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Saturday 5 October 2024

The Enchantments And The Odes

An 'ode' is a poem, usually said to be or called a lyrical poem, with varied or irregular meter.

As we are living during a time of worldwide religious fury(!), it is our duty to study the real history of everything, and to come to terms with what will cause us to make decisions in one direction or in some other.

The reality is none of this is about religious anything - it is political.

And therein lies the rub, as the saying goes.

What is taken to be 'religious' - as in, religious teaching or moral law and so on - is nothing more than politically-caused fabrications from different eras in the past.

The Evil of material 
It's evil I tell you!

'Politics' here means that ruling elites or tyrants of the past both ancient and relatively modern, use sophistry (skill with words and symbols) to impress reasons in the naive and usually quite ignorant heads of their subjects, as to why they are entitled, with God-given authority, to rule and control everyone (else, always not themselves as is easily noted when you look at what the various 'leaders' always personally got up to).

These things are easily able to be proven:

There were over 1.5 million unique meaning words in the Ancient Greek language, at the time when Moses was said to have lived, no more than 8,000 unique meaning words in Hebrew. It is not technically possible at all, in any way whatsoever, that the Pentateuch was able to contain all of its complex meanings and use of sophisticated language and lyric poetry (Book of Psalms/Song of Solomon) if it were to have been composed originally in Hebrew.

Not possible.

Did not happen. 


Same way, the verses hung on silk and fine cotton cloth on the Kaaba at Mecca were never from the Quran. 

Yes you heard me. 

They were called 'the Suspended Odes' (meaning they were suspended on cloths there) and compiled or attributed to Imru' al Qays, a Persian.

There are no, as in zero at all, copies of anything 'the Quran' having existed in written form until two to three hundreds later, than when the Suspended Verses were 'suspended' there on the Kaaba in late 700 AD.

There is only one culture on the 
planet. It's a mono-culture and all
the people are the same. All humans
are all exactly the same...

And so where does that really leave us?

...If that is all true and it is true.

The Book of David (Psalms) is a book of enchantments. And that is because these are taken from the form of lyric poems after the mystical traditions of Orpheus. 

The name 'Orpheus' means 'the Darkness of the Night.'

In the dark depths of the nighttime, you may intone enchantments, and they will be heard as 'sacred offerings' to Divinity - although what Divinity, or who exactly, is not available to ready understanding if you try and use Arabic Islamic concepts after the tyrannies of the post-Sasanian and post-Byzantine Empires, and not available either, to ready understanding if you are using the relatively modern-English translations of what is called 'the Bible.'

Human - man-made; entirely man-made - politics gets in the way.

The result?

Catastrophe and large-scale death.

Never ever forget, that it took only two young people (seemingly young people, figures who looked young and looked like human people), to wipe out the entire 'cities of the plains' (aka what we now terminologically cover as Sodom and Gomorrah) and only one of them needed to slaughter the entire Assyrian army.

Why do these entities go around 'slaughtering' such multitudes?

Well they don't! Generally speaking, they do not.

Wealth, is when you
go out to your fav
coffee place, and take out 
a model toy - of 'Little Nellie.'
And you know that everyone is 
looking at you!
More LOL.

But here is where we are today - there are many people, who receive salaries of a million dollars a year, and some much much more than that, who are in charge of great big academic institutions, and not one of them has ever, in two thousands years, told you that no 'Bible' exists or ever existed, written in the Ancient Hebrew language...

In other words, even those places are tyrannies - in this case of academic 'knowledge.'

And thus what they do is entirely political; designed to lie to you and convince you that you must be subservient to them (and then they can easily take your money).

Here is where we are today -, there are 2 billion Muslims and virtually all are convinced they will rule in the world in a coming Caliphate because Allah (aka 'God') told them that.

And there are nigh on the same number of text-book 'Biblical' Christians and a few million Jews, who believe that a Jewish Messiah is coming and so on.

How can He not be Jewish? Well because the Bible is not a Jewish story.

Huh?? What?! But, but, but I thought.

Well you thought wrong. LOL

It takes exactly from 30 minutes, to 50 minutes (because in those days such was the calculating of such segments of time passing), after you intone an enchantment of Orpheus ('David') for something that you want - and it will be given to you... 

Hesiod and others always thought and said, that the gods were material - since everything in Nature is material, then the Divinities too, were able to, no, not just able to but actually were, formed of substance, matter, albeit they were also suffused throughout everything also as very subtle matter. Intellect and intelligence manifested in humans out of their material brains - their minds - and this in no way was different to how the gods were themselves.

Psalm 27 (in part): "...dwelling in the house of the Kurea (feminine for 'Lord/Master') all the days of my mortal life, I there behold the Beauty of that Kurea, and inquire in Her Temenos (temple)."

'She' owns that place.

And where is that place?

You're not allowed this.
It is 'wrong.'
It is forbidden.

It is inside you. Thus sayeth the Kureos (the Lord) - as you know.

30 minutes.

Try it.

But pray to the right God.

There is only one Divinity inside of you, according to Hesiod and to Plato and all of those. Which is not the same as their being only one Divinity.

Maybe 50 minutes.

Maybe it will take you a lot longer as you waste time resisting the Truth and the Reality! LOL

What is the name of the Divinity inside of you?




The Book of Imru' al Qays literally has enchantments that bring down the fairies from the stars and make what modern silly people call the 'Genies' appear and grant to whom has called them, the things that they desire - since that is the power and the authority of the Divinity residing inside the Temenos.

This is straight-down-the-line Biblical teaching too, by the way: 'Nothing ascends to the Heavens and to Divinity but that which was (Ye Olde English phrasing!) come down from Heaven.'

If you are from Heaven you have the Authority of Heaven.

But you don't use it.

'Jesus went into the desert for forty days.'

No He didn't.

This is the work of the Devil.
It is wrong.
It is forbidden to you.
And why is that?
Because it entails enchantments and 
music (the workings of the Muses;

He went into the Eromannos, more usually found as 'Erebus' - the place where there is no Love, no Eros; the Void.

Just stop believing rubbish.

It's not from any actual ancient original text source what you imagine is 'true' and that you 'believe.' (I am assuming on behalf of those stuck in the Void of modern theological propaganda).

In fact, stop 'believing' anything anyway - know, find out, discover; as David told you: 'Inquire in the Temple of the Kurea.' (Psalm 27). There you will find Truth. And only there. 

Even the Romans, that is the Latin-using early church people, used the Greek word 'Kyrie Eleison;' and Catholics and Christians think this is (just) Latin.

If you think any of this is a joke, understand something - it takes just one of the Angeloi to massacre hundreds of thousands. They don't give a jot about so-called mortal human life - that is to say, of the kind that hands out a million dollars to knaves who are trading in your soul for their money and position and power (and this has become a general thing not a rare thing). 

And you will live to see such beings at work.

I would suggest and advise that you 'inquire' as to whether one or two might work for you personally and do less harmful things on the whole... 

This world, today -, today's world, has gone so far off the rails that an ending is entirely proper and called for.

Do you not agree.

Enchantment. Or, as Jesus (real name Iaison) said, and named the Goddess of the thing, Peitho. Gospel of Mark; lots of places in there.

No Monism (as Ammon Hillman insists on calling it). Does not exist. In any of the (original) texts.

'But I am a Monotheist.' Well good for you.

Does not exist in any actual original source text at all. Anywhere.

But but...


Do whatever you want.

Moses told me!


You know this guy?

Allah told me/Muhammad told me!


He wrote this on a rock or stone monument somewhere out in the Hijaz in 600 AD. Right?

Or someone inscribed his name on such a thing. Somewhere. And there are books with actual writing in them from him by him dated to then. And not a single word is directly copied from Imru' al Qays! Honest.

And everything all those guys say is true, right...

And when you 'pray' to them or to whoever they say is 'God' it all happens for you, right...

30 minutes. Advanced intelligent beings from other places, in other Galaxies even, think the human race on the whole is nuts. Not just crazy, but foolish and intellectually severely limited.

Thursday 3 October 2024

'Richness' Field/s

I should sooner or later say a few things about the utter - and I would say sinister - mess that has been going on down here to do with the Disabilities Sector and the Disabilities Community.

But frankly, it is both a waste of time and very downbeat. 
Art can undo criminality...
It can!

To cut a long story short, the Federal Minister announced quite recently that he is to take up the position - at a 1.+ million a year salary - of Vice-Chancellor of a major University... And that rather explains his actions to spend over 44 billion dollars per annum (way way way too much money and where did it go?) via the NDIS program; which is the leading, um, the only, national government funding facility for the Disabilities Community. States have their own arrangements and the word had long been to stay away from the Federal avenue, which meant giving up your state arrangements if you 'went Federal.'

This level of moneys has been being spent for several years already now and I have not seen any of it, despite being on a local Primary School Board during all of that time.

The basic thrust now evident, is that so-called 'delivery of disabilities programs and services' pretty much exclusively is simply a taxpayer-funded employment program for University graduates, bearing in mind that such people are more or less unemployable these days.

You are quite welcome to completely disagree with my perspective.

...Back to more useful realities then.

Again, to simplify things, the core problem that was voiced in the Old Testament in the latter books of that grand collection, is that the original Canaanite Peoples were corrupt, stupid, selfish, willful, dangerous, treacherous, foolish, and 'sacrificed' their own children. And this was the reason the Biblical lead 'God' was going to destroy them as a major group.

These later books then say that the same problems will arise at a much future moment, and the same result would once more take place, but this time quite permanently.

I have to tell you that there is no such Jewish person in history as 'Moses...'
This is much better than the 'real'
The real thing has a dumb-looking
front end.


However, if you simply Wiki-Search 'Musaeus' and his father the expert on the lyre and of the making of sacred poetry and music, especially on matters such as Love - Orpheus - your mind will jump with apprehension about what you had just read. 


The songs and poems of Orpheus are preserved in the Books of David (Psalms) in the Bible. And keeping in mind at all times that these texts were written in Ancient Greek not even Koine Greek, then the power of what they are able to convey to those 'with ears to hear...' ...becomes evident.

You must have money in this material world to live and to survive and money and wealth you will have, and the process path is explained by the one-time Manhattan Project psychologist David R. Hawkins.

The problem with good-looking men is that they rarely are partnered with good-looking women because they misunderstand the role of men in the minds of unlearned but nonetheless good-looking women - and that is that they are supposed to do the pursuing.

Whereas, being good-looking (as David/Orpheus/Theuth) were good-looking, the women pursued them and they became used to that state of affairs.
Christmas is coming.
Time to go out among the pine

In the same way, material wealth comes not to those who pursue it (the reverse of the thing with being merely good-looking), but to those who have the attractor field in them. 

Over many recent hundreds of years of human history and society, the wealthy men have been subverting the natural process of attaining wealth, and stealing a field and taking possession of it through malevolent stealth and through force.

Wealth, is a state of being and a field of mind.

Matter, gets drawn via that field. Material things in the orbit of the intellectually and spiritually wealthy, are there because of a fundamental field effect.

We will soon extract some key understandings out of Psalms and Solomon and so on, from their original and actual Ancient Greek meanings, and there - you will have your doorway to material well-being in no uncertain terms.

Meanwhile, do not make the mistake of supposing that public figures in the art and music world do not understand what words are coming out of their mouths!

They are already there in the field. 

But you can see what opposition all of them have to encounter to survive at all.

Let's suppose you have little or no money despite every effort you have made thus far.

That's an obvious sign that there are forces arrayed against you personally.

And that's a good thing.

Evil is not able to see ahead of its own self-involved ego.

That's what makes a 'prophet' really able to see long into the future and all others lie about what they think they 'know.'

It's the liars who always have the major platforms because 'the day is Evil and the rulers of it are Evil.'

Truth is always walking around 'in rags' - in disguise. 'Going begging,' as they say, which is from Plato regarding the child of Poverty and Plenty but most common folk are unaware of where the idea comes from in literature.

We have spoken about this many times before.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Thanks, Amanda

One of our regular contributors went out to Red Rocks -  or someone they know, or them, I'm not sure - and took some pics.

As everyone will recall we are just two days from the anniversary of one of the great tragedies of our time, namely the massacre in Las Vegas which happened on October 1, 2017.

In any kind of large-scale public event, there is plenty of camera footage and not much clear detail about all the things that exactly went on - same with things such as public entertainment gatherings like the ones that are taking place at Red Rocks from now till the end of November.

I mentioned in the last article that I had been (re-)watching the old Sixties movie 'Bullitt.' Part of the plot-line there is that the Mafia substitutes someone for the person who is on the run, and then has that substituted person shot in a hotel room and killed.

Pic at Red Rocks courtesy Amanda.
Lots of 'coherent light'
going out everywhere...

The concept of 'body doubles' is far from new.

You have to remember that the Disciples did not actually recognize the person physically who was the Risen Jesus Christ, just before He took off to wherever He was going from outside of Judea, 'taken up into the air' so the text conveys.

There are many people that are shown as semi-public figures around these days and they are body doubles.

I'm just saying that so that you will note not to think everyone you are looking at is necessarily exactly what you are supposed to assume/think they are.

According to Homer in the ancient literature, the way to tell these are 'different' beings, is that they will tend to walk differently and their eyes are knowing and extremely penetrating.

Any of you who have followed some of the Mauro Biglino or Paul Wallis stuff will know about that. ...In specific relation to the way they walk and things about their eyes in particular.

If you go out to a public event, some mass public gathering, in the expectation to obviously be shown and told - 'Oh this is an Alien...' Well. Give up on that. Occasionally because they literally are there, it will be possible for you to notice something out-of-the-ordinary.

Time is running short. 

What I'm trying to do is make sure you are not scared or too worried about things going on in the world.

Myrtle trees...

I think one big shame is that expert classical Greek language scholars like Professor Ammon Hillman would be better occupied deciphering for us sections like the Book of Zechariah, in which there are very clear statements about what is going on now, in our world today.

Here (in the text) we have one of the Angeloi, a 'man standing in the myrtle trees' (so the phrasing in the English has it, but Hillman would be able to explain what that very phrase itself means to a Greek 'mythologist;' I will try to say a little about it eventually), telling Zechariah that 'these are they whom the Kureos has sent to walk to and fro through the earth '

And those beings then say 'we have walked to and fro through the earth, and, behold, all the earth is complacent.'

And then if you move onto chapter 14 it basically says that Jerusalem is surrounded in battle and its women taken and ravished (...and so on). And then it makes a predication as to what is about to happen.

I guess one of the best things that you can draw from all of this - and it is all transpiring exactly according to plan - is that over time the likelihood that gold or silver can or will go down in price and value from here is absolutely NIL.

There is nothing wildly 'mystically' about such a prognostication.

Notwithstanding that after the main event, as it were, there will be plenty of gold and silver from the dead victims. This is according to the text.

Well but neither will it matter then anyway but nor will it imply that the value will go down then!

There is no hurry.

Just sunlight coming through the trees.

Things unfold in their allotted time. And meanwhile you can take advantage of the state of confusion among others.

To this day you will not easily find people who were there at the massacre at the Mandalay in Las Vegas available via any public online venue in order to be able to ascertain what they experienced. And likely as not in any case they might not have such a brilliantly clear understanding or perception of what was going on.

People at public events are normally augmenters (a psychology term) not diminishers; diminishers are mostly what you will find amongst very high level competitive athletes. These guys don't get 'wired' when there is pressure, or confused because of too much sensory signalling; they instead become more calm and are able to signal process in highly hierarchically-selective ways, and therefore see more important things more clearly than others.

Amanda, one thing you should have been able to experience rather than observe, is a certain frisson, a vibration in the atmosphere.

Often we think to ourselves 'please just come and get me, don't worry about the other ten billion souls on the planet...'

He he he.

I mean frankly though, it's fair enough if you have been able to 'work things out' yourself and realize that something 'hell big' is afoot.

You're entitled to some special treatment. I think.

Humans cover themselves
because 'naked,' they
'fall short.'
A lot of them...
Not all.
But many spend a lot
to cover themselves.
I like style and fashion but
not in order to 'cover 
I like style and fashion
to expose yourself 
as you really are.

But here is why I have long been pointing out the neural, the psychological mechanisms:

"The simultaneous activation of every hedonic hotspot within the reward system is believed necessary for generating the sensation of an intense euphoria.'

The purpose of going out to things that take place at venues like Red Rocks is to experience the conditon of intense euphoria.

And why?

Because this turns you into a kind of a beacon.

Yes for sure you can flash away as a beacon in trouble. And you will get one kind of response for that.

But let's go back to 'the man among the myrtle trees.'

Forever - I mean since the Victorian Era certainly, when they started to misconstrue the Bible in the English and pretend it is a translation from a back-translation (although no one admitted that it was only from a back-translation) - people have assumed and in fact have been forced to think that the Bible is about a monotheistic religion.

That is the furthest thing there is inside there!

No one in standard theological seminaries will say with any convincing argument why the phrases about Elohim are always in the plural with plural pronouns, and none of them will explain why there is all this stock phrase repetition in the New Testament that are epithets for gods.

'Jesus' is itself not a proper name but a title. It's a Pelasgian-root Greek word: 'Jason and the (12, they try to say fifty but in any case that is still the same as the 'Disciples versus the Apostles) argonauts is about the son of 'Aeson' (Jesus, because in Greek the generic uses the 'n' ending and the personal name uses the 's' ending) whose epithet is 'son of god,' and his followers and friends, some of whom were also actual gods.

'Iaison' is an intermediate being, a being half-way between God and Man; that is why he has to go on a quest in order to become His Final Fulfilled Aionic Person.

So, the man inside the myrtle grove is an angel of the Goddess of Love. The myrtle is sacred to Her.

What would those 'people' be doing in an Ultimate War situation it is difficult to penetrate as to its 'mystery' or mystical point-for-being.

But it's not actually difficult for students of Ammon Hillman because they will know exactly what the Cosmology of all of this is.

We are in an Ultimate War-type situation.

There is nothing at all 'monotheistic' about the Bible, except that the One Single Identified Evil Preternatural Being in there consistently demands that he and he alone is worshiped as god whereas he is not god at all. 

And his fingerprint - his modus operandi - is that you have to be a slave (to him).

Eve was super-intelligent. She considered the value of knowing Good and Evil and wisely and correctly ate the Apple (a figure of speech here, okay), but she, because she is only half the story, 'fell short' at that juncture (actual text phrasing) which is changed and mistranslated into 'sinned.' She fell short.

The story is not over.

If the angel that spoke with Zechariah was Evil or not from a Divine Source he would not be able to predict the future - in truth or in fact. But since he has been able to accurately predict the future which is now happening in front of your very eyes and, he is depicted in clear terms as an angel of the Goddess Aphrodite, then you should make up your mind now where you stand.

If Love is not a god then you should say so to yourself and aver it. But if you cognize that it is a god and not just a god but God, then you should commune with the gods as they really are and behave towards other intelligent beings in harmonic attunement with them as they ought to be.

Courtesy Amanda again.

'God' is both the level and the Being Itself. There are plenty of others at that level - this is the meaning of Biblical talk about 'angels' and those who were previously humans 'around the Throne of God:' they are not God but they exist at that level of interactions and interpersonal communications

Super intelligent and morally-excellent beings ought to be good to you and answer your basic requests: whether 'yes' or 'no.'

See the problem for most of us mere humans, is that we regularly are very unclear and incomplete and inadequate when it comes to...


You can't properly communicate if you can't see them or hear them or understand them!

But why can't they just come as ordinary people?

Well, maybe they can too. The point is you still are far better off having some higher capabilities than what today's 'ordinary people' have who have been all led down this long garden path to nowhere for centuries.