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Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Moral Calculus of Wealth

Don't you love some of these clever phrases, you know, the ones that employ terms from science or maths to apply to human social behaviour and activities.

'The moral calculus...'

Calculus - many things, moving fast. 

So if you have a real lot of money, then you have lots of dollars, and oh sure, the demands on them will likely cause them to start to move very fast. Very fast, away
The moral calculus...

To the normal mind, if it witnesses some clear misfortune or tragic circumstance, would love to re-dress it in some way. And having a lot of money gives the individual the opportunity to be the agent of a change in affairs and in fortune.

In my own observation of what happened in my own life, I must say that apart from my own parents, there wasn't any obvious external sense being directed toward me about doing anything to help people in any altruistic way. Oh no; far from it. There was only this constant suggestion behind the lips of every adult, apparently, that they were all after material gain and career progress which was nothing more nor less than a fairly naked desire to have a lot of money.

Now that I am a lot older, things spring out at me that were of little concern within my consciousness when I was younger although I think I still held these beliefs or suspicions about a lot of other people: I think one of the reasons you will find quite a lot of people say 'I only want a million dollars, not tens or hundreds of millions - I just want to pay my mortgage, and have enough to live on..' - is because it releases them from the moral pressure that attends people with much much more than 'just' whatever.

You must have seen last week's news about those people who won the 300+ million US dollar lottery who told the media that they would use it mostly for philanthropy.

Well I mean to say, what option do they have? 'Oh, now that I have won 300 million I'm going to spend the rest of my life being mean and mean-spirited and lord it over all the poor unfortunates...!'

If you are a Muslim, it's a lot easier - women rank with donkeys and dogs; so you don't have to spend much time in consideration of them. Especially if you don't care much for dogs and donkeys.

Not only that, Allah rewards whomsoever He pleases and not people who are morally entitled to anything, nor those who earn it. Allah is oft Merciful; though clearly not always, nor according to any particular objective standard that we can use as a template. He just does whatever He whimsically decides. 'Oft.' It means, sometimes, many times, but not BECAUSE OF anything. Just 'oft.' You see - this is calculus.

In order to make some sense of large, whimsical number, we try to see things through the filter of a calculus, or formula.

Christianity - at least modern Christianity - lacks the dimension of a wealth calculus. There isn't a lot of methodology about when you attain to material wealth in this life. It's not that it isn't there inside the foundation texts, it's just that the elements are underplayed because of politics between the nascent religion and the establishment of Rome. Rome had 'Jupiter' or 'Jove' - the divine force of generosity and material wealth. But so did or does ancient Christianity...

Modern pop atheists like to talk about the conflating of Roman pagan gods with aspects of divinity implicit in Christianity. But that isn't correct. In point of written down fact, Jesus Christ specifically claimed that his father was God of Heaven - but in the Gospel Greek these actual words are 'Ouranos;' Anu from the Expanse Above.

Annunaki is literally present inside the Christian texts. It's in the Old Testament, it's in the Gospels. 'Those who descended down from An.' Or from 'Anu.'

King Midas, the Greek mythical king who possessed that 'magical touch,' faced this moral calculus. All wealthy people do. Everything you touch from your wealth becomes golden, and it is shiny and bright, but is it warm and alive, intelligent and conscious as well?

Capitalism is a modern political theory, in reality, which seeks to resolve this question by making a positive human ethic come from out of an objective, cold, impersonal truth: which is, namely, that apparently money does not care. But in the hands of political capitalism, money allows society to progress.

Which it never does, of course.

Saturday 10 September 2016

'Class' In Horse Racing the same thing

Class in horse racing is the same as anywhere else... It means that you can perform competitively against a rising standard of opponent until, in the end, you stand alone.

Race horses are really strong and powerful animals, and the best of them, on their day - so to speak - when they are in the best of racing condition, you can't really stop them; it doesn't matter what other people say, you cannot stop a good horse. Not without really obvious outward signs of extreme cheating.
Fairy floss, grape juice, and champagne

I have seen a truly superior thoroughbred, when the connections were attempting to 'graduate the horse' without disclosing how good it was, through the lower grades - with its jockey trying to hold the horse up by using what are called 'double wraps' (he tightens the reins by doubling them around his arms and pulling his arms up to his chest) and with his legs dead straight standing up, his whole body leaning backwards in the irons, and with the horse just plain careening further and further away from the rest of the field...!

A thing 'has class,' and this means it will win against lesser opposition, all other things being equal and often even when they are vastly unequal; not in its favour.

I used to be a believer in the idea that everyone had the potential, by using their mind, to rise to great heights. And it may be true but I no longer believe such a thing with ease.

I don't really know what the full truth of the matter is, when it comes to all people, but I do know what it amounts to when you are looking at specific individuals.
In the famous words of Vince Lombardi 'I have been around winners all my life...' He was a very clever guy - I mean he was obviously a great winner himself, but he never overtly said that of himself. 

You should be able to tell what a human being 'of genuine class' is, but it isn't anywhere near as easy as you might suppose. There's this other racing aphorism about 'throwing handfuls of dust' and it means that you want to disguise the condition of the animal by obscuring it from the casual eye - hence, you throw handfuls of dust over it so its coat doesn't show the natural sheen that comes when a race horse is in top condition. 

Human beings are a combination of performing animal, pilot, trainer, strategist... All of those things wrapped up in a neat package.
This product has class...
I don't know why, it just does!

Branded products that are in the business of selling, that is, having their merchandise be sold - never throw handfuls of dust over themselves! If you know what I mean.

But people are a different thing. Personally, I don't 'sell myself;' I am an agent for my own power and control in particular given circumstances. I operate by a completely different set of rules and processes than that usual one of 'selling yourself' - in the sense of having another 'buy into' what you are saying or proposing. 

I'm presuming there isn't anyone here who needs or wants to have power and control over things. And so for most of the rest of everyone, all those usual tracts about how to improve your life will do.

At the same time I'm not talking about having or gaining power over other people generally - I don't want that! What am I going to do that would serve my own personal interests in controlling ordinary people?! And so I could never be a politician; people don't interest me in that way.

I'm interested only in the class people. And then I become very dangerous indeed.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Epiphany! And The Isolation of the Future Human

You're probably familiar with the recent advertising campaign of Remy Martin for their top-of-the-line Cognac - or at least, you've seen the short film in which John Malkovich plays someone who appears to have either traveled forward in time, or lived a very long time, or perhaps is someone who kept alive what to the rest of the apparently dystopian future world, has been a long forgotten secret, namely that there was a bottle of Cognac stored in some vault for a hundred years and that was now ready to be opened!

For me it's an intriguing advert series because it provides us with three different visions of what the future world might be like.
We're all myxo-Asiatic in the future

These envisaged worlds are fairly ordinary really, in terms of present-day imaginings - it's been a while since the world was able to call upon the creative resources of genius of the power and ability of say, what a Philip K. Dick possessed, or even the still living Syd Mead for that matter.

For some reason we have entered into a ridiculously conservative, rather 'ordinaire' era in which the brain-power of the entertainment world seems not to have been able to step much farther afield than the usual, superficially hi-tech, yet underlying decayed city vision, or the automated, glass-and-aluminium megalithic structured Urban Polis, with its implied totalitarian lifestyle. And the third of the standard 'visions,' is the so-called 'retro futuristic' one.

Yet all the same, there is a certain jaunt in the Remy Cognac envisioning, which gives one the feeling that there may be a dimension of these visions being hinted at which bears further considering: and that is the factor of the moral dimension.

Today we are about to more completely enter into the phase of our history in which a certain amount of social isolation is wise. If we 'have wealth' then ordinarily, as moral people, we look to share it with our immediate society - but what is that? What is 'our immediate society?' And what might it consist of in the near future?

Could I, for instance, select from a virtual rack of programmed 'personalities and characteristics,' a digital form of pseudo-human intelligence, and install this into my internet-of-things, and be surrounded by a super advanced form of 'SIRI?'
The paving stones are very Frank Lloyd Wright...

Could I, would it be possible, for me to install the tiny digital device into some implant bay or semi-permanent 'wearable computer' on a companion, and have them suddenly behave and talk and 'be' the personality and character that is 'written' into the digital memory device?

Epiphany! They become a full, complete, charming, intelligent, knowledgeable, entertaining character from out of a movie or other fabricated narrative - such as the Celebrity Magazines?! 

Epiphany means a sudden realization or revelation.

The future is nearly here, and anything is possible...

Monday 5 September 2016

'Five Bucks And Being Nice..."

It looks to me that is almost impossible to deter people from overdoing the post-mortem analyzing that they do over anything that is happening in the immediate moment.

I mean this kind of thing is fatal, really, when it comes to financial matters, or dangerous sociological conditions.

The media does it a lot.
Venice in winter

And because it is the easiest thing to do and demands little knowledge of or latent interest in history as a continuing flow of events, people don't readily 'see' the critical features of current events when they turn up in front of their eyes.

Ilias Kasidiaris, one of the Greek politicians who is a member of the now banned 'Golden Dawn' party or 'movement' at least, is a key example of an obvious immediate sign of something that is far longer-term in nature: he represents perhaps ten thousands years of Western Civilized history.

Now ten thousand years should count for something, even in the minds of the idiot media but no...

It will be too late for a lot of people who think they are 'the powers that be' to learn this lesson, after it is all said and done. Well, after what will be said (has already been said, and out in the open, too) is turned into realized material fact.

You don't need to over-analyze what already just happened as if it were something that occurred in a vacuum (of other events).

Really, the writing is on the wall in Europe - and it has been for some time. But that writing is part of a long sentence, and it doesn't begin with '...And Angela Merkel lost an election because the people are all stupid.'

What does that 'writing on the wall' say...?

For me at least - maybe not in the ordinary popular mind - it is rather easy to develop a revolution in Europe right now.

And I'll be candid with you - I could do it personally inside of six months. I know how it could be achieved, regardless of whether you think this is a mad claim, I could do it, and easily.

Which doesn't mean to say it is going to be done easily. Because for one thing, I am not going to be the one doing it. But if I can see it, then others can see it too, and some of them will put the ideas into practice.

I guess what I mean is that all the necessary flaws and weakness are already there, in place, and may be exploited easily.

What looks like, on the surface, all these policemen in black uniforms 'protecting' the establishment and preventing the people from uprising and doing a lot of violence, presumably, is an illusion.
"Five bucks and being nice buys you a Starbucks coffee."
Ann Barnhardt.

It's just an illusion. The idea that the public at large has been cowered into a state of ever-going along with whatever establishment politicians say, is a massive misunderstanding of the situation.

My own view, is that I would not be a mainstream politician in Europe for all the money in the world right now.

People talk about 'black swan events' as if these present financial opportunities to the armchair quarterbacks like Mohammed Kaepernick...


Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Most Dramatic High Lesbian Sex

I had the opportunity yesterday to sit very briefly in the new - the very latest new Rolls Royce - the Dawn.

It is everything you can imagine it would be.