The intelligent person will look at the world today, look at the situations around the place - be they fundamental human social matters or larger-scale national and racial/religious matters - and consider the incapacity of the obtaining systems to resolve the widely far apart positions of people holding power.
Now power of course, is there in many guises not just the clear-cut and obvious ones.
Anyone, or anything, that is able to manipulate the weak-mindedness of the average uneducated person - has power. Power over human beings.
The human being in the private individual sense does not have any power in any realistic, meaningful way over the wider population/s of other humans as a particular group or as groups just generally.
But that people do feel for the plight and the misery and suffering of others is a truism about the standard human being - whose opposite characteristic marks out the sociopath's mindset.
After a while the ordinary private individual is bound to feel worn out by the problematic nature of the human world -, by the entire contents of this world of political structures and ideologies built on utter garbage that could not survive even the slightest critical analysis and shining of light onto it.
Yet whole swathes of people, nation-states, literally millions of people in fact, as an ongoing existential reality, act and make decisions and decide things for others based on thinking patterns that are psychopathic and regularly too, also sociopath kinds of mind workings.
It literally does not matter that I kill you or someone, a few people or hundreds of thousands - as long as I have asserted my power to pretend that I and I alone 'know the truth' and 'have the truth' and am working 'for the truth' (that only I know 'properly' of course).
The obverse of this actual position that most people find themselves in, is that I or you or any ordinary individual have literal material manifest power to overcome the majority and the leaders of those masses.
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Inside, the outside... |
Which we do not.
So there is no prospect of our getting enough real power to individually and personally countermand the diabolical mentality of huge organizations and governments - that is, on our own.
The amazing thing about the book called 'The Apocalypse' is that even good people, saintly people - are reported in that text as calling out to an unresponsive Divine Authority and Power: 'How long, how long?'
...They are not impatient but they are worn out. They are tired of the lunacy.
And God does not reply.
Not in any ways that are suggested by the text to show that He/She/It is acting with a sense of urgency about human suffering.
Thus it seems that even under this Supreme God of Goodness, people are perpetually suffering, powerless, and brutally disregarded.
After all, it is not 'God' who is actually living the suffering life across centuries - it is Man.
The justification in the Judaeo-Western-Christian philosophy is that Man 'sinned' and so it's his own fault; in the Islamic ideology it doesn't matter if he did or didn't, he must simply be a slave and accept whatever treatment Allah dishes out because 'Allah knows best' and has supreme power and has ordained everything.
It's just that the 'everything' that you and most everyone else knows, is always continuously a bad situation only, filled with risk, problematic outcomes, and the inevitability of suffering.
People of course 'hope' and this hope is never justified by the outcomes in fact.
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Where is the 'safe harbor' against jealousy and greed, manipulation and violence, and people (and 'gods') who do nothing but point fingers? |
The practical experienced reality is in any case that human beings simply cannot trust other humans around them - wives let husbands down, husbands fail to meet the ludicrous and vain impossible standards of illiterate materialistic women, politicians lie, economics provides the unmerited great wealth, and love is rewarded by betrayal or else perpetually contains the risk of it.
Where is the 'safe harbor' from all of this evil and mischief?
What happens when you, and virtually you alone among the whole entire present living human race - remove yourself to this putative 'white room' that we have talked about here, on a space station or vehicle somewhere off the planet, and in there are unburdened of the prospects of failure, the weight of unworthy human judgement (IE the 'throwing of stones'), and receive actual power and knowledge that no one else down here has...
Is that in any Sacred Scriptures anywhere...?
What do you think?
Is it?
And when you do it, try it, what happens... You want to be so much more, don't you.
(Almost a minute in before the thing really gets warmed up; this is because these kinds of tracks have 'beat matching' beginning and end segments for mixing with other tracks - and also for the expert to 'get into the trance zone'):
The comb.