Well, that is to say, you will not hear them anywhere else.
Sooner or later, the more you 'grow up' (some of us never do, of course and one of those is moi) - the more you will question what is all of this 'fasting' thing that is so pushed in religions.
The basic excuses always given - and they are wrong as you are about to see - are: it is good for your health (it is not if it is prolonged or messes with the body clock; this harms sleep and digestion and eventually your kidneys because of dehydration bouts), next, that self-denial allows you to stop focusing on yourself and to start focusing on 'god.' This is total bunk even from the standpoint of 'creationist' religions since God the Almighty, All-Knowing, All-Beneficent, 'made' perfect things and if your desires are 'wrong' then He made a mistake! ...Which He could not have.
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When 'production design' in films was a thing. ...Done by people with some brains. |
And there are others too but they are all wrong.
If you go to the actual ancient original texts, this is not what is happening - some individual is not fasting and then God visits them or some 'angel' of God visits them; they are already delineated for some special incidents and experiences...
The fasting is simply stated, it is not explained.
But I will explain it and you will suddenly get a shock, those of you with enough experience of medicine and human biology and neurology.
Take this current bizarre fad of the 'weight loss' drugs based on Semaglutide - Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro - all of these deceive your brain directly, directly mind you (as well as through the GIT chemical actions) into believing (there is that word again and I am underscoring it here for you on purpose) that you 'feel' full and that you have eaten... ...When you have not, in fact and in truth.
It is a 'lying' mechanism' but one which also works on your brain via the hypothalamus directly.
Now let me ask you a question, that is to say, pose a question:
If your brain is in a state where it thinks, and also thinks that it believes, and indeed believes, something falsely, are you not being deluded, and delusional at that stage?
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Next time you talk to someone who says they are rich, or that others say is rich, just don't get confused by the 'story.' |
If that condition remains a constant condition of your brain, what other side-consequences are unfolded that are flowing from the primary basic delusion?
Well, your taste changes, your sense perceptions are altered, your concepts of what is good and bad to ingest becomes changed - your sense of smell is altered - your internal mechanisms become reliant on external drugs...
Can you then in that state and condition be completely relied upon to make sound judgments as to what is 'good' and what is 'bad?' Could you be relied on as to your powers of judgment, to come in contact let's say, with an Alien species, and make sound rational and legitimate decisions about them and judgments concerning what they represent to you?
Why would an actually advanced intelligent Alien species look at you in that state, knowing how you live here on chemicals and drugs and messed around biology and what you are using to 'get by,' trust that you would understand them on a sound rational basis or be benign towards them?
'Fasting' means normalizing and resetting your sensory dynamics in situ (IE in human physical biological life/living), and ensuring that you are not being affected artificially by exotic foods or by some substance-induced false impressions. It means 'getting the time and timing right.'
You are about to see how incredibly connected and interconnected you are, and things are with you, that are completely outside of you.
I think we can also 'be reasonable' about it and assume that simply by consciously 'seeing' (self-acknowledging) this understanding, and appreciating that we should not make foolish judgments or rash and precipitous moves and conclusions, and especially not try to come at things when under the influence of drugs or substances that have altered the natural human organic processes - then an advanced intelligent species would not enforce some obsessional set of rules about meeting.
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In the world there are many Ferrari cars. But only some are this one (like this one). |
Because they would be able to negotiate on terms in which you intelligently acknowledge you could be mistaken in the moment and that you will be patient to see the enduring facts and not the immediate impressions only.
The macrophages in the human body are involved, the GLP1 sensory pathways and components are involved, the hypothalamus (body temperature regulation system is based on signals from the gut biome! As well as other inputs not actually 'fitted into' your body, like bacteria) is involved, the vagus pathway is involved, the pancreas is involved, the kidneys are involved... These are all intimately involved with your brain's activity and your thinking.
'Field effects' are literally exactly how true and correct judgments are made. The conscious person, the so-called 'individual' is at the end of a long line of connected other things.
With these 'conditions' now outlined, we can start to think about looking ahead to a critical moment...
And this 'moment' will not be based on some theological perspective about interpreted ancient texts and ideologies and myths and legends and 'books' said to be given down by 'God.'
Why does God need a book?
He (It, They, Whatever) requires you to know, truthfully and honestly and above all self-honestly, and He requires communication with a rational being, not a deluded and a delusional one.
He could simply talk to you directly, why not -, but you have to be in a state to 'get it' in tune with what your sensory and brain systems ought to be functioning like given their optimum patterns of operating, not when you're in some bizarre and outlandish 'fitted up' nonsensical mind-warp state built by a propaganda-driven society and pumped up with anti-depressants and adrenaline or 'speed' or driven by urban middle-class greed economics.
Or He could 'not talk' to you and simply go about changing you into something not as dysfunctional as most human beings are. Quite obviously, humans at large - the greater 'human society' of people - are a work-in-progress.
The whole world when it comes to these ET questions always says well where are they?
They (the non-Earth humans) by the same token could as easily ask 'where the f* is their mind at??!'
The human race on the whole is nowhere even close to being able to communicate sensibly and authentically with a truly advanced intelligent other species.
Close Encounters is one thing. Close communication is the thing.
Can you tell me what red lights in a pine tree mean?
ReplyDeleteI mean there IS bioluminescence in pine trees... But that's usually greenish. That's one thing. The whole nature/folk mythology about pines is complex - there are the indigenous folk stories about the stealing of fire, and then there is mythology about robins and fire and berries and mythical fire (which is a symbol of fire). 'Green' and 'Red' are in magical terms the indicators of the two extremes of size changing: red is intense and small, making things get smaller -, and green is enlarging and growing. Pines stay alive in the depths of what appears like Death - the blanket covering of snow and cold - yet some berries and these mythic or magical 'embers' indicate that life is there and intensely small but enduring.
DeleteThank you. It's what I saw in that OBE a few months ago. Floated out of my body then I was on a dirt road at night, a few small very bright red lights in a tree. I floated up to around the height of tree line then I rotated so I was looking parallel to the road, and in front of me was the milky way, vertical in my view. Only lasted maybe 15 seconds.