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Thursday 10 October 2024

The Boy (Or Girl) With The Torch



When you have undertaken the first steps of the sfragida - the 'sealing' or the special design stamped onto paper or bread, then you may begin the next stage of a great Witch Ceremony!



Well, actually yes though.

It means you have a brand.

You are a type of something.

We'll start with a nice happy white theme, because
she - Ane Brun - sings in the
video below...

'What Bible did Jesus read?'

More LOL.

He went and studied formally in Egypt for a long time so for sure He knew all about the Great Library of Alexandria and therefore He would have read Hesiod. Time and time again He either quotes from there or uses words and names and titles of gods and for 'God' from the Theogony.

Okay so let's go to ideas from Hesiod's Theogony...

After the Titanomachy - the War between the Titans and the Olympic gods - Zeus, the winner, broke the powers of all of the remaining Titans who had not be dispatched to the Underworld (and by the way, it is still ONLY this Greek word 'Hades' that is used by anyone in the Gospels); except for Hekate. She had either raised Zeus in the first place or most certainly her knowledge and her maid-servants definitely were used to protect Him and raise Him as a young child.

And for this in part, though more importantly for another reason, Zeus not only declines to find any fault in Hekate at all, but He grants her the right to keep her total original powers and strength as a Titan god, for all time. She is the only Titan He permits this to.

The word 'Titan' comes from the idea these beings caused the tightening of matter and energy in the First Generation of Sentient Super Beings in the Cosmos.

You can only tune a string when you tighten it. It is from the resonance of tuned things that effects on external objects are effected.

Peta Wilson, kinda doing a 
'Hekate' theme (was 'Mina Harker') - in a 
pretty decent flick from
a while back.

Zeus re-ordered the nature of things so that for all time, this tightening was only able to occur on certain specific pre-ordained lines and not on pure random or wanton ways that the Titans mostly all behaved like since they had first sprung from out of the Primal Chaos.

They (the Titans) had sense but they had no manners!

Hekate's name comes from 'Ekwon' which in Old Norse and German and Old English is the cognate if not the exact same root word as 'Hexwa:' Hex.

And thusly today's modern Witches use the word 'Hex' to cast spells.

When Jesus instructs the Apostle Thomas to go with kings of India who had come insistent that they wanted to learn and to know and to experience the 'visions' and oracular messages of the future that the Christians were reputed to be able to give people, the narrative says the kings saw the young boy (or girl) - from afar - bearing the torch with a light so bright that any and all other lights were absorbed into it.

'From afar' is another epithet about the Titanic powers of Hekate and her relatives Apollo and Artemis

'Ekwon' means both 'affected from afar' and the Determination of Primal Will.

Today we have a slightly better access to advanced knowledge about what goes on in the world of matter and sub-atomic matter and energy, and we can say that electrons possess information and can carry data because of spin polarity.

We should realize, since we know a certain amount about DNA, that each individual human person, can have, indeed must have a unique numerical identifying marker, which is a linear programming problem - and it is a problem because it must be incredibly long of a number!

This is where ideas like Karmarkar's Algorithm can come into focus because it is possible to extract a periodicity function or cycle signature if not precisely unique then applicable to the specific individual which is much much smaller of a number.


This is incredibly dangerous knowledge, because as I will explain by way of an illustration, let's call it - that the only way you can really separate a human consciousness from its physical body, is if you know what key (or keys) to use to 'untighten' or undo the electron spin wells within the living being in question.

Illegal electronic dance music party!

Now there's a problem now, with this knowledge being in the wrong hands, because if we simply take the fiction/fairy-tale of 'Xenu' from Scientology, well this guy tried to chop up a bunch of 'souls' by confining them inside a volcano or something and exploding lots of nuclear bombs in there!

I don't know whether that would necessarily do the trick, but here is an example at least of someone trying to do it. He was trying to literally destroy personal consciousnesses.

I mean you think about it - it's one thing executing someone, and another thing saying that you have a way of literally fracturing their soul, as it were.

As a species we do not have any authentic moral framework to make that kind of decision but we would definitely try!

You give it into the hands of some idiot lunatic with an ideology that says he can or should do it and he will do it.

Now the reason I mention any of this at all is because as we move further into specialized concepts of 'seeing' what is normally quite invisible, and at these stages you encounter such ideas as the spinning of whatever things are dynamically moving around inside of your energy mind, as it were, and you observe what was discussed by others here about the 'resonance' quality or the sound tonal aspects, when things start to rotate very fast, then it's only natural that some people will worry that they will separate their 'souls' from their living organic bodies and then that would be that!

Nah. Things don't happen like that.

Prolly the car that Hekate will
drive around in.

Except they do happen when it comes to possessing some 'algorithmic' unique or category-specific (which is what it really is; people fall into categories, into particular groups) keys.

I'll give you a very basic and simple example that you could term something merely on the scale of 'psychology' and not metaphysics - and this is where someone tries to think of a color say, like one of the seven rainbow colors, and whereas they can easily form strong intellectual sensations of most colors in their minds, let's say they are unable to find the same strength for say the color 'blue...'

Traditionally in these systems, blue is to do with someone's ability to speak to people, or in public.

Well then what is going on here, is that their 'primal power' (you can say it is 'Titanic' in this sense for a human that is physically alive) is externalized and they are very good at public speaking and vocally and verbally relating to other people. The 'energy' is not so contained and locked into them on the inside, but is moving, flowing through their physical and sense systems from their personal brain.

And this is, as I assert without other proof or evidence here, one of the markers that will turn up in the algorithm for them, for their 'unique number' sequence. It is digital, a digital formal number.

And of course the human race is nowhere near to this kind of knowledge and thank God it is not.

Because no sooner will it have arrived there than you will have miscreants, typically politicians and religious nutcases and 'prophets' and 'messengers' trying to dictate how and where and when and with whom, you can use the knowledge - to destroy those persons' individual personal souls! ...Because 'so-and-so' God commanded it, right.

The kind of shoes that Hekate 
will have to take off to drive the car, 
because she sure will not 
be able to drive wearing them.

It always is that excuse.

Meanwhile for you, you can waste three/four days away from the world, perhaps hiding in a secluded place somewhere (lol), and employ the sfragida of Thomas, out of that ancient text, and intone the evoking enchantment (song/music/harmonic resonance/Peitho - as literally in the words of Jesus Himself!) to Hekate and see the young man bearing a super-bright torch coming to you from afar.

According to Hesiod all of the Angeloi were created by Hekate.

All of them.

If you see anything at all it will be for a split second and hardly much more than that.

To begin with.

One thing I give great credit to Ammon Hillman for - he comments that if you think the world outside some stupid fishing village all adopted this crazy religion called 'Christianity' because they gave some pray offerings to some invisible 'God' and burned some incense and finally, showed you a statue of a dead guy on a cross - and then all these big-wigs (because mostly at the beginning they were very high-placed people) suddenly said 'Oh yes, this is so cool' then you are nuts.

And he's quite right.

As for me, I just know that you all remember that we talked about the little white space-craft going into the phreatic wells deep in volcanoes and instigating volcanic ionic lightning pillars that run all the way up into the Ionosphere which led many months later, maybe years later, to huge storms and floods in different places.

I'm well aware of the conspiracy theory stuff about the so-called 'Deep State' doing all this to Florida.

Nothing to do with them.

This is all just about shaking things around.

We, here, we will be concentrating on much more interesting and satisfying and rewarding things moving forward.

It will be as if nothing else is happening in the world around us. LOL

What you will see, is a 'religious experience.' We are reliably told that this musician played out at Red Rocks the other day. And it was 'like a religious experience.' We have that on very reliable authority, children:


  1. I’m 8 videos in on Hillman’s channel just got through spinning history with Nyx. Looking forward to the “things” you bring up next.

    1. Just have to take him as he is, as he comes. His factual textual and Ancient Greek language knowledge however, is exquisite. He's way off the beam re all of this 'selling children' and whatever other lurid ideas he has, not because it never went on at the time, but because it distracts from the problem Rome already had with any 'claimant' to the throne (OF ROME!), and any persistent rumors of that spreading through the populace. This piece above bounces off his recent:

  2. If anything, he rather tends to gloss over the most critical things which though in any case, he does actually talk about, but not as if he convincingly HAS the detailed knowledge of (such as this infamous 'burning purple' that he mentions regularly). Virtually all religions have absolutely zero actual direct physical experiences of the Divine to impart, whereas, if you simply follow what is even just BROADLY talked about in that video I linked, you WILL absolutely have a direct experience of beings that much more closely align to the hypotheses and 'myth' stories which seem to be written into sacred texts. Some Hindu practices also contain these aspects, but they are rare in the hands of anyone around today.

  3. I like him a lot. I appreciate his intellect and enthusiasm wrapped in surfer stoner vibes.
    I started at the oldest video and also downloaded pdf copies of the Orphic hymns translated by Thomas Taylor and another by Apostolos Athanassakis - in the Nyx video he credits the Athanassakis one as pretty concise but for a couple of mistakes.
    Both are online at if anyone wants

  4. I do spend a lot of quality time in my backyard, which is adjacent to a large forest and only being in proximity to trees, animals, insects and their sounds. With no people around I am safe in my solitude and peace to think and do whatever I want (or whatever *** influences me). Once a week, I heat up a wood stove in my sauna and for a couple hours, steam myself and then dip into a cold water pool outside. It is the most extreme but pleasurable sensation... Last summer, I hanged a hammock nearby between two trees and would relax in it. In short, it is my favorite place to relax and unwind... Here is a punchline: in mid August, somehow, that hammock spinned me around so hard, that I hit the ground below while being spun, and my knee landed on some rock, protruding from the ground below. The pain was intense and I had to endure it for awhile. Luckily the X-ray showed nothing broken. But, it is almost two month later and I still have a limp. The reason, I am describing all this, is because the transition from almost bliss to the miserable pain was totally unexpected and instant. This would be a trigger to a lot of chemical/hormonal/energetic changes, that are not taking place in a normal state, IMHO. Are there mythological references, that one would need to suffer physically in order to gain something mentally? Aka, 'doing the Work"?
    It is not something that I would have done by my own choice... it was imposed on me somehow.

    1. Listen, there really can be forces, some good to try and warn you of something you are not taking serious note of, and more often, some malign forces driven by others who resent you or something. These can have marked physical manifestations such as weird 'accidents' or sudden 'pushes' from unknown causes that cause a strike or fall. I am personally not of the view that a rising state of awareness NEEDS some peculiar physical impetus. It's more that some OTHER forces are trying to block you.

    2. That's if you want to go all 'occultic' about it. Could be just an accident too of course. lol

    3. Occasionally I wake in the middle of the night and stretch my legs by tightening the muscles. These days I'm old and it sometimes leads to "charley horse" which can be very painful for about 30 seconds. One can use those moments to practice what the anonymous commenter was talking about: "The very first step is to separate your perception of who "you" are, and remove it from your actual conscious thoughts. "

      I still feel the pain, but instead of curling up in a ball until it passes I can relax, becoming "the one who observes the one who experiences the pain."

      It works also with emotional pain, but that can be very difficult. It should lead to a sense of the expansion of awareness.

      Kurt Jaimungal posted a video recently about using meditation to shift one's sense of awareness, which I feel may be related to this.


Your considered comments are welcome