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Saturday 12 October 2024

Hillman, Monomania And Secrets

Actual secrets. Real secrets.

What Ammon Hillman will never tell you, although he will say that a 'seal' exists, and that there are drugs being used (which is not quite accurate in any case), he will not ever tell you what that seal was or what it looked like, or the composition of said drugs if they even existed at all.

No doubt we have direct reference to certain materials like oils and ointments, within the standard canonical Gospel texts, no problem there, but it is a long stretch to go from that to something used chemically, specifically to drive extraordinary sensory experiences as the basis of the religion.

Red Running Jacket is running
through the woods.
To get to her Grandma's house before
Exercising is a form of all-round
It toughens the mind and strengthens
the body.

Hillman avoids talking about all the other - and very extensive - sections of all of these texts he refers to that are within the basic mainstream canon as such. These parts make it quite clear that there is a lot going on besides some 'dark alley experience' of the sort he continually wants to talk about.

This is because Ammon Hillman is, just like Barbara Thiering, a monomaniac. She wants to focus narrowly on an interpretive technique of words being metaphors only, while he is very obsessed with pedophilia and illicit drug use.

The problem with Hillman's fundamental hypothesis, is that it asks you to accept that ordinary people are easily led into a cult and into a social cultural identity, simply from the back-alley spread 'word' that so-and-so possessed some extremely powerful and dangerous drugs.

These drugs killed people, and then the presumption is that the drug-dealers also possessed some antidote that revived them.

That is a totally ridiculous -, a stupid, proposition.

The actual narratives in question talk about things such as cripples being healed miraculously simply by some words, and actual dead people (dead for days) being revived at a distance, and people walking on water! Now it's one thing to say a person as high as a kite imagines they or someone else is 'floating,' but to to have thousands of people all go along with that fairy tale and nonsense is pulling your leg expecting there are bells on it.

And then from there we are supposed to further accept that not only did a few ignorant peasants in Judea buy into this nonsense, but so did educated leaders and Emperors, as well as hard-bitten merchants...

Ammon Hillman is quite right when he exposes that the early Jesus thing was to do with the Eleusinian Mysteries. He has no means to find out though, exactly what those mysteries were, because they were exclusively taught by very high-born women to other women and the rituals themselves excluded men. And men, largely being they who committed reports of stuff to writing, could not have come into possession of those secrets and never ever did.

To this day even Wikipedia avers that these things are secrets, but it adds complete fairy tales repeated down the years by Victorian-era idiots (translators) of stories from knaves who tried to make out they knew what they did not know.

She's warm enough.

Hillman is nonetheless, extremely knowledgeable about his material in hand, and he is a necessary modern-day source for realizing that what is being passed-off today as a certain particular religion, is simply nothing at all like what the genuine article is all about.

The Telesterion is a portal. The 'Upper Room' is a portal. Something is going to 'land in there,' as it were.

And the rites or the secret ritual beforehand, is to do with the preparation of the human being who is going to experience something dramatic and out-of-this-world.

Archaeology cannot say and does not say because it does not know, what went on inside the huge structure in Ancient Greece which was built with a roof that could cover three thousand people.

Those passages in the Gospel regarding the secretive meetings of several hundred people at least, in the Upper Rooms, pointedly avoid saying what the actual preparations were, other than particularly making note of the fact that others, attendants - who obviously did know what preparations were necessary - brought a lot of clean water up to there and then closed the windows or shutters and locked the doors.

If you mess around with drugs of the sorts that Hillman will eventually suggest to you, you will get nowhere in particular. That is not his value. His value is in learning about the surrounding written material that goes with the standard narratives, and learning that Hesiod was in the Great Library of Alexandria where Jesus was studying.

Now certainly a God might not need (would not need!) to go and read Hesiod, but if He were there at a specific time in human history, then He would be aware of what it was other people around at the time read! And the super-educated people read Hesiod.

And this is where those who keep wanting to spin the Christian story into a purely Jewish thing way are off the page altogether; it cannot be true and it is not true what they are trying to say.

Hillman's value is in realizing that the reason the Book of Solomon for example, is not in the Septuagint (it existed at the time but the Jewish scribes left it out; aka 'failed to translate it') is because Ancient Hebrew never had the number of unique-meaning words required to be able to convey the complex ideas in that book, which was therefore categorically written in Greek originally, not in Hebrew and it also means 'Solomon' of the textual/scriptural account basis could not have been and was not, a Jewish person or a real Jewish figure in factual genuine history.

Humans do quite well in 
linear time.
I wouldn't mess around with that
too much.
Not on their behalf, at least.

Of course we do know what the preparations are for the Eleusinian Mysteries. And certainly we do know what goes into the Sacred Oils and what sign is made and where that sign made in oil is placed on the human. It is no spectacular kind of 'secret' if one were to say that the oil is touched on where people say the infamous 'Third Eye' area is located. 

Divinity is not restricted at all.

Each time, every time, you see any religious statement by organized formats and formulations, where a god, or Divinity per se, is constrained to rituals or to time-and-space - then you are witnessing lies and nonsense.

Wherever you are told Divinity cannot do this or cannot do that, then you are listening to stupid nonsense.

There is a definition for Divinity. And one of its mathematical elements is 'All-Powerful/All-Able.'

That there is or there are rituals and ritual spaces is exactly the point of the Telesterion: a portal.

It's a bridging place and a special nominal location where people in social groups at stable times do human things and are able to become prepared to encounter the more-than-human.

All of you who have been reading here for a long time now, have more-or-less already been commencing a process of initiation. This thing - this secret part - is only for Initiates.

Can you imagine though, if it suddenly generally became known that certain people were actually levitating for real?

How old, d'you think?
Yes JES, I did go out to 
train tonight!

Attractive though it may sound to you it's not a good idea to want, because it would completely alter the condition of humans, because without using technology to do it, they would get this idea they were closer to the gods than they really are. Not a good idea. People walk on the ground because they need to stay with their feet on the ground!  

Meanwhile humans are making quite some headway with technology.

Sure if we 'build a place they will come,' but we do not live in a stable time and nor do we have this kind of money.

'They will come too, anyway...'

Again, Hillman is an excellent point-of-reference oftentimes on account of the simple things, casually tossed in, that he briefly mentions and then just walks away from.

Early proponents of this Sect, this special Cult with a highly-special knowledge - were extremely wealthy!

We often are not told that, today.

And why, were they extremely materially wealthy?

Because the Kora (that Hillman points out is the word used by Jesus) or 'Koraae,' are agents of Hekate, and she is the dispenser of material wealth.

And you are allowed to enter a portal, and to seek a 'Divinely'-sourced wealth via that means. 

But, but, I don't know how to do it.

Yeah. Yeah you do.


  1. Thanks old money "His (hillmans) value is in learning about the surrounding written material that goes with the standard narratives“. Yep I get that and that's what I listen for although not having read the bible I don't have a lot of standard narrative to compare to.

    In the Acts of Thomas as translated by Hillman we have the preparation and then the rite but not much about what is experienced. Other than “when they were sealed they saw the image of anaianous? who possesses an indescribable light such that other lights dim when they get close to it”.

    There are two things I'm considering re the experience of the portal in the upper room and in light of you saying something is going to land there. I'm thinking along the lines of Anne Tucker who describes her process of channeling as raising her vibration higher and higher until she connects and then information flows through. She is connecting or bridging to a group of beings, whereas in Paul Seligs idea of the upper room you are connecting to the higher aspect of yourself. In the text we have “she is the one who is setup in the brilliance of kings… the king has their seat on her head and the king nourishes with ambrosia those who have been entered at that point (the head)”. So they are summoning and connecting with the Kore I guess. It doesn’t seem like a shared experience though.

    On the other hand we can take the idea of the men "seeing" the image and the light with their physical eyes and this has me thinking of the beings of light that step out from the orbs as experienced by the Bledsoe family. Especially as we have in that text that the men looked up and the boy had vanished.

    Do you know who Hillman is speaking of that sounds like anaianous ?sp. Is that also the Kore?

    1. I also forgot that he (Hillman) says to remember that the summoning is done through song, which is interesting. Maybe there is something to the whole divine frequencies of the larynx. And I’m reminded that you post music here all the time and I haven’t been keeping up with it since a few posts back

    2. Or perhaps the act of singing ties the mind up in a certain way? It also is a very deliberate thing, to choose a tone and hold it.. maybe? Recently I did a bit of singing and discovered I had "gone sharp," which is a very unusual thing in singing. Mostly children will sing sharp, but adults have a tendency to be flat.

    3. You are raising, and so are others here -, such super important points that we must deal with them more fully next up. Not sure if Hillman was talking about a person or 'Aionic Time. This is the precise phrase in the New Testament, rather than 'Eternal' Time. There is a Light that IS Eternal, and then there are beings, people, who live in and out of our usual linear time, and that is 'through Aeons and Aeons;' which means that although they are the same person, they may exhibit external characteristics reflective of 'the Age' and of the style of that Age/or 'Aeon.' If you 'were' to go to the Proxima Centauri region, you would be similar to what you are now, except you would eventually HAVE to wear their clothes, for one stoopid but accurate example.

    4. Hillman is coming off the original Ancient Greek language phraseology of Genesis in particular: 'In the Begining was the Word.' Well, yes, but what it really says is 'an intoned sound' the same way we have discrete frequencies; and, he reminds us that the Titans are 'those who tightened (literally it is that) to cause dynamic force...' And this is what a tuned string does and so music and harmony are intrinsic to all Primal Actions in the material Cosmos. Strings, air, water, compression, whatever - tightening, and release. Thus voice is included.

    5. Ah yeah - neaniskas. I was jumping to conclusions about what word you were referring to. 'Neaniskas' means a youth and most people try to say this is a 'young man' but it can also mean a young girl which if it were a 'young woman still a youth' is 'neakidas.' But actually it just means a very very young person though not a child as such or a baby.

  2. At last! Humans may now raise their eyes to the skies in a way that Gene Roddenberry would recognize.


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