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Wednesday 3 January 2024

Opening The Secret Place

In order to really get to grips with what the Moses story is all about we must come to terms with some facts and leave behind the various versions that cannot be verified in history or from archaeology.

The story of a prince of Egypt found in bulrushes by a princess is categorically an Egyptian story from actual real sources and not narrated later 'versions' in the hands of completely different ethnic people.

There isn't any historical evidence for a kingdom of 'Northern Israel;' all of that area was sequentially Assyrian and Babylonian - so much so that in fact even modern-day Jews call some ancient literature the Babylonian Talmud/Babylonian Talmud sources.

A 'life force' comes into Thuthmose II's

The story of a super-wealthy and highly intelligent, especially wise, ruler with a palace floor that looked like still water - is a categorically Egyptian one about one of the 'Amenhotep' Pharaoh figures. So, 'Sol' Amun, or Amun-Ra: this is Solomon.

It already is the case that linguistically 'Theuth' is 100% the early Egyptian name later transliterated as 'Dawud' and 'David.'

So, if you remove the surface layer of story about 'Moses' getting to read or to 'see' the written-down 'laws' of God, and move to the actual physical evidence and the independent accounts of what this all is, we come to the capstone images and Plato's statement that his uncle was told by Egyptian priests that there was an archive of important things like that, begun way back by the god Hermes and given to the Egyptian temple priests. These archives contain some depictions of the 'Forms.'

The modern phraseology about the 'Theory of Forms' is not actually from the texts in which those 'Forms' are talked about and explained a little - because in those texts simply nothing about them are 'theories!'

When we go to great modern museums of science and philosophy around the world today, we will see stagnant, static, lifeless shapes that it is true, are the exact things that comprise all atomic structures - but this depiction is a false one which does not follow what the early writers' ideas said.

The actual explanation of things goes like this: there is no separate place somewhere in which somehow 'subsists' or 'exists' a perfect heaven which is nevertheless physically apart from this Cosmos. 

There is only this Cosmos.

A new museum of fragrances
in Paris - but it correctly links
each museum item to specific people of the
related time.
The true place of 'Cosmic Forms'
is not entirely dissimilar, except
the people are real people.
Unlike the museum, these people are not
pictures only, or images; they are
actual real beings.

The one inside of which you exist materially and physically.

But what is also in it, are beings - since intelligent life is dynamic and necessarily... ...alive - who are closer to the perfect Forms beneath which all other forms are lesser examples thereof.

And those who are the highest of all such intelligent beings, see and perceive and understand and comprehend these Forms better than all others - and they are the living gods, united to the perfect Forms themselves because the ultimate Form is that of Perfect Beauty and Livingness. So they are all connected up in the same way that the bloodstream and the nerves and so on connect up the human body to its brain and of course to our consciousness.

The format of connection must be something like the neutrino field or something akin to that. It is not lines and cabling and structural material.

Because the Cosmos is extremely vast, and filled with every strata of 'lesser' iterations of forms and also lesser beings too (not in the sense that an animal is presumed a lesser being than a human because it is not...) - then there also are beings, aka 'people' like we find here on the planet, who are in no way even close to the perfect Forms and nor are they at all connected up as one living organism in the Cosmos; but they are capable of seeing 'as through a glass darkly,' that there are such perfect levels and things and relationships and connections and also, the power that falls to that highest layer.

These are the beings, the people, who erroneously aspire to position themselves in what they take to be the Ultimate Throne place - in other words, they imagine that they can be 'God.'

I believe that even the story about some figure, some 'identity' almost every culture calls 'Satan' (in its own language), is correct, but only insofar as it is relating an account of some ambitious character who was never even close to actually 'seeing' or understanding the true apex existential realities.

The Earth is just like
one narrow hall in the Great Hall.

These human stories say the Satanic personage sought to gain the ultimate place of power, and fell from there. 

That's not a possibility. The closer one gets to the Forms, the more one becomes intertwined with them.

And being intertwined with them, one cannot then do 'Evil' since the Forms themselves are the Good and like fire does not entertain ice, 'Evil' cannot exist in the field of Perfect Good.

...We have been providing essential ingredients and psychological tools to find the Forms and to become physically and materially linked with them.

You will not next become materially poorer as the result of such connection. But you will become materially richer.

You will be richer, but you will also become richer as the evidence of the underlying connection fact is revealed and unfolds.

When we start from the ordinary human level, the process is one of becoming. When we get fairly close the state is a permanent one of life and dynamic relationship with something we must term 'Cosmic.'

This is wrong in that it
only shows a static format - 
although it is otherwise okay; and it
would not be so critical
if not for the fact
that it (not this chart!) was in the 
early 'Christian' text sections of the
Dead Sea Scrolls.
You cannot know the Christian
conception of 'heaven' unless
you factor in this because this is the 
'secret sealed books' (sealed up until 
the Time of the End).
A true depiction that is not static, shows
people - actual specific people and kinds of
people (as Plato puts it, 'those who follow
most closely in the train of...').

It is not any more merely becoming, but it is still nevertheless moving and flowing and alive.

As I said before, artists and musicians particularly, gain very direct access to such knowledge and connectedness because they are viscerally moving into various resonant phases of 'intelligible energy.'

I will go through a short list of what you will see is someone 'seeing' ahead what has happened, and then on to an example of where someone 'sees' to what can only happen to narrow groups, and then on to an example of where very small numbers can get close to the much much more advanced things.

Here is the first. You know what this is about.

People like the modern producer Max Martin are deep into the processes of how to 'get there.'

The person who wrote this and played the keyboards on this track below was the producer for Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics.

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Slipping Out Or Having Someone Slip In

This world is set up on a mercantile materialistic basis.

The trading is entirely in money.

Money is the mediation between needs and wants and desires and having those negotiated in.

Alongside that though is a system of conditions set up by ruling powers. Jeffrey Epstein could not trade his way out of a situation in which he had risen to hold power over others who did not want him to have that kind of power.

Every main element of this image
has an exact correspondence inside of your
psychological make-up.

In that situation no amount of money would alter that opposition arrayed against him because fundamentally it came down to a question of absolute power not trade mediation tokens.

Now go back to this context:

A certain small group of people did not wish to be enslaved and dominated, nor to follow or be commanded, by one absolute ruler known as the Pharaoh, and so they substituted that situation for another one in which they were dominated, ruled over, commanded and enslaved by a different (really?) figure known as Yahweh.

Muslims do the exact same thing: they seemingly 'voluntarily' are enslaved by two figures in tandem, one which is putative in Islam as a unique godhead known as 'Allah' but in fact this is jointly with a human figure that is 'Allah's' sole and unique messenger, known nowadays (although in the past many people had the same title) as 'Muhammad' which simply means 'the praiseworthy.' In Islam this is taken to be a specific individual and not all those others in the past who also carried the same title - Jesus did, Socrates did, even 'Bulus' (the Apostle Paul), and Abd'al Malik ibn Marwan who styled himself on several coin effigies as 'the praiseworthy one.'

Human beings are thus, on the whole, culturally, en masse, socially, sociologically, and religiously of course, slaves with absolutely no power and no say - no agency, as it were, over the god-like sets of decisions that could or might be made by intelligent sentient beings.

Well what then really makes 'humans' intelligent?

They claim to be, but are they?

...They seem to be intent on having some quite literally invisible, possibly even non-existent cultural folk legend figure or myth, identity rule over them in an absolute way.

'Scientists' do the exact same thing.

Paul Cox has been on major platforms saying that 'even up till the Sixties, people widely thought that there were whole cities and civilizations on the planet Mars...'

Did they?

Was it not scientists though, in the same years who thought and taught in every single University in the planet that there were not any other stars with planets orbiting them like what was obtaining in our solar system? And then, a decade later they were still teaching as 'scientific truth' that in any case there were no moons on any such planets and certainly no water and no life of any kind elsewhere. 

Now there are zillions of such stars and planets and moons and indications of the chemical conditions for life...

What's the difference between any of them?

They're all ideologues who literally actually 'know' nothing for real.

In order to say and to maintain rationally that there is a god, one must be able to evidence the same.

Instead of asserting the contrary position from the absent evidence as the 'true' situation, scientists if they were being honest and intelligent, would simply say 'I don't know what is there.'

What they do is say 'because I have no evidence then the contrary is true.' That is a patently false and a foolish statement or else if knowingly done, then it is extremely malicious and gulling. Yet that is what they do.

There is no one, on the throne seat
on her head.
Now, if I showed you what is seated
on the 'right hand'
of the throne, what will you say then?
Jesus only came for 'the lost sheep of
the House ('House'
is 'Pharaoh' in the Kemetic) of Theuth (David).
There are no 'Jews' involved.
His ancestor was Asaneith.
She is plainly Graeco-Egyptian.

We can see plainly that our cells are in a state of constant growth, decline, and destruction and terminating replacement.

If you ever encountered some situation though, in which this was no longer the case, it would turn your world completely upside down.

Because have you honestly and really contemplated the exact situation if you never died at all, your defective cells and hard internal structures were being replaced perfectly and not in declining iterations of quality, and your sensory acquisition capabilities were enhanced in leaps beyond what you currently are able to 'see' with your present senses?

What things then become the prime goals of your sentient desires...

Is it buying the best house in Lake Tahoe or in Aspen?

Or is it having the best people around you and right at that point do you start to 'see' (perceive) how great their shortcomings are in that new situation and context - and then how will you arrange for them to resolve those shortcomings?

This kind of power means you instantly experience incredible temptation! And you have to deal with that and manage that.

The expression of what that all means inside, inside your consciousness, your emotional make-up, your thinking - is the province of the artists. There are some who are reflecting or presenting what they are picking up as fields of information, not words and sentence structures in common conscious language forms.

Here is where you can gain some insight into what the leap forward means.

The leap forward is only prospective, and speculative, when people are theorizing.

Artists are not theorizing; they are presenting as emotional fact, a particular real experienced case - that you can also experience via the specific art form involved.

I'm not sure whether those of you who have followed the recent 'ritual' methodology you might call it, have yet realized what you do with what you feel and what you see.

Islam says 'Allah' is God not 
- but it says 'YaYa' and 'Yusuf'
are real prophets; yet those names mean
prophets of
In other words, Islam doesn't know
what it is talking
about either.
'Y' 'H' 'V' 'H' is the throne
on which there is no person
that you can see.
It's not 'there's no one there...'

To put it bluntly, you inspire. You inhale what you receive.

In a womb you do not breathe air.

In space you do not breathe air either. But you do breathe.

Inside these white Tic Tacs nobody has air to breathe. But they do breathe.

...People constantly ask why all this 'meditation stuff' when you are just trying to get into a space craft and fly around in a real, material way.

Well do you just stick on an aqualung and jump into the deep sea? Do you do that, if you are a deep sea diver?

Oh trust me. This stuff is very real and it is completely material and hard, physical technology.

It is something like a radio transceiver system plus a cellular super-positioning digital restructuring computer working on whole electron fields with flows and atomic 'printing.'

You can fly.

Yes you can. You must breathe a different kind of air, imbibe a different kind of light. And then what is in you then (which came from above) can take you back to 'above' where the atmosphere is very different indeed. And, like Courtney Brown who has been there and come back, you will experience the effects of time dilation. He is a lot older than he looks right now.

Follow this:

Monday 1 January 2024

Shouldn't We Be Able To See...

...the Alien craft, the mother-ships and so on, if they're there, out in space at least not too far from us?

See, 'we' are the enemy. Maybe not you, but the human race at large. And especially in its controlled, restricted imprisoned structure as a species.

The human race is not this thing that all religions want to have you think is some magnificent, grand, creation of God. It is a stock-standard thing, which is everywhere across the whole Universe in great numbers; that is to say, in those places where there is advanced life and there are quite a few of those.

Standard religions teach 'sin.'

Just look how many stars are in the sky.
'God' is an ineffable Being.
But because we are among the 
categories of peak intelligent
beings, Divinity is accessible to us
but only if you use your brains and
employ Wisdom...

No. What it is is 'flawed.'

Take a look up at the night sky. The Universe is vast.

Now I am going to show you something from the Bible, that you have never seen before, and if it were not there it would be fine - except it is there. And that's the problem. 

The problem is not for you but for those people who go around declaring what it is they (think) they know and what they assume the Bible says and is all about.

We all know the Garden of Eden story.

There is a word in there translated as 'tree.' And this has always and everywhere had the sense of literally being the Tree of Life for human beings. 

Suddenly in the narrative though, you can eat of all of the fruit of this tree except not this certain one - because then you will die. 

Except that is actually not what it says. It says some members of the Elohim conferred together (and these were explicitly those who had established this particular 'Tree of Life' in the center of this particular 'Garden of Eden), and they decided something because they feared something about you.

And they said among each other: 'Look, if the humans stretch forth their hand and take and eat of the Fruit of Eternal Life - behold they will become like us, and live forever.'

And what would be the problem with that?

Well in the first place, obviously it was these people (beings/'Elohim' whatever) who had done the errant thing, not the humans - since they feared something both had gone amiss and would further go amiss towards themselves! Religions try to make up a justification for this by saying 'oh well they knew anyway and this was so that humans could be chucked out of this pampered Paradise and grow up...'

What a lot of bally nonsense.

These other beings concerned about humans getting to live forever were clearly worried about their own skins in that regard thereupon!

Now here's your absolute iron-clad proof for this reading of it.

'Tree' is not tree at all. The word is 'Ish-Sha.' And it comes from the Assyrian root 'Asherah.'

All the Asherah symbolism absolutely everywhere (and you all well know this) is literally a twelve-fruited stylized 'tree.' And it is taken to mean the Source of Life and the Tree of Life in the Assyrian system.

Asherah is the feminine form of the real Godhead which is material reality (mater = mother).

Whoever was taking up this position as depicted everywhere in the standard religions as 'The One (Who - says that it - Is/God)' is antithetical to the material existence of human people as rulers of this planet and casts himself (and clearly it is a 'he' form of being) as the absolute ruler and also the maker of all ultimate laws. Well that in the first place is an impossibility: the Laws of reality and material existence are self-existential things and they are many and they are highly complex but they intertwine and co-operate and co-ordinate and do not require some assertion of their power to actually hold power (over literally everything). They maybe require revelation of their power to dumb humans, but to be asserted is to in first place devalue the human form of intelligence. So that's obviously and self-evidently logically a wrong thing, that idea of someone 'asserting (Divine) laws.' They either are, or they are not. And intelligent minds can comprehend them. 

In the Christian New Account of things, Jesus does in fact not sit in the Throne of Absolute Monarch God but on the right hand of God's Throne!

I can give you countless Biblical references for this if you wish but it's redundant to do that.

'Jesus' is material 'Son of -.' That is His Title: Son of God.

The 'Ish-Sha' or the 'Asherah' means
'Giver of Riches.'
That is from where you get to stop being
a 'loser.'
Anyway you're not a loser, but I know
what you mean - you mean
you want to mix it with the 
'in crowd' and have all their kinds
 of material

Everybody knows this.

Jesus's story was that He was here to 'pull down the ruler of this world' and that it would take a strong man to depose this very strong individual who had taken over the house.

He further depicted the whole thing as this place being like a rich man's vineyard and that the owner had gone away on a long journey of trade or business or something.

So now where does this all lead us?

Well for one thing you cannot go thinking about some 'divine source of Light' in terms of Biblical 'Yahweh.'

That is just the depiction about a character who tried to rule and firm-up absolute overlordship here by force - but even so, he was using this 'Yud Keh Vav Keh' rubric.

Shamanic American and South American and even many other indigenous people have the straight-out concept of 'hey' as the sound meaning of embodied living breath and energy.

Hey Nah Hey Nah Hey Nah - is what American Native Tribal Shamans intone when they are doing certain key rituals.

'I' - yes, we understand that; it is 'I/intelligent consciousness.' 'Hey' or the Hebrew 'Hkey' and the Egyptian 'Heka' - means breathing alive energy.

'Vav' is the same as the Sanskrit 'Om.'

And either the first or the second 'Hey' is the symbolic idea of that breath coming down from some 'heavenly' source - in other words it is a spiritual, and probably also, divine 'breath.'

Categorically the straightforward New Testament Biblical teaching is that there was and still is (the remnants of) a 'War in Heaven.'

Well what makes it that our understanding must evade the question of whether or not - especially when we look up at the night sky and see its vastness - this is and was literally a physical material war between huge intelligent groups of people ('beings' if you insist)...

But let's go back to the proposition that we are the problem here!

If this world is ruled and governed by a set of beings whose purpose was to construct some soldiers for itself, then some humans likely very much are installed with incredibly devious, destructive, malicious, and evil programming.

Garden of Eden stuff.
The Golden Age.

How can you tell which people? They all look the same on the outside (means superficially) because they all share similar DNA.

There is nobody in the seat of this Ultimate 'Yud Keh Vav Keh.' Let me say it in a better way though - there is nobody that you or I can 'see' there. There is easily the proposition that such a thing can have a 'deep fake' of it though which is 'shown' to say for example, credulous and also quite innocent humans; and then they all follow that assuming it to be 'God.' And they do whatever that voice tells them to do.

But you, you are maybe not mixed up too much with the mal-intended contrived version of humans - and are mostly the Asherah material componentry.

You will respond to what sounds truly appropriate and not to what sounds extremely suspect.

So when you do any kinds of these remote viewing or whatever, rituals, and sense there is some kind of 'light' or some force coming to you, you will most certainly be able to know whether it is 'Good' or not good.

Try to 'remote view' for an actual mother-ship and perhaps some of its occupants and try to 'tap one of them on the shoulder' to get their attention and have you beamed up.

The opposition force on the whole is completely still intact down here on this planet. And it is dangerously damaged and depleted and with its back to the wall.

But it is cornered nonetheless.

You will be able to get in touch with the proper people. They will organize very highly restricted kinds of interactions and ways and means of getting you material support.

Should we be able to see, literally see off-world ships and their occupants?

Gary McKinnon said he had hacked into a Pentagon list of off-world military units and commands. Stan Deyo said the US had anti-gravity equipment since as far back as maybe the early Sixties. 

Well McKinnon they very nearly threw into a maximum security US prison for life and Stan they have tried to kill many times.

What -. Do you feel left out of all of this? Do you want to go fly in those craft now?


Saturday 30 December 2023

Okay, Here We Go

You have all heard the saying 'wickedness in high places.'

Fundamentally the thing going on on this planet is that there is a group of people, let's even just call them 'beings' not even people except they are people of course - that thinks that 'God' is literally them; they can 'ascend' to some 'high place' whether one just says 'in the mind/in the consciousness' or out into space somewhere where maybe there are other beings, or to some 'heavenly' location meaning literally a non-material place where there is some 'central ruling spot' for absolute divinity.

Now this is a deliberate distorting of reality by these beings - because there indeed is an aspect in which it is true, but very fundamentally it is also quite false.

I will show you how this can be so.

Blue jet lightning.
It's a natural phenomenon.

The original location of the Temple of God in the Old Bible/Tanakh is inside two tents which are part of a nomadic cultural group. Inside these tents specific restricted people go, and there they burn something and drink or lay out some provisions of water or wine or beer, it seems like.

Then, 'Solomon' built a physical permanent structure inside of which the same things went on.

Into those 'temples' came the presence of something held to be literally 'God.'

Then Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the fixed temple, which was rebuilt much later and then the Romans finally destroyed it completely in 70 AD.

So today people have re-built a temple like these original ones and are going to do this ritual 'burnt offering' and so on inside there.

But that will be a meaningless thing. God is not there and is not coming there.

There already is a temple of God and it is inside of you.

The Zohar practitioners have a ritual practice in which - as Leonard Nimoy described and from where he got his Star Trek hand sign thing - there is some burning of stuff and drinking (or 'offering') of stuff and then the 'Shkinah' of literal God comes there. But that is not strictly speaking in a temple either - it is just wherever those people are doing the ritual.

Blue electricity into crystals or 'snowthunder'
gives pink.
This is pink lightning.

When all of these high-end Freemasons enact the same sort of - roughly speaking - 'temple ritual,' what they are thinking is that they themselves personally 'ascend' some 'stairs' between two pillars towards seven stars or something and there they 'sit in judgment' of the world on a 'divine throne' and can achieve anything on this Earth using 'power' that is not human.

They are God, in that scheme of things.

Except they are not God - you are God.

And that is why they and the intelligent forces who are behind them, prevent you from knowing all these things in detailed ways. 

But even so, you are God, yes, but in concert with an actual outside-of-time ultimate Being which (or who, in fact) has no dark side. Why this is tremendously important is that whereas so many people think the 'soul' cannot die, it can, because you can kill it. You can kill your own self and you can kill other people as well.

And when I say 'people' I mean as in that actual internal conscious being/person forever.

It doesn't technically happen exactly like that because there are bits and pieces that are retrieved but for all other purposes that individual person is fully dead and fully gone as the individual integrated conscious being, completely.

This business of 'seeing the light' when you die is a false narrative; it is the meaning of 'Satan casts himself as a messenger of Light.'

Everything that is real, is actually manifestly real and the same as it is here in your ordinary daily life. It might be much more, but it is roughly-speaking, also the same.

There is no one in any secret society such as the Freemasons or Lucifereans and so on that can actually 'ascend' to any real 'heaven' or heavenly place;' they don't even know where it is.

Nevertheless there are real material beings who are more advanced than Earth humans, mostly not in our neck of the space woods - who occupy the role of deliberate malevolent agents intending to rule as many civilizations in the galaxies as possible.

As you know and can see right now from today's world, the biggest tool of applied tactical warfare - is the taking of hostages and that is what yourself are: a hostage. Here, on this planet.

On the one hand the material human brain is very real, on the other hand it occupies a narrow bandwidth of existential reality which are a set and a range of limited frequencies. And the brain cell memories consist only of those ranges of frequencies in their data form that you can access with your awake consciousness (simply means not asleep or sleeping).

The Delta wave pattern is the slowest wave pattern that is identifiable in the living human brain. It tends to block out most of the conscious brain memories.

And so the Delta pattern is the stepping off point from where it is vaguely possible to access a much higher level of 'memories' and a more complete consciousness.

Now whether you want to make your hand formations like the Spock hand thing-y, or whether you just want to turn them palms upwards it doesn't much matter, but doing the following will result in some consequences...

There is no reason 
not to be back 'down to
In the right way.

Find some Delta Wave sound files on the internet maybe on YouTube or whatever and play those as loud as you can handle - you will become very somnolent although not completely asleep as such.

Then next - I prefer a blue light laser because it is a 'clean-burning' tool whereas lighters and other flames are pretty old fashioned. 

...Take some wood like aloes (agarwood, more or less) and/or some quality Frankincense and play the blue light laser onto all of that. You will have some smoke rise off the items but when you close your eyes you will quite literally see both the glowing light or lights and very clearly smoke rise in clear vision even though your eyelids are shut.

Extending your arms and turning your palms out and upwards, say the following sounds:

'Aaaaaaaa-Ye (sounds like 'yay'); 'Aaaaa-He' (sounds like 'hay'); 'Aaaaaa-oooooh-Wwww;' 'Aaaaa-He' ('Aaaa-hay').

This is the 'opening' (same as in Sanskrit language form application of the 'a' vowel sound and its meaning of the opening of the material Universe) of the 'God' title - 'YhWH.' (The lower case 'h' implies the pictogram of something coming down from heaven and rooting itself into the earth/Earth).

...But you can just as easily say it in the modern English language as something like 'I/M/AWE/AM.' Which actually ends up sounding like 'I Am Womb.' Which is interesting.

It's not about the language; it's about sound and vibrations and compatibility. And intelligent emotions at a higher level. And the Sanskrit type of sense that primary human-formed sounds have.

You will realize that something is happening just above your open hands at this point.

This is the bridging element between living things that is also self-intrinsically intelligent itself. 

Now it's really the opposite of 'wickedness' that you can best use as a human-level comprehension of what is 'Ultimate Good/Ness.' Because it does not mean no violence, but it does mean lots of care and precise judgement and reflection off mathematically sound dynamics but otherwise very great liberty.

This is just the start of things. Whether you see anyone there at all right away is not easy to say - it can be that there seems to be no one there explicitly.

Yet even so, what you will quickly discover and realize, is that there are genuinely some beings, some people you know, some you don't know up till that moment - who can resonate with you where you 'are at' now. 

No reason at all not to be...

I have at an earlier time here described what the inner soul is comprised of in terms of its complete psychological drivers. And these will all come into full and intense and powered-up 'play' as it were when you start providing it with this 'temple light.'

The 'temple' - is you.

The 'Force' is really some kind of power from Above and Beyond and this is where the saying comes from - 'wait until you are clothed with power from above.'

'God' is in reality someone like you. Those beings in present erstwhile control of this planet are not like you at all. They are not God either. But they are very good at deception.

What you determine to do with them is up to you now.

Watch this carefully if you want to know what is Good and what the source of Ultimate Cosmic Power is like:

Friday 29 December 2023

The Allegory

You're not stupid. None of you here are stupid.

That having been said there is a point where you have to fold your arms, virtually against all prior 'training' and just go 'hmn' a few times before sticking your brain back into gear in order to try and 'work things out.'

It is better to work them out for yourself by yourself - at least firstly, and then after that you can 'meet people...' Er, not 'people' like you ever knew them before.

Two and a half thousand years - thousand years, mind you - ago, there was somebody who said something (a lot of people said things but in this case we are talking about one specific matter), wrote it down, and people today vaguely know it...

It's time to see the light.

Every bastard alive who is in a University, been to a University, claims an academic education, vaunted their 'knowledge' and prognosticated to everyone whether those wished to listen or not (because mostly stuff was thrust down people's throats) - 'knows it all.'


Well right now you are going to be told something in context. And you just sit back and ask yourself what have you just heard and read...

Every man alive who fancies themselves as an academic thinker has heard of a certain particular phrase. And here once more, the power of the dumbed-down slogan when used against humans is revealed:

Plato's Allegory of the Cave.

Well just what TF 'allegory' is this?

So what is this, where is this, and which way
are people's heads looking in here?
Is this an allegory, or is it a reality?
This is Grauman's Chinese Theatre
(or cinema).
How would you describe this place to
people living 2500 years ago?

The word 'allegory' is an insertion from modern times.

'Allegory,' now is it...?

The story at least, is that humans are beings with some kind of a brain, forced literally by chains, if invisible ones to turn their heads in one direction only and to watch images.

Yeah well okay this is 2023/24 right now and you are just not that stupid.

Absolutely we will deal with just getting directly to - and that was a great request by the way, 'anonymous' - who said can we please just get to a straightforward source of existential 'pure' energy absent of all of the hidden agendas we are constantly being subjected to in this world.

Those of you who watch whatever 'television' is popular right now, I think Netflix is the main one showing this film in a serialized form - are aware of Nicole Kidman's new role as Gertrude Bell in 'Queen of the Desert.'

The hand is quicker than the eye,
watching, watching closely...
What do you see...
Nothing is moving, right?
You haven't seen anything!
Am I right?
Is 'Dame Gertrude Bell' and probably
the young 'King Faisal' of the House of Saud.
It's a still image and you haven't seen
anything else.

Well Dame Gertrude Bell was not by a long shot the most beautiful of the Bell/Shields/Karaman Chimay and Countess Greffulhe women, and she was not the 'grand aunt' of my own father - she was his actual aunt (one of them).

This is 'Bell,' right, not Kidman!! lol

The movie fails to explain how come the Arabic chiefs were easily swayed into this closest-of-the-close relationship with a Brit female of the day, and carries on as if the British Foreign Office was the driving force of Bell's activities in the end, having convinced her to work for them instead of go off on whatever escapade of her own she was going off on (funded by what we are not told in the flick).

But because you are reading from someone who knows, rather than listening to some idle Hollywood tale told by idiots, you are now going to be shown something and again, I would prefer that you draw your own conclusions.

The point being, that when you decide what is really going on, then you decide (since I trust your common sense will have revealed reality to you) how you will match what Emory University political science identity Courtney Brown is quite accurately depicting to you about these Lumix cameras and what they are filming.

...Because if what Brown is saying is indeed 'the truth,' then it is utterly inescapable what your mind has told you regarding the 'allegory.'

And 'if this then the next thing follows:' that is to say, 'someone' we'll not say whom, knew in the past something of the future (but they could do no better verbally describing and depicting the technology so hence what modern idiots are calling 'the allegory') -, so now you in 'today' can easily also know the future from here.

Would probably help the viewers of 
Kidman's 'Queen of the Desert' if they knew 
that Bell was the descendant of this
fellow (the one in the middle, not the actor guy!);
a certain 'Muhammad Yusuf Reis' aka
Admiral Jack 'Bird' Ward.
Those three crescents on the man's chest
are the symbols of the Clan
McNabb. And that would be
our 'Bill Smith' who is around the place
Bell was horrendously wealthy from the
family trade
with the Ottomans. They knew her well anyway.

Quite a handful of people knew the future in the past - I'm not selecting one particular one and saying he was the only one; far from it. This is just a very good example of the matter. It is a very good example because you today are extremely well-acquainted with systemic propaganda and the technology and tools of it.

Everything is 'on the table' as they say.

Faster than light? No problem. Travel through Time? Zero problem.

Where does it leave us or 'lead us?'

It leads to the object of the very question (or request) someone just then raised or proposed, if you will.

What I mean is that yes, it expressly and explicitly seeks you to pose that question!

We're all sick of the exigent powerful deviousness that has hindered and hampered human efforts.

And so we must now turn to direct engagement.

I hope though that you appreciate firstly what was just now said in this posting (the two main things). And that what was said should be standing out in your mind as palpable existential realities, never mind just ordinary 'facts.'

What you will end up with is a certain amount of power.

And I have weighed my words there very carefully.

And you will rapidly learn to weigh your words and final decisions and thoughts very carefully soon, too.

So, turn your head away from the screen that you are being forced to look at as 'reality.'

You can no longer afford to be a 'skeptic' or a damn 'scientist.' There is no such thing on this planet. There are, like Courtney Brown, a lot of political scientists. He is one though he is not a knave like most of the rest of them are. Courtney Brown, I will tell you right now, is someone who has literally been inside one of these 'craft' for real. But even he doesn't know everything. But he certainly knows a few things. 

And yes we will clearly say where we draw our power next up. Meaning how do we do it, and where is it/is it coming from.