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Tuesday 22 June 2021

Making Money The Occult Way

As you all know, since I do know that you are all pretty well-read around here, the Christian religion overtook the Eleusinian Mysteries finally, by 396 AD - but this disguises what really happened.

In 170 AD Iranians sacked the Temple of Demeter, but then it was restored completely by Marcus Aurelius. In fact, it was only Marcus Aurelius ever, who was permitted as a 'lay person' to enter the 'anaktoron.' 'Anaktoron' means a special - a very special palace. It is not even the 'telesterion' but another place that is distinct if not quite completely separate. Only authentic initiates can gain entry to such a 'palace.' ...With the exception in history of Marcus Aurelius.

'How She Should Make Love - The Witches Of Demeter'

Now - it is crucially important to realize that Paul says expressly to certain high-placed Greeks: 'what was taught previously by you as mysterious, is now explained and known and taught openly.'

The secret rites of Demeter are in the Christian rituals. Further Jesus Christ Himself is reported as having used the Greek word 'peitho' - which means divine persuasion. But there is no possibility that (once again) Jesus Christ who evidently spoke Aramaic and Greek and was trained for fourteen years in Egypt, was unaware of the meaning of 'Ouraneos' or 'Peitho.' Yet, He uses those words in prayers and ideas about 'moving the Heavens,' such as even 'the Lord's Prayer' itself.

The 'pagan' structures were essentially 'power and politics' structures of the day at work, and whereas the Roman Emperor Julian (361 AD - 363 AD) was a pagan Emperor, by the time of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I, Christians had 'taken the Empire' and then it was a question of the competing erstwhile prevailing state religion versus whatever religious structure had been there previously.

This is just a matter of competing political interests - not actual religious ones at all. Because for one thing, there is no possibility at all that the so-called 'pagan' structures that held the Empire previously, were genuinely 'Eleusinian' because that was only accessible by women. And when we see Empress Helena enter the Christian power scene, what we are seeing is the Eleusinian Mystery knowledge in the hands of the Christian rulers, not the male pagan competition.

...What today's Christian churches refrain from telling you, or maybe just plain do not know, is that the Demeter rites introduce the concept of 'divine sources of Earthly (material) wealth.'

All of the Christian 'mass sacrament' ritual is purely straight from the Demeter Mystery ritual.

Of course, I will have all kinds of objections raised to me about what I just said!

Now I want to go back to the 'mystery' of the flying white 'Tic Tacs.' This is a 'mystery.' US Navy doesn't know what it is. No one in the military knows that will say or be allowed to say officially.

But let me draw your attention back to the historical time of Ahab of the Omride Dynasty - which was completely wiped out.

Remembering, that Elijah at the time, only went to one widow... ...yet he shut up the skies for all the people.

Read and try and understand what you are being told. Because the effects will be widespread, but the 'evidence' will be narrow and restricted.


  1. Nice one! Much less ectoplasm in this, to my tastes. "Selling artwork using the NFT system." haha. that's some true fairy tale stuff. It also evades the real issue, which is that a URI is not the same as the thing it points at.

    1. I mean nft evades the issue, not your fairy tale.

    2. LOL. Hey, don't hit me, dude. I never left the 'LAST CHAPTER' in...

      NO ONE, (right now) would let me stick THAT in there and distribute it out there. ...I think Cofer Black was the last guy (and those under him), who would let us go out there this far!! LOLOLOL

    3. Re the URL - a lot of people don't understand the underlying ACTUAL structures of genuine NFT's as they would legitimately work (even though an incorrect system is regularly employed in 'mainstream' platforms). DIGITAL work is supposed to be locked into permanent archives via the IPF System; so it is the DIGITAL work that you are actually buying, although there may be, and there can be, and there sometimes is physical work delivered as well. 'NFT' without the IPF System is almost meaningless.

    4. So it's permanent, and its moment of origination within the IPFS is not in doubt. But it is inherently fungible! Regardless of how or where it is stored, digital media is intended to be consumed in a fungible way. So we make a not fungible token to "represent" it in a market. If someone else makes an NFT of the same thing then it is a simple matter to investigate which came first, and in theory the original contract should have a higher value.

      we shall see! Currently the situation is that you can browse curated lists of these things. The creators of "hic et nunc" are asking for a demonstration of social credit before they will allow entry!

    5. Funny how I express myself as if I imagined I was saying something everyone doesn't already know. Kind of embarrassing actually.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And you seem to have finally worked out what "shared agency" would be. The other beings are using Liz to speak, but Liz provides empathy they can not deliver. Well done!

  4. It's interesting you have picked up on that, because it IS an intended point. I think most readers are going to completely miss the not explicit 'implications' of what is being said in there. Actually they ARE explicit - but the RESULTS (of what was indicated) are not 'shown,' aka 'described.'

    ...A certain prominent but 'out there' Rabbi just recently said 'a war is coming, and it is unavoidable.'

    Then he added: 'it is a serious war that is about to happen and don't think it is a kind of a theory. Don't think that if the first bomb drops nothing will happen...'

    And I can say no more than that.


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