada (real name):



  1. That's exactly right. Thanks for that. That's a great 'sound guide' to what your mind should be thinking like when you do all of this 'chakra spinning' stuff people talk about but know not a lot about... Each circle (red, orange, yellow et cetera) should spin up (in your head I guess, as you think about them individually), and then when the whole stack are operating, you turn it up to that virtually 'audible' different resonance (with the airplane there are in fact two rotations going on, one from the propeller obviously, but this is also like human system electron spin 'wells' anyway) level and there should be a white light switch on and all of the lower circles enclose upwards like the covering of an egg. Some people get scared that if they drop off to sleep they will become detached from their bodies altogether and never return... lol

  2. This is very interesting. I don't have a sense for this "chakra spinning" stuff, but the sounds of the airplanes reminds me of what I have heard in my head with earplugs for a long time.

  3. Except it's very gentle, like the sound of sand flowing. But different pitches.

  4. time to ask Chatgpt about resonance.

  5. I'm gonna change my handle to 'Pete van Horn,' after the character in the Twilight Zone episode "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street."

    Yep. That's what I'm gonna do ...


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