With the exception of the special variance implicit in the 'sound mantra' of Y.h.V.H. (LVMH, right...) - which is literally a means of accessing a particular power down here on the planet - all the rest of the so-called names of various figures of significance in the Bible (Old Testament) are titles and not names.
I want to go directly to these characters 'Micha-El.' (Ref. 'Kal-El' aka Superman in the comics) and then next Gabri-El.
This first one is a title, a designation of a specific leading militaristic role proceeding from this 'highest power' place, or 'throne.'
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Miles Davis' blue trumpet. |
Now there are some real peculiarities with this that no one much discusses but that are categorically contained in the text itself.
For instance, in Genesis, where it says 'the serpent was more subtle than any creature that God had made' in the translations - it does not say that exactly: it says 'the serpent was more subtle than any other creature like all those God had made on the Earth.'
In other words, in the first place he was not made by this 'God' that the Jews and most modern Christians think this book is to do with (Genesis) - and secondly he already existed before Adam and Eve and he was already not of this Earth.
Next, the Book of Genesis, where people translate 'the Tree of Life' - in fact the actual specific words are 'the Tree of the lives of the living.' So I like have been saying, some individual's lives are like selected 'fruit' as it were, and they are preserved (somewhere/somehow).
Further, the use of the word 'Gabri-El' is contradicted by Jesus, who uses the Hebrew/Aramaic 'Gibor' instead of 'Gever' and literally says: 'To bind the strong man who has taken control (Geber) one must send in a stronger (Givir) man who can overpower the first one, and then bind him.'
This was or is a 'Gabriel' but it might not be the one people have been misled into venerating.
Because these are all titles and roles and not specific names.
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Aromatic wine, invites other-world beings... By the way - says so in the Bible. |
Gabriel (Geber-El) in the Book of Enoch, is the one over Paradise (although in this case they mean Gan Eden/Garden of Eden) and the Serpents... ...and the Keruvim.
What 'serpents' are these?
We don't know any serpents today - you know, that have humanoid powers of thinking and speech and so on.
The serpents here are not the Draco reptilians of UFO/ET folklore.
Again, although translations say one thing - the reality is something slightly different but so critically different, that these incorrect translations lead us all up the garden path, no pun intended.
It is not the case that the 'Tree of Life' is in the middle of the Garden and this 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil' is somewhere else in there. ...No -, instead, the actual phrasing goes like this: 'The Tree of the Lives of the Living AND the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.'
In other words they were made together, twisted up together right at the inception by those 'beings from the heavens' (Elohim) who constructed the compound inside of which they were conducting this genetic experiment for their own benefit.
Whatever you want to suppose, whether serpents like those in Gan Eden are bad, or whether they are good and revealed, to humans the problematic enslavement that the humans had been forced into, the literary Biblical fact, is that this 'Micha-El' will 'arise at the End.'
Now he cannot be a human being, because he is not a human being. He cannot merely pose as one, pretending to a 'natural life' from some obscure human birth and then to rise as a political or militaristic figure.
Nope. If you go by what the actual ancient texts say in their original wording, we are talking some serious 'Star Wars' stuff here.
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Some rituals are not dark or particularly mysterious, and nor are they 'occult' at all. |
There is no way out from the logical conclusion that in order for any of these ancient texts and books to be 'true' (as in literally they are true! ...and not simply metaphors about moral right and ethical standards - because in fact they are not that anyway) -
We need to see the real material actual space vehicles with actual physical beings inside of them, coming down from the sky and letting out a few of their occupants who will not look like scrawny weedy things with bug eyes and slimy skin, but be 'more subtle than any stoopid human government official or politician or military person' and also categorically more manifestly powerful.
Or else this stuff is all rubbish.
All of it.
Let me explain something to you - the first of the so-called Noahide Laws (the Commandments of which there were seven same as the number of colors of the rainbow, after the Great Flood of Noah), is to 'not eat a living creature while its blood its still in it moving...' aka alive.
Well, what little I know of electronics, tells me, that any fluid with salt and minerals that pumps this way and back - is part of an electronic circuit.
The electromagnetic field pattern, of which you are one more-or-less unique individual example, that constitutes the human 'spirit-soul' -, is held to your physical material body by the moving dynamics of the blood.
And, if you consume someone's (IE someone else's) blood while they are still alive, their consciousness gets taken into you.
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The 'old school' way. It's not high tech, but it is some tech. |
The Draco beings are doing that all the time here. ...That is of course, an Alex Collier-style myth.
At the very top of certain global secret brotherhood (and these days, 'sisterhood' too) organisations though (and we all know enough about the occult to know that this is a tenet of their beliefs), this is the way they pass on their leadership power to the next generations...
And it's all done to control the ordinary unsuspecting human being.
But that is all about to come to an end.
Is this Puccini's Madama Butterfly?
Yep, it is:
I don't mind this idea that the cardiovascular system is a kind of "engine" to which "souls" can attach. But this idea that there is transferal through blood through the e.m.f. by drinking it is clearly just wrong, as it's presented. If it "works" then it works in other ways. The moment you release the pressure on the blood then "poof" your "soul machine" is gone. "poof." just like that. I don't mean to piss off the satanists. But come on! Those guys are supposed to be smarter than the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteYes. Gone just like that. It's about time and timing, that's all. We notice it 'gone' just like that, because we do not see beyond the narrow time range in which our senses are confined.
DeleteOne time as I was going to sleep I heard a voice say "am I short circulating?".
ReplyDeleteI came across a youtube channel called "Siofra's magic alcove" recently, she talks about drawing down the moon, and about enlivening statues. What if we're the statues that need to be enlivened? I like her, she seems authentic unlike many of these other public figures.
Well I like it. From the episode on wands, "all these things are symbols of your will." These witchy people though, and their transfer of consciousness into objects.