It's possibly not such a good idea to talk explicitly with details about that 'small matter' of something that was used in ancient times - that should not have been there back then.
Firstly because it might errantly encourage some people to go out and buy a thing - a thing which is very expensive - and also blow a certain advantage right now in that no one knows about this and no one is even looking in this kind of direction; there's a big commercial advantage in that. And everyone here benefits when we make money and so, let's just put the lid on it for the moment.
Soon it will turn up anyway. At the right time.
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Approaching the white. |
To cut a long story short though -, the thing is so mind-boggling...
Hillman gets close to it but he hasn't noticed it for what it is as yet. And he never will on his own because he's stuck on the 'drugs' side of it. So yes it has to do with a substance but not as a drug substance. It's actually a piece of electronics - it's a semiconductor. We can understand it today as that but there is no way people should have known about it back then.
These kinds of things really completely destroy any notion that human history is or was some simple linear thing and we just altered religious styles and concepts at a certain moment to fit in with 'sudden' transitions from a male-centric society to some kind of new, revolutionary enlightenment about the role of women, for instance.
Nah nah nah.
You will eventually come to realize that that is simply an impossible perception of the past.
It never happened. Never happened that way.
And the creeping and worrying thought will enter into the conversation that maybe things are a lot more sinister and complex and subtle than anyone previously realized, even the extreme conspiracy people.
I was going to tie that 'small thing' into what is going on now, today, across society, especially in marketing - which is mass propaganda, of course.
But I can make the leap directly without talking about the other thing: generally-speaking, the public today has a view about human aesthetics and you need only look at the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on Ozempic, or Google-search 'beautiful/glamorous' to get endless pages of ultra-thin people.
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Everything simple. Clear. Almost empty... |
What no one remembers is that this is the final effect of a program begun in the Sixties, and funded by the CIA, which in part used people like Gloria Steinem, and whose chief aim was to distort and fully alter the public's sense of direction on human aesthetics: good was bad, bad was good, beauty was ugliness - in fact, the media and commercial marketing removed images of beauty altogether so that the only thing people even knew, was ugliness.
You cannot go around thinking that 'thinness' on its own is a natural ideal. It is not.
These programs to mess with people's standards all began with the Tavistock Institute and it is not an accident that the UK is literally sending people to work for the Democrat election campaigns right now. This should be illegal, it is unethical and the legality is highly questionable, even though superficially, the point that such workers are 'freely volunteering' and are unpaid, is mounted as the legal excuse.
The test case for beauty and feminine shape, is Marilyn not Taylor; and certainly not Blake Lively!
Using particular things, be they from out of the ancient past in obscure ritual practice, or be they from out of the most advanced high-tech labs doing local area effect EMP weapons research(!) - is just hot-wiring and jump-starting what should be a much more naturalistic process.
The ordinary human mind is good enough, on its own, without the help of devices, to carry out simply stunning functions, despite that these have been dormant in the human population as a whole for a number of centuries.
...Just getting yourself a relatively inexpensive linen or pashmina scarf or shawl and painting onto it with your own hands, in colors that defy the current social pattern, is way good enough of a mechanism to begin extending the zone of communication through light frequencies in groups of people during daylight hours when they could or should at least be able to see colors and light!
One step at a time.
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Remember, 'the souffle never rises twice.' Let's just bake it the one time, and bring it out when ready. |
Using 'sensory contact free' mind powers like Spock or whoever comes at a later stage.
Okay actually not even... ...just stick the shawl inside your carry bag and don't wear it. See the difference in - in everything.
'With one tiny beat of its wings, the butterfly creates a shared experience.'
People will not even know why they are feeling something off you, from your presence.
Start simple.
Aruna, the composer and singer, a year ago now suffered a home invasion and was assaulted in a pretty ugly way. But she is one who knows about light.
About the Light.
Listen to the words carefully.
'I wanna pray you in... Come on let's cross to the other side...'
So. I was today inside a thing called a "thrift store" - in a municipality called "Littleton," in a province called "Colorado," in a nation state that fancies itself THE United States of a Hemisphere... and while I was searching for wantonly "donated" first editions and signed first printings in the book stacks, this song came on the store's Muzak speaker system - and I had to laugh, coz I am awaiting this weekend The Landing. Heh.
'That weren't no DJ that was hazy cosmic jives.' lol
DeleteI'm going to rush to get a full report typed. With pseudo-footnotes or at least citations because I don't do footnotes out of protest at modern academia.
Deleteuhm, uhm, semiconductors?
ReplyDeleteDon't tempt me. But if you thought the Sibyls were just these kids (women) imbibing heated bay leaves and that's how they 'picked up messages' forget it. It's mind-blowing in much more seriously question-mark raising ways.
DeleteI meant to post the 'typed report' thing to respond to your comment.
DeleteThat really surprises me, having seen what folk can do with 6 digits written on a piece of paper..
DeleteOh yes I do know. But I can't do much personally. Used to be when I was in my teens but have lost all of that since then.
DeleteAre you sure you lost it? Perhaps it just went "parabolic." If "consciousness precedes life" then there could be "beings" whose "awareness" takes the form of metaphors. To humans practicing "remote viewing" this might appear as "being off target," depending on how they grade or score the viewings.. but would in fact be a perfectly valid form of higher consciousness from other perspectives.
DeleteDunno where the 'You' at the start there came from! lol Anyway, back to what I was first thinking of saying: What I am outright and directly saying, is that 1. there are beings other than human beings, who are 2. almost exactly LIKE human (IE humanoid) beings and they are completely material/physical (and yes, 'spiritual' too), and 3. you will be able to both see them and other humans around here at any distance away at all from wherever you are. It's a faculty you can, admittedly with some initial difficulty, uncover. These 'other,' literally are extraterrestrial beings -, are intelligent, conscious, super-conscious and also very advanced and meticulous over everything, every little detail. We'll get you there, don't worry. I have been so tempted to blurt stuff out right away but I should not. You have to just temporarily persevere with Michael Persinger's paradigm of 'light' and how the brain uses that. 'Metaphors' are too bland, too weak for full appreciation of communication. You want hard, direct, clear-cut, obvious experiences and communication. It can 100% happen. It will, happen. We're not far off right now. RV targeting is an excellent exercise to practice. Target people though, don't just target 'lifeless' things. It's a bit intrusive for us humans, I know, but, hey, it is what it is.
DeleteI absolutely will not "target people!" But now that the actual government says "non human intelligents are real" I don't mind asking about them. Like going to a place and saying "are there unseen others here?" self targeting is difficult because I find it can be hard to create that sense of "not knowing" when in fact you do know, or think you know. Then it is very hard to sort out what are the "true images" from the inferred ones.
DeleteHowever, staying focused on the dim funny blobs of light, moving "sense of awareness" into one's chest, and watching there like looking for faces in the fireplace fire, is a fun and pleasant thing to do.
DeleteAll of this, by the way, is all over history. Just go look up the story of when Robert Graves (and his wife) claimed that Graves had been bitten by a viper in the Swiss Alps and 'saw a pinpoint of bright light, which then expanded and turned into the fabled mystical turning island.'
Delete'It's a fun and pleasant thing to do.' I think that's correct.
DeleteThere are billions of humans on this earth with whom I could commune. And how many billions of sentient beings without?
ReplyDeleteIsn't this all just a farce?
It's kind of a farce in the sense that in spite of SO MANY individual 'souls' they are all disconnected on the most important levels, with what appears to be connection nothing more than 'Nature-pre-controlled' mechanisms of chemicals and bio-chemicals.