Some research departments at Oxford University may well be 'looking for intelligent life' out there in the Universe, and apparently - as Pete van Horn, one of our comment-posters here, linked to the particular Daily Mail article - might even have found it...
Or to put it more precisely, have found what they are suggesting is evidence for it.
But look, intelligent life is the organized, structural pathway activity of micro-electronics between your neurons!
Oxford and all of these other places that claim the mantle of 'science' these days -, have only been looking for instruments, tools; or organized energetically-pulsing physical artifacts - and that is actually not the same thing at all, as 'intelligence.'What is a 'Watcher' and what do
they do...
It might be a sign of, or it may be the trace of, someone's intelligence but it itself is not intelligence.
Now I mention all of this because as you know, we have been talking for some time about the potential for electron spin polarity being a conduit and a means and the loci of or for, the communication of data, including across vast distances.
Inside your body, while it is alive, the molecules have living metrics indicating the organism is alive, and in addition to that, the neurons in your neural network system are cross-flowing lots of traffic which can be identified using sophisticated instruments.
How that traffic flows can theoretically determine 'intelligence,' or at least hypothetically because it would take a very advanced form of civilization to be able to come to agreed terms on the salience of said neural network traffic: certainly in terms of levels of intelligence.
You might be looking for intelligence by seeking evidence of machinery...
Our friends from above and/or beyond will not be that stupid; not that crass. They will be looking at the traffic through your neural network pathways.
They will be deciding on whether you are really intelligent or just some nascent, some emergent basic form of organically highly-structured life.
This, is why we have been suggesting techniques roughly similar to what Ammon Hillman and his students are undertaking in their case to re-create some of the Ancient Mystery Cult rites and rituals, but with his people virtually always using drugs because they think that drugs are and were the real doorway, or portal to some 'wild and amazing,' but also useful because of the apparent oracular function.
It has nothing to do with drugs.
Well, not in the sense that the drugs - or any drugs - are the key.
The problem with 'modern' science is that it has lost the capability to stay objective because it is too heavily stilted, always led towards the professional agenda of academia. And I admire and respect Hillman for steering away from this motivation.
What today's science has become is sheer propaganda and pseudo-religioso dogma.
It's a kind of brainwashing.
People memorize cant (the word means jargon or sanctimonious talk) and they repeat it over and over until it becomes 'true' in their minds, except it is not true.
Psychologists and neurologists of many decades ago, observed that the sense of euphoria, happened only when such a large number of neural sense centers and synapses all fired together in some kind of sequence, that it looked, when you viewed the activity through CT scanning or MRI equipment like a constellation of stars at night.
It's 2024, as I keep reminding us.
Our baseline thresholds are all elevated because of television and photographs and computer screens and noise and lights - it might have been good enough for David to sing psalms and play away some accompanying tunes on his Aeolian harp, and the listeners were enchanted, but today, it's going to take a lot more than that.
To raise anyone's brain energy and synaptic firing past first base!
It's a serious mistake to think that because you have never seen an ET Alien in material form right in front of your eyes that they do not exist, and -, it is a worse mistake to think that the Ammon Hillman 'mystery cult' methodology is going to take you to a dream or vision or OBE and then that is all, and that this, is what was going on with the early Christian Cult for example. Or, all that is going on.
The Thesmophoria is a formal celebration, conducted at this time of the year, Autumn, in the Ancient world - including by the way, in Eritrea, of all places - in which aristocratic women took off from married life, and went together into a secret cult grouping, and did whatever secret things that they did there, and apparently went down into the Underworld, and then came back up to here again.
Men never had any access to what went on, and to think that Ammon Hillman's students really know what this is about is foolhardy, albeit, he has them use poetic (enchantment) verses from Lucian and Aristophanes' play called The Thesmophoria - and drugs.
He is pretty close.
He gets around the prohibition on men by saying that in the ancient sacred literature Heracles (Hercules) - same cognate as Arjuna in the Sanskrit Epic - was both male as well as female... Arjuna went through a phase in the Mahabharata in which he wore female attire and make-up and so on. Danced like a female...
Well, hmn. Okay. I'll kinda let him have that one and I'll raise him one:
Jesus is a female and men brutally murdered a woman when they killed 'Jesus Christ.'
Oh yes.
This is categorical straight-down-the-line Christian 'christology' and scriptural, textually correct except of course nobody either knows it in modern times, and the false monotheistic patristic (sounds like 'patriarchal,' doesn't actually mean that but is also that!) institutions are never going to say it anyway.
Hillman does say it somewhere after a fashion.
You cannot say to an educated Greek person 'Monogenes' and them not know this is referring exclusively to Athena, the Goddess who also called 'Wisdom.'
But Jesus called Himself 'Monogenes' - He said 'I Am the Monogenes.' And He is also called 'Wisdom.' These are epithets for Athena.
Men crucified a woman.
Except being a god, she was able to live appearing to be a man, and that too, is how come 'she' could even ever have gone to that exclusively female study place in Egypt for fourteen years where Jesus' mother, Mary Parthenoia (literally means priestess of Athena) had already been before, and where no men are ever permitted in there or to know the secrets imparted in there.
Here's the difference between this place here and the nevertheless quite estimable Dr Ammon Hillman - you, will get the real and the full experience.
You, will see the 'light that dims all other lights' in the outstretched hand of the neaniskas, or neakidas.
As far as I can tell, virtually everything that Hillman says is correct, and his way of teaching is quite advanced.
But those guys are relying on the idea that drugs are a key element -, and they are really only so in the sense that fragrances, for example, are drugs - which act on certain sensory pathways -, or alcohol is also a drug which inducts a person into a morphia phase, tuning down the overthinking front brain.This is to remind you, we
are in 2024. And we
are advanced, and have tech.
The thing that is the key, is the realization that you are interacting with real beings, and really super-advanced beings who can 'see' what you are thinking but more than that, what your standard of thinking is.
One reason why today, there are not many, or any, group-experienced, or shared experiences of these encounters - is because nobody has the pathway anymore, and no one really gets together in little groups where they all have the same higher-level of knowledge going in, about, and comprehension of, what all these Greek texts actually said!
Besides I don't personally want to be doing any of this stuff with people that I don't particularly already get on with at a pretty deep level!
And OMG! Don't tell me some of you haven't been using the best possible quality headphones and listening to the video/music tracks below all this time!
OMG. For goodness sakes. They're there for a reason.
This one, for example - woman, light... Et cetera.