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Friday, 8 April 2022

From A Certain Distance

They commonly say, that in 1913, all of the following - Hitler, Trotsky, Freud, and Stalin - all went to the Cafe Central in Vienna 'in the same month.' Although, as far as I can tell they are not recorded anywhere as ever having met each other or spoken.

Still, it is rather cute to think that the cafe hosted them all.

I am abundantly aware that right now, there are many people generally, but also many close friends, relatives, and associates of mine personally, who are stuck in strange circumstances, the likes of which we can hardly imagine ever occurred before in human history - perhaps they did so at the time of Petrarch and the Black Death.

You can't have one.
So stop thinking about spending

What's the point of posting cool pics in here but no one can go out and get any of the stuff!

We'll be stuck with images of impossible things in here for a while longer, it seems.

Oh else stuff so banal that no one will feel that these are all 'infelicitous' postings...


Believe me, it was actually true that I ought to have posted this particular article several days ago but was stuck for the pics! ...Not the background story itself.

So what's the 'background' story?

Well, the Russians have captured a dozen top military commanders of the Azov's and the putative 'regular Ukraine military' inclusive of some NATO people and one American 'adviser' who are all being held 'somewhere' and are still being interrogated.

'Interrogated.' This is just 'mostly peaceful' asking of questions.

The Chechen army is going to come out of this as tested, successful war-fighting soldiers

And the end consequence of this spells doom for Israel. I mean it!

The Western media has literally no idea at all of the kinds of battle-field technology that is able to be deployed by the Russian-backed anyone at all, and has even less of a notion about von Clausewitz's rules.

Cafe Central, Vienna.

McChrystal understands -, well, I don't even really want to say what he understood because at this point even just mentioning it would be giving away 'secrets,' apparently, to the amateurs in the White House like Sullivan and Nudelman.

And they are amateurs.

Amateurs are the most dangerous people though, because they cause damage and create unnecessary havoc.

Hannity gave Sean Penn the time of day, more than, in fact. But I would like Penn to tell us how he would get just one F16 into anywhere, and supply it, and maintain it, and manage its flight mission/s.

Yes there are flyers still around in the Ukraine. So what? There are no flight mission management systems and military navigation platforms left there at all. And that's only the first thing about it.

There were, 12,000 Azov Battalion soldiers in the Azovstal works in Mariupol. I'll give you a figure that is current as of this minute: 800.

So, no need to take out the TU-22's and bomb the place to hell.

There is simply no point posing rhetorical questions as to how Zelensky and the WPP Group/Soros Western media are going to justify having overseen the killing in war of fifty thousand Ukrainian soldiers -, and then losing the war.

During WWII, Stalin's Soviet Army surrounded forty thousand German Wehrmacht on the so-called (German) 'Eastern Front' - and killed them all in the end. All.

The technology of killing, today, is significantly more efficient.

But 'Putin did it.' And so he did too.

Like... what?

The 'West' (there is no such thing; there is 'someone' - someone obscure that you don't see in charge) is intent on having nuclear weaponry all over the place in Eastern Europe and they are heading off to a nuclear war somewhere, if not with the Russians then with anyone they can find who will oblige.


What is this all about? What lunatic mindset goes down these obscure paths, chiefly in the dead of night and behind your back as a voter (behind the nation's back as a democracy of voters)?

But no, surely no, it cannot be...

Oh but yes. That's what they want. 'Someone' wants it.

The Roman army knew all about it way back in 149 - 146 BC when they totally and completely massacred the whole of this diabolical cult in Carthage. But you are not going to be able to read about it on-line, on the net, because it has been studiously removed from 'history.'

You are not allowed to know about it.

Because it would reveal who you are up against and who is in control of you right now.

The reason there really is a 'Pizza-gate' is because the original word for 'sacrifice' does not mean to ritually slaughter, or to 'give' as an offering, but it is an invitation to some entity to possess. The word means to give to possess.

If you don't understand the occult, you won't understand what is going on.


  1. So Chechens are going to attack Israel, and Russia will send their Navy in there and back them up with hypersonic wahtsits because if they don't then who's going to go around pulling peoples tongues out for them after they get their tanks blown to hell? By the way, do they use scissors first, or just a pair of pliers for the whole operation?

    Because, demon possession? Cool!

    Maybe it's just a simple matter of what happens when dudes stay in power for 20 years and go slowly insane.

    Oh right, that's what the demons want us to think.

    Incidentally, how do you make a thing travelling at hypersonic speeds hit its target? Whatever. Apparently the Russians know how to do that really well because they have ETs helping them with the technology?

    Personally I get the chills watching Bill Clinton in those ridiculous bear hugs with Yeltsin, and the finger poking and generally doing things that say "I can touch you." And the western media was all "oh look at what wonderful rapport they have." And then the people ponied up with their money and capitalism and oh this is the way to ensure peace. And then you had nuclear security on the one hand, and financial interests on the other, and it all got so messed up in terms of whose interests are being looked after... and oh yeah, the nukes. But we live in the era of relative peace, because it works on the same principles as "proof of stake."

    Technology is really dangerous, especially to people who think their minds are trapped up inside their bodies and they can push buttons and things will happen because that's how machines work. Or to people who see some conflict and subscribe to a particular narrative and say "hey, remote viewing, we could use that to ferret out the locations of the evil ones..." Security is so ridiculously complicated for such people that there is only one conclusion, that it will eventually fail.

    1. ...Was sub-titled 'Invulnerable Missiles and Extreme Tactical Insertions.'

      Oh. When was that published? Oh...

  2. What makes you think the Israel defense capability is what you imagine it to be right now? Any facts there to back up the notion? It has 'Iron Dome' and it has good radar and electronic warning and tracking systems - none of which can handle the hyper-sonic missiles. The end.

    1. Nothing makes me think that. I didn't say anything about that. I just asked the question about the new missiles and how they can be used. I imagine in the worst case they would need to launch from an airplane and need the plane to be in place until impact for targeting to work. So it could be that Israel wouldn't even need Iron Dome for this. We could go endlessly in the "what makes you think..." style. But it's not really my interest. My interest is in consciousness and "dangers of technology." I understand that your blog is about "money" and so therefore maybe barking up the wrong tree.

  3. THEY want Khazar back, don't they? Is that what this is all about?

    1. The ancient Greeks say 'Coraxi' - the people of the fire-breathing bulls. Not dissimilar to the bulls of Poseidon at Atlantis.

      The Hebrews say 'Baal' of Bavel (Babel). And those who follow Alex Jones say the worshipers of Molech. ...There is all this 'symbology' often which comes down to us as key words and names. All of us here, on these pages, must deal with the existential reality though, and not just the words and the 'bureaucracy' of ideologies, whatever those might be. Yes the words are important also, but their underlying meanings are more important, and how those ideas actually function is most important of all. The Zohar people say Nimrod was the first ruler who wanted to split human affairs away from the Divine: he told the gods - 'you stay up there, and stay away from us down here, and we'll run our own affairs. But just you stay away from here.' That he possessed power is not open to argument. And so practically-speaking, we must understand how he got that power; where did it -, does it, come from, and how do those 'rulers' who try and emulate Nimrod, exert it over the common people...


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