Argh, what the heck.
Who cares about money anyway!
The whole world is chasing that.
Let's leave them to their fate.
...Going down those paths that they always choose.
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I am where there are not many people... |
...Waste of time going down those paths.
JES said the other day: 'Many times words are not able to say important things - that is why you have music.'
And that is so true.
She was simply quoting Plato, of course.
The stress for me is on 'important...' ...things.
Easy to say, right, when you maybe have a lot of money. It takes a ton of fortitude though to be able to remain focused on the mind and how that operates and what makes it tick for human beings and all other sentient creatures - when you have no money or not very much of it.
Money appears to allow access to material support and even material luxury.
Consequently it is money that governments and all of the Earth-bound social and political powers and power structures dwell on obsessively; they want all of it. They certainly desire to control all of it.
But the powers of the world are no more insightful about how everything works than the ordinary man-in-the-street.
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Not many people like the front end on these. |
The human race is effectively an organism, in a sense, that is deeply infected with a serious, non-transient, and life-terminating virus.
And that is the reason - whether there are necessarily MASSIVE, numbers of space ships out their, whole fleets of them, or maybe just a few old, very old even ancient and slightly run-down platforms that can sustain a handful of living beings aboard them, with not a huge number of self-maintaining robotic restoring devices floating around in there - that actually advanced sentient beings do not as a rule show themselves obviously down here.
I mean yeah there are one or two really well-looked after, super-advanced and heavily-crewed installations up there in the solar system somewhere. But these are where the people that love to be forever 'occupied' with various tasks are.
Because indeed there are a lot of tasks to handle constantly.
Nothing I want to be personally involved in however, despite that it is a necessity now and then.
The human being, its organic system, is literally designed to do two things expressly: to reflect the inner nature of the specific individual person on the outside, and to house electro-dynamic and loci-dense nodes of micro-magnetic forces - or fields - on the inside.
The human personal consciousness is a dense well ('well' like the word in 'wishing well;' a repository of a liquid or a fluid), as it were of the exact same plastic substance that runs through the whole entire Cosmos in 'world lines' (an Einstein name for it).
It is possible to fold over, other people's density locations with yours (and vice-versa of course), whereat you and they are literally just one concurrent actual sentient entity - the force fields not merely intertwining but 'densiated' (a new word there!) as a continuum with overlapping and congruent, even shared, parts.
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I mean you see, this is esoterica. It is esoterica of food, but food is an experience of the sentient being. ...Is Wagyu Katsu Sando. With gold flakes. LOL Of course, why not. |
What makes it feasible that separate sentient beings can be formed this way, is that they are tuned to harmonic states - to the same frequencies and frequency potentials.
At the 'top' end of the Cosmic actuality, there is a complex dense loci all conformed around (surrounded by) with the multi-dimensional spectras - in exact order of meaning and power hierarchy: from weakest fluctuations (least necessary but still present and existential), to highest and way up to rarest and most precious. At the highest end is what gives life itself.
Yet the absolute requirement of that 'highest end' component by definition, really, means that the underlying spectras must be present and active and in effect because it is in those that life is experienced and is a dynamic moving reality and via which (therefore!) sentience exists at all.
I've been thinking about sharing of consciousness. I stumbled upon a youtube video of Jeremy Berg talking on the topic of the Sidhe, but at one point he said he was once attending a talk given by a woman, and he started to I suppose share consciousness with her during her talk. He said he was shocked by how vulnerable she felt, I think related to experiencing life as a woman, and he couldn't understand how she could tolerate feeling that way every day. That felt like an authentic story to me.
ReplyDeleteSome of my family members say they have experienced sharing of consciousness with each other. I wonder if the physical material, maybe DNA, has anything to do with it. In the way that someone who is used to driving a car of one type might more easily drive a different car of the same type than of another type.
Also, is this sharing when happening to a very minor degree, what empathy is?
Delete'In a way that someone who is used to driving a car of one type might more easily drive a different car of the same type than of another type.' I think that is true and is also one of the least talked-about aspects of what the human individual soul is and how it behaves. I don't think that as a human race we have yet uncovered the subtleties that are entailed with 'structured' electro-gravitic fields. I think the human soul on some level does employ intrinsically, tuned and organised (as in, structured) micro electro-gravitic fields and moreover these patterns ARE literally part of that individual person's essence. Which also means that potentially, most or many, people can tune their electromagnetic patterns (IE develop them, change them, alter them, enhance them...)
ReplyDeleteCasually-speaking, 'empathy' is simply the fact that we hold in our minds and in our memories, experiences SIMILAR to the experiences of others and we are able to match these things together and therein 'share' in them (our re-playing of memories and memory patterns and similarities). But I was asserting that there is something else again - that there is literal, precise, precision interposing and overlaying and then merging up altogether, of specific patterns (and these will be dynamic patterns, response types and tendencies and inclinations 'grooved in' by perhaps the increasing of the potentiality pathways same as some highly active electronic circuits exhibit dropping away of electrical resistance down much used current pathways). So that in the end it is a composite person you are looking at: several people all in one merged invisible substance which extends out in all directions and through multiple dimensions. The personal sense of 'who I specifically and individually am' is on the one hand retained always, yet there is an added consciousness of others, about 'others' - except they are not really 'others' at all. 'Whomsoever does this to the least of my bretheren, has done it to me.' This is an existential fact.
Empathy is protection? You did direct me toward Ed Dames once. Trained to suppress empathy, he saw demons. Heh, sunday school demons destroyed him.
ReplyDelete291 638 / 691 238 . Both the same thing.
I guess the larger idea was that emotions are part of the human-as-"biomechanoid" and can be USED but not properly in the lower understanding of "use" (as in, "i use the light switch to turn the lamp on because i needed to see better") Once the concept of "agency as participation mediated by katra" is grasped, then emotions can be properly used again. Something like that. Empathy is like the protective mandala. I'm not saying it IS, I'm saying "maybe?"