Today, we live in a world where there is a lot of trouble, and a lot of dissatisfaction in the public - dissatisfaction in their governments, in the leaders and in the politics generally and also in the arms of administration carrying out the policies and directing the 'laws' of the state, whichever various kinds of nation-states these happen to be.
The philosophies and the ideologies that are behind what has happened come from old books and ancient texts and the interpretations of a number of events and incidents that are given the name of 'religion.'
There are simply innumerable commentators speaking everywhere from platforms claiming to be representing religions, significantly, rather than academic philosophies - which probably would be all the worse anyway(!) - and these drive the whole discourse.
The moral context is framed through a window of religious ideology, always.
The decision that you make, or that your country is making for you, or that the executive branches are making - are 'good' (supposedly) because behind the story there is another story which is always a metaphor...
And why is it always a metaphor?
Because there are no Jews that can produce Moses onto any public stage, except only his (putative) words.
There are no Muslims who can produce Allah or Muhammad live, onto any big screen on which Hassan Nasrallah can easily be produced...
And Jesus already said He was leaving for far away 'as like a wealthy land-owner on a long journey of trade.'
So then we have all these books and texts left to us, which are taken into the hands of knaves, and they are swung at our heads until we do what they order.
We have to start thinking about things from the perspective of what we know, especially technologically-speaking, today.
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Things are simple, almost rustic. They are not hard. Even on the most advanced high tech space ships in the Cosmos, things can be very fundamental... |
Already you very clearly know that AI and big data can almost predict, and somewhat determine, your every next move. It has access to your iPhone, it can tell you when the shops are open and how busy they are in the immediate moment, it can log all of your calls and from the locations they were made.
These are all taken from superficial data. They are just from your physical actions.
But it is possible to peer into your brain and 'see' what neural connections are there, and what the electron signalling traffic is.
'Transfiguration' is a pattern. What it means is that you have an overflow of electromagnetic power going through your body. And this attracts your personal self, your consciousness, into a much larger, fully-integrated, and highly intelligent, field.
And in that state it is possible to shift a person into clone bodies.
You may not believe it or even like it right now but it is true nonetheless.
All of us living here on the planet have our personal selves tightly held into the physical body, and into the sensory nodes in that - but not just that because that would be quite okay; people are tightly fastened to external systems, to the economy, and to the ideologies of which I earlier referred to, here.
These ideologies are all false because none of them are existential in the now - they are all referencing frames and narratives that are like screen-films being run through a projector; they are all past things that happened, not are happening.
They are able to reproduce, or produce, nothing at all in the now. Not without knives and swords and guns and police and various other sorts of thuggery.
It will take you at least a day, maybe a day and a half, to detached yourself from this materialistic, but past fugue, powerful attraction that is inside your sensory and nerve network system.
After successfully detaching, you will be able to access a faculty within the brain and by direct and key extension, the mind - which will allow you to briefly, very briefly, catch a glimpse of an existential permanently inherent now reality.
Close your eyes.
And listen, and then see.
Cloning is real in the Universe.
Not in 'human science' reality. In the actual Universal set of civilizations and systems reality.
Close your eyes.Go the White Room. Continuously... By and by they will 'see' you there and they also monitor people down here all the time -, and slowly, glimpse by precious glimpse you will start to see a different world besides the obvious one that is visibly here when you have your eyes open in the day (or night for that matter).
Diomedes was given the divine power to identify (literally to see) the gods who were taking the field of battle at Troy.
Close your eyes.
Let the Light come in. It is dark on this planet.
It is not an easy thing to accomplish.
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All things. And the power. |
But why are you important where others, 'already there,' not so important? Because you have the call, because you have the experience. They are not from here; you are from here.
You will attain to the power. That's why the world is against you. They cannot afford for you to have the power that they 1. cannot get, and 2. previously have been very abusive over people here with the power they had.
This is not about some story of yesterday. This is about now. This is about you. What makes you think you are not more important than some character in a story of the past? They are not here. You are here.
...By the way, there is a difference between Sacred Scripture, and nonsense written in books and scrolls and everything else. 'He (the Divine Spirit) called them gods to whom the Word of God came - and Sacred Scripture cannot be broken.'
So am I wrong?
How am I wrong.
Close your eyes.
See the Light.
Re: "Diomedes was given the divine power to identify (literally to see) the gods who were taking the field of battle at Troy."
ReplyDeleteThanks to A.I., we too can see the gods.
LOL ...Not.