So, I want a fight about this, okay?
There's no point me just saying something out of the blue and yet then people hearing/reading it all going oh yeah that's right.
At the same time though, hanging at the end of this small tiny matter I am about to raise, about to discuss with you, is a concrete, a material destination waiting to be 'discovered.'
Okay. So, when the Three Wise Men, right - those guys with the turbans and camels and gift-boxes - turned up at the stable, how many babies were there in the crib?
How many were there really?
Like all the other Elohim, Jesus was a physical clone and he had a twin - Jude Thomas. This is canon, this is not something I made up.
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'Carnival' is on right now, in Venice. Means celebration of the flesh, right? |
So there were two babies there.
And they were clones.
The Earth is and has been, a biological experiment for a long time.
You are not necessarily yourself a clone right now but there are very likely clone versions of you being held in stasis at various linear points of human lifetime development profile.
At the most extreme, or as I would suggest deepest, limit of the occult and esoteric comprehension of what is going on - what has been going on - you have the idea that there is another species of being, also bipedal, somewhat humanoid-looking but distinctly smooth-skinned and hairless, very advanced in a cultural way you would have to grant; which if you say 'humanoid' then you would also have to say is cannibalistic. In other words it eats supposedly its own kind - humans; Earth humans. There is no such thing as a 'natural' Earth human as such - all humans are gene-manipulated and externally-developed genetic things.
Now just because this other species likes to capture kill and eat Earth humans does not mean they are dumb, or that they are not incredibly more intellectually advanced than your ordinary average Earth human.
No, to really stick it down their throats, as you might say - appropriately -, it would be the thing to do to intelligently meaningfully and even forcefully entice them and of course to thereby have them try and resist the very thing they know they cannot naturally resist.
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We cannot destroy butterflies. Not actually destroy them... |
Somebody said to me in a very confident way a day or so ago that why didn't I just openly say what I knew about this guy Stan Deyo (because we had been talking about him in a certain venue) and his associations and ideas and beliefs because they were absolutely sure that they - as well as the whole rest of the world - 'could handle it.'
Oh, really? I replied.
People, I mean human people, Earth human people, everywhere have this idea that Western ethical philosophy as it has developed, is this mild and entirely peace-loving, sometimes atheist humanist/other times religious philosophy with no 'edge' to it, no real edginess in that way of some primarily aggressively contesting political ideology up against some other opposing political and power ideology where there is always necessarily absolute total war as the only final method of resolution between the two encountering forces and idea sets. I mean this aside from human wars - I mean that the stated intention of all, certain Western-ethics sorts of religious philosophies, is always compromise and 'peace.'
The sooner you realize and accept the fact (which is really a fact) that everything in the Universe of sentience works inside of fields, electromagnetic, and also logarithmic omni-directional radiating pseudo-fields of curving path photons - the sooner you will break free from the controlling fields inside this (Earth) world that are there on account of a very different civilization from that of the natural way of humans going on here.
Me, I would not even consider foregoing, as in sacrificing as a war tactic, in other words forever losing, a single species of butterfly here!
So my plans, my strategies and my tactics must be very categorically different to those that are commonly known from how war-fighting is conducted by Earth humans down through the centuries and even still today...
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The future - from the past. |
But that I cannot in the ultimate analysis, utterly wipe out my opponent very violently, methodically, even gruesomely, leaving no trace either in the material Universe nor in any kind of electromagnetic pattern field in the Universe - is a false understanding of things.
You see the only thing that can be legitimately in the Ultimate Moral sense, moved against with the objective of destroying it utterly - is not a species, or a race, or a thing - but a sentience. And that's because we are equally-footed. You deserve to encounter me and to prevail if you can and if you will if that's what you insist despite of your sentient being which we assume should tell you something else always. Though if you will and you do try, then I will consider it in the absolute moral sense justified to destroy you completely.
Of course there is simply no sign, no indication, no material fact or evidence that says that such a frame of action is really existential.
However though, I say to you, there are 'people' masquerading as human beings, the real nature of whom, is no different to the Komodo Island dragon. They kill because they like to kill, and they re-grow back living flesh in order to kill it again and again - and feed on the flesh too.
But they are also incredibly superior in their thinking to you, or that is to say, to most normal ordinary human beings. They are incredibly subtle. You cannot just come from behind them thinking to kill or capture them by stealth - they are ahead of you in that type of thinking.
They have installed their genes into yours...
And they have edged your (the human race's) thinking field closer and ever closer to theirs so that they can inhabit your mind and you not notice it happening.
And they can move up into the clouds fully consciously, and you cannot. And they can hide themselves and go dormant. ...And it is impossible to burn up the clouds without hurting the butterflies.
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For CNY you must eat some fish. Year of the Dragon, yes, but not the same thing as the draconian beings, the draconian politicians and people around the place on the planet. |
Remember something, if you think all of this so just so much nonsense or fantasy - in the standard canonical religious scriptures, the Hebrew culture's extra-Earthly Ruler demanded sacrifice to him of 72 goats and 72 lambs and 72 young boys and 72 maidens and 72 I don't know what all else. And don't argue about the maidens, because he definitely got those! Explicitly in the text, he orders Moses to kill all the males and women of the tribes that Moses made war on. And to 'sacrifice' their bodies to him in the same sacrificial flames of the burnt offerings.
These foreign-to-the-human-way, beings - want to kill you the human and to consume you; literally to eat your flesh. And that is according to the ancient, most respected, even revered religious/cultural 'sacred' texts - except people don't follow what is in there; they don't actually focus on what is being said in there. And they make up stories and interpretations, about the wording to justify what it says.
So... People can handle this then can they...
I think not.
Your political overlords are influenced, to put it mildly, by wanton and capricious predator instincts.
At best one can say they are affected by a field which is not good, and that it is dark.
The opposite of that dark field, is the ability to feel and to sense good and pleasant things even exciting harmless things. But to get into the vicinity of those kinds of fields, where the transmission of such feelings is real and palpable, is not so easy in this world today right now.
We are getting to the Autumn time of our planet here; its 'evolution,' its development.
Alex Collier says the Andromedans showed him something like a "recording" of reptilians feasting on human flesh. He said it was completely disgusting, they induce fear in the people until the people are on the verge of dying from fright, because they get really happy when they ingest the fear hormones. Folk need to be alive for them to get their high while it's going on and they keep them in that state for as long as they can. He gave some other really horrifying detail about how it's done. Well there's for starters. Not quite a fight yet.
ReplyDeleteVery well aware of this from Collier of course. And thanks once again for meeting the challenge though as you say, not a fight yet. I think one plain fact is that we are all faced with this exact sub-text and it is not even a SUB-text in many cases of these ancient documents. One of the 'Yahweh's literally says 'because the glazing fat makes me calm...' lol And he is the one who tells some Biblical figures that he 'is a violent and powerful El,' and to be cautious 'in case I should break out against you.' A sort of self-aware preternatural psychopath, you could say.
DeleteThe fight I was wanting was over the idea that the actual historical real material person called 'Jesus' was and must have been a clone - in the material physical human being sense. This would account for many otherwise incomprehensible details in the New Testament - seen after his death but not immediately recognized, has a twin who did not show up to the meeting of only 11 apostles after his death, and so on; so many other matters that are quite 'odd.' I mean if you accept these books at all, then these are all simply technical facts that we can understand today through our level of science, of what is really going on.
DeleteAlex's story makes no sense to me. Surely the reptilians can manufacture some fear hormones. We need to dig deeper!
DeleteThis is the adenochrome that they are after, isn't it? I have read that several American Indian tribes (Hurons, for example) were torturing their "war" prisoners before eating their flesh.
DeleteMakes sense if not a twin then a clone. Assisted pregnancies often produce twins. But then it’s not a giant stretch from they made the first humans to and then they cloned them.
ReplyDeleteWhere does this put the soul in this equation? Maybe we need more of an understanding of that aspect of ourselves before we continue. Do any of the et’s acknowledge souls or care about such things? Sounds like there are many and various projects on project earth. What about Jesus dad being the cosmic source of everything and we its offspring? Who was here before the hovering over the waters? If no one what made terrarium earth? Who are the helpers for those who don’t want a fight or encounter? Why can’t we be allowed to just walk away and do our own thing?
Did Jesus and his twin/clone pull off some grand magic act?
I hope my clone is not fat like I have been my entire life. I would like it know what it’s like to be slim and fit clothes. If clothes continue to be a thing. Lol
According to the “which star seed are you” quizzes I’m Andromedan. I hope they are the good guys. It’s hard living under a veil. I’m ready to slam the door like Sidney Prescott in Scream (the original, only one that counts)
"Pull off some grand magic act". The night before this post I dreamt I was some lower ranking royalty or upper class person, maybe a couple hundred years ago, getting dressed because the queen was coming for a visit. I had a twin though. And the image I got was one of switching, or stepping in for the other. Given the outfits I thought it was more man in the iron mask, but...
DeleteSo... The Genesis phrase 'the land east of Eden' is not a correct translation. The phrase in there means 'from the time BEFORE:' in other words it is contained in the language METAPHOR that the sun rises out of the East and that was the past. THE AdamS were made from bits and pieces cut out ('tzelem') from the those from the time before (that were around in the past or in 'some' past and maybe not even here on this planet). If the malevolent or at least underhanded and self-interested interlopers who messed around with this genetic experiment did NOT care about the soul, then they would not go to such massive lengths to hide what it is and how it is constructed (how it is made up/its form and essential functions/functioning) from the human race. They know about it and they fear it. They fear YOU. Except right know you don't yet know why you should be feared. Not practically speaking at least. ...But you soon will. And then there will be 'hell to pay' as they say. And mostly you will be exacting the price for what has been going on. They have no counter at this point. They are still in here, within the total human population but 'bred down' and they have neither the power nor the spiritual reach any more to stop you. Which is one reason for so much focus on materiality throughout society and military PHYSICAL rather than strategic, strength. They 'could' in theory extend some reach outwards a little bit more if they used the electron field capacity of AI-driven machines. But that is all. And even that won't work. By the way, this is seemingly 'avant garde' stuff but it is stock standard internal Zohar and Kabbalah. They have words and phrases about the 'divine' living 'spark' - and how this is entrapped inside bodies: 'kedushah,' and 'Atzilut.' And other things like that.
DeleteThis sounds almost exactly like the "flyers" - the ultimate predators from Castaneda books, as described by Juan Matis character.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you on one hand telling us about the flesh-eating pain loving predators/flyers and also telling us to entice them to eat us? I am still struggling to understand who the bad guys versus good guys are. I thought there were no bad guys up there. Are they from the same origin but one type went bad and now likes junk food? Romulans and Vulcans kind of thing? Do we want to entice the good ones with good feelings instead of feeding the bad ones with fear and anger?
ReplyDelete'Up' means FAR up and away and outside of here a long long LONG way. Whereas 'the upper air' simply means literally our atmospheric skies. The New Testament says that 'Satan' is in the skies and is the worldly 'spirit of the air.' ...Did not Jesus offer Himself, quite literally that people should eat 'My Flesh and My Blood??' Ho yes He did and there is a huge sarcastic reason in there. The whole thing came crashing down when He did that little exercise - because He 'infected' a barbaric and cannibalistic world with a material virus (virus means lives inside another living organism; so - virus) that destroys that world from the inside. To ordinary humans it is hidden the true horror of what is going on - to real God it cannot be hidden; but at the same time Evil cannot 'see' nor understand nor comprehend real true 'Divine' anything. ...We all wonder, oh but why is nothing happening? What is it taking so long for anything clear and obvious and material and real to 'appear?' Well okay, try this - in the Old Testament, when Jacob is about to reassert power and control when he formerly had to go into hiding, even from his brother Esau, the Elohim - as the standard translation texts say 'appeared to him after a long time...' Except that is not what the text actually says in the original wording. It says: 'And Jacob told the Elohim - 'hey you guys took a long time to SHOW UP(!!!) again from the last time.' Patience, my friend, patience. More things will happen than you maybe had even imagined in your wildest possible dreams. One stupendously important thing to consider though in the meantime: just consider this - without, let's say, the massive moral and ethical intervention of a 'Supreme Power' identity such as this character 'Jesus' was/is and what a significant impact that whole mindset has had on the human race, at least flowing from the West, and near-East/Middle-East -, could it be that the PEAK mentality of the worldly power elites and rulers, the PEAK act of such 'apex' people, might have been killing and eating your enemies and even your friends and family in order that you and you alone are 'at the top...?' The peak predators in the animal kingdom are the best killers and eaters... Why not the peak/apex sentient beings not be the peak killers but also utterly heartless and cruel and devouring? Isn't this INDEED the very 'ideal' that for example much of Wall Street 'mythology' plays on, all of political cynicism actually is entrenched in. The good guys are so far above and beyond animal-istic so-called 'brutal realism' fundamentally because you canNOT kill them. When you encounter 'realistic' people in today's world, they always have this sick sarcastic grin on their faces telling you that you are a fool for being idealistic and 'too nice.' And that you, like they are, also should be cut-throat. But they are wrong. It's easy to tell the Good from the Bad. Not so easy to see that the Good always prevail but in a much longer time frame towards the necessary exhaustion of the enemy than the 'instant' answers and 'solutions' the 'realistic' people always demand. The Universe is 'Gauss Curve' - things unfold and rise and fall and resolve in steady waves over time. The Evil cannot 'win' because they rise and fall across shorter peaks and terminate at a 'loss of signal' phase. The Good endure. And they do not die at all. The trouble for us as humans, is that we are (were majorly) stuck with an idiosyncratic problem of having an interfered-with gene set.
DeleteThe real horror is that without the intervention of 'the (True) Good' (at some point in the human story/history) it could have been that we would now all be just barely surviving as a slave (virtual food) race to a cannibalistic 'apex predator'-style dominant 'primal animal' ruling class of being.
DeleteIs that, or is that not, the size of it?
DeleteI don't think I understand what you mean about which people the current apex people are killing and eating, and where that leaves me. Maybe this is a reading comprehension problem. But yes, it is true, in my line of work there is pressure to play the game to get ahead. I prefer to (try to) be nice, so that I can feel okay with myself at the end of the day. And yes, I think this is partly why I am not "at the top", and disappearing off the map instead, and I like it that way.
DeleteWell of course that is the size of it. I have personally met many people infected with "the illness" of being successful. "Be aggressive" they told me. It's not just "Wall street" and "politicians" or whoever, it is EVERY "high performing" human. Donald? Yes definitely. Anyone with an audience, a talk show, a book they published. Got yourself elected to public office? There you go! Anyone who succeeds around here. Guess who's been making false claims on his financial statements? Guess who loves it when they realize they have evidence that their top tier clients have broken federal law? I don't have direct evidence of "reptilians" but I don't mind taking the folks who talk about them seriously in a kind of "let's see what this button does" way. So that includes Alex Collier. I said to one of them "if those guys (GFW types) do show up in public the way you are saying they will, Star Trek style, it's going to be a real shit show around here" and the response was "oh definitely, I like to say 'the check is in the mail'."
DeleteWar is always "battle over agency." Humans are unable to see with their "inner eyes" because they have been infected with a kind of virus that propagates through all the avenues we term "social life." Hence, "agency for the reptilians." AND their "deep state." I think that's kind of a myopic and foolish response because it creates a probably fictional group of people, "the deep state," and redirects other folks anger. Again, that pencils out to agency for someone somewhere. Those folk are probably also infected with the "success virus" too. Sure, there's the "deep state" but also who else is there? Well, just about everyone. Do you want to have children? Well then! "That's going to be very expensive but we will set you up. You ARE an adult, after all...just raise those kids to be a lot like you." And yet every parent hopes deep down that their child will not be like them. Well, the ones who care about that. I mean, some of them probably don't give it a second thought.
I suppose also I am saying that I think I understand the door out of the maze here. And am remembering that labyrinths were a metaphor for war used somewhere sometime. To find the door out, without building a new labyrinth. The first lesson in teleportation, I think.
DeleteHis is not the only one, but 'the Maze of Drona' otherwise called the Chakra Vyuha. The Greeks used similar things, so did some Roman battalions.
DeleteEuterpe could that be the interpretation of your dream? Sending your twin in to play the game they want you to play? Because for some reason they won’t let you play as yourself? I just finished watching the 3rd season episode of Ted Lasso where the players do the switcharoo - playing in each others positions and pretending to be their assigned teammate. More of a learning to play together kind of thing. Something foreign to my workplace too, lol.
DeleteThanks old money for talking about the soul. It’s my favourite topic here if you couldn’t guess already. The YouTubers I watch never really get deep into it. They don’t go into the monad much or how our souls can be running multiples programmes (lives) at the same time so again I remain ignorant of the true situation of “the soul”.
By spirit of the air are you meaning sort of how our mindsets can be manipulated by the energies of those around us, and like how mob mentalities exist and thoughts are contagious kind of thing? I’m thinking like Jesus inserted a mind virus upgrade.
The tubers are now talking about a new consciousness incoming on 3 waves of light and how St Germaine and his violet flame is the caretaker if you will of this age. The violet flame also being associated with angel Zadkiel by other sources. And how we are being upgraded by this. I’d be interested to know your thoughts.
Interesting Anon. This week I had to do some public speaking at work which is something I really struggle with. Maybe there is an aspect of wanting to send the other guy in to do the job.
DeleteEuterpe I’m so glad you made it through that and hope it wasn’t too uncomfortable. In total honesty I would have cried my eyes out and probably quit.
DeleteThanks Anon. It went really well, actually. About half a year ago I changed companies, going from one of these "top" ones to a smaller one, because of the reasons we're talking about here, the previous company was full of "raptors". Lol. So far the experience at the new place has been better. Still maybe not what I'd like to be doing with my life, but better.
DeleteRegarding mazes. A maze is a kind of glyph. Suppose there are beings who see the glyph (mark + intention) in such a way that the intention also appears to them as obvious as the mark does to us (we intuit the intention). What sort of labyrinths could they make? I would think they could manipulate "agency" the same way we do clay.
DeleteBut maybe not. I've had too much coffee. Someone should set me straight.
DeleteMost dictatorships, most but not all, contain this kind of 'top predator' mentality, inherently the driving force of the whole system there. The human race has been trained to believe in a peculiar kind of 'work at all costs' ethic. Yet, this is not the way to wealth according to either the Mahabharata or the Bible, neither the Book of Solomon or the Gospels: 'consider the lilies of the field, they toil NOT nor do they spin, yet I say to you that Solomon IN ALL OF HIS GLORY... ...was not arrayed like one of these.' What sense would it make for a basically 'AI' self-regenerating and producing material 'garden' or 'world' suddenly somewhere then ALSO have it be necessary that the principal intended beneficiaries (the sentient being occupants) had to 'work' especially in some 'survival of the fittest' mode continuously? A lot of us today are confused by things like medical practice and the pharmacology industry into believing we humans make medicines for instance - all of them are derived from plants and minerals and their efficacy in that arena is already well-known down centuries the difference today being that there is a society-based need to have the chemicals act quicker while the human's REQUIREMENT TO WORK was not impacted by lifestyle changes. The real human input is always 'elegant solution,' not 'work.' We are living in a state of confusion. ...Who is going to kill and eat you? Your boss, your own family, your closest associates, your country - unless you checkmate them all first.
ReplyDeletePsychologists do not say the reptilian brain part of the human is merely 'figurative' - it is vestigial, according to them; from the time of the dinosaurs. This of course massively and erroneously presupposes in some weird way that humans today share DNA with actual dinosaurs!! And further in any case it is a presupposition to do with what real dinosaurs were actually like and plays on the Hollywood fiction about 'raptors.' Yes, 'press that button' and you end up with 'there is reptilian brain DNA in humans because there are ET Alien reptilian-like creatures and beings from far away who interposed themselves here.' And that is all already a folkloric 'ancient history' narrative FACT in countless cultures across the globe and THERE IS NO OTHER parallel folkloric narrative. Why are we discounting what our own societies and cultures in categorical terms have all handed down to us? What - because we think we are smarter today than they were? I think we are all just looking for some right-now-today media-worthy 'smoking gun' - you know, a secretive dinner party where Epstein and friends are all gathered and there is a cowering human victim on a plate on the long table, ready to be eaten. lol ...Happens all the time though, except not in those terms. We blind ourselves to being able to see it. And we do not know what to do about it anyway. That's why the direction here is to hand over a bit of P.O.W.E.R. for you to U.S.E.
ReplyDeleteThis topic reminds me of the "Dark Crystal" movie and series. Skeksis and gelflings. The latest series that streamed a few years ago was pretty disturbing.
DeleteWas (is!) a great movie but very disturbing in parts. I don't like the disturbing stuff and wish it wasn't part of our lived reality - which it very much still is, I'm afraid. Can be changed though; is being changed.
DeleteWhat? There is a new dark crystal? Regarding your dream, have you listened to Tony Rodrigues' story about having his soul removed from his body and sent to work on a secret program on Ceres for 20 years? And then returned to his original body hours after he left it.. leaving him with a 20 year period of his life where he was in two places simultaneously. Not to put whacky ideas in peoples' minds, last thing I would want to do.
DeleteI had a feeling that the Dark Crystal might be close to what is actually happening. I'm surprised it got made. KP I have not heard that story, but I suppose there's something along those lines in the "Journey of Souls" book, where it says something about one soul being able to live two lives on earth simultaneously. I don't know how I feel about that book though, something about it seems contrived, just my personal feeling though, could be wrong.
DeleteSo, I've been binge watching this Aussie series called "Glitch" about resurrected folks ("risen") - and in the third to the last episode, an Indian scientist from a Swedish pharmaceutical company tells a couple of Aussie 'risen' that the experiment started at ... Golgotha!
ReplyDeleteI have two episodes left. I'll post how it turns out.
(P.S. You Aussies seem pretty cool - at least in this series...)
Oh yeah, there's some pretty cool Aussies. Objectively-speaking the average intelligence would be slightly higher than your average zucchini. So the smart people are few and rare, but they are there all the same.
DeleteWell. I tried. I just can't find it in myself to go to war over "jesus was a clone, and the reptilian god-like drug addict psychopath is in charge." Most of the people I've met who I think would like to argue about that are men in white robes. Also the description of god jives with my early childhood dream about him. He lived in the basement and had a table full of guns confiscated from the dead, which he used as a reminder to them of his power so that they would not try to leave him. When I tried to leave he threated to make me an orphan.
ReplyDeleteI'm really interested in talking about RV'ing though. I imagine Arizona would be a good place. But it starts with a glyph, and then you make ideograms. I mean that's the official doctrine.
Well actually they used 6 digits. Someone "does a glyph" which means he writes the digits while focusing on his intention. Then he shares the digits with the "viewers" and they use the digits to make glyphs of their own. Tracking these glyphs with their associated intentions is interesting to me. I'm not sure about it.
But the other thing I am not sure about is: Could sound waves "be glyphs?" What about molecules themselves? How about DNA? DNA is a formula for making new glyph-molecules, or something like that. Similar to the six digits, which allow a person to make a glyph when they write them down themselves.
What does oxidized adrenaline smell like? Well, never mind. I'd like to believe that molecules, which on the one hand are purely mathematical creatures and completely interchangeable, are like the digits of the RV'ers, a formula for making glyphs. This could be "explanation" for why those jerk reptilians need humans to make it for them.
QAnon gets into this. Good for them. Some agency at the polls, please? I think I'd prefer jesus. A clone. 6 digits: an intention (a way to clone glyphs). Ideogram: a mapping onto some preconceived system of meanings, or "overlay" (!!!) "Me: All knowledge is overlay." (Them: "so let's ground ourselves in the very real science of this which involves electromagnetic fields.") okie-dokey.
ad-R-enochrome. sorry. forgot the R.