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Tuesday, 4 March 2025

The Proof Is In The Trajectory (Of History)

First of all, those comments that people made in that immediate last post -, I have responded to all of them back there; so don't forget to have a look back there.

But I have to post this new thing right now because things are moving very fast in the world.

I think when all modern people use the word 'spirit' they mean something quite invisible and totally without corporeality.

This is not correct - it means the force which extends out from some real thing, and that exerts characteristic effects onto other things.

These forces can control a living human being. But they come from some actual and material source.

'My name is Caul; Harry Caul.
You don't know me.
...I'm not afraid of death.
I am afraid of murder.'
Gene Hackman in 'The Conversation.'

That source may stay hidden usually, but it is definitely perfectly material and real.

A supremely evil person is quite a complex being - it is highly nuanced, and highly intelligent. The scope across which the influence of evil can be thrown is extremely wide. Something that superficially seems tiny at a certain moment, can be turned or moved in such a way that its long-term effects are huge and devastating.

And unless you have the perspective to see (envisage) the whole trajectory, you may not easily be able to appreciate the danger of some small act when it happens. That 'trajectory,' when it comes to the human race, can run across a vast number of years -; decades, maybe even centuries.

Yesterday Ursula von der Leyen said that she was going to instigate the 're-armament' of Europe.

This would have been unthinkable as a political proposition fifty years ago.

'Europe?' Who is 'Europe?'

Millions of people, mainly civilians, were killed in many international wars over the last two hundred years, and these wars were not by some external powers against 'Europe.'

They were principally wars between different places and regimes in Europe.

Now I want to take your thinking away from the standard charge that von der Leyen and a large amount of others in various walks of modern life other than politics (the Aldi brothers, for example), were from Nazi families or directly from Nazi backgrounds themselves...

And I want to take you to a much more diabolical and direct source.

I'm afraid of shoes, Harry.
I'm afraid of the price
of a decent pair 
of Chelsea boots.

von der Leyen is a practitioner of a thing devised by Nazi-era neurologists, known as 'autogenic training' - a system finalized by her grandfather Carl Albrecht, in which the person automatically verbalizes (to a listener) what they are experiencing whilst in an altered state of consciousness.

The problem with this is that the system itself was devised and tested, using human subjects who were prisoners in some way (sometimes of the ordinary criminal justice system), or those regarded as 'insane.'

This business of 'children in metal cages or boxes' being transported around by these 'black ops' Tier 1 military field units, and who are then trained in secret locations to be 'psionic operators' - which is the current story being floated by 'UFO Disclosure' people like Grant Cameron and others - is simply an extension of the fact, of what the Germans were already doing post-WWI and then during the Nazi regime throughout WWII.

Ursula von der Leyen is a person who is fully possessed by a demonic power.

I am not going to say what the 'tell-tale signs' are, but if you research both Carl Albrecht and all of the background to the German 'autogenic training' history, and match that with the full story of what Michael Herrera and Grant Cameron have been saying about US secret government 'psionic child soldiers,' you will see tell-tale signs either that this current story is just a copy of historical fact - or else that both stories are talking about the same techniques in an absolutely identical way; meaning namely, that the new story is confirming the old one about the specific techniques being employed and maybe is relating what is currently going on.

But then if the latter, then the techniques themselves are entirely sinister.

Because it is not as if these real (and sinister) techniques are just about calming the body down, and using 'meditation' and 'visualization.' They are also about dissociative conditioning. 

And this means laying the groundwork for possession.

When you start talking about the 'spirit possession' of identities on the global political stage, you are talking about the targeting of control over huge human resources, and having power over the world, basically. In other words you are talking about Satanic (demonic) possession. 

It is actually not hard to distinguish the Good from the Evil in this matter.

The only surprising thing is how easily the human race is taken in by what is quite obviously wrong, errant, bad -, evil, or a practice that is evil.

In the old days,
the grill-room
at the Raffles in Sing.,
was large, and had a
ceiling that was
basically another two storeys
high above the hall level.
The grill-room = the Tiffin
It was celestial...
Not anymore.

It seems to be that if you propose that there are really nice beings on a large, or several not large, craft 'up there;' but they are incredibly intelligent and highly advanced and very reticent about being openly down here -, then no one is attracted to the idea.

But if you say: 'All the kingdoms of the world I will give to thee, so long as you help me murder vast numbers on the planet' somehow just about everyone falls in 'love' with this offer.


Ursula von der Leyen just basically said, hey, we are going to arm Europe to the max with your money over the next fifty years (of your working life; to tax you and keep you in wage servitude until you die) in order to provoke the world's biggest stock-pile holder of nuclear weapons with their Oreshnik missile delivery systems that no one can intercept, and that are faster than any technology available to the West to make functional hypersonic missiles here... And you'd better thank us for arranging to kill you and truncate any chance of you having a succeeding generation! Thank you for your attention and thank you very much. See how polite we are? Now - die.

Of course, I understand - we all understand - that none of us has the requisite individual power to stop someone like a von der Leyen and her combined ilk, of whom there is now a very large contingent comprised.

...Now I'm just telling you about all of this to set the context of what we are doing in here, in terms of what they - these global leaders - are already doing out there in the world.

All you have to do is make absolutely sure that you reject any kinds of sinister, underhanded, inhuman, plays for your mind; and this includes the devious tactic of pretending to a 'scientific' rationalistic atheism. There is no such thing. We already are well-acquainted with our own world - and no one here fails to notice that some have more power and more money and more influence that the rest of us; these are little 'gods' within the context of the ordinary human race and its social structure.

von der Leyen's immediate or 'recent' family ancestry that has been involved in demonic possession practices, goes back a hundred years plus - no individual person lives that long; this strategy that is going on with people like her, is outside of, beyond the human life scale. It's not a human being behind it all. No single human being is going to benefit in their own lifetime by doing what she is doing, or what her father and mother and grandfather were doing -, and moreover, what she is doing is aimed at killing off easily, half the planet's population of humans. So how do any of those individuals benefit?

See you guys
prolly don't even
like these...

She plagiarized her doctoral thesis, and this was proven, and she has several University degrees - economics and medicine would you believe - and never had a real job...

There is nothing atheistic about any of these people. They have a god and their god is the Devil.

And the Devil exists. 100% it exists.

von der Leyen wants 'peace through strength,' and she wants to be 'strong' presumably against the Russians who want to attack everywhere in Europe unprovoked just because - but she needs your money to be strong.

I have peace because I am peaceful.

What she means by 'strong' is to take your money off you and risk everyone's life in the absolute sense, and take it anyway by commandeering people's time over their life-spans.

You can only really love what is attractive.

So when you do any kinds of mind techniques designed to make contact with supernal beings (supernal means celestial - of the heavens), make sure you are attractive in what you think. You don't have to be 'clever' (in the sense of cheating) or shrewd or tricky or at the ready to gain advantage of another competing intelligence. You don't have to impress anyone or offer anything because in fact, just like Ursula von der Leyen, we do not have anything!

Plato however, says the Children of Love are, like their Father, resourceful.

'Resourceful' means having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. 

What we need - what you need - are tools. Nothing much else.

And I'm also afraid
of some cars, Harry!

Get the tools, get the right tools, and implement them.

What does it direct you to do in the Bible?

Doesn't it say 'wait a little while until you are clothed with all power from on high?'

Doesn't it say that?

It does say that.

I guarantee you Ursula von der Leyen never got anything from anywhere 'on high.'

The Devil lives down here. There was at one time 'wickedness in high places' but all of that has long since 'been cast down.' 'Down' is here. Right here.

You can go up there. They, cannot go up there.

Just remember that.

This is called Melodic Ambient Chill House:

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