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Sunday, 23 February 2025

Social 'Nukes' Not Actual Nukes

Yes. I am grateful to our reader who pointed to some 'remote viewers' out there talking about impending doom from nuclear strikes somewhere.

I have absolutely no such 'inside messaging' or even any hint that such a thing is in the offing, in part, because 'they' are onto this with total focus.

There are quite recent instances of 'unknown' causes for the sudden instant deaths of leading nuclear war-monger figures - in one case fifteen of them died all at once in the same convoy with the victims travelling in two separate helicopters no less.

Just because I like.

There is no country that has claimed responsibility and since the helicopters were American-made ones the air accident investigation would have revealed if there had been any deliberate act that caused the crashes and deaths.

And so we can extrapolate that there is no prospect of Iran, manufacturing either the means to send, or the actual material technology composed to construct even hybrid nuclear weapons.

How is it possible that a species as backward as the human one, can grab so much Cosmic attention as an actor-of-malice, and pull around the energies of highly intelligent other species to the extent that it's almost as if the humans are continuously capable of delivering Ultimate Evil as the winning End Game scenario - that there is even a contest at all...

But I'll explain something to you this way:

If you have been born here, as a human, a normal human, and then been 'grown up,' as it were, in standard society, then you are inured to evil as if it is normalcy.

You have adapted to quite evil social structures and styles, and without the ability to make comparison with other ways, you cannot detect how far gone this place is.

To a very large extent Evil has won here.

She is not very tall.
Armani was concerned that she
had to meet with politicians 
who were into their own
'power dressing' and so on.
This texture is designed for people
to touch the fabric... 

...Now I want to actually switch away from discussing just that, and look at something else, but which will eventually tie back in, although maybe not in this piece right now.

This phrase that occurs in the Bible and in the Book of Enoch - the so-called 'Watchers' - these people, they do not simply 'watch,' but they take samples continuously over generations.

I guess it's time for me to stop ducking in and out of shadows - of course there are craft around the place here and of course there are other beings, not entirely human as such. But they do look human-ish.

And some of them share a lot of composite actual human DNA.

And now I want to switch again.

You take the perspective of women -, the way they have to think within social groups is different to the way men approach things socially.

But yet in all, people on the whole are merely like extreme climbers who are far up some truly megalithic mountain, with ninety-degree drops straight down if they lose their grip or the purchase they have on the ice or rock walls through their ropes and spikes. And yet - they all shall lose their grip and their purchase and fall, basically to 'Death.' That is life; it is what happens at the end. Human life = death.

Follow me here, follow me here...

There's a lot of nice things
for women to wear these days,
and this is not the best example
of what I'm trying to indicate,
because this is the Armani
Harlequin jacket - 
but, many things you wear
are designed for people
to 'stay away' and not
communicate with you.
Believe it or not.

...You dress to express, to be noticed, to be paid attention to, whatever - and you have a partner or partners and you and they all die. You get, in order only to lose. No matter how you cut it, that's what happens and people - 'society' - employs psychological tactics including religions and various fantasy ideas and romantic notions about the 'ineffable' nature of Love (with a Capital 'L') - to make themselves feel 'happy' but none of that stuff is materially real. Not in any existential way that is objectively sensible.

Society itself on the whole claims to be satisfied by the reproducing of more generations; the furthering of or the continuation of the species.

Godel's Theory (of consciousness) is a fact.

Humans - the human mind; possesses capabilities beyond what a purely computational system can achieve.

But the human organic body is just a computational system, albeit one that is organic and mechanized through chemistry and biology.

The Evil of the human world as it has transpired across the ages, consists of the way human society (this means government, control systems, leaders, rulers, thought leaders, people in general) has circumvented the Godel Quality or feature of the human being, placing the mechanistic computational part ahead of the other thing.

But the problem there is that it is that very part - the organic part - which cannot sustain an individual personal human consciousness for very long... So why are we placing that ahead of the other?

I can take any single one of you, and over a few hours, maybe days, not much more, literally have you interact with hard material physical beings from very far away places but in the Universe we know and can see, not some 'different Dimension' or something.

And along the way, you would at some point realize that it is indeed actual science that is taking you there. It is not Clif High stories. 

It was Socrates that said, in a number of places in Plato's works, that it was a fatal flaw to keep looking at books (written sources) for absolute knowledge of truth (or 'Truth') because you can never ask those things questions; they are dead and without mind. This is exactly what Godel is saying too.

Most English Bible translations do not translate this part but in the actual original text sources of John 8:12 it virtually explicitly repeats the same idea that Socrates and Godel are on about, in that it separates the organic person, from something else, and in the original language text it plainly says: 'I am the Living God.' Which is rendered by the standard English translations as a misreading of the text implying that it is written in pseudo-Hellenic Hebrew, whereas it is Ancient Greek and Aramaic - these false translations all say 'I am the Light of the World.'

But it doesn't say that; it says 'I am living...'

Because I can afford,

I am Alive.

You fall off the side of that steep mountain that you are climbing and you will die in the deep crevasse far below.

You want a partner, or you want a friend, but they are all dead.

They are all dead unless their minds - turn to the Living Light of the World (meaning the Cosmos-world; that is - all life, all living things; things which are alive).

Let me prove something to you scientifically.

When you are anxious, or perturbed, or made to worry, or forced to struggle for material things, even just for food to survive, then the blood flow in your brain goes back and down, to the Limbic system and the CNS and cerebral cortex; all the stuff that allows you to respond 'fright-or-flight' re-actively in order to maintain the organism in a crisis and survival mode - and is forced away (IE the blood) from the frontal cortex. The place where your creativity is centered and springs from, and where the Von Economo neurons are that allow you to make real social engagements. Namely, the frontal cortex.

Are you getting something yet?

Did any bells go off?

When you paint a design, let's not go further into it now - on your forehead, and your blood flow is towards the frontal cortex...

It is extremely hard to let go of your 'grip' on the side of that mountain.

But it is the mountain of dead people - which is made up of all the bodies mounted up that fell off themselves to begin with - that will kill you in the end.

Well, you know what I mean...
Sooner or later, meat-and-potatoes.

Let's not scare the children, right?

'But, but - why can't I just get some space craft to come down and for those guys in them to meet me?'

Well who said not though?

I didn't say not. I asked if you were ready.

You have a scientifically-demonstrable, and therefore provable - faculty in your head, in your brain, which is able to communicate and be communicated with just exactly like a transmitter. 

Have you communicated with any ET Aliens yet? 

What about that human level, Earth-based romantic partner that you so earnestly wished to find - are they alive, able to use that living communication faculty in their brain and in their mind; or are they dead, asleep if you will and if you do not wish for me to be so direly dramatic about it.

Ten seconds after you communicate and discover that heck you can communicate, you will have to deal with the fact of what, are you communicating and what are they communicating back to you.

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Just Protecting The 'Innocent' LOL

Sometimes, more so recently than ever before, I have been slightly stymied to talk about stuff in here due to the requirement to really not identify particular people specifically; and not even to hint at their walks of life because that would already almost automatically suggest who they are.

But yet there some very key matters that are worth looking at and talking about, because they exist as 'things' in everyone's life, not just these specific individuals.

People are of course individuals - they are not generic things.

Just someone attired to
go out for cocktails.
It is not easy sustaining this
type of carry-on.

The forest is full of 'trees' yes, but each tree when looked at closely is entirely unique.

So let me put it this way on this particular thing I'm trying to talk about: there are people who, due to their professional lives, are in the public eye a lot, virtually all the time if there is ever a camera around or if there are people outside of a very limited, usually quite small, circle.

And that places a lot of pressure, psychologically, on that person.

Some people appear to thrive on what looks like attention, but then, in order to sustain a perception that is being used by agents and industry, they use a ton of internal energy to support the outward look, the walk, the behavior, what they say - everything.

Worse still, some of them don't sleep very well; they are literally insomniacs.

Now it is not so easy as you would think, to just take off to some faraway spot and rest.

Those places today, are isolated from civilization, and nature exists there unlimited by the forceful actions of Man.

...A tiny insect could harm the person.

And then there goes several hundred millions of an industrial asset.

If you go to London now - and today it is way worse than it was when I was articling briefly in situ in London City with James Chong, Inns of Court (Thatcher's time) - you will quickly notice that modern people have abandoned all semblance of manners and 'style-social' customs on account of the demands of their so-called 'jobs,' their professions, their survival needs and the demands of contemporary life.

It is not at all that various celebrity figures that you know, are unaware of what it takes to simply live and survive in today's world.

Design and luxury are
They are human mind

They know that you are paying something like ten or twenty dollars to sit around for an hour to watch CGI dinosaurs and sundry monsters, or be bashed over the head with pseudo political drivel for what purpose nobody even knows.


Mostly that is what it all is.

So anyway to cut a long story short I traded recipes just this week with someone that you all know and who must remain utterly incognito.

I myself virtually never make 'potato scallop and sardine bake.'

And let me tell you it was completely straight cooking and very tasty for sure.

Actually I loved it.

More to the point I was rather surprised when I got a call to say 'you're going to be getting this delivered at your door, can you be ready there to take it at such-and-such a time.' 

Seriously, it was ridiculous o' clock but then, this person is a 'global' if not wanderer then certainly traveler to promote various things that they do now and then. So, the time they were on was who knows.

I have told you many times that it was my actual uncle (half-uncle; was one of my father's aunt's sons) was head of Shell Far East back then and part-funded Thunderball the movie. I have no such funding platforms and never did at that level although at much much lower and very local/regional levels due to tax schemes, yeah well I did. I have been many times inside the place that was Heath Ledger's home in Angwin Street East Fremantle but that was back in the days when London-based stage producers used the place and I don't even think (let me check) Heath Ledger was born...

A model at the Melbourne
Horse Racing carnival -
one of them, prolly the Spring
Carnival (which is not now).
Or any time all that soon.

Hmn. Yep, I was there 1976 and then into the early Eighties for people with United Australasian and American FilmCo, so for some of that time he wasn't even born.

But I know people and they know me and no one in the media knows that we are in the same circles.

So what had I earlier made for this person, that inspired them to trade back...

Well I had said 'tonight I am making a cheese toastie with some of today's left-over Beef Burgundy, would you like some?'

Caramelized onion, see - with proper Modena Balsamic PDO (protected designation) made from grape must. You have to throw a few coriander seeds into that.

And, olive-fed Wagyu beef, black pepper and salt flakes -, double fried with the burning oil poured over the red inner meat when you cut the thing after searing first. 

Fried lardons, celery and carrot juliennes seared in hojiblanca olive oil.

I use ordinary Maggie Beer beef stock, which admittedly, is highly flavored with French herbs.

Put that all together with a few splashes of decent red wine.

Thick cut Pane di Casa Vienna bread. Pan fried both sides in quality butter.

Then the Gruyere cheese topping one side and that fried too. And you chuck some red wine caramelized onion with some vague hints of the soup and beef in between. 

You guys are prolly
beer, not red wine.

And not forgetting that you throw in some brandy at the end phase of the beef so that it doesn't cook off (the brandy).

The red wine I had was 'Miles From Nowhere' Shiraz Cabernet from Margaret River (right up the road from you, Bill Smith).

And, basically...

Two, maybe three mouthfuls of 'cheese toastie' and the effects are pronounced.


It's kind of a bit like hypnotism.

'I have had to go up to the Daintree earlier than I had planned. Because you are a bastard. You and your stupid ET Alien talk! Pics or there aren't any.'

...That was before I got the baked potato and fish.

And after they came back hurriedly from the Daintree.


JES also has a cooking page somewhere but this story has nothing to do with her:

Sunday, 16 February 2025

The Battle Of Garrison Hill

Now don't get the wrong idea here!

We're not battling anyone except ourselves, sometimes, and this is not a call to arms.


You'll get part of the point towards the end of this piece here.

We only joke because that's what we do,
and we are not actually joking as such.

The Battle of Garrison Hill, formally known in the records as the Battle of Kohima, is not just recognized, but acknowledged, as the greatest decisive battle of WWII and one of the greatest battles of all time.

It occurred in 1944, beginning April, in Kohima North East India, when 1 infantry brigade (1500 men) of the British India Army, took on and destroyed an entire Division of 20,000 fully-armed, well-supplied, seasoned soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.

This is the greatest battle of World War II. And you've probably never heard of it.

The youngest Victoria Cross recipient - Junior Officer Abdul Hafiz Khan - was awarded the VC for executing his orders to cross an open uphill slope against machine gun batteries with his platoon, in daylight (and then at night again once he had begun to succeed).

Wounded himself twice, the second time eventually being a fatal wound, he personally led the charge, shouting the Mohammedan cry, and took out both main batteries himself before returning to his men and rallying them that they were invincible and would secure an absolute victory against the odds. 

At nightfall they discovered that a spring of fresh water had appeared on one side of the hill, though it was not practicable to access it during the day...

Kohima, today.

The machine gun batteries were eliminated and the hill taken -, although being open slopes on all sides, it was impossible under the mortar rounds during the daylight hours, to go up and down to retrieve supplies of fresh water for the rest of the brigade.

The summit of the hill was fortified and a manned British India battery placed in position, though still under heavy shelling during the daylight hours.

The brigade itself below had begun to be completely surrounded by vastly superior numbers, with no supply lines available and the prospect of death by starvation, shelling, disease and thirst.

Unbeknownst to the Japanese closing in, fresh water was being made available by soldiers under the cover of darkness at night, back to the brigade below.

In the ultimate reckoning, 7000 combat deaths were incurred by the Japanese, with 300 wounded men extracted - still under shelling in open country - on the British India side when the brigade was joined by reinforcements.

Our respects to the great military historian
Len Deighton, at a time when 'small' things

Since even the medical tents were out in the open, many wounded men were hit again while receiving medical attention.

In the event however, the Japanese Division was completely routed.

The spring exists to this day.

We ourselves today live under difficult circumstances, with no meaningful supply lines, surrounded on all sides by overwhelming forces arrayed against us, and battling against these seemingly impossible odds.

Madness grips the minds of (many) people.

For those with eyes to see...

All we have is the shirts on our backs.

The Japanese are not our enemy and they never really were - not the humans, not the individuals. Not even the Generals and the Commanders.

They had nothing. We have nothing.

But the pen.

What waters of life will spring from here.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

The Springs Of Life And Inspiration

When you look back through what we are able to see in the history of design, form often follows function.

The Industrial Age brought us ideas about steel and metal alloys and repetitive geometry and examples of structural engineering scale.

The Modernism Era brought us fabrics and color technology and specialized printing processes - it gave us new textures and glossiness.

First, we had to move...

What is the function of the post-Capital world; the implications of a society surviving or trying to survive, the failure of Capital?

Retreat is probably the motif here.

Smallness of effective presence or let's say, footprint.

The current data is showing a massive collapse in the luxury market - that is, the market for so-called 'luxury goods,' which is of course, simply the commoditisation of branded merchandise.

Most of London's West End has closed shops now. There is still plenty of open public space but these are regularly defeated for genuine open public access by gangs and 'protests.'

Chicago was ever thus in terms of open public spaces, but now New York has seen a significant increase in private clubs or restricted to members' only spaces. And these will also eventually collapse as viable businesses.

Once a culture or society loses its access to innovation and inspiration, because of the tyranny of a single misguided idea or belief system that rules through dominant control of the economy or through force - like Marxism has done in many parts of the world - then 'big' becomes the rule and the norm, and little spirit and eventually no soul becomes the resultant total effect.

The flame (for the individual) goes out.

When the social pressure is that you cannot do something, then in fact you cannot do anything (new).

Then we had to play with 

It's a system of chains.

The norm is enchainment.

'Enchainment' is also the term for a series of steps in ballet...

Whilst the social use of this concocted word 'enchainment' is the societal prison, the dance meaning is progress and a way out.

Music comes from two things: an idea or ideas that are placed into your mind (that is the actual technical ancient Greek word meaning), and a series of integrated steps in 'a chain' succession that becomes a complete whole itself as well as a way leading out from chaos and meaninglessness to purpose and meaning and object and enlightenment.

The Muses were born out of a Sacred Spring, but in fact, that is just the metaphorical story - they inhabit all springs and waterfalls and secluded places with flowing, gushing waters and also sometimes calm waters.

A special kind of water gives Life.

Inspiration comes from oxygen and water.
Celebration comes from wine.

And then from Life you must next have Inspiration in order to make your life worth living.

It's your own personal life that you must attend to first and foremost.

The world's problems cannot be solved. 

This world is at an end.

The Fates have measured that out and cut it according to that measure and the final length is now reached.

It's over.

The world that you once knew and assumed could not be conquered, has been conquered - by the worthless minds of ordinary human people masquerading as something different than what they are.

The season of the Masks in Venice has just now begun.

But the time of Masks for you in the world, has really begun.

Strange things will happen now, stranger than you ever thought realistically possible, and suited previously only to the myth and the fiction inspired by the story-tellers.

Strange beings will appear in the world. But behind masks. ...As you also, will be behind a mask for most eyes.


Thursday, 13 February 2025

This Is An Occupied War-Zone

'When you enter into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water.'

What is all this cloak-and-dagger stuff?

Anyone trying hard to break through - well, this is not very different to Steven Greer's Ce5 thing - will realize that we are in a war-zone, and that it is occupied by very malevolent minds and forces.
Look. It cannot possibly be
clearer than that.
This character in the film, 
is blind.

'It' - the physical land - is not so much occupied, as the brains of people are fully possessed by a completely demonic 'overlord' conception that forces them to dull their wits.
You take the standard basic Christian texts - here is a guy, said to be, acclaimed by people there at the time to literally be 'God' or at minimum some Divine Personality; even the Centurion at the Cross uttered that thought and he was a Roman pagan - and yet here He is, more or less walking around surreptitiously and having his followers meet in secret, in secret places. 

But then, the text itself outright says, 'this place is ruled by an Evil Being.'

This place.

That means here; the world, 'our' world, this planet, this Earth, this human race.

But make the process simple, don't go and over-complicate things. It's just about your brain's signals being more easily transacted with from an external transmitting source.

There is no point going outside of things we know from modern science - we don't have to concoct some too 'mysterious' invisible, unknown, unknowable but religiously-proposed format that allows for 'seeing' and 'being seen.'
Before there was Bond
there was Bogart.

We absolutely do know that skin surface resistance and frequency differentials can be picked up by radar tracking technology.

Steven Greer is telling you about actual literal ET Aliens.

And I am kind of doing that too.

I am just more definitively saying, this has all happened here before.

Ammon Hillman knows it for a literary source 'fact' if you will -, and he has read enough to realize that these sources are recording actual things that actually happened (in the distant past), and that the brains of those doing the writing down, were very great minds; they produced the geometry, maths, physics, and medicine that we all rely on today.

But what you are going to find, is that there is a lot of 'blocking,' a lot of 'interference' as it were; exactly the same as any kind of radio-jamming that goes on on front-lines in war-zones.

So don't expect things to jump out for you that easily. They can, they might, but very likely you will feel resistance.

Or 'sense' it. Maybe it's better said that way.

Believe me it would be so easy for me to show you, one-on-one, to take you through it all point for point and show you things step-by-step.

And there is a counter-party out there.

All of these people, like Jacob Barber and Greer and even Elizondo - all of them - want to say the creatures 'up there' are all these love-y dove-y mild-mannered warm friendly, whatever...

But they are not. Well they are, sort of - the majority of the time they are extremely cold and 'superior' and not concerned too much with the immediacy of what people down here feel and how they feel it. They know the difference between what really is urgent, and what we down here feel is urgent for us.
And without Hammett there
would not really
have been a Bogart as we 
know him.
Who is that guy by the way...?
Up there in the pic.

I personally think they are being a bit high-handed because we are here and they reside in these remarkable quite wonderful and very advanced technology vehicles and stationary platforms with everything looked after for them; while we have to fend for ourselves against tribes and tribes of worthless but rapacious idiots!

So this is contested space.

There is a power down here, hell-bent on damaging the human race permanently; irretrievably.

At the same time I am very sure that you can make the necessary 'break-through.

There is no reason why you cannot.

There are process reasons for delays - partly it will be your own expectation mind-set and over-excitement and then disappointment between when you 'transmitted' something and something else happened back.

That's the phase that I want to underscore to you. Don't waste energy thinking 'Oh this is not working.'

As long as you had the sensation that the top focus (when you are forming the idea of something strong going on) drew all the others into a particular different overall sensation (you should be able to feel that), then it is definitely working and your thoughts are being seen and read.

You can buy a MindLink device and literally watch the changes in your brainwaves through the process.

But I wouldn't waste the money at the start.

Get some forward momentum going first.

You must get some personal forward momentum happening.

Are you trying to tell me that if you had an instruction video with some major celebrity as presenter that somehow then, it would make things easier?
Oh yes Greer,
really cute and cuddly,
Barber is almost blubbering,
have you seen the interview?

Or is this just exactly what I was saying - we've all gone down this path for so long of being so ridiculously spoon-fed and wanting this that and the other handed to us on a silver platter by others, that even the price of Silver (the commodity) is starting to have us thinking whether we should want to sell the platter first, just to get our hands on some hard 'evidence' that fits our idea of 'satisfaction' before we worry about science fiction as reality (which you all don't really believe... ...yet).


If nothing has happened for you yet, keep trying.

'There shall a man... you.'