...Or Snow White - that's a variation of the same story.
On the matter of the gold price we must touch on the subject of Gnomes.
And when we do that we must talk about Paracelsus - who coined the word.
He was using some Greek words that together meant 'dweller (beneath) the earth.'
I am not going to post up pics of the latest Swiss innovation to do with their supposed safe-keeping of gold, which is these tunnels and caverns inside high mountains in which reputedly, there is a lot of gold being stored.
One of my friends ex the old Romanian Intelligence Service - which took over from the Securitate - is utterly convinced that Vladimir Putin has private stashes of vast amounts of gold in these kinds of underground tunnels, literally in Switzerland, but which he has arrangements with the government there whereby his own people operate the tunnels in question and provide the security. I find this extraordinary and quite unbelievable.
My friend goes on to say that the tunnels themselves go all the way across the Swiss border!
Where they end up I do not know - possibly Germany, possibly Austria. Who knows.
That there are tunnels in Swiss mountains for the express purpose of storing gold is a fact, and that these go to who-knows-where is another fact and that some of them indeed seem to be in private hands almost as far as being somewhat like foreign territory inside of Switzerland is also true.
So, at any rate, fast-running small people who dwell in tunnels and places deep underground is only barely a mythical story...
For hundreds and maybe thousands of years, certain mythical people who silently controlled all money everywhere, and were often said to be locating themselves for a long time in Switzerland - had factual reflections of the myth or legend become apparent in the outer world quite regularly.
Thus the 'Gnomes of Zurich' were said by a succession of London government ministers of finance, to be the persons really responsible for many major events -, including for example, wars.
But here is a fact of recent history:
Credit Suisse was the least exposed of the major Swiss banks to the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 - and yet, by 2023, it went broke and was bought out for a song by the most exposed of the Swiss banks to the original subprime mortgage crisis of 2008, UBS.
What happened was that flowing from the undoing of the Swiss-headquartered 'Basel Agreement on the Prudential Standards of Banks,' the hugest banks (well, in fact every one else as well!) borrowed short to invest long in assets (specifically real estate-backed assets and mortgages) which never had enough capital resale liquidity at any point, and were never able to fund the original short-term borrowings.
The government of the United States bailed-out everyone especially their co-conspirators the big banks from everywhere not just within the USA. How they did this I will never know.
The 'story' now is that Credit Suisse was burdened with accounts that were the proceeds of money laundering -, and basically every other kind of criminality except not theft of wealth of course, because that is something only the government of the United States is allowed to do and get away with.
Consequently, and because Credit Suisse was 'being prudent' and not getting involved in ridiculous il-liquid 'mortgage lending' and what is being called 'subprime mortgages' but in reality is all mortgages... ...it went broke versus the 'competitive' nature of banks like UBS which had unlimited access to 'cash' from the US government and that could buy whatever they wanted without ever having to make a profit or cover actual costs.
Credit Suisse must have had a lot of gold bullion and gold did not go up. At least not anywhere near the factorial needed to compete with the never-ending supply of liquidity that banks such as UBS had access to.
So in the end, Credit Suisse could not compete, did not make enough 'profits' - while its board was trying to match the lifestyles of the executives and directors of places like UBS - and so it went under.
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When you have unlimited money, you can buy unlimited car... |
UBS, superficially the Union Bank of Switzerland, is in fact actually owned by Americans, and has been since a very very long time, well before any 'crises' of recent-ish history. It is owned by Harris Associates, and the best way I can describe them is to simply say that they are from Chicago.
There is nothing wrong with Chicago, I love Chicago. I used to live and work there.
The question for me and thee, though, is whether, or if and when, the price of gold will go up.
The reason it hasn't gone up over the last forty years is that sheer government moral criminality, has meant that the US taxpayer gets to lose his entire lifestyle and quality and standard of living, while he is taxed to the hilt -, while the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury 'invent' money out of thin air and therewith force capital prices of highly selective 'assets' to go to astronomical heights thereby capturing the poor mortgage holder (who is usually also the taxpayer as well) in impossible levels of private debt, and claim to be able to simply just add multiples of naughts onto its national debt bill at the same time.
Of all of these seeming 'variables' there is in fact only one of them which is 'price inelastic' or at least has a limitation to its elasticity: and that is the taxpayer.
The government, all politicians, all the bureaucrats on the gravy train, the FBI, the Fed, the Judiciary, the 'banks,' couldn't give a hang about you and they could care less if you keeled over and died from exhaustion having to pay what they are spending and stealing and keeping from what they steal off you.
What they steal off you is principally time and your effort/s.
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Remarkable how individual some designs are - and they become 'timeless.' Gold is timeless. |
But can gold go up even in the face of such stunning enforced 'control' by government?
I am told by those who know the exact and precise answer, that that is not the right question.
...That the right question is 'how long will it take from now, before the cracks in the public totally become visible and society breaks in such a way that society itself fails catastrophically' - because the government certainly won't.
The natural mechanism of parasites is that they keep the host alive just enough for the parasite to keep feeding off it. But that is not what has happened with governments - they have literally killed their host, which is the public and society at large.
And how do we know that for a fact?
Because, as my 'other' friends (not the Romanian ones) pointed me to, the annual population growth rate has collapsed worldwide. And I mean everywhere, not just in the so-called 'developed' parts of the world.
That the parasitic global governments have been able to get poor people to flood into developed countries, is simply because it is easy to push them around - it's not because there are 'too many people' in those source countries.
I am sure not even Gnomes can match the amazing numbers conjured up in 'dollars' by limitlessly 'wealthy' governments and their central banks and so on the surface, certainly you must say governments and official entities can buy more gold bullion than you or I and the Gnomes combined!
Correction, they can 'trade in,' not 'buy.'
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Sleeping... ...beauties. |
They cannot buy anything from a Gnome.
Gnomes don't need money. They are magical beings.
Gnomes are working for a beauty who is presently, asleep.
Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's off to work we go, we work all day and get no pay, Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.
Zellandine, by the way, is Sleeping Beauty's name, and she is from Zee-land and that means ancient Holland.
She is visited by Three Goddesses who decide her fate - long long before the whole story that we know unfolds. Same goes for the French version, Snow White -, whose French name is Blanchette... ...even though she is completely raven-black haired! Those French.
But will the price of gold go up?!
We shall see.
But first we must inquire about the Three Goddesses...
This grumpy dwarf is getting tired of waiting!
ReplyDeleteThis inquiry sounds like fun can’t wait.
ReplyDeleteGold tunnels like in Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson - good fiction about ww2 and german gold stashed in the Phillipines
According to Robert Saviano they paid for the gfc bailout using laundered cartel cash money as the only liquidity about.
None of the bankers or regulators anywhere will truly have to account for their scheming and stealing and fancy financial instruments while all the while they are skimming fees off the top, accruing massive gains investing big at zero interest, totally ignoring risk and hiding tangible assets in tunnels.
I’m grumpy and waiting too
The CIA has crystal clear facts regarding this so-called Gold of Hirohito or whoever, said to be in the Philippines. But here is one 'story' which would send the world around the twist if it ever actually got out. Nothing to do with Aliens, by the way. Much more down-to-earth, and very very tragic.
ReplyDeleteBut we're not interested in that! We're interested in the gold PRICE as investors and traders - we don't want to know where loads and load of FREE gold is. We already know that: it's in the US Gold Trust Vaults in NYC. Of course though it's not completely free - we, the taxpayers and open market players have been paying for it for years. But we do not have the power to ask for our money back and our combined efforts of work to be repaid.