If I posted here right now, the several things we are doing, those matters to do with the Autism support projects or any other venture - all of which has as the core intention, not profit at all but assistance to those who are unable to get it in the ordinary course of affairs (and that is literally the truth about it) - it would show that yes, we can and will get some financial returns too and that these will grow over time.
But it would be tremendously premature to go into any details right here or now about these things.
And fundamentally this is not due to any 'superstitious' concerns about over-confidence, it is about some serious dysfunctions in the worldwide financial markets and within economies generally that have to be looked at first and long before anyone goes "Oh hey look how 'successful' we are."
Sorry for all those who don't eat pork. This is Iberico Jamon. |
Today, everywhere in Western economies, real estate appears as a truly outstanding investment category.
This flies right in the face of some stark facts:
While the global population seems to have always been on the increase for centuries, its actual population growth rate has catastrophically fallen to below the rates of the 17th century.
Birthrates have fallen, and the rapidly rising average age of populations in developed countries means that people are getting infirm and dying off.
The standard media narrative is that dwellings and residences are in short supply.
There is in fact a dramatic over-supply of dwellings.
Now you can, if you want, believe long and hard that buying real estate and 'investing' in property is the way to make you wealthy - and you are going to lose your shirt doing that but that's up to you.
Three things are already happening:
- The standard and quality of urban places has and still is falling rapidly
- The actual costs of living are dramatically rising
- The quality of life (including standards and quality of education) has fallen significantly
The general perspective is and has been, that 'new' forms of money are high in relative price because of two-dimensional supply and demand arithmetic reasons. |
The photograph is very beautiful...
The possibility however, is that digital currencies like the obvious one BitCoin, are nominally 'high' because they actually are forms of money, where standard printed government notes and deposits are not, but instead are tokens sponsored by the authority of those governments with too many rules and constrains to allow them to legitimately be defined as 'money' at all but instead are 'gateway tokens,' and not actually sponsored by the pricing mechanisms of value exchange and economic equivalency ratios either.
Those things that are actual money, are going to show up the reality of values in the economy and also in the wider idea of the social economy framework.
In a situation, that is to say in a national and global economic market framework, in which the nominal realization of 'value' is a projection essentially of fraud enforced by a morally lost ruling authority - then it becomes no longer possible to secure automatic profits through the organic results of the excess factorial of supply and demand dynamics.
This used to be an assumption, literally a given, in economics... If you make more from sales than you spent to make those sales, then you would achieve a 'profit.' That was logically and necessarily a truth.
Today, for you to 'make a sale' of any product or service at all, you must own, rent, lease, or in some other way use, property.
And the cost inputs at that line are enormously exaggerated versus the underlying real economic forces at work.
This means that a moment will come to pass, at which there is a catastrophic alteration in the profits trajectory (profits to be realized) because the prices (costs) already paid and booked will vastly exceed the actual obtaining costs and sale prices at that moment and subsequently too there will necessarily be a sharp drop off in economy-wide demand.
It is possible to calculate very precisely when this will happen and it only takes a look at the population growth rate in a given economy to be able to imagine how to do it.
Because net production has always increased since the 17th century, there is a dramatic over-supply of goods and services compared with the underlying fall-off in population growth rates.
But there is a powerful lessening of demand in actuality, if not in nominal so-called 'gross domestic circulation velocity as depicted by Treasury and central bank figures (data); these are all lies. |
She actually has stronger neck muscles than Lewis Hamilton. That tell you anything?
And it is the fundamental reason that countries are allowing invading populations to break borders in some countries, whilst in other countries the governments have been encouraging over-priced permanent residency visas.
...It is because of a fundamental domestic demand cataclysm -, a fall in real demand across the board. This doesn't change prices because prices are being artificially set and enforced.
Current inflation is the direct result of government and central bank interference with markets.
These things are done because of the desperate fear that the ruling elites have, of real estate prices disappearing down the sink hole of modern advanced technology and good-looking houses that can be made from incredibly light self-replicating sheets of some ridiculously cheap to acquire new material with the hardness of steel, the durability of composite carbon fiber and yet the structural malleability of damp papier mache! |
The Paris Ritz-Carlton where Diana went... That one, fateful, time.
To say nothing of the energy self-sufficiency potential of such technological advancements.
But how real is this depiction of the near future?
Does it matter?
Why do we need to 'predict' an actuality in some hypothetical future all the time, when enough of a particular negative actuality is already here right now?
Well I tell you what - you just keep paying council land rates, okay. And keep sending your taxes to the Ukraine.
No problem there, right?
'Pandemonium' is a word invented by the English poet John Milton. It means all of the demons grouped together...
You have not seen a 'pandemic' yet until you witness the results and the consequences of Cholera turning up across the whole of California.
Can it happen? Could it happen?
Now I will tell you something that at this stage, you will certainly not believe. There are those people, those actual real people down here on this planet right now, who are literal ET Alien-human hybrids. They have information and they get information and they know stuff.
And you might be a plain old ordinary human person - but if you keep your eye on those others, when they move, you jump.
When they move.
They are here and they are here for a reason.
This is the advanced guard.
I know you totally don't believe me.
But then again, do you seriously think such an advanced species would readily give themselves away before an attack? Such that governments and religious institutions and all of that would 'see' them coming?
Here is actual Alien communication right here - it begins at 1:30 with the introduction to the concept in question and goes on to make the main point by 2:20 and then establishes it much more forcefully at 2:40.
Tell me you understand what is being 'said,' right?
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the comment too, of course. ...I think we're slightly freaking most people out because they 1. 'don't believe it,' but 2. likely have this odd feeling there is something all too concrete behind all of this - which there is. lol
DeleteWell I was thinking more of the ethnomusicologist Zoltan Kodaly. But heck, for the sake of everyone here, Czerzini is a great place to (start to) look at these things... Kodaly, as you know, specifically is made mention of in the Julia Philip/Steven Spielberg flick 'Close Encounters' which, as you appreciate, is based on CIA material of these matters.
ReplyDeleteJulia PhillipS
DeleteHoly f---. Okay. "Czerzini" was a word that occurred to me in a dream. I have no idea what it means. I kid you not. The dream was like "you need this. czerzini." I imagined a recipe for pastries.
ReplyDeleteHehehehe. No was not a 'recipe for pastries' although, hey, IS Austrian (Viennese like most good pastries are!), and sure sounds like it should be that. Was the teacher of the piano to Franz Liszt. Is usually written 'Czerny' but is occasionally found as 'Czerzini' which is a form of the more Germanic 'Skorzeny.' Czerny studied with Beethoven the whole of his life.
DeleteJust be aware, that when you embark on these sorts of 'processes' which have been talked about in here and 'off board' as well, it can get very frustrating when you KNOW something is possible, but 'they' just won't comply. This is where it pays to be absorbed in all of the old literature and try to go over as much of it with a new eye, so to speak, as time permits. Takes a lot of time to work out that 'processes' are only the front-end of stuff...