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Tuesday 2 January 2024

Slipping Out Or Having Someone Slip In

This world is set up on a mercantile materialistic basis.

The trading is entirely in money.

Money is the mediation between needs and wants and desires and having those negotiated in.

Alongside that though is a system of conditions set up by ruling powers. Jeffrey Epstein could not trade his way out of a situation in which he had risen to hold power over others who did not want him to have that kind of power.

Every main element of this image
has an exact correspondence inside of your
psychological make-up.

In that situation no amount of money would alter that opposition arrayed against him because fundamentally it came down to a question of absolute power not trade mediation tokens.

Now go back to this context:

A certain small group of people did not wish to be enslaved and dominated, nor to follow or be commanded, by one absolute ruler known as the Pharaoh, and so they substituted that situation for another one in which they were dominated, ruled over, commanded and enslaved by a different (really?) figure known as Yahweh.

Muslims do the exact same thing: they seemingly 'voluntarily' are enslaved by two figures in tandem, one which is putative in Islam as a unique godhead known as 'Allah' but in fact this is jointly with a human figure that is 'Allah's' sole and unique messenger, known nowadays (although in the past many people had the same title) as 'Muhammad' which simply means 'the praiseworthy.' In Islam this is taken to be a specific individual and not all those others in the past who also carried the same title - Jesus did, Socrates did, even 'Bulus' (the Apostle Paul), and Abd'al Malik ibn Marwan who styled himself on several coin effigies as 'the praiseworthy one.'

Human beings are thus, on the whole, culturally, en masse, socially, sociologically, and religiously of course, slaves with absolutely no power and no say - no agency, as it were, over the god-like sets of decisions that could or might be made by intelligent sentient beings.

Well what then really makes 'humans' intelligent?

They claim to be, but are they?

...They seem to be intent on having some quite literally invisible, possibly even non-existent cultural folk legend figure or myth, identity rule over them in an absolute way.

'Scientists' do the exact same thing.

Paul Cox has been on major platforms saying that 'even up till the Sixties, people widely thought that there were whole cities and civilizations on the planet Mars...'

Did they?

Was it not scientists though, in the same years who thought and taught in every single University in the planet that there were not any other stars with planets orbiting them like what was obtaining in our solar system? And then, a decade later they were still teaching as 'scientific truth' that in any case there were no moons on any such planets and certainly no water and no life of any kind elsewhere. 

Now there are zillions of such stars and planets and moons and indications of the chemical conditions for life...

What's the difference between any of them?

They're all ideologues who literally actually 'know' nothing for real.

In order to say and to maintain rationally that there is a god, one must be able to evidence the same.

Instead of asserting the contrary position from the absent evidence as the 'true' situation, scientists if they were being honest and intelligent, would simply say 'I don't know what is there.'

What they do is say 'because I have no evidence then the contrary is true.' That is a patently false and a foolish statement or else if knowingly done, then it is extremely malicious and gulling. Yet that is what they do.

There is no one, on the throne seat
on her head.
Now, if I showed you what is seated
on the 'right hand'
of the throne, what will you say then?
Jesus only came for 'the lost sheep of
the House ('House'
is 'Pharaoh' in the Kemetic) of Theuth (David).
There are no 'Jews' involved.
His ancestor was Asaneith.
She is plainly Graeco-Egyptian.

We can see plainly that our cells are in a state of constant growth, decline, and destruction and terminating replacement.

If you ever encountered some situation though, in which this was no longer the case, it would turn your world completely upside down.

Because have you honestly and really contemplated the exact situation if you never died at all, your defective cells and hard internal structures were being replaced perfectly and not in declining iterations of quality, and your sensory acquisition capabilities were enhanced in leaps beyond what you currently are able to 'see' with your present senses?

What things then become the prime goals of your sentient desires...

Is it buying the best house in Lake Tahoe or in Aspen?

Or is it having the best people around you and right at that point do you start to 'see' (perceive) how great their shortcomings are in that new situation and context - and then how will you arrange for them to resolve those shortcomings?

This kind of power means you instantly experience incredible temptation! And you have to deal with that and manage that.

The expression of what that all means inside, inside your consciousness, your emotional make-up, your thinking - is the province of the artists. There are some who are reflecting or presenting what they are picking up as fields of information, not words and sentence structures in common conscious language forms.

Here is where you can gain some insight into what the leap forward means.

The leap forward is only prospective, and speculative, when people are theorizing.

Artists are not theorizing; they are presenting as emotional fact, a particular real experienced case - that you can also experience via the specific art form involved.

I'm not sure whether those of you who have followed the recent 'ritual' methodology you might call it, have yet realized what you do with what you feel and what you see.

Islam says 'Allah' is God not 
- but it says 'YaYa' and 'Yusuf'
are real prophets; yet those names mean
prophets of
In other words, Islam doesn't know
what it is talking
about either.
'Y' 'H' 'V' 'H' is the throne
on which there is no person
that you can see.
It's not 'there's no one there...'

To put it bluntly, you inspire. You inhale what you receive.

In a womb you do not breathe air.

In space you do not breathe air either. But you do breathe.

Inside these white Tic Tacs nobody has air to breathe. But they do breathe.

...People constantly ask why all this 'meditation stuff' when you are just trying to get into a space craft and fly around in a real, material way.

Well do you just stick on an aqualung and jump into the deep sea? Do you do that, if you are a deep sea diver?

Oh trust me. This stuff is very real and it is completely material and hard, physical technology.

It is something like a radio transceiver system plus a cellular super-positioning digital restructuring computer working on whole electron fields with flows and atomic 'printing.'

You can fly.

Yes you can. You must breathe a different kind of air, imbibe a different kind of light. And then what is in you then (which came from above) can take you back to 'above' where the atmosphere is very different indeed. And, like Courtney Brown who has been there and come back, you will experience the effects of time dilation. He is a lot older than he looks right now.

Follow this:


  1. Pretty amazing revelations re: the process. You can google "Navajo chant" and the similarity of some of the top hits is undeniable.

    Trying to organize my thoughts, please bear with me if these questions are poorly formed. How could anyone with bad intent trying to gain power through this procedure not be in disharmony with a real God who is no darkness? Maybe this is related to the issue of the existence of advanced but malevolent groups (eg Nagas of Patala loka?), do they continue to exist because while missing some key things like empathy or love, they do still align with enough of the universal principles to persist?

    And the Moses story, I can see how the Mauro Biglino interpretation might have happened, where Moses met a violent Elohim who was annoyed when asked his name and so kind of told Moses to mind his own business by making the "YHVH" statement. But in light of what you've said here, was Moses using this procedure himself and posed as a god, or did Moses meet an ET who was using this procedure? In any case, why would either give out the words of power when they could have just made up any name? I realize the way these things come to be written is probably complicated.

  2. It's right there in the bible, in the Old Testament: 'And He breathed HIS SPIRIT into Man and the creature Man became Alive.' So firstly this means that God IS right here within Man and NOT overtly 'there' in some other place, as in stuck 'in heaven.' But then, we absolutely need to re-orient comprehensions about 'God' to have the basic realization that true 'Divinity' is all of a piece: different beings even, and/or parts are everywhere but they are ALL 'God' and categorically part of 'God' and are therefore self-connected. I need to fully explain this and will do so next up... Even so, another, any other smart(-ish) being also in the same material Cosmos, can, could, DID, imagine that some hypothetical spiritual or supernatural 'ruling place,' some throne - could be vacant or has been vacated and was thus able to be ascended if you had the will to do that and take over control at that level. The reason that atheist scientists are so adamant there is not or cannot really be, any kind of genuine 'ruling god' is that they all want to be that thing themselves, and they don't see anyone stopping them...

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