(Honestly, I was so hoping and even planning for this to be a calming, quiet, and beautiful article. It isn't going to be).
Wouldn't it be so simple, for that the ET Aliens simply descended upon the front lawns at the White House, and explained to us unambiguously and in person, all that we needed to know and understand, of time (travel), and the ethical and moral value requirements, that would allow us entry to the Galactic Federation (or so Joe Rogan says that there is one because he has interviewed important people who have direct knowledge... ...right?) - if we agreed to adopt those values?
Now I have deliberately chosen the form of expressions used in that rather long sentence above, in order to describe to you, some of the problems with Genesis 6:3.
'Descended' is 'nephal.' 'Nephilim' does not mean 'the fallen angels.' It means the descendants, of intercourse between Earth women, and other beings.
'For that' is what is known as an Aramaism - which is something along these lines: They err, and he dies because thereof (it; the 'erring'). Aramaic has a habit of using the plural at the beginning of a sentence, but then using the singular to categorize the subject, although the clear intention is that all or many thereof (them/they) are affected by whatever thing is said to be happening.
What Genesis 6:3 is actually saying is this:
'In erring about his nature and substance, Man causes his form of flesh, to die at around 120 years of age on average; and he does not thus continue in a straight way forever.' This phrase 'in a straight way' is exactly what the text actually reads, and is almost always translated incorrectly as 'contend against.'
Man lives here on Earth. He does not travel anywhere either via Einstein-Rosen bridges, or by another means or in any other fashion contradicting the constraints of time and space.
The 'trajectory,' (meaning profile) of human organic life, is along a very limited path which falls short of being actually 'long,' in any meaningful Cosmic duration (space-time).
There is a word, in the Bible - 'falling short' - and that word is 'amarteia,' and it is Aramiac and also Greek. The word in the Hebrew means 'doesn't pass' or 'passes astray/goes this way and that but not straight along.'
All these words really, are about 'passage,' and duration of passage and line of passage.
So what is going to happen to you, if you pass your life as an ordinary human being, is that your organic life will fail at some point, and the cells will not self-replicate in a youthful condition and then mostly not at all, and they will wear out, and you will die.
And that is not what happens to the beings inside of the 'flying Tic-Tacs.'
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Ion shower |
In fact, we are pretty silly, really, given that we do know quite a good deal about our DNA and what some of the messaging in there does - and it is very clear (because why are aging packets of DNA so discretely in there in the first place?), that it has been 'interfered with' if not exactly 'interdicted,' in that, if you even just simply eat something pretty banal like young broccoli sprouts, your 'aging genes' will be turned off and there is opinion to suggest it may even 'be reversed' up to a point for some cells.
As something in the Book of Psalms also says: 'For He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that does not return.' Psalms 78:39.
You do not have standing, to meet with ET Aliens. Joe Biden will be dead within *.
And there is not a single thing, that you, on your own, are able to do about it.
The human mind desperately needs cause and effect, logical argument which is sound according to its own understanding of what 'sound' is, before it can have faith in something which it has not before, encountered in any clear way.
Why are you, you yourself as a person, an individual, also only just 'a passing breeze that will not return?'
The insidious subtext - which you cannot immediately see - in otherwise great Hollywood movies such as 'Nine and 1/2 Weeks,' is that it is only moments, and thus even only those 'special,' 'enshrined' good ones, that you ought to regard as 'real.'
This puts a commodity value on 'special moments,' and sells them to you.
Is that how you want it to be?
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Only one special moment left for you... |
'But if - what if you just took me up just one time, on board your space craft, so that I was able to see, with my own two organic eyes... ...Then, then for sure, well, maybe I still wouldn't sign up to what you ET's are saying, but I will seriously consider it for sure! Meanwhile, fuck you because I am so smart. You cannot do anything damaging to me. And anyway why would you? Right? Why would you? I am so great, after all. My governments and leaders are so honorable and good. We are so woke.
'Prove to me, Calvin, prove to me with scientific proof and evidence, that what you are saying is true even in the slightest. And then I will believe. And then I will do everything you advise. Because I always have done in the past.'
If someone said to me, eat that last bowl of noodles down at Newton Circus, and hold it in your memories, enshrined, as one special moment... Because that's after all all you will have/might have, anyway.
Would you?
Facing truth is apparently, either intrinsically impossible for humans to do, or by nature a huge struggle.
What will be, already is.
There seem to be a lot of "we are being observed" people out there who believe the ETs showed up and intentionally messed with our dna to serve their own purposes. I'm not sure who is being served by this concept. Because of certain experiences I've had with my own body I'm not sure that the emphasis on lifespan is very important.
ReplyDeleteI will confirm that lifespan is not that important taken in isolation - for one thing it doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you are talking of simply massive computational technology that can derive 'iterations' of DNA outcomes in computational time and not real linear time. 'Specific targeted outcome' is already 'known;' you don't need to actually DO iterations to get them. It's just a discrete digital pattern 'number' you would be looking for that you already 'knew' was or would be there.
ReplyDeleteMass scale social interference though, creates a different scenario altogether though. Here we have the manipulating of WHOLE SOCIETIES (or at least THE whole of human society at large). So that is more to do with control, than 'observing.' Inasmuch as I probably hate to say this, but there is, inside of several DIFFERENT countries' secret government agencies, a well-circulated view among those with a top-level purview of those specific areas, that there are FIVE different 'species' here, and that have 'interacted' with humans over a long time. There is not FIFTY-FIVE, although it is believed or suspected, that there may be an awful lot more numbers and types of 'species' out there - only five active HERE.
I'm interested in what you might be thinking in terms of 'emphasis' on lifespan. Are you able to expand on that or explain specifically what you mean - do you mean that simply because humans live only relatively short durations HERE, that is still 'not important' because they have a right to respect regardless? Or do you mean something else?
Just that I view this emphasis on deficiencies as a thing that could be used to distract and blind a species to its immediate potential. I know already that my mind can be "in a certain state" that is unlike anything I've been told a mind can usefully do, and in that condition I experienced a complete inability to doubt, and also the sense that "there is nothing to worry about." My current assumption is that anything I think I may know about the limits of who I am is probably wrong, and probably someone else is going to try to make use of my misunderstandings.
ReplyDeleteIf the UFOs are ET spacecraft... then! These beings are acting like children on the playground. They want us to come over and join the game, but they don't want to approach directly, so they act like they're doing something really weird to get some attention.
To me this suggests that things among those hypothetical 5 ET species may be a little complicated. The assertion that we humans are like mayflies to them just doesn't add up. Perhaps they are looking for raw material for their genetics program, perhaps they want slave labor because they don't enjoy inhabiting the bodies that are good at building stuff.
Perhaps they are here to further some sort of ethical or moral program they wish to engage the rest of the galaxy in. Perhaps as in Stargate they really do derive some kind of real benefit from the spiritual practices of other beings.
This is all very speculative, but regardless, we don't get to assert "a right to respect." Will I respect you if I notice that you respect me? Of course not! But I will wonder about your stance. Who am I, who are you? Is my idea of "another's mind" the same as yours?
Nothing can be "given" (thinking of technology or space rides or even straight up confirmation of existence) without some other thing being taken. If you wish to take something from someone then you should appear to have something to give. Encouraging people to believe that their bodies and minds have serious flaws is manipulative if the message arrives with a "and this is a really important difference."
So to emphasize: the behavior of the UFOs, if they are ET spacecraft, suggests there are people out there who want us with them, but they don't want to offer anything, or take anything. They want us to be there with them, without asking us to come over, and without our coming over because we want to get something they have. Otherwise they would show up somewhere with gifts and just lord it over us, or they would make themselves invisible to us.
DeleteLook at the actual Blog and what it said about the movie 9 and 1/2 Weeks. It already said there is a (asserted by me) FALSE imposition about 'the (commoditized) value of special moments and that people have to trade something get these (more of these 'special moments). And yet, you are literally also ASSERTING it as some kind of a given THAT something is exchanged; something TAKEN in exchange for something handed across. ...You are just not paying attention at all to what has been being said here for weeks and months: NOTHING new is happening at all. All that is happening, is that modern data acquisition means the military cannot avoid saying they are 'seeing' something - but it is really, the same something they always have been since Julius Caesar's time maybe earlier.
DeleteWhich means that something, yes, IS going on, but it has always been going on and never was there any 'demand, expectation, or interest in playing' with humans in the past at all! Which means there isn't an interest now, either.
DeleteI noted an observation, that according to the ancient narratives that have claimed some 'occasion with the External Beings' (and that is the precise terminology in the Vedas (Yaksaswarupa) and also in the Hebrew Zohar and Tanakh (External Ones, External Beings - this is in the Book of Ezekiel from memory I think but also elsewhere) - that the indication is that it is 'US HUMANS' who procured this 'short lifespan' compared to them!! 'In his erring, I shall not content with Man forever, for that he is flesh and lasteth but a 100 years, and is dead.' IN HIS ERRING. Not 'the External Beings messed with Man's DNA and caused it to make Man live just a 100 years in order to make them slaves.'
The question I am trying to pose here, and have been trying all along, is - what is this 'erring' supposed to be? What is the nature of such 'errant behavior?'
If you answer this question closer to one possibility, it suddenly exposes exactly WHY these 'External beings' are not direct with human beings.
And I'm just asking this of you rhetorically, since I realize by now that you have a fixation about it: but what is it with you about 'HAVING to sell off/trade this for that all the time without exception...?' There is your 'manipulative tactic' yourself right there! Who said this is a truth? And why are you asserting that it is?
My idea is not about exchange. What I'm saying is If something is given to you then you lose something else. Humans might accept technologies from ETs, but in doing so they change their relationship with themselves. My idea is about exchange, but not involving commodities.
DeleteSo I guess I have to just come out and admit that I believe that if the ancient texts don't explain how the erring was done, then that is because there was no erring. Sorry. I just have very little respect for these things. Not concerned at all that these could be true revelations from superior beings.
DeleteWait, I thought the fall was a very simple thing in the Bible. The humans received a thing, and then became suddenly self-conscious. Probably the source of my "you receive a thing you lose something else" idea.
DeleteYou are a victim of 'Campbell's Tomato Soup' Judaism and Christianity! There is no sense at all, in the original Aramaic version of Hebrew text for Genesis, of a 'Fall' at all: God made a protective and 'magical' (had 'super powers' of some kind, according to the text) covering, a literal 'coat of clothes' BY HIS OWN HAND to protect Adam. All that ever happened, in the original language texts, is that 'it would be HARD' living here having chosen 'the FRUIT of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil' and not then possible to eat of 'the Tree of Life' RIGHT AWAY. And that is all.
DeleteThat's much more interesting.
Delete"Time. Time doesn’t pass. Time is an illusion. And Life is the magician. Because Life only lets you see one day at a time. You remember being alive yesterday, you hope you’re going to be alive tomorrow, so it feels like you are traveling one to the other, but nobody’s moving anywhere! Movies don’t really move. They’re just pictures, just lots and lots of pictures, all of them still. None of them moving, just frozen moments!" - The Doctor, Doctor Who Season 10 Episode 2: "The Pilot"
ReplyDeleteNot only that - but humans have a one-sided 'reliance' about linear time: they focus on the past as having a 'real' (or more real) significance BECAUSE it was experienced and there are material artifacts of that, but isn't the truth that 'future' linear time is more important because it will ACTUALLY be experience whereas the past is only capable of being remembered? These are complicated notions, sure, but we have to start looking at them more seriously, since it is clear there are beings travelling across the normal linear human time-space barrier.