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Monday, 4 April 2022

Remote Doers, Not Viewers

We're not quite there yet.

If we double the daily numbers of reads for these kinds of things on e-readers around the globe, well, we will be there. 

And you can sit around in coffee places all day, on your Kindle or portable computer, and press buttons and make money, no problem. That is, unless the Russian army invades your coffee place, or unless Victoria Nudelman releases some bio weapon stuff around there and you choke and so on.

Transfer pricing (how to)

Nevertheless, there you will be, somewhere in empty Chelsea, and Kensington - in the Royal Borough of Chelsea and Kensington, musing on the motto of the place: 'How good it is to dwell in unity...'

Well I wouldn't know.

Recently, in a genizah in the South East of France, underneath a wine-selling premises, a fragment of a Hebrew Zohar commentary on the Book of Esther was found - and this is quite interesting, since there are no commentaries on the Book of Esther in the Jewish commentaries at large.

It's only a fragment and I only even heard about this at all via Dr Justin, but in all events the fragment says that 'Esther' is actually Ishtar.

The Hebrew 'religion' or let's call it the JHVH worshiping religion, is quite the helluva mess, really - it's full of weird, unexplained things, and many contradictions. Esther is one of them.

One the one hand, the Prophet Jeremiah hates Astarte, or 'Ishtar;' on the other hand the Zohar commentaries say that the only ritual celebration that Jews will perform after the Coming of the Messiah is the festival of Esther (what they call 'purim').

The Jewish religion is riddled with this same one particular 'contradiction.' Clearly, prior to Moses there are only the Elohim, and Abraham is from Sumeria somewhere and is more or less Ur-ic with family members all with Sumerian names and titles, but after Moses, there is 'JHVH...' And then Daniel, the only guy that actually gets everything correct, is not even regarded as a 'prophet.'

Well, I mean...'s hardly at this point a BMW e46,
is it?! 
LOL. You want one?

So what's going on?

Well it's the same thing as the modern flaw in Vedic 'religions.' They also want to maintain this fantasy about Shiva and 'Nada' and 'Brahma,' without detailing what the Vedas themselves actually teach:

Oh sure, 'Nada Brahma' is how everything material comes into being.

But what is that?

'Na' = vibration all the way to and even beyond white light;

'Ma' = calm vibration which is a spatial reflection of that light like a mirror effect, like the moon;

'Shi' = going into, between;

'Va' = the Void;

'Ya' = a manifested thing, 'it happens.'

Or maybe 'just' one 
of these ones. Still new - 


Surely, I could be wrong.

; )

But without even researching into things at all, I'm prepared to take Dr Sledge's (Dr Justin) word for it about Esther-, the man simply doesn't lie or make things up. And besides, the Biblical Esther story is virtually the same as the Sumerian Ishtar one anyway.

And so is the story of the son of Amenemhat I - Sol-Amen... Although of course that is a later story which has nothing to do with ancient Sumeria, but is to do with Egypt.

Stories stories stories.


Actually they're not just stories. They are reference points for when you meet one of the Safra Bank owners in a coffee shop in Chelsea.

...After having met all of the mothers who were separated from their children in Mariupol.

Or for when you have met neither and are not going to meet either one of them.

But still you have to live in this material world, right?

Same as those other two have to.

You do not have to live in the rubble of downtown Mariupol, and you will for sure not be residing in Cadogan's penthouses anywhere in Kensington or Sloane Square...

You 'could' be in the coffee place however.

Even you. Even me.



  1. The e46 M3 is the last good bmw built.

    I sometimes find the restomods go a bit far, especially when perfection has already been attained.

    Do you have a copy of that kindle in pdf?

    1. There are also 'retromods' which are virtually exactly the same as the originals. I agree many restomods often alter far too many elements.

      You probably already know most of the things in the pdf, but sure there is a pdf version privately via:

  2. Rumors of a USA General having been captured in Mariupol. Seems unlikely, but ya never know, eh? Maybe the remote viewers spotted his location before the rescue helicopters could extract him.

    1. Important - very important 'message' - next article up.

      As far as the Mariupol situation is concerned, well, actually we'll say more in the article now that you mention it but in short, the Marines Division of the Ukraine Armed Forces has surrendered formally out there. The current situation also includes an apparent demand of the remaining Azov fighters, that their top commanders be allowed to leave safely, or else the French 'trainers' (and possibly, it seems 'someone else of high rank') will be killed - by them! Good to know who your friends are, right?


Your considered comments are welcome