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Sunday, 11 February 2024

These 'Names' Are All Actually Titles

With the exception of the special variance implicit in the 'sound mantra' of Y.h.V.H. (LVMH, right...) - which is literally a means of accessing a particular power down here on the planet - all the rest of the so-called names of various figures of significance in the Bible (Old Testament) are titles and not names.

I want to go directly to these characters 'Micha-El.' (Ref. 'Kal-El' aka Superman in the comics) and then next Gabri-El.

This first one is a title, a designation of a specific leading militaristic role proceeding from this 'highest power' place, or 'throne.'

Miles Davis' blue trumpet.

Now there are some real peculiarities with this that no one much discusses but that are categorically contained in the text itself. 

For instance, in Genesis, where it says 'the serpent was more subtle than any creature that God had made' in the translations - it does not say that exactly: it says 'the serpent was more subtle than any other creature like all those God had made on the Earth.' 

In other words, in the first place he was not made by this 'God' that the Jews and most modern Christians think this book is to do with (Genesis) - and secondly he already existed before Adam and Eve and he was already not of this Earth.

Next, the Book of Genesis, where people translate 'the Tree of Life' - in fact the actual specific words are 'the Tree of the lives of the living.' So I like have been saying, some individual's lives are like selected 'fruit' as it were, and they are preserved (somewhere/somehow).

Further, the use of the word 'Gabri-El' is contradicted by Jesus, who uses the Hebrew/Aramaic 'Gibor' instead of 'Gever' and literally says: 'To bind the strong man who has taken control (Geber) one must send in a stronger (Givir) man who can overpower the first one, and then bind him.'

This was or is a 'Gabriel' but it might not be the one people have been misled into venerating.

Because these are all titles and roles and not specific names.

Aromatic wine, invites other-world beings...
By the way - says so in the Bible.

Gabriel (Geber-El) in the Book of Enoch, is the one over Paradise (although in this case they mean Gan Eden/Garden of Eden) and the Serpents... ...and the Keruvim.

What 'serpents' are these?

We don't know any serpents today - you know, that have humanoid powers of thinking and speech and so on.

The serpents here are not the Draco reptilians of UFO/ET folklore.

Again, although translations say one thing - the reality is something slightly different but so critically different, that these incorrect translations lead us all up the garden path, no pun intended.

It is not the case that the 'Tree of Life' is in the middle of the Garden and this 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil' is somewhere else in there. ...No -, instead, the actual phrasing goes like this: 'The Tree of the Lives of the Living AND the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.'

In other words they were made together, twisted up together right at the inception by those 'beings from the heavens' (Elohim) who constructed the compound inside of which they were conducting this genetic experiment for their own benefit.

Whatever you want to suppose, whether serpents like those in Gan Eden are bad, or whether they are good and revealed, to humans the problematic enslavement that the humans had been forced into, the literary Biblical fact, is that this 'Micha-El' will 'arise at the End.'

Now he cannot be a human being, because he is not a human being. He cannot merely pose as one, pretending to a 'natural life' from some obscure human birth and then to rise as a political or militaristic figure.

Nope. If you go by what the actual ancient texts say in their original wording, we are talking some serious 'Star Wars' stuff here.

Some rituals are not dark or particularly 
 mysterious, and nor are they 'occult'
at all.

There is no way out from the logical conclusion that in order for any of these ancient texts and books to be 'true' (as in literally they are true! ...and not simply metaphors about moral right and ethical standards - because in fact they are not that anyway) - 

We need to see the real material actual space vehicles with actual physical beings inside of them, coming down from the sky and letting out a few of their occupants who will not look like scrawny weedy things with bug eyes and slimy skin, but be 'more subtle than any stoopid human government official or politician or military person' and also categorically more manifestly powerful.

Or else this stuff is all rubbish.

All of it.

Let me explain something to you - the first of the so-called Noahide Laws (the Commandments of which there were seven same as the number of colors of the rainbow, after the Great Flood of Noah), is to 'not eat a living creature while its blood its still in it moving...' aka alive.

Well, what little I know of electronics, tells me, that any fluid with salt and minerals that pumps this way and back - is part of an electronic circuit.

The electromagnetic field pattern, of which you are one more-or-less unique individual example, that constitutes the human 'spirit-soul' -, is held to your physical material body by the moving dynamics of the blood.

And, if you consume someone's (IE someone else's) blood while they are still alive, their consciousness gets taken into you.

The 'old school' way.
It's not high tech, but it is some

The Draco beings are doing that all the time here. ...That is of course, an Alex Collier-style myth.

At the very top of certain global secret brotherhood (and these days, 'sisterhood' too) organisations though (and we all know enough about the occult to know that this is a tenet of their beliefs), this is the way they pass on their leadership power to the next generations...

And it's all done to control the ordinary unsuspecting human being.

But that is all about to come to an end.

Is this Puccini's Madama Butterfly?

Yep, it is:

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

A Fight Over This, Okay?

So, I want a fight about this, okay?

There's no point me just saying something out of the blue and yet then people hearing/reading it all going oh yeah that's right.

At the same time though, hanging at the end of this small tiny matter I am about to raise, about to discuss with you, is a concrete, a material destination waiting to be 'discovered.'


Okay. So, when the Three Wise Men, right - those guys with the turbans and camels and gift-boxes - turned up at the stable, how many babies were there in the crib?


How many were there really?

Like all the other Elohim, Jesus was a physical clone and he had a twin - Jude Thomas. This is canon, this is not something I made up.

'Carnival' is on right now,
in Venice. Means celebration
of the flesh, right?

So there were two babies there.

And they were clones.

The Earth is and has been, a biological experiment for a long time.

You are not necessarily yourself a clone right now but there are very likely clone versions of you being held in stasis at various linear points of human lifetime development profile.

At the most extreme, or as I would suggest deepest, limit of the occult and esoteric comprehension of what is going on - what has been going on - you have the idea that there is another species of being, also bipedal, somewhat humanoid-looking but distinctly smooth-skinned and hairless, very advanced in a cultural way you would have to grant; which if you say 'humanoid' then you would also have to say is cannibalistic. In other words it eats supposedly its own kind - humans; Earth humans. There is no such thing as a 'natural' Earth human as such - all humans are gene-manipulated and externally-developed genetic things.

Now just because this other species likes to capture kill and eat Earth humans does not mean they are dumb, or that they are not incredibly more intellectually advanced than your ordinary average Earth human.

No, to really stick it down their throats, as you might say - appropriately -, it would be the thing to do to intelligently meaningfully and even forcefully entice them and of course to thereby have them try and resist the very thing they know they cannot naturally resist. 

We cannot destroy butterflies.
Not actually destroy them...

Somebody said to me in a very confident way a day or so ago that why didn't I just openly say what I knew about this guy Stan Deyo (because we had been talking about him in a certain venue) and his associations and ideas and beliefs because they were absolutely sure that they - as well as the whole rest of the world - 'could handle it.'

Oh, really? I replied.

People, I mean human people, Earth human people, everywhere have this idea that Western ethical philosophy as it has developed, is this mild and entirely peace-loving, sometimes atheist humanist/other times religious philosophy with no 'edge' to it, no real edginess in that way of some primarily aggressively contesting political ideology up against some other opposing political and power ideology where there is always necessarily absolute total war as the only final method of resolution between the two encountering forces and idea sets. I mean this aside from human wars - I mean that the stated intention of all, certain Western-ethics sorts of religious philosophies, is always compromise and 'peace.'

The sooner you realize and accept the fact (which is really a fact) that everything in the Universe of sentience works inside of fields, electromagnetic, and also logarithmic omni-directional radiating pseudo-fields of curving path photons - the sooner you will break free from the controlling fields inside this (Earth) world that are there on account of a very different civilization from that of the natural way of humans going on here.

Me, I would not even consider foregoing, as in sacrificing as a war tactic, in other words forever losing, a single species of butterfly here!

So my plans, my strategies and my tactics must be very categorically different to those that are commonly known from how war-fighting is conducted by Earth humans down through the centuries and even still today...

The future - from the past.

But that I cannot in the ultimate analysis, utterly wipe out my opponent very violently, methodically, even gruesomely, leaving no trace either in the material Universe nor in any kind of electromagnetic pattern field in the Universe - is a false understanding of things.

You see the only thing that can be legitimately in the Ultimate Moral sense, moved against with the objective of destroying it utterly - is not a species, or a race, or a thing - but a sentience. And that's because we are equally-footed. You deserve to encounter me and to prevail if you can and if you will if that's what you insist despite of your sentient being which we assume should tell you something else always. Though if you will and you do try, then I will consider it in the absolute moral sense justified to destroy you completely.


Of course there is simply no sign, no indication, no material fact or evidence that says that such a frame of action is really existential.

However though, I say to you, there are 'people' masquerading as human beings, the real nature of whom, is no different to the Komodo Island dragon. They kill because they like to kill, and they re-grow back living flesh in order to kill it again and again - and feed on the flesh too. 

But they are also incredibly superior in their thinking to you, or that is to say, to most normal ordinary human beings. They are incredibly subtle. You cannot just come from behind them thinking to kill or capture them by stealth - they are ahead of you in that type of thinking.

They have installed their genes into yours...

And they have edged your (the human race's) thinking field closer and ever closer to theirs so that they can inhabit your mind and you not notice it happening. 

And they can move up into the clouds fully consciously, and you cannot. And they can hide themselves and go dormant. ...And it is impossible to burn up the clouds without hurting the butterflies.

For CNY you must eat some fish.
Year of the Dragon, yes, but not the same 
thing as the draconian beings,
the draconian politicians and people
around the place on the planet.

Remember something, if you think all of this so just so much nonsense or fantasy - in the standard canonical religious scriptures, the Hebrew culture's extra-Earthly Ruler demanded sacrifice to him of 72 goats and 72 lambs and 72 young boys and 72 maidens and 72 I don't know what all else. And don't argue about the maidens, because he definitely got those! Explicitly in the text, he orders Moses to kill all the males and women of the tribes that Moses made war on. And to 'sacrifice' their bodies to him in the same sacrificial flames of the burnt offerings.

These foreign-to-the-human-way, beings - want to kill you the human and to consume you; literally to eat your flesh. And that is according to the ancient, most respected, even revered religious/cultural 'sacred' texts - except people don't follow what is in there; they don't actually focus on what is being said in there. And they make up stories and interpretations, about the wording to justify what it says.

So... People can handle this then can they...

I think not.

Your political overlords are influenced, to put it mildly, by wanton and capricious predator instincts.

At best one can say they are affected by a field which is not good, and that it is dark. 

The opposite of that dark field, is the ability to feel and to sense good and pleasant things even exciting harmless things. But to get into the vicinity of those kinds of fields, where the transmission of such feelings is real and palpable, is not so easy in this world today right now.

We are getting to the Autumn time of our planet here; its 'evolution,' its development.


Monday, 5 February 2024

Two To Go

So, it's almost impossible to try to explain the real meanings of much of the original ancient scriptural texts - in part because not all of them are 'canonical' and therefore people are not familiar with the important content: for example, The Book of Wisdom is not included in the Hebrew Tanakh. Further, another significant person - Daniel - is not even regarded by the orthodox Jews as strictly-speaking, a prophet at all...

...And in any case even the Catholic version of the canonical scriptures places the Book of Wisdom somewhere in the middle of the whole thing yet it was clearly written last of all, and maybe even beyond the point of the Gospels themselves, and enigmatically, it's correct name is 'The Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach.'

Just somebody's private
house interior.
Well, penthouse, anyway.

In other words, from my own point of view, I cannot even begin to explain what this is actually all about, today, in our modern world in which the mainstream socio-religious and moral/ethical culture is based on an accepted (also enforced) perception of what all of these ancient works are supposed to be about.

But if I am able to pull strands from here and there from time to time for salient purposes, then at some stage things will click or at least gel in terms of what your personal experienced reality is showing you.

Zechariah, the prophet (according to everyone), meets this teacher/messenger, who exposes to Zechariah, some strange aerial phenomena, and explains to him what they mean.

Zechariah reports that he sees a cylindrical-shaped flying object, in which there is a female sitting who seems to be in control of the thing - what we would today say is the pilot.  

He specifies its dimensions and they are the same as the US Navy's white flying object filmed off the coast of San Diego.

Anyway, the 'messenger' tells him that this object is one of four that operate in the four lateral directions around the Throne of Heaven (although this throne does have six in total 'cardinal directions' two of which are the vertical directions) - and that they go out first before reporting back to the Throne after which 'things happen' that directly involve who is on the Throne.

So we've had two of these things flying around so far in our immediate times, and that would imply (if you go by the account of Zechariah) there are two more to come. I count the first as being the one that has been going in and out of various volcanoes around the world, and the other the one that the public's attention was drawn to (although they've forgotten it by now already) mostly because of the fact that the US Navy filmed it and leaked that vision.

The thing you need to know about all of them is that they are usually covered (hidden) in a mist or cloud - and indeed the Navy's one would have appeared that way to the naked eye, except the high tech military camera vision captured more detail and material definition.

In other words what I am saying is that it is not the EOTW just yet -, not until the two others travel out and do their run-through.

Just trying to stay simple, right...

At the same time I would be very careful (in weighing up the possibilities) of anything that looks like a cloud but is doing strange aerial things....

It should in no way surprise you though, to consider the possibility that there are very very mixed-up 'genes' that are all taken for human people living here on this planet, except they are not one single amorphous human gene-pool at all.

There is a very 'rational' reason that the WEF wants the depopulation of the world - they want to kill off a particular set of genes. This is not a joke of any kind. They are not being 'colorful' in their speech here. They are aiming to achieve this goal.

The human race is kept in great ignorance, and its lifespan is deteriorated massively by malignant and deliberate action against it whereas it ought to be being increased by natural 'evolutionary' (development) gains.

Yet... ...You all could overturn the apple-cart here. You could virtually 'all-of-a-sudden overnight,' make gigantic leaps forward in knowledge and intellectual capability and physical power and endurance and neurological strength 

If you turned the tables and pushed in the direction of increasing the lifespans of humans (at all costs) as a core 'humanity goal' - and moved away from militaristic violence responses as the peak national-political-state - at least in your own theory and philosophy of living, the contest itself would change.

This, is what the 'tholos' of Delphi
was really like, and how it was 
intended to be. Initiates went up and took
position at one of twelve places around the
central spire/spiral - and the 'horses'
moved in their station like horses on a
carousel. Too hard to explain...
Well, you can see one rider but you cannot
make contact
unless you get down from your 
horse - while the whole thing is moving!!

Greta (aka the WEF) wants to 'save the planet' and work for the longevity of the planet. 

I don't want to do that.

I want to aim at your longevity. Your human existence as the primary objective and focus of all energy.

There are so many lateral factors entailed in any kind of real increase in the human lifespan - you cannot simply run or expect to run social and family relationships on the same basis as they are run right now. You cannot do the sorts of work that society insists that you do, right now.

These negative factors in the equation are all there 'on purpose;' it is all by design. A very malignant and malicious and destructive design. 

So what is the actual reasoning behind the modern politic?

Versus the reasoning of increasing the human gene-average's lifespan... Because in fact at the end of the particular linear logic involved, if you were to increase the human lifespan markedly, and also increase the technology level of human society, at some intersecting of lines, 'you' could maintain your personal consciousness and jump organic 'lives.'

This could not be done by having 'AI' and installing a chip in your brain! That's fallaciously jumping a step by pretending that people already know what personal human 'consciousness' is.

And for another thing, human individual personal consciousness itself is very dormant right now; asleep - almost dead in fact.

More Gaelic (Fairy/Homeric Phaeacian) songs and singing and music:

Friday, 2 February 2024

Our Coming Schedule

This upcoming 10th of February is the beginning of CNY - which New Year is based on the Oriental Lunar Calendar and whose animal motif for the coming Lunar Year itself is the Wood Dragon.

This represents growth already well underway and the beginning of the blossoming of relatively new ventures and the expansive potential for those ventures.

The 10th is also the day when we represent (as the Youth Autism Employment Futures Project via the MERRIWA Primary School Board's related sub-committee) at this year's Manning Laneway Festival in Western Australia, which is run under the auspices of something called the 'Town Teams Organization,' a semi-government, fairly decently-managed and regulated body that helps develop a broad range of activities that are community-based and community-focused.

This place is not a public
venue, and it is not 'mainstream.'
But the sound is very powerful in here.

We've already started to film the small research study into the anxiolytic potential of certain advanced, new electronic tools and techniques that we have very superficially discussed hereabouts over the recent years - and likely from around the middle to the end of this month, it will be possible to show a little bit of what is going on, on film here.

So these are all the fundamental, 'mainstream' activities that we are committed to and that some of you have been assisting provide critical and core funding for, alongside some direct to end-user provisioning.

I am not yet totally happy with the actual overall economic situation either in this little country, or in the very big Western markets such as New York and London financial centers.

I think governments and their central bankers have been indulging for a number of years now, a strictly political agenda that can have no positive or beneficial outcome in the end for society at large.

And for all of us here this means that we cannot simply use a 'treasury function' just yet (meaning make money from interest), to maximize the 'on-paper' results, and that we have to grow 'organically' as they say - but that is in fact what we have been doing; have been able to achieve.

Again, and as I have said a number of times recently, it is possibly not a good idea to just outright announce what holdings we do have, on account that it would create a false sense of paper net worth - and more importantly though, we still have a few things to add, as in: to maybe hold multiple of the same things, for example, rather than just the one or two. 

I feel that often it is a mistake to point to things like the recently-released 14 coin 2-dollar 35th Anniversary set - which opened at the retail price of $218 and is now actually trading more than double that on average with some market perception that it can go to as high as $1500 a set because of the small numbers of the actual issue made and released. To me though, these were just copies (albeit using the original dies) and not actual 'year-of-coin-date' coins.

Do we have every single one of these coins - the real ones?

Mmmm... Maybe.

Do we have lots of them?... Also -, maybe. 

Right now, it seems far too expensive to send stuff by mail virtually anywhere!

So don't get any ideas just yet.

We are a long way short from being exactly a 'rich little outfit.'

...And do we have some silver and some gold too?

Could be.

Do we hold some wine?

And are the French farmers going beserk? Just a little, though still not enough to make a market impression all that significantly... ...yet.

Anyway as you can see, there's things going on.

But there are other things also going on, and they are far far more important in the whole scheme of things.

The person I was referring to in the last article, was of course Britney Spears, and not many people have noticed that her recent little X and Meta shorts where she just dances around to music - featured the music of other people who had also been betrayed by their partners, and badly mistreated and in several of those cases actually physically harmed and genuinely rather violently physically abused.

The general media has no idea what she is on about.

People think she has gone insane.

People 'think' lots of things all the time and I don't place much stock in what people 'think.'

Before you really can think something truly in all of the necessary human dimensions of that act, you need to feel it. And your feelings have to be sound, not just authentic - and it is your decisive thoughts which have to be authentically relayed into your consciousness then for your capacity to manifest being self-honest and reliable as a mature person.

Britney Spears just a few days ago said that she would never work in the music industry again, and then a day later she danced on a Tik-Tok-style video clip to some strands of music by the very horribly abused wife of the late Phil Spector (Ronnie Spector; Ronnie Bennett/Veronica Greenfield) and said nothing. 

And not a single journalist in the general media got it. Instead they all pronounced her insane for gyrating around pointlessly; as far as they were concerned.

That's because they are ignorant.

People, especially the religiously-inclined ones and the permanent 'scientific' atheists, are always asking 'When will God judge the world.'

The Judgement of the World is happening right now under people's noses.

It's only the fact that no one sees the sword yet, that people carry on the way that they do.

The reason that people cannot see the sword is that the 'shield of Achilles' had galaxies of stars on it that their eyes fell into...

As you know there were four Constellations on the shield: Orion, the Hyades, the Pleiades, and the Bear.

And there were nine things in all - in incredibly intricate detail - depicted on the shield in layers, circle by circle...

Most people today are not even close to being sophisticated enough to understand or to 'see' what is happening or what is going to take place next.

Who is coming to our dinner?

Those who are invited.

The eagles gather to the feast...

On the outside, there is the world, this world. Behind what you can see on the outside of this world there are narrow lanes and by-ways into labyrinths. 

You don't need to 'go' anywhere, as in, to 'depart' from here -; to get to where you want to go, where you want to be.

The reason there don't seem to be any assurances, is that it ensures that the wrong people are always lost, and cannot find their way through the labyrinths.

They want to get in, to have what you will attain, to be with those people who attain.

But they cannot see and they are blind.

Close your eyes. And begin to see:


Wednesday, 31 January 2024

You Are Not Lost...

This is more for one or two specific people who would never want their names to be revealed - who have found their way here and read stuff posted here by some of us.

At least one of our regulars shares some of the musical 'prejudices' that I personally have, and I noticed that earlier today when he commented on a highly private forum about Georg Solti, the Hungarian conductor.

But I think you would be quite amazed - in this immediate present moment when the 'Project Mockingbird' puppet Taylor Swift is pushed as some kind of genuine/authentic 'public favorite' - at the musical tastes of other pop figures but who are not generally viewed as representing any kind of conservative, that is to say establishment, perspective.
'Thunder always happens when
it's raining...'
Song lyric, right?

Project Mockingbird is often mistaken for a particular secret program to manipulate public opinion by seeding the media with false stories and stories deliberately designed to falsify an image of what the general public holds to be either true, and what they 'like.'

Project Mockingbird was a warrantless wire-tapping exercise run by a group of Washington officials and using CIA resources, to spy on journalists that had fallen out of political favor.

Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale media manipulating program for propaganda purposes - although those said 'propaganda purposes' basically meant a slant always and only in favor of a clandestine shadow government's aims and objectives and not the actual US government's official interests.

So I say 'Project Mockingbird' rather than 'Operation Mockingbird' because we should accept that there is a real thing like the otherwise somewhat mythical 'Operation Mockingbird' definitely going on, but it is in the secret intercepting of private conversations and interactions, that were these to be leaked, then would be reveal the sheer malice entailed.

It is difficult for the average person to accept that behind quite a few of the well-known modern-day personal tragedies and disruptions to the lives of various major public figures - especially in the entertainment business - are hidden and shadowy interests whose malice is to do with their failure to maintain control over a particular 'human asset,' as it were.
Whenever you see the general media 'go over' someone who is in the public eye, and make a lot of gratuitous criticisms of them, just notice how many times that individual had 'broken out' from some kind of control regime or system...
Cod and saffron and white wine
and garlic and Bay leaf and tomato.
Very good for your brain...

Up until only very recently, mostly, these 'break-out' personalities... ...suddenly died.

Some names that come to mind, not in any order - Princess Di, Marilyn Monroe, Prince, maybe even Michael Jackson, John Lennon...

On the one hand many people would presume someone like Prince Harry was not especially influential - on the other hand he really was the lightning rod for the Invictus Games. And that was much deeper of a thing than 'simply' giving a platform for wounded ex-military people. 

At the end of the day it was carrying forward Princess Diana's assertions that the UK government was directly making illegal mines and deploying them across the globe, and also really making chemical weapons - they certainly were doing that in Iraq; same as Germany and Canada and France and the US were under the Saddam regime and those were principally the places bombed up and destroyed so that no trace would be found later on.

You will not today, find, or at least from what I can tell, not easily find - the Katherine Graham-chaired UN Inquiry into WMD's that found all this out about what was going on in Iraq.

...Just about any one of these very well-known public figures, and pop-stars and entertainers and so on - who appeared to suddenly 'go nuts' or 'run off the rails' - has a story behind the aberrant incidents which are very very different indeed from what the common public knows of what went on, or what (still) goes on in their lives.

This track features a singer who was once married to Phil Spector, and who suffered incredible abuse from him in that marriage.

So, 'Hi Brits.'

...Is all we need to say about it right now.

When you dig a bit, across so many stories - stories of personal trauma and tragedy - you find a consistent theme and far too much establishment protection of the criminal in the picture.

Not a lot has changed except many of the victims are not 'suddenly dying' for very little apparent reason, these days. Many of those people - and they are mostly women although not 100% of the times - are getting together with each other; that is, with those other surviving victims of a pretty 'establishment-run' and establishment-sanctioned typical profile of abuse and pathological control over high level money-making young public figures.

Is the establishment being challenged, or is it about to be challenged?

We shall see.

More to the point though - we should fall in with the good people.

They are us and we are them. Some of them will be devastating in what they do. I will be with them every single step of the way.

Some of them are blonde and people assume them to also be 'dumb.' But they are a lot lot smarter than people know.

Ronnie Bennett (Veronica Greenfield) passed away only a couple of years ago: