'Ganti' by the way, is the same idea that is applied to how an elephant uses its massive foot - it strikes it on the ground, or on whatever else. The generative proposition for the word itself entails the power behind something really massive. 'Gan' is another word for elephant, or at least the 'idea' of the elephant rather than the manifested physical elephant itself.
Part of the lyrics include such things as 'gopastri paribesthita' - which means 'surrounded by the cow-maidens.' And also 'vijayate gopal' - the Lord is my cow-herd.
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These people - smh: 'I'm a Vegan.' Yeah yeah, so you say... |
Anyway the point is, never mind that Jehovah demanded '32 virgins' (or maidens) -, none of the maidens proclaimed 'the Great Lord God Jehovah is my cow-herd.'
There is a fundamental thematic absurdity in ever saying that a god who plays games with young maidens, and is frolicking with them in the open fields, is the same as one that burns people up with fire emitted from his mouth and nostrils just on a whim and a permanent disposition of rage and anger.
The point about looking at the musical expression of various ideas is to be able to 'see' the themes and the underlying 'whole sensory' concepts involved.
When it comes to stunning magical actions, ones that actually work, we have to get away from religious and ideological nostrums and terminologies and human language words - and focus on real forces and principals as they exist and not as we merely describe them in our passing linguistics as quite temporary existential things ourselves. I mean sure, we are arrogant, but that doesn't mean we have any permanency or enduring existence or actual metaphysical power which controls physics.
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'No, no. I am!' Okay so I show you an Elf 'being' who is a living fungus and what are you going to do - eat them? Damn cannibal! |
It is not even true, this common thing around today that 'what we observe is affected by the observer.' The real physics meaning of that is simply that apparent 'particles' display separate characteristics at some measurement point, depending on whether we are looking to see those 'particles' as waves or objects. So really, it's a channel difference, not a causative one.
There is not really much point either saying 'scientifically;' science is only capable of handling something after the fact, and not before a genuine 'unknown.'
Magic is about creating things that never were.
How can you turn water into wine? How, actually?
The underlying matter - the material substance in its form - was in one arrangement. And then you want to move everything, all the component elements of the structure, around inside of the form so that it has another form completely, with different function and implications.
Possible I guess.
We don't really have any clear-cut technology right now to do it but we have various 'close approximations' at low levels of operation. Nano shears, micro-wave amplifiers, digital assembly computers -, all kinds of things.
Yet we do live in a vast context of things, of phenomena all interacting, inclusive of highly psychologically reactive human minds within societies of human beings. So human beings are things, but they are also animate things.
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'But I want to be a Vegan.' Well go on then, who's stopping you? Don't expect to ride in my car though, it has leather seats. |
The fact that all these things (including humans) exist inside a phenomenological framework that is dynamic along particular strict rules, means that category actions are expressed as field functions.
You could say oh, George Lucas was 'affected' by ancient history and stories and narratives from there, which is why he says in his movie stories there are 'Jedi masters' who use SR staffs of power...
...That is, he is just plagiarizing from the Egyptian Djedi pillars and the Wassir (Osir/Osiris) staffs, same as the Jewish oral tradition manufactured its story about Moses and his staff of power.
But you could equivalently say that he is being affected by a field (of information), and which field is 'known' in a sense to everybody at a subconscious level, which is why his movie series was so widely accepted.
Today, we all have access to bowls of purified water and ozone generators and conceivably, we could cover our hands with glowing miasma of (slightly dangerous) positively-charged gas which exhibits electromagnetic field effects through walls.
It isn't going to change water into wine though, right?
Not unless the underlying whole existential interacting, integrated field right there intends for that to happen.
And I don't know how to do that.
Or, um, if I did, I am not going to tell anyone so here!
...Time for me to go get some steak and drink some wine.
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