One of the key things that is coming from the recent scholarship out of Italy to do with translations of the original (supposedly) Hebrew Masoretic texts, is that there is and there definitely will be - a vacuum formed in the general public's mind about its sense of what there is that the human race knows of any kind of genuine authentic divinity.
This committee is concluding that the Vatican intelligentsia will formally soon disconnect completely, the Christian texts from the Old Testament. Oh yes, I kid you not.
And this despite that this unusually 'elected' Bergoglio, is a Globalist and very much a 'Yahweh-ist.'
Clearly, 'Yahweh' is some kind of material, materialistic overlord figure and not even necessarily all that 'otherworldly' frankly, despite that the textual indications are that whatever this being was, it came from elsewhere and not the planet Earth.
Plainly there is literally no such thing as a monotheistic 'Elohim' at all and this concept only happened when some ruling elites took complete control over whoever it was that constituted the defined tribe of Jacob, putative according to the standard literature as it is, emanating from Mesopotamia and Egypt and then Babylon.
Absolutely clearly and without any possibility at all of dispute or error, the main ruling figure always had his 'Asherah' - which is simply a term meaning his wife or consort - and only when King Josiah and his elites required to assert that they and they alone had 'legalistic' and also 'divine' authority over everyone, was it the case that the Asherah statues became obliterated from their societies and all references to it/them removed from the actual original guide texts which were supposedly from divine sources (and should not have been able to be modified by men).
So in a sense the Western moral and 'religious-ethical' format is stuck with having no real reference point that can give it any channel of access to any kind of numinous power - according to the handed-down texts; since these are no more than records of some kind of DNA interference having happened at some point way back in ancient history.
Moses never recognized the identity of the individual that appeared to the Hebrews who next 'wandered around in the desert,' having to ask him who he was and what his name was, despite that Abraham had personally eaten and drunk with a figure who was clearly not any kind of human albeit presenting as a human - one of three individuals who visited Abraham at Mamre.
And it is more than just odd that this 'Yahweh' demanded goats and sheep and 32 virgins...
What was 'God' - any sort of real God - intending to do with '32 virgins' one wonders.
There are all kinds of excuses and justifications given by religious proponents as to the reasoning behind 'sacrifices' like this and none of them are in any way logical at all.
Probably the most stark of all of the recent expositions from this committee of European scholars and academics comprised not just of Christian church academics but in fact mostly made up of academic atheists and also Hebrew religious exegetes - is the apparent fact that the figure of 'Yahweh' the war-god, is present in ancient inscriptions in places such as Sardinia.
In this trajectory of the narrative (according to these people) this is the reason Napoleon attacked Sardinia first of all and wrested it from the House of Savoy - essentially because Napoleon was an instrument of this otherworldly war-making figure.
In other words, there is not much point 'praying' to Jehovah or any other of a number of (the same, in fact) pretenders to unique 'God-ship' because it will get you killed, or slaughtered and your body burned to extract the 'glazing fat!' LOL
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Well, it isn't going to get you to 'Heaven' and back, but it is pretty cool all the same. |
Typically, this figure is quite meandering in its ideas about what is at one time 'the law' and at other times are rules which are able to be side-stepped - but at the same time it can lash out quite arbitrarily.
But then where does it leave people?
Who can they look to?
Where is, or even, is there - a source of power that is above and beyond the human scientific and the human engineering mechanisms?
Well in the first place, there need not be, if we understand that science has still a long way to go to fully understand all that there is to understand about the natural Cosmos.
The 'stone' on which Jacob slept, in order to see the beings coming and going from another place, not this world certainly - was the cornerstone of the Great Pyramid.
You are the people of Theuth, not Josiah, the dictator. And you are (as yet still) if slightly, 'lost.'
Go to the top of the Great Pyramid in your mind. Go to the cornerstone the builders cast aside.
And you will see, all kinds of things, and you will receive 'power from on high.'
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