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Monday 21 June 2021

The Mistake Of DD Preppers

The one big mistake of all Doomsday Preppers, is of course - that they don't really believe in a Doomsday. Not an actual one. And certainly not one targeting themselves.

So what makes anyone particularly so important that 'Doomsday' is not going to hunt them down, but only everyone else?

Doomsday means no more patty-melts!

This is called? A Dadouchos.
She is one of several 'levels' of
women and some men, in an ancient secret rite.

No more drive-through pizza take-away's.

A regular refutation of certain of the things I have been saying is to the effect that 'we are not worthless.'

And that is right. No human being is trash.

The point though, is, in what does the human individual's value subsist at core?

Luke 4:25 and 26 - the main guy Himself in there says that whereas there were many widows around the place at the time, but Elijah went to only the widow at Zarephath, an old Phoenician city, and gave her food that never ran out... (Doomsday Preppers please take note).

So, either you are going to be one of the 'many widows' or just that particular one.

I mean, hey, that widow that got the never-ending pizza flour, she even has a few choice sarcastic things to say to Elijah!

It wasn't that she was completely a door-mat!

Forest, or trees;
whichever you want to say.

The single biggest lie that you have been sold as an American (and we'll get on to the Brits presently), is that if you work hard, you will reap just rewards.

The Brits have all been brought up with half an eye on another thing though - see, they are secret (very secret, admittedly) admirers of the French - and they remember the lines in Shakespeare's Henry V: 'A very little little let us do and then be done.'

As for 'the people of the Synagogue' they were 'filled with wrath at His words.'

But why?

Because basically, He told them - you're not gettin' any!

Now instead of saying or at least asking, well, but what might we do, to change this outlook for ourselves, they go ahead and try to chuck Him off a cliff.

In ordinary debate, it is a rhetorical tool to pose these sorts of questions so that your own knowledge base is increased - even where or when you think you have the better argument and position already. Because unless you can truly see the perspective, the point of view, of the other, you are only guessing about what they hold in their hands; if the matter was actually mysterious in the first place.

Make no mistake, I have not ever been talking about 'spiritual matters' here at all! I mean to tell you, that flying white 'Tic Tacs' are real material things, with real actual 'people' inside them. These are not drones. And they are not 'secret' technology from here.

But there is no invasion and it is not the End of the World.

Er... Er... Except, well, maybe for you and almost no one else there may be some 'arrangements' made.


In a few days from now, around about just before the Friday first 'deadline' for this Congress Report, we will have a whole new book up, free to read, and basically just for you. It is not going to be necessarily 'easy going' but it will be entertaining if you just let go of the handbrakes in your head for the short duration, and see where the 'drift' sends you.

It will send you, directly to something meaningfully intact in the way of actual material 'contact.' 

And if you are extremely bright, it will leave you as to no doubt whatsoever, 'which way to go,' when the time comes.

But you should be able to also appreciate just exactly how complex the whole matter is, and why things have to be unfolded and not just simply 'placed on the White House lawn one morning' for all to see. And why not? Because Zarephath that's why not.

And maybe only you.

And even then, you will be dragged kicking and screaming. I think so.

But I am going to give a great big, a huge secret right here and now.

It's all about the food, boys and girls. What do the ET Aliens eat?

And don't pretend to yourself later on that you heard that from anyone else, because you did not. You heard it here, and you heard it here first.

There is no 'other place.' Here is the place. Here. Right here where you are right now. 'Here...'




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