So, it's almost impossible to try to explain the real meanings of much of the original ancient scriptural texts - in part because not all of them are 'canonical' and therefore people are not familiar with the important content: for example, The Book of Wisdom is not included in the Hebrew Tanakh. Further, another significant person - Daniel - is not even regarded by the orthodox Jews as strictly-speaking, a prophet at all...
...And in any case even the Catholic version of the canonical scriptures places the Book of Wisdom somewhere in the middle of the whole thing yet it was clearly written last of all, and maybe even beyond the point of the Gospels themselves, and enigmatically, it's correct name is 'The Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach.'
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Just somebody's private house interior. Well, penthouse, anyway. |
In other words, from my own point of view, I cannot even begin to explain what this is actually all about, today, in our modern world in which the mainstream socio-religious and moral/ethical culture is based on an accepted (also enforced) perception of what all of these ancient works are supposed to be about.
But if I am able to pull strands from here and there from time to time for salient purposes, then at some stage things will click or at least gel in terms of what your personal experienced reality is showing you.
Zechariah, the prophet (according to everyone), meets this teacher/messenger, who exposes to Zechariah, some strange aerial phenomena, and explains to him what they mean.
Zechariah reports that he sees a cylindrical-shaped flying object, in which there is a female sitting who seems to be in control of the thing - what we would today say is the pilot.
He specifies its dimensions and they are the same as the US Navy's white flying object filmed off the coast of San Diego.
Anyway, the 'messenger' tells him that this object is one of four that operate in the four lateral directions around the Throne of Heaven (although this throne does have six in total 'cardinal directions' two of which are the vertical directions) - and that they go out first before reporting back to the Throne after which 'things happen' that directly involve who is on the Throne.
So we've had two of these things flying around so far in our immediate times, and that would imply (if you go by the account of Zechariah) there are two more to come. I count the first as being the one that has been going in and out of various volcanoes around the world, and the other the one that the public's attention was drawn to (although they've forgotten it by now already) mostly because of the fact that the US Navy filmed it and leaked that vision.
The thing you need to know about all of them is that they are usually covered (hidden) in a mist or cloud - and indeed the Navy's one would have appeared that way to the naked eye, except the high tech military camera vision captured more detail and material definition.
In other words what I am saying is that it is not the EOTW just yet -, not until the two others travel out and do their run-through.
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Just trying to stay simple, right... |
At the same time I would be very careful (in weighing up the possibilities) of anything that looks like a cloud but is doing strange aerial things....
It should in no way surprise you though, to consider the possibility that there are very very mixed-up 'genes' that are all taken for human people living here on this planet, except they are not one single amorphous human gene-pool at all.
There is a very 'rational' reason that the WEF wants the depopulation of the world - they want to kill off a particular set of genes. This is not a joke of any kind. They are not being 'colorful' in their speech here. They are aiming to achieve this goal.
The human race is kept in great ignorance, and its lifespan is deteriorated massively by malignant and deliberate action against it whereas it ought to be being increased by natural 'evolutionary' (development) gains.
Yet... ...You all could overturn the apple-cart here. You could virtually 'all-of-a-sudden overnight,' make gigantic leaps forward in knowledge and intellectual capability and physical power and endurance and neurological strength
If you turned the tables and pushed in the direction of increasing the lifespans of humans (at all costs) as a core 'humanity goal' - and moved away from militaristic violence responses as the peak national-political-state - at least in your own theory and philosophy of living, the contest itself would change.
Greta (aka the WEF) wants to 'save the planet' and work for the longevity of the planet.
I don't want to do that.
I want to aim at your longevity. Your human existence as the primary objective and focus of all energy.
There are so many lateral factors entailed in any kind of real increase in the human lifespan - you cannot simply run or expect to run social and family relationships on the same basis as they are run right now. You cannot do the sorts of work that society insists that you do, right now.
These negative factors in the equation are all there 'on purpose;' it is all by design. A very malignant and malicious and destructive design.
So what is the actual reasoning behind the modern politic?
Versus the reasoning of increasing the human gene-average's lifespan... Because in fact at the end of the particular linear logic involved, if you were to increase the human lifespan markedly, and also increase the technology level of human society, at some intersecting of lines, 'you' could maintain your personal consciousness and jump organic 'lives.'
This could not be done by having 'AI' and installing a chip in your brain! That's fallaciously jumping a step by pretending that people already know what personal human 'consciousness' is.
And for another thing, human individual personal consciousness itself is very dormant right now; asleep - almost dead in fact.
More Gaelic (Fairy/Homeric Phaeacian) songs and singing and music:
I don't know whether you follow it, "jp.missions" on instagram has a map of towns in southwestern Syria lining up nicely with stars in Virgo and apparently galaxy M104 (perhaps)? What's that about?
ReplyDeleteCan you expand more on this topic, please? The family relations that lasts for centuries? Will there be a necessity to move around the world after so many years living in one spot? Are our bodily organs designed to last much longer their current lifespans? A weak link, like maybe the eyes, or back problems, etc. could literally cripple a healthy individual long before the new advertised lifespan. Topics like that.