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Thursday 5 October 2023

Touching Fire

You know...


Well I can guess that some of you are wondering why we've been going a bit quiet over recent days, even these last few weeks here.

It isn't that there is nothing to say.

It is that I have personally been mulling what details to expose about some of the information that has been being handed across down here.

Getting close to the fire...

The best I can say or do is to dress things in a cloak of myth. You'll still get the point that way without becoming too let's say, disturbed about it.


Thyone, the human woman who bore the God Dionysus, had doubts seeded in her mind by the Titaness Hera, that Zeus had really made love to her, and one night she asked Zeus directly to reveal Himself in His actual Divine Form to dispel her doubts - and eventually when He did (because I suppose, she badgered Him enough that He gave in!), she (her body) was turned to ashes and cinders because of His blazing fiery form.

Zeus had to rescue the Divine Child Dionysus from the ashes.

Dionysus is also called the god who removes worry and the cares of the mortal world from people.

Dionysus once went into a poor old farmer's house, and sat Himself down at the kitchen table, whereupon the old man began to attend to the visitor, giving him fresh fruit with dewy apples and berries and then making him some savory vegetables, but taking one piece of vegetable out first and giving it to the fire in the hearth as an offering to the goddess whose name means 'to stand beside power...'

Dionysus, being impressed about the poor old man's generosity and thoughtfulness of Divinity as the priority, then let wine miraculously flow from water-filled buckets and cups - more or less 'inventing' or creating wine for Man for the first time.

His mother, Thyone, went into the flames of the Divine, whereas the old man merely got close to the fire.

The point of this is to say not to impose forceful requests on Divinity with no room to move for greater knowledge that would reveal the risks of having those requests delivered in unqualified ways and according merely to the myopic human mind's demands.

Moses was only allowed to see Jehovah's back and mostly this same idea of a fire or a flame of some kind being associated with 'God' occurs in that story.

Arjuna is allowed to see the Divine Form of Krishna but even there, he is briefly turned into a much more elevated form of being in order to 'see' the God, and when he (Arjuna) returns to his human body, his hair stands on end and becomes white from the experience.

All these stories are not really about fire as we know 'fire' but some kind of Supreme Ultimate Energy which has many characteristics of fire as we describe the natural fire that we know.

You can - you may - stand next to this Ultimate 'fire,' and you can observe it from a distance without much personal physical harm but it is not advisable to get too close to it in a material sense because this thing is not mortal itself and like natural fire and ice are inimical to each other, your physical mortality will be burned up by the nature of that which is wholly opposite, the very polar reverse of what is terminal and short-lived.


Secret of secrets...

Not 'you can' stand next to this fire - you must always do that.

There is so much more to this myth about Thyone and Dionysus secretly visiting the poor old man than I can say here. ...This myth goes all the way to Julius Caesar.


You knew that, right?

It will all make sense a short while from now.

If it doesn't already to some extent.

You don't need a lot of money to be visited by the right person.

Standing next to the fire is what is important.

Giving first consideration to sources that are liable to be better-informed and more rational and more enduring than the simplistic and atavistic whims and wishes of the ordinary human animal nature - is critical to the realizing of total success.

Maximum success is an authentic target.

'The right person' does not care that you have less material wealth as the world looks at it, than you would ideally want to have.

'The right person' is not even there to be impressed.

The art is in the relating:
how things communicate with each other,
and what they say to each other.
And what they they do with each other,

That you are able to impress them is the all!

The genius of the human being is not that they are scientists, or that they are capable of winning science medals and Nobel Prizes, or that they can manipulate the media or that they can corrupt politicians or that they can use instruments and tools of violence against other living beings for unworthy goals.

You cannot impress a being much more advanced than you are - at least not in terms of what is done to impress other human beings living in the material world.

The only thing that counts to a truly advanced sentient being, is how another vaguely-similar such being relates to creatures of its own kind.



  1. The issue with humans is that if you get too close to them they will attempt to control you. This inclination toward control is vast and far reaching and basically unavoidable, and I think that is because we are taught early on to think of ourselves as fundamentally alone, a mind within a body with well defined boundaries. That's what I think.

  2. I am thinking about panthers (and other members of the cat family)

    1. I've been going to the woods a lot to sleep overnight. I've been thinking about bears and pumas. On my first solo overnighter I heard branches cracking at 2AM and then the sound of my bear canister getting swatted. Nothing like spending the night alone in a tent with your ears cocked for the slightest of noises.

    2. Great points. ...We are not alone. lol

    3. In the upcoming latest 'fictional narrative' there will some very shocking things but they are disguised and stated very plainly and it is likely their meaning will escape most people just casually reading it all. But it will contain the 'why' and the 'way forward.' It cannot go into detailed explanations because it is not for everyone to know about these things anyway - but it 'could' leave you with an impression about what is going on. You just need to add up 'taking samples' with 'over thousands of years' with where we are at right now, today. And where we are is not looking like a good place. lol


Your considered comments are welcome