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Tuesday 6 September 2016

Epiphany! And The Isolation of the Future Human

You're probably familiar with the recent advertising campaign of Remy Martin for their top-of-the-line Cognac - or at least, you've seen the short film in which John Malkovich plays someone who appears to have either traveled forward in time, or lived a very long time, or perhaps is someone who kept alive what to the rest of the apparently dystopian future world, has been a long forgotten secret, namely that there was a bottle of Cognac stored in some vault for a hundred years and that was now ready to be opened!

For me it's an intriguing advert series because it provides us with three different visions of what the future world might be like.
We're all myxo-Asiatic in the future

These envisaged worlds are fairly ordinary really, in terms of present-day imaginings - it's been a while since the world was able to call upon the creative resources of genius of the power and ability of say, what a Philip K. Dick possessed, or even the still living Syd Mead for that matter.

For some reason we have entered into a ridiculously conservative, rather 'ordinaire' era in which the brain-power of the entertainment world seems not to have been able to step much farther afield than the usual, superficially hi-tech, yet underlying decayed city vision, or the automated, glass-and-aluminium megalithic structured Urban Polis, with its implied totalitarian lifestyle. And the third of the standard 'visions,' is the so-called 'retro futuristic' one.

Yet all the same, there is a certain jaunt in the Remy Cognac envisioning, which gives one the feeling that there may be a dimension of these visions being hinted at which bears further considering: and that is the factor of the moral dimension.

Today we are about to more completely enter into the phase of our history in which a certain amount of social isolation is wise. If we 'have wealth' then ordinarily, as moral people, we look to share it with our immediate society - but what is that? What is 'our immediate society?' And what might it consist of in the near future?

Could I, for instance, select from a virtual rack of programmed 'personalities and characteristics,' a digital form of pseudo-human intelligence, and install this into my internet-of-things, and be surrounded by a super advanced form of 'SIRI?'
The paving stones are very Frank Lloyd Wright...

Could I, would it be possible, for me to install the tiny digital device into some implant bay or semi-permanent 'wearable computer' on a companion, and have them suddenly behave and talk and 'be' the personality and character that is 'written' into the digital memory device?

Epiphany! They become a full, complete, charming, intelligent, knowledgeable, entertaining character from out of a movie or other fabricated narrative - such as the Celebrity Magazines?! 

Epiphany means a sudden realization or revelation.

The future is nearly here, and anything is possible...

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