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Monday 11 April 2022

Few There Be...

...that find it.

Hang on! You said everyone would be saved! Or as many who asked, and hey, there's billions of Christians been on the planet, how come only 'few there be that find it?'

Find what?

'Saba' is the Egyptian word for 'star.' (Yes, that's right, she wasn't the 'Queen of Sheba,' she was the queen from the stars... Don't believe me, do you...).

Romulan ale glass

'Steno' is an ancient word, could be even Lydian, or Graeco-Egyptian first. We have it in English: extended.

'Aker' means gate and also gatekeeper in ancient Egyptian.

And the 'Lamassu' are the twin guardians of the narrow star-gate.

Eloi are the people of the heavens. But it can also mean 'come here to me.'

'Eloi Eloi, lamassu saba'ak-steno-i...'

'Hal. Open the pod-bay doors (for me).'

'Access the star-gate portal.'

Try it.

It will not harm you.

Must have been imbibing too much of that illegal Romulan ale.

By the way, Romulan war birds and Klingon 'birds of prey' craft... Hmn.

Could be, could be.

Still, it would have been handy if that Jesus fellow had not have mentioned the 'restricted gate' in the same breath as speaking about the big house that survived the huge flood because it was built on a rock.

You have to find that 'restricted gate' though, all the same.

You can't drink this stuff!
It's aftershave, but -, it's naturally brewed
and the 'lime sec' looks a bit like
Romulan blue ale... ...even has some tiny
bubbles in it.

Where could that be, where could it be? Now, let me think... 

...Let me look around the place.

Is it here?


Is it there?


Well, after all, few that be that find it. Fair enough.

No 'star-gate travelling' for us then, I suppose, right now.

Back to the Romulan blue ale then!


  1. Ah yes. I say something (again) about technology and consciousness and you ignore it and then make a little distracting sidestep dance.

    But thanks for the blue flower powder, and the saffron. It goes well with the new breathing exercises that are making me feel like a new person. And the turkey tails I found growing in my yard. The fact that I come here of all places and manage to come away from this massive field of dung with some truly valuable stuff amuses me.

    1. Dude. Chill out with some Romulan ale!


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