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Thursday 22 February 2024

Nuts And Bolts

And then sometimes, you have to be involved in the hard core, nuts-and-bolts factors of what it takes to make a whole business catch on fire.

And I don't mean that in a bad way!

There's people to see, to exchange views with, and to go over numbers and ideas with.

And then of course there's the marketing department.


Well actually in this case it's the sales and marketing department.

Sales is eventually the lifeblood of any business.

Nuts... and bolts.
Golden bits and pieces...

So rather than disappear in a mist or hide in some blood orange sunset behind purple clouds of distractions and standard diversionary tactics, one must appear in general public, in places where responsible adults are likely to be taking notes on what just happened...

 ...Or notes on what they thought they just saw.

This is the reason for the slowing down recently on the number of posts here, but that is only just temporary. 

What it means is that some significant steps are being taken right now -, some important practical and material physical things being put in place so that facilities and on-the-ground resources take shape.

It does mean that things happen which are not confined to an on-line presence and to online interchanges only.

This is a necessity when business activity reaches certain levels and engagement with the public becomes much wider, involving whole communities of, for example sporting groups and national, especially foreign national, sporting interests.

One reason I am even letting this kind of thing happen at all is because I doubt the long-term safety and reliability of the local property market, despite that right now it is reaching unprecedented heights. This is a bubble based on stupid expectations unsupportable by the underlying real economy here.

And again, this is despite that where I am enjoys the world's leading credit rating for Western World local banks and business and for government debt.

We are tied to the China thing.

And to the Asian growth scenario going forward.

...A more esoteric, slightly tamer track from the upcoming BT album:


  1. OMG. Ability to "create targets" Confirmed! It is always a "holy fucking COW" moment when the person on the other end sees the things. Completely blown away by this.

    1. We are working on this, developing a kind of conversation with a place. "Do people REALIZE this is real?" I mean, forget UFOs. Jeez!


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